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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Aug 1948, p. 4

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i The Orono Weekly Times, Prison Refor-m Needed Periodic eviden:ces' cf iuaest on the part cof inniates cf Ontario refoinm institutionis would lead tbe public to believe tint thuere are somfebimf-es' grounds' for investigation and, possible r)-ectification, There is all too nucli cf a tendIenrcy te foaget about the 'lot and.l the plight ~of -usfor-tunate people -who have run afoul cf tbe la'w, and who find them'selves incarcerated witbin the walls of a prison, Wfe are toldthat mnanyr jail buildings are olt ad, outmoded. TFhere is the hint toc that men andI women emlyeis guardIs and attendants will rescat te harsh neasures in tbeeonf£orcemrent cf dis- -ciplîne. Quite p'ossiily there is a cal foa theso Stera mriethods lan tise face of provocation. On the otier bhaud, we are nvcd that understandilag andI insight mu§t play n part ere tbe 'wbole pro.bleml w'lfind' a solution. Noýbody is goiaýg te lie so niear-sigâited as te sugsttat law brealters hoi allo'wed te escaipe the consequence ai' their crime, and te rua at large te the dortimenit and' danger cff their. _f elows. Still, unle- s's s'om form.cf lastinrg refoamatiion is 'rought iutoelefect, we 'are gonig te tuan eut a class cf people frori oua pri- sons 'Who CEll homore criminally llnmed elaftea thela taur tian tbey wer e hefore. Ef ite peal of cnieetis fuathea embhittered hy lacisof prpafo'odor lf the evicmetiniakes for a hatred cf soity at law, tirea the choie Fsisto is due for ani overbauling atIreld nt mont. Ab:Iout thse oniytMme the aveage' prsennomsives.e mattea ainy th'ougbt is wben the paipeas core cuit -wlthaeontof voec ant unreat btin prison wall's. Britain Advanices PersonnI orespondeue ennaifrcm the. OH ,LantI seme- t'i,timscs somne vely bng critcisms'-, cf the presenit Labor Ccv- crIraen. Pcst wa r eConstruction qand its gigniimpliction itxdthe adiistration ingenluity cf tne Atlee Goveramen.-Cnt te the WLiiandI force!dupon the pubic n cotinuatinonc esrictins more stingont tian thoso paevilig in wcar tîme,. No wcndaatrdpel xeaecddsponuetwen face withan(de atiof manny of l'i&snoessiis, te say nothig cf luxuriesý. Reentý.y, hwavena alirgilt side bas aserted it'î, andI a now page cf social '&eveblîpent bas been waiten lite BAishis- tory. Folowing the lines laid ton y sorn f its Libora, l prdeý- -cessons, tlle AleGoe umntbs iauu ate oroa f sca cocuaity whicb sbould serve usa s sininig ea oerfhnantra efforiit heforetho nato'f the wr It is boauroraiwheae- hy am éitiens WCl'lconhirute, antI au i citzns Winll lieeft.Ilnesîses blch beretofore had preven a great buren t eoodinar-y g canner wCEl ow be sbare bY nau inso a s cM ics't yscceanet. We are toîid that core Win'l h given for ai lwps cf ailmenit andIininty.by PoýssIbly vhenHe irisomecopinditocf vwaaioe andI leutmwr eborages adjusttherniselies, oua frientis overseas wil 'e anew th e great staides made by this'gofanue th Me pecple andI for thne peo'l'e. Heaulhinsurance ià indeed ùu one aophase cf thedveo m'eutfer