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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jul 1948, p. 6

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Chapter I. Vadezkills Bartle. Ellen arrive"s ïllwith the shriff. lPe threa-tenis too )p enfire-- if ValdeZ does not %walk out pecflly Thie men iare astonndeJd uto see two 0red rider erlSIlý1ge fr om. the 1 bouase. MNicha,-el is wouuded ï- inte arm., CHAPTER LI. ElCaballero R-o(jo" thec poste- mn .r 'oared. "Fle goït aLwayl" Lanid, flashied about, with a bard "Oeof 'em was Bartlel" hie grudont, "Bartle's on tbe kitcben floor - t(ad!" cried F 'llen. "I slipped out to teiliyou that El Caballero Ro-' j o-,, 'Wibwas the real one?" snap- ped Lande. TeoneMr lae went afterl Ididni't kniow there was anoiýtbe(r onec inth iouLse u 0i11 O, 1 do't know wo that was- the secbnd on1el Tb'ie real "Caal)llero Rjo got ouit before -tbrough a mvn- dow!" El] aaleo ooraced throuigh) the n iig ' t thdat çwas al but,11over, with teetil cleacbed dgainst pain. Blood floweud dowvn bis arm. But more im- portant th1in1gst' bswonheld bis attenItioni - the ibunilider of hoiîsemen g ,allopilig fariaiead, the nolgethiat t1hey purs¶lued somne- nehoobvinsly had ilnred thiem into liis chase' the distinct pur- poeof saving El Caballero Ro(joý. -oone who bad known be %was 'Sîra Aldan!"hemuttered. "Woelseu wouild have the idea - anid thie nerve to carry it out? And lie rode untd : my brand onice be- fore, wvith tha,-t îred lbir of bis."1 Theln ahead, a. he rode diown b is onshadlowValezsighlted [bis double. The blue roan milade s'hort work of clostnig the -gap etee theý genineii and the pseudo Cabal- lero Rojio. Buit noule too soon! For Aliman hlad shiot is ýbolt. IHe reeled i0 thesddeand wo1 uldbve toppl- ed b)ieeath flying hboo1f s had not Valdez' arm lasedout ito lift it ouit of lahr Qu li e sougblt out a niche between b igbi shafts of rocks. Dis- 1nlotinilg, with the dying youtb in bis armis, from bis shelter be watch- ed Wýallaice's men thunder by iii a rndysblower. "f reckon you di dn't figure that sornle tings canl cost youi too much," The yý otb lsqneezed zthe band of El Caballero Rojo. ",Aini't costinl' me too ucb, Nothi- inig's too much - if a feller cati lend - band to help . . . My father - my, brothier was. .." He did't Michiael Valdez stood tup and looked downi at the dead young mian for a long time. "Ad\(ios," lie sidi in a wbisper. He w'alked inito the dawnlight eith slow, becavy step;s. Then sud- denlly lie shooký off the w eariness and sadress, for clo-se and clear Believe it or nt A Fashion Show for -Boys'.I ribeyog mlenin (lour fiamily who 0vit the 1948 CNE can se bos'fashion shiowý for thie flrst tinte in their youn!g lives. It will also b)e the first tîmie iin thie1history of' the CNE that ýsuicb a show bias been presented foryon men ex- cilnsively. Buit it is by no means tooson for 85 pier cent, of Caniada's younmgmelin sbop for their own ç -loth es ither entirely or ini part with onily Il per cent of themi consulitinig their parents as to thieir puirchiase. F'ashlion shows at the- Ex wil be bield twice daily at T2een ow r)nftle Coiseumii. Theý co m - mient-ator w'ill be Denniis Brew- ter, former designier for Moly- nufamred Frencli dressmaker'. Ail tpsOf Iboys' clothCs will be show-evrytingfrom slaciks and loamfers f or the beach ta thie dininer jacket outfit. Clothes shown will bc suitalble for boysý from-i 16 to 18 ye-ars, came the cail of a mounutain lion. He answct-red speeýdily, Juanita' ragged figure bnrst out of a clum-p tif trees and sbe rusbed to it, looýkiîng Ati anxiontsly. Valdez braý_ced býimnself-agaîinst a rock, almnost slipped, but caugbt- bimself. The irlgrasped bis art. "You are abot!"' she cried. "Oh "Itýs' oting," Vadîdez said dnlly. "I1 jus-" But despite bis efforts, despite al bis will power-, be abrnptly cruntil- ed to the ground, weakeued by the lois of blood, Wben- Michael Valdez regaiued .