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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Aug 1948, p. 1

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OROOONT., TiiUR-SDjAY, AUG. 26 DuramCentral Agricultural Society Fair, at Orono, Sept. 10-11 tP1àn Renovaio 0f Park Street United Church, %KENDAL Mi.T. Grut fTorontovste (M ad Mi s. .Svrrk ver thel JMrs. A. Iowes and lby son,' -p-eeboroiigh, are vsti wth Mr ndMrs. oranPatton. Mv, n nd M5.Wieand Rsel of Bowmaville, pent th-e we-n b VhMn, and Mrs. T. Hildittcb Mr.E. Luxon la d Marion 'have 'returne4 froim a wekl's staýy at their a'uramer cottage. ~Mr-- A. j'ackson an& MIrs, HRoney upen 'a e'w days 'at tefrmuer' 11MJ, J. D. Kenny od CGananoque 7qpent a fcew deays ]\t,/Mr. and Ms 2.Stoker. Mils, CGdlespie. of Trno iie wtf2Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyd i!or a MVr. and Mrs. H. R. Reynolds andi en eevisitors -wiýth TM41%!and _r.ilerh. eynoldjs last ;week Miss Mary Taylor, Mr, Ghas. :Kernnu and M r. Rolibie Al1exand er wIevrt V's'tors wmtiv.ad Ms Blae leandr ora few ays. Viioswlth Mv. LL D. Bell an -id IIawere: Mr. and Mrs. ClaIrence 'Be,Mvî. IL Poley 'and Mv. Allia, ofE Bowviavile. c.and Mrs. ll, Of Tornto ad Mr. aud Mrs. C. Bell of s-' 'Gm~y elcroft. - CngatuatonstoMr. and mis. Ci neThcaptela on bte ort f a: Ta ~e peceing artice rahave death'wlh habuilding aud dadica caton f tanenfene, ani he fluancial statttics ofE thosa yaars ýbc n1892, Ths cnluigarti- cle miii deal wsthtIe propqosed yen- o)vietlonancdecoatof the Pchurcli, Aiter acghty-sýix ,years of service the codreain i Park Street Undted Church bave glven the eous- mounity- the go nhauo valse a suin OfE -11mny 'up [e$00 for reno),vat- îng anqdadcorating cf thse Church, nnd Cthe S'undaliy School rcn Sone cf the pr$oposed laiove- aments* araas helems :afinew 1oof on the West sia, ami this must be doue; theait ihere will b e ant he'ated vestibjrule 'with lok roir aud enracet the 'Sunaey School reoris; ýertain -Im0P rove m eits te the ch1oir loit andi pulpht 'rea; Mnew modem sents with a inde cenre alie plan;, there wýiltlb six or egtmmra Windows andthe 'balance CHll e of ltld gass; eanir eectric rga; theSuaySoo re'oin e aa n isoeabe prtitions used! for cas ro'onss, 'licsen >5e reoved2,, for the - olin f bnutsppr aý1ýýn- twvo wsh roe wsiha re srel y aeP'ýedd hr saseasgeto that tIse bikmIsoteb tc 1oed!; tIe nteso oE tseaudtoiu is teleraeoeed I u li is hpedVo paceVhs hurhbouse %aghtier lUI JjwmnviL lII ,1 Ubýbc t ae li a 1gs~-i Ide Tise eh i s styig mIAnlms ae fem days miti lise], b"Ily daugister. ds t lientmýar Mss EvlynSehn iieM, .J id e p ok nt-osnad Mv31nM s. (Dn pînedcirs71E[iacmt Cifrwd ad Vernona iLnI- t e finnce cconuitea soulab "PIm - aleteýd sotland capai't 'tte'ýrsonsace 't1is rý rauut isO nemy IV sntatcptdte salliae are Misýs Allia 'Cooper anyw c ii'h oa hsyar u Goîorn, mc.HetiePatersniV bthse desre an isc cormmiter t plrs. MeGeeanndâMs adle Brama ha,1v1efadedmltrasnhsd cf~~~~~ Oven, îrs.G'aspinllaldirs Olele f '&a0i11and frians and!o nea1 trti 0h Thse moning rineslu eadaWUit- etsav airéistd iis thea saie mli ad Clurch Angust latis, Mv.U1 1- oar mito1ndsnest Epr D.D. reprasautatcar cf tise Bibleseeailetedi Scoity; ept.12, ex'.J. O. Tott, Or lga s Batiu P sereetaiv iEtSe Lord's Dey Au- SAeeCldnrcis W 1a ltietli ls T weated mere Aoaud 1, omn tIrSe nd veaut Andr s Tloaedn, o dieare SI For sema are ig aiýfad one are susaîlar Yet !tCs a isat. l.enna ff Vhs feace 'with -gis up fire Sema -' te bri teir het hy wvear,i Even jcst a e bicaud eresetiei 1ai is' Caled a hait S cm;htsare plain wt-mý-it ut a hm,(ýw were arïedaOChwaon uï,2 byteRev, .S .Wii f-m Bae is e freulay hm À,d Moakr, omryc lr Or] iio i f tîn t sn c v At Bakevfr cf WItb ýyInudOhe Alate Mrs ,i~ndroundor dlWn a veil mutego 1Iconly have to have tpesd AIit'Is m1y cosy hat. Orono Women' s Institute Entertained At