awbithfuuregenerations wiHl bave cause to givetharles, The Travelled Way Now ird tien we rends"mt' o f which wohave 'beeu pre- vlusyquite awntre, yet dor-ive somo new or fullor signlî,9cnmce ire- caruse cf the views of anotiber. Oua attention -was dr-awa recently te tbe statemient cf mie wrîter te the effect that "each day we must go out over the Jeric!ho Rond". The tiscuglit set forth by this man Tind te do wxith tise treatnent ice accord oua fellows as, wo jcurney al'oag from drvy te dlay. It wns f ot, according te tire article, libat Tyoýst people possess kindly imipulses antI iniliritions. The dividing l1inos existe 'when we recali tibt not al peoiple areanxieus or wiling tY alow VrOSe wrthlieîr MMuSeeYte9gote Mwork. 1The Good Samîaritan cf the Jercho Road i'se picture-d als an ex- *ample af wbat the Pielst andI Lvite ight have fieeni, bha tbe'y sin- ply given samy te the finer seuIbiities that they toc mnust have ~po'sssd.Tbere dees seau angrent deal to, the lesson, cal it mer- liigor no>t, as yo-u wis'h. We still rotain the tioughtcf a daily joýurniey ovor tIre Jericho 'RoatI. Having suci n thoug!2ht ina mmdi, we c;n quite c'onei.vnýbly ap- (pl57it te our oligations te those aroundus, -whet-hea w%-e follow ,,,the lead cf the good Samanritani, or 'whether 'we plny tire pma'of1 the Pèiet or 'Levite.Alattos te lie decided as we go wil'leau forth that latent good andI put it te work, or cwll entIus arodwit a more semnii'ace cf respectahity. The jouruey is mnade justt isesao Furthermiero any co of us' 'amy le found in n state cf need somie- timne. Kinidlinesia a fellow traveller oigbt prove oua cwn salva- tico0 a C e e Courtesy On Our, Highways, WNe are net sraie-whea ýýwo pick up a daily papler and ee thea number cf hughway accidente tha-t occur on oua busy higimnys, eseilyover the w k-n s. eaefy- ail tbes'e accidents couitI ho avcdvbed if every driverj wouldî show a little courteîsy. We have cemee te tisee cnlusion tbait Mtie 61 eaty c cidents are caustI by pec- lie who are in a great burry te get nowheae, antiicentinua'lly cut eut cf heavy traffe teculai a cun'!"eh- or se. These are the people wbe are s'styresîiponsible forih giftint im caused.Peeple travelling again't Mis beavy cncoming traHfi have man-y times had to siacien lheéa ceed or stop te al1iw the oncoing driver to get bnci ente bis onniseeoftMe rond. Thbese eut el ut divrsse jnet aumeoeus, but theeare enougi cF tise-ar on oua ig-wn te mn,'I-, it unpleasant for a careful andI cere hsdiver. We' "2rtise low inds s'om,way teO do aw ay wti ihL ecese triveps, there wa111il e a big falling off cf acdns ï- is the careful'drivers'tBat help te keep dowu the numbea cf acci- dentfs. A mooitcouli travlbeween bore F ad Toronto, keep on bis own side cf Vie rmatwtrve!ý,l te speed tbhe law alwandl have Ad'vertising Rates on request Subscription $1,50 Try our up-to-date Job Plant. Our price r sure to please, and our work is of the best Published every Thursday morning at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. NE WTOH VILLE Miss AudIrey Tuffordl,Bnerl, ýwîih er sister, 'Mrs. Ha-ro!d Burley.