ý=sciousness, be looked about itn in bewilderme1int. li was ini the cave hideont be anid Juanita bad-i fonud wbcn tbey bia(] first corne ta tble Hisbod"fit raiedot streuigtb, anid theýn be sav, that i wnd we(re neatly buaeadraie tbat be was in litlepinuo.t wonld flot bc long before lie wonld1 be himself again. He beard a light step ontside the cave entrance, and a girletrd aud snmî!ed.at im. For a mouni(it lie was pzzled. She was a beanti- ful girl, the lovelîest be bad ever seen. Sbe was weariug a fresb white dress, and ber raven bair was drawni bigb and beld by a taîl Spanisb comb. Michael Valdez had jnever imag- iued anyone so lovely. And it was- moments before be conld take in the startling fact that this beantif nI girl and bis ragged Mexican peon companion, juan, were one and the sate., "At last El Caballero Rojo bas coule ta lfe lise said, and sntiled' again. "Andbve' you anythiug "Hlow did I gthee"Valdea "1broighit yo,01hC gil Sa simply. Thýem sje ade, with a, touch of deq Pgrif in bertoues, "The boy, senlor - hie h played be- was El Caballero Rocjo. I1 teîl shieniff he bas been killed, and where to fiud it, te be taken care of." For moments more Michael Val- dez said uothing, for be was think- îug of the diffienîties Juanita must bhave gone tbrough ta bave succeed- ed in bringing'au unconscions man miles throngh a hostile country, wbere men were riding to seek bis hif e. At last he did spc ak. "Juanita," be said, "there is just one more tbiug I want you to do for mie-then, yonr work witb me will bc flnisbed(. 1 waut you to get that money 1 toojk front Flash Conroy- it's in the cave bere-and take it to the Corpus Christi Mission. And this tirne I want you to stay there. Padre Vincente will take care of you and your future." Juanita looked dowu at it for sulent, speecbless minutes,' "And you ?" sh e saîd finally. "Yonr work is doue also? You, too will conte to the mission?"' "Maynbe," Valdez said, and slowly sbook bÀý is ead. "Maybe later-not now. Bccanse, Juanita, my work is flot finished. It's finisbed bere. Peace will corne to Deep Water Valley again, and my own private debts haveý been paid. But my work will neyer be doue so long as there are people in the wbole wide West who are oppressed. I'nt an otlaw-I can't ever change that-but 1 cafi make up for miany thiugs by help- ing others who need help. l'Il be al right again pronto, and then I'm riding-to wherever folks need help." J uanita"s baud rcached down to clasp bis tigbtly. "We ride," she whispered f irmily. After a long tinte be said softly:, "We ride first to the mission Juai-itg." Hie laughed bappily. "Padlre Vincente will bc snrprised when he is askcd ta pcrfornt a mar- niage ccremony for a man wbo said be neye-r wonld marry. And tbere Is a blind mati-cdownter I believe Will be m -igbty happy-for bis son." "! knio,"ý satd Juaniita esoftl. > I know blind -mati wlll be miucbhap.. py. I have talk ta l. "You have?" Valdez was vsl How vCan I? By Anne Ahe Q. li.ow ai ' îiimakecorn or apýpetizing31Adsweeter? A. By adding a