- SMrs. Johin Cotter, of Port Hopel with'Mrs. samn Smith,ý Mrs. Peter Laing-, of Or-ono, wit*,h M2. and Mr1s, WiÇbert llancock. !4r% anif Mrs Ira Thompsoi, (of Tootwith Mrs. S. J. Arnott. ýMîss Etta Mli, of Toronto, vith .Miss An'nîe Neslbitt. Mr.Raym n rce with his pieo-, pie in Bancroft for- tho' week-enIld. Mr. Harry Do)Pes, of Toronto, withl Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morris. Mr. an'd Mrs. RyodGilin'ir andI son, 0if Clintoni, with iis parents, Mr. an.d Mrs. FakGilainer, MrS. mVa ry Armfstrong, of Bo- manîlI, w'irMa.and'MMaS. S. R Jonies on Wed'nesAjy. Mas. Adamu Panas, 'who was ' ini Tor-onto Hsitludegig an opeiation, 1--s returned home. Mis-s B ertha Crowhvlurst and lier nepihew Mri Crowhiurst. of Toronto, with Mr. n'dMrs. JaszDariiary. jMrs. A. Jacksonn, of Milliken, visit- ed her cousîin. Mas,. Tonýe and' Mr-s, Mabel Lan)gstaff,. Ma. Fred Rowe, of Otltawa, and bis two granidson. of Nwate visited bis sister. J.- T. Pearce. The 'local girls' ofbalteami lost to, Orono team last 1Wednei(sdfay ve Ma1. andI Mrs. Roli'eat Uray antI failwho have been hoida,-ying witàhber mothea, Mas. Jenniiie Randal, and visiting bis people il) Barrie lie- CPITOLý' P OR T 'rHOP E Fr. & Sat., Auïg. 6-7 ALSO "-TWO BONE ADAREDHEAD" MHon.- Wed., Aug. 9-11 "ON AN ISLAND WITII YOU" WihEsther Williams, Peter Lawford andi JýinmyDurante in aTechnicolor-- Thurs. ýFni., Aug. 12-13 mSate of the Union" With Spencer Tracy, v Katharine Hepburn and Van Johnson f(r~e ret-urning tù Ottawa. Mrs, Gertrudie ;lieairy and MNisý Lpuise Cowan, of Toronto, w1ho ar, I~nunoring with AMiss' Norma Hale VVofSarv lweae calling ci ffi ens in this village on Saturday. Mlr. and Mrs. 'ra naI-Ovens -anî( )Ir. and Ms Allen 'Harris, of Tor ojito, moidred' to Rigoton anid thi ,Thousaad Iianis.Rosis Brown look ed alter the Ovens fairn stock whilh Frank was awa-y. On -Mond'ay Mrs. Cecil Wal'key at Pen'dedI the 90'th birthdniy p'arty o- M-rs. Jabez Seott of Pcei'.Tl, *cOtt family formerly lived 'wh'erE 'ie Glover brothers livo andI the Wal keys' across the road. Mrs. Wn-m. Whitt, kera and hei dati-hter Mrs. A. Reidkniapp we-rE cýaletI to Toronto on account of thif lnesof the forier's 'daugb-ter Ma.Peter 'Bradley. Ma. Redka wenft up oin Sunday. 'Mr. Thos. Morgan of Moose Jaw.ý akand' h'i-,sister, 'Miss- Miiinie -have heen looking over the seoen es of tieir chilfflioodî ami reintescýing wi th a fe-w okier residents. 'hey' wore gests of Mr. aand Mrs. Fred Nesiiitt. (Tý-o late for last wveek) Mas. Wni. Lane witbh ier daughiter Mrs,. Bruce Le'uty, Port HJope(. M'a. Win. Fishleighi of 'Regina, was calling- on old friendis hepre. ýMa. Fred Lippet called in the vil- Mr.TlyBarton, 'Toronto, ite hIer niece, Mrs. Arithur R7edlknap i)o.n 'Mr. anid Mrs.. Siriiey ýC se, of Toronto, gre spendingl a few d'ays wvitbMr and Mas, Willisý Farrow. M.andI Mrs, RofiertUray -and fam- ily, of Ottawa, are beolid'yîiug wývi th their mothîler, îMr.s Jennie 'Randal. 'Mas. Mn. T. Nichiolls, Of Port Hope with her daughlter, Mr.Sid Lancaster. ýMrs. Melantyr-e, Toa onto, v'isited witb 'Mas, Samiuel Arnott on Thuas- day. 'Ma. andI Mrs. S. *Buttery aýnt chul- dýren, o)f Bow'aun'ville, with 'Ma. and Mrs. SitILnatr Ma. 1ud Masç. Clas. Welsýh anti1 fainiliy, of Hrrnw'hM.at Ma[s. Jas. Lacster. Ma. and Ms.Làwaence Gihn-cer antI Peter, of Naaa FaIls, with Ma. and Mas. Fraank Gilmer. Ma.% aind as. Wilbert LanIgstaff, A-na antI Helen, wit'b as.Moeli Lan'gstaiff. Mas. Da'id Dena it, r asister cf Lsoe.Edna, 'Mrs. Ronald Burl"ey andI Bruce, ai Mas Coles at a cot- tage in Be-wdliley for, awek Ma. Chas. 'Moris is home from roronito on 'holdays. On Sunday be tInd Mas. Morrvisý left on. a trip to ln-e'rsol. Mar.'Chas. Moase of Linpd&,ay, ami Mdas. Chidl'ey and dnughter 'cf Little Baitain, with Mars. G. 'W. Jones on. Sunda'y. Ma. Aif. Thiompacu ;ýr and, liis son Bilîl cf OaIk Park, Ill., are visiting viith bis brother and sister, MI.. George nndMis'Beth Tomipeon. IMas. Johný Anderson;, who bia-, been rlsitiag ber daugbter, Mas. Cliffoird RObertsison, 'of Peterboro, a-nt soncd Einnismore, is hiom-e. Jas. Nesitt, 'wbo býas boeen visit ng 'with bis 'sister, 'Miss Aie .Nesbitt, left on 'Mondnay for bis hïomeé n i Viagin ia. Ma. Frai Stone passsod' amway and! vas laid te'rest in' Lakecview 'Cemne-j fesy on Saturday 24t,, T o bis' vvidow, bis son Joi-tiaî aI' aughtier ýîrs-. Chas. iHolit('Peaal) cf Toronto, v-e exte'nd our synip-thy. Institute Piciule About îfifty' meindbers of Newton- vilIe Wornien"s insititute andI' heir, 'aîends met at the home c-f Mas. R. S. Jobinston o-n July 2lst te hiolt heir annual picici. A g-ood' pro- ,ýaamune cf sports' wa s presenied -nder the leadei-rspof Mas. George Kimîh? h and 'Mas. Wil'lis' Farrow. Paizes were given as, well for the, lciv c air. ncte the elesit m Yem- or pre-seni, Mas M. J. Holma'n. ani, o, th yunestMate Gan Wad.1 Ckmsaf i.d COMING EVENTS iT1het August meetng of the Wo- nan7s avisîsinïery S'ocietly wil' lel held on Tuesday, *AugUst »,th, at 2.15 Pli., and wilil ho r 'the form of a picnie ini the park. r. C, B. Sis- sonis will' be guest 'speaker, and t-he1 mieeting is inl-,rgeof group -four. Ail ladies ar cordialiy invited, Please brinig your l-unch and enjoy a social time bogether. a-28-p. IWANTED *Dutch. famdl14y wants' em-ployiiseut on fara, man 43, wife aiid girl 16, Cal-, do a il farm andi gard'en work, buhIt canInot 'ilk. Can, drive truck, tractor and car. Further informa- tion- c8i aî J, k ermieulei, care of U. M. Bullioek, Les'kardRod ro, !NOTICE The office of ýR. ~R. Wadd'li, K.C., in Or-ono,, will hbe closed froa Auguisif 2nd to Augiust 16th, 1948, inclusidve. FOR SALE 2,5 gallons, f arinlSnorTru- Color Aluminium' Roof Pait. Regu- lar $6!.50, reduced' to 'Special price of $5.40 gallon. Roi!p'h Hari-dw ýa i -e, Phonie'43 r 1, Orono. W. F. WARD BARRISTER SO1LICITOR NO;TARY Ofie825 R~dne409 BOWIMAINVILLE ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Oran, Phono 63 r 7, Ororao INSURANCE J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty,Atmbi and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO Dominion of Canada Geuiera1 Ilarfford Fire nuae WVaterl(.o âMutual Fire Insurance Wawanesa Mutuali surace is rofpreseklted n this district by 1DA-NE FOUTNI 011ONO Phon 8 ?1 Ifit's lnsurance. give Dazie a triaLi Pire, Automobile, Li.zbility, Lif