ittie s1ugar ta thfi wrater while tne corni is coaking. Q. Ho cao rentve bood stains front fabrics? A. Soak in cold water for about an bour and then wasb ini ar water iai white saap. If ithe stains are oki, they can sometimies be e- moved by wet.ting with coDi watcr and coverng thickly with powdèred starch. Allow ta stand for several bours>, then wash. If this is neot ef- fective, it might be necessary te use a bleachitig solution after soaking. Q. Flow can I uîake a good hand lotii? A. Use equal parts of carnphor and glycerine. Rub the lotion thor- ougbly iotao the shin before rctiring, Q.How can 1 kilI fes A. Sprinkle sait about pîcntuliy and it will kili fleas. Or, use spirits of turpentine in the water when roorns are scoured. 'Q. Huw IdO I givé a graiti efcect ta wood? A. Beauty of finish and thie great.. est passible grain effect cao be ob- tained with a treattent of inseed ail applied dircctly ta the barewoa. By Roberta L-ee .Isit poe adikconisom- mne froi a cnp or'ta îuse a spo)on?' A. It is proper to use a spoon for the first few mouthfuîs; ofcos - nie. One miay continue ta useaa spoon or miay lift the cup and sîp its contents. Q.- Sbonid a wontan be addressed as "Mrs. Dr. Blank"? A. The -wif eof a physician dues not share bis title. She is addressed simply as "Mrs. Blank." If she is a physician herseif, she is known pro- fessionaîiy as "Dr. Blank" and sari-, ally as-"Mrs. Blan'k". Q. Must a bride-eiect return al the cails made by ber fiauce's rela- tives? A. Yes, and as proniptîy as pas- sible.. Q. Is it intiroper ta eat the let-. tuce upon wbicb a salad is served? A. This is optional. A persan is privileged ta eat the lettuce if h. chooses, Q. la it cnstomary ta give a cler- gymtani a fee for couiducting a fun- A. A Protestant clergyman does- naot exp)ert a fee, but if offered one he may accept it eit.1 perfect pro-. priety. ht is custoniary ta givea Catbiolic priest an offcrinig for say- ing a funeral mass, but there's ne fixed aniouxrt, this depend:ing umpon the cirCUMStances of the bcrczaved family. Wben, I write, I tic my words in knots as dlescrihed in your coin Would! you tell me wbat this io-iu cates? People wbotic words il, knotc, as shw i he letter "t, ar per- r sistetnt in the-ir "' effrts foýr suc- mlay qfaearin nyILtter or, as noi rabe nthe* etrS "g,"p" tand "Y." Tbhe sizeof tCeti is an important feat'- ure, as a very tight knot îndicatcs iii- ten sity of theý determination, whiie a baose or open kuot reveals a more moderate kind of persistence, one that is not s0 impatient. Sncb writers possess a strain of character that wili seldorn admit defeat, star will readily recognize failure even thongh imminent. They may bave ta give in temporarily, but will evcntuaily resume where Stardom Cals-Do y-ou kn-ow thnis girl? If shie can be loýcated1, she lias a Hloillywood are ahead of hier. A film si-tudio, seeking a glirl to play a r-ole i a movie go)t 10,000 snapshots. This onewa( cosn but the studio lost he application and doesn't knowh r ne. Brighten Your WaIs E fven if yoil canniot afford good pi ctu res s. 