e, Hospitalization, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representing the Lalu CANADIAN, BRITISH tau AMERICAýN COMPANJES Office, Mlain St. - OWONG Phoues. Office .2 r 103; Rom. .1 r le Phone me and I willl ailito suit y0u., Esthnmites freely given, ne oigation INFOiýMATI0N Would you liko te knov mOe- the followiag ? (a) Hou' to WM lte your fai thousaand dollar. that you hia' saved ?1 (b) How te guarantee choque te yoiur family elver for 10-15 or 20 year'S should taken eut of the piture?7 (c) Hou' te have a salarî every month for yojurself as you live, comminencing at agi or 65. (d) How te guaran-tee ti son or daughter wil have the for an education beyond high Lot us have a chat about time. Phone FRED LYCETI ORONO 18 ir 1 AUCTIONEERS TED JACK4- r. Auctioneer and Val ator Conducts Auicion Sales of I i me and at reasonable rat Communicate with 1dm ut Pme Perry, Ontario, or sce him C erk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for daté JACK REI[ý Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Vali Specialize lu Farm Furnîture Salez Consuit me for ter[ and d atem Phione 5ryl8 -0' Home 553 re abeut ruen b chequs long a& lat your .t Soma- and q ProfessionaDWirtectory lA. F, MeKEINZIE, M.D. PHYSICIA-N and SURGEON Office Hours : 2.0 to4.0 p..; .30t.8.00 pjm.. Sundays and Wednegdays by appointmenit only PHONE 47r1 - ORONO LEG.AL Lawrence C. Mason,, B.A. Barrister and Soieitor BOWMA,,-N VILLE, ONT. FOR SALE À green anid cream emnmelcoo)k szt;ove. Good as' new. Phone 45 r 10! oroo Oe ,FOR SALE 0 , Batter y Mantie -Radcio6 iiic), agood cnIto.Apply to S. D. Souchl, Oronlo. c8p Local News A large number of the Oroino) members, of the' Caadan Legli took part ini the Leg-ion Dirict pr ade -at Coboungon undi ,August let,-1 ofwhch4 branchbesi wer'ere- reeedanid eight' an'dsin at- tenane.Maor Foote itook1,the service. Preier Drew was iý, the speiker. He wsloud inisi ras of th okw ht'he ILcegion had done drinýg te wranI of ilhe ,ser- vice thýey w re render;ing iniviin life. P'remier rw sidta h Canian -iiiLegIOn' mertbers had-n r gaiionwhc thecy cou-d b p rou (i of. HRe alsso ok the salu-1te j i te nmrdi past. Thiý s .eoneý o the larg-estparadIes aver tu ho e e ili cobourg. ORONO Furniture Hospital Reuipholstering Repairing Refiishing Antique, Boughti and Sold See our Une of Drapery Material - Kitchen Units made tu order C. F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - ORONO GONO WEEK4Y 'TIMES AI',DÀ~ ~NT EX PE Radlio Service!. The combinat-on of oxperienc-e, com-' plote data on al makes, and miodemn test oquipment :will ensaure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Cal R. L. MYLES Phone 79r4 -4 ORONO Free Estimnates wilI be Given .Chieerfuliy on Rock Wool Homile linsulation By BlowXer Systom, Four inches thick, GlLPIN & Co. Insulation Coatractors, 57 Bloor St. West, Toironto District Represe-ntative for Durham County GEOýRGE WADDELL Phone 23 r 22 - BETHANY The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY phono 601 - P.O'. Box 6:C Port Hlope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkert Engravinr. Goldleafinir Office, 688

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