'tnccssary to lhave bar-lokin wals.A Clever idea is to frame( a Ienigtb of fabtlrie or wal ape ad 1an1g it on1 youri. Manyoutsandig aristsarede- siging fbisad alaesand to, fraine their d]esigns makes for as effective decoration as any print or picture 0one can buy. Select a frame that goes with your wall coloring-the(- best back- ground is a plain clor wall--and bny a rol of wallpaper or a yardJ of f abric. This you cati framie as is, or you can cut out the design and arrange it to suit yonirself -W,;thin the frame. A young homemakeýr bought ,a yard of glazed cintz with hiuge pink_ camellias sprinled over it and eut out the flowers, arratïging them ari'?stically in her frame.' Thàe effect was a beautiful print for the living-room wall. .3y Rev. R,1Barc1aý7 warreni Baruch, The Scribeý jereDmiah 3,5:ý4-8, 17-24, 32 GoDlde,,n Tecxt:-Tby wvord is a lampir unto my fet, and a lighit untio my patb-Psams 19: 105. Much of the vwork ofÀ great ,exc- tives is du by individuLals wbvlose names are seldoir beard. But ithi- ont thieir effort thec achiev-ement wvould be insu1ffcienti. Barich was aspiraitionls be lad for a bigh office were dsorgd Barucbi wrote a prophecy dictat- ed by Jeremia1h anid thenread it tm the people i the ýtemple. itwa Jeremi-iahý's h!ope thlat tbis waruliug of impndisig destruiction wuî inlcite the pcople to repenitanýc. Buit it wasý a vain hop. aruch 1tllei11read jit privatcly to' the Dprinces. Tbey uirged h lim aud jcreia ih ta go) iinto iding ,while tie' propbiecy was read tte ekcing, Howevcr, the king, too, was iitmoved. A ý tbrece or four leaves were read, heý cnit them-, witb bis kurife and watched them br.Thuislie 1despised God's Bu1t ~" wordl is flot so e asily destr-oyed. Jekremi-ah igave BEaruch another roi] ari he rewýýrotc the Jeeibspro1ohc-cy was ful(fil- cd. Kiig fJehoiak-iniwho l, edbis people iii iguloring the Divinewan ing was carried iii fetters t0 Baby- Ibn. Inu the figbýtïing j'erentiah an1d Barucb Were spared, Bru %vas acrused by some oûf uduly influenic- ing jeremiah. Hie tater migrated to> Egypt witb bis master. We dO welli to h-eed GCod'.,-,word! for it alwayg prevails. To--day men are- stili cuting portion, front tbe Holy Scripturesý But the Bible outlasts its enemies. Le' us niot cnt the leaves buit acepft the trutbý and obey. Queensland,. Australia , prov1iG'es about 85 per cent of Australia-'s beef exports. USE Small girl: wonider why eQ m1-aly babies gel bornied at night. Seve'n Year~ Old: Don't you knowz? It Is becausc tbey wý,anLt tabe sr of finding their Ymothers at hotmLýi 'lere i"t ist A double duîy bc-auty.- fof sun,-time lLand aIl the tinte! Pat- tern 4585 slints youi with a, smart sunifroek aindl matchiiog cape-slcved jacket, Eas -yv embroidery tra nsfer. Pattern i4.585 sizes. i14 '10, 18, 20;,p 32;, 4,36, 38, 4OQ. 42.- Size 16, &un- dress, 3l yds. 39m. acket, i 5-g s edrTWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamips- caunot be accePted), for this pattern to Box' 1, 123-18th Street. Ncvw Toronto. Print. plaiýnly SIZE, NAME,,ADDRESS,, STYLE NUMBER. TOG0ET g ,7, MOREJamnoJIgo ûrri 1V/Tir# f KD f(.Ta(12uW With the cost cf living se higli, Certc> is grand news for jaïn and j';elly makers. Tihe mere.st begier can usé Certa knowing tracted frotu frits, la which.- it is. mont plenitifuî, te make ea nd jly-am~ quieker, easier, more ecuriomic-al. And sh'Il ge woîe alfeu Uci, agr, fME WONDERFULLY SHORT CETO RIL Andm he'1frgto -afa ruhaan Certo ends the need for lo-ng, tedîous, fro he fritwastefuî boàing to mralire sure your jaffis These resuits ore easier to pnderstand qnd jellies will set, With -Certo, jamns need when you realize that Certoý is actually the Donly aoetow-mne fuli roling boil natu'-a substance in fruit which causes-. . .jellies a haif -minute to a minuïeý This ~jar ajm"ndelest ei.Itsx-extremely short boil means:

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