Sielver Teai regler eetng f tise Ovene nus'Instituts ias' beld'on FrO- AugLud e t -is, at Ve ine homecof 0W.Rel(ph, nlu tins forinoiE -ol e-ctee. Tieladies enijoyed tis esnsieo tins, aec io u, 1iaw m.Tisera m-a s -a short bsiness meeting fIvst and et isterm-iination, Mrs. Robiason, tise prasident,inrucdMsJutIS, Jo f 'Toroato,, Piblie Librares --. Somie inLsigs t o tise functin of tisa dib-rias mas given by Miýss St, joqun. Rer ma lr, lapriu s et4BOYS rud irls Ius"'niS.l eogSt. o'ilchisisa cslrnsl"brary. iV is 'hcîae& tu estabslis enoanlhIslibreries tanbloks1e ofteChei na cîSodrnsie iE t Is importance-I I g -p 4 51 e- c' r No Paper To Be Pubished ý Sept. 2 Owing To Holidxays1 Thse edito-'r anstaff cf tinsOroao! freins AL,uust 27t)ls', te Seqpt, Cths, bot1 cLosadî during tsai tine, and mili opn or bu1siness aanSptnie 7t fr another yeer. Kendal llardbafllTeam W fins Playeff From 'Port Hope Tise first gamaneye at Kna onThuvsday eveinig, mas Visevierd, est tra'vesty of tisa greatAieîn gaine tever 'wîtnassde srt (cf Tor- enta, I ren tise gamutfrous soup te nurts. Rotin sides took turns ia tIse squirreil play depurtmient, exIh,- itig a renzied desire te cs e their ccýppmnents -thuerugIs tIe Seup ofE tlnir ovr.timngte victiory. The resait cf this charî'ty sair IC-endal 1clsased-c VoIl ýte10 oonquest ia tise lest la- nings, efter lbing dama 2 to 9 misen it strted, Lt mes se dark that tiro Keaclal gadietoïsrs eped on-atiird base for oercemlt Port Hope glnteiss nearby discussing tise eti- quette cf who, mwhinons, lsici or ,isatý ttoucs Tishendldhescmae Vo a dcisiion tIret, ach ruaaing off la opposite divcltions andI anch as- corted by e guerd ofE honoer, duti- fully t'os in iebl ekand for1th et a respecdiul dstenrce fraitheir in urpsefially vtoiled aosTIse pl!atter te i ie)u,btCor uai- ter reacwcig secoond, cbenged bis mmiid lnd lvetumnled te hid.s"Ice 'Port Ho,'pe Stijl engaged îin a meird assrtentofur erhadtases and fade-cl4yYs. 'Edie teck off, gnia ad'ei ascrt ad -mbledinfor- tise csponhiip frns tise Radiu 7c)îirepreaeýntâtive,; Sutiîrdaven- 1ing. Tise seconid geans, 'pyed la Por [Hpe:îvs feýatur-ýed b'ýy Eliner Quanîtrli end bis Latery mae tersnndWes 'va bassith ee fi rL anddesates a Vie tore y mCobb Tie estcf tisa tanil mrsil fine fetepeya 'ie hasp t i - ion tIse 9t- i. ogafoýr tise S ine-ups: Keadaci Linny, ; D West, 3 rh kCdour, f Thompeon, fîlb;l -pi'e, -1Yrf R.Slep, Mr.;,R pf; Douglseasc; hoynteonaid hme- domis, vIf; Waýs tcad op- W her lbround dHut.2~ ur,3 Kenurtice vv0220pl2y-992 Ump as -33'0We.Pla Prt Hope, on lit ron 1.'. o Ftb ll pnTeam HaFÉy- Olrdon . r ha fi on fts e finas pkvoifcf tse eiorfobl gue.. Thes er hanserenf haine gses, mltnis vgoaDfll tef co siit ntIse on SeThnrsda M Agt26tlmilo1%en liaet 6.0 ..-Ths Hüampeaieys tet roo on S nrdhyponust i, a lanerng sy Vine explenation oad Vie Orabsforler pcdfo artpleyed Iby books in oug u- is lItrgainsemisUstro ren's mids. TV wes fcun11d on ' 1Toroato, iIninl , E utcB urvecy r -tiet Vhs frsî savon lu every 1Polars, J. Stabart and C.,lucf [ess mare Abldren VAslied had ac- 1Tisis ganse is bleiug sponsoved y Vishe sas Vo bonus and Mhad edaVrias Bommancville Lieus Club ed ml ba ead Ve, Vis-en et hom-e. pîeyed on Labour Day nit Tyrona., ut tiseclose OfE bertek Mrs OQ Wsikyur hast suspport et tisese 1_1Rolb thaksdMiUss St. Joisaforlgarnes Tisebeys have cerni'd ou vig a"lyme, heîpig us ander- tis yenr nuer adverse ceuditieus, tend mfore fuly just misat th ise h.jutihave unaueged Vo ranhtIe Play- ravie, Uermdoig elong si S ins. offs. Yourpraessa t these c-gaines Tee -mee anccampeuie ymiihi .n ial -anisecri-! asuty "idmicises and deigitful courage tishe nsVo do thiserbect. laese4 s~rtdcakes, te bInég e Tapes se you ali etthVie ono Jie r je n E.A morstroag Oon,t Urtas- pexligorm e a most s eluervic "Finance at Large" in the Toronto Globe and i"( ail. Wri'tes MrnJffr ornJly SM&h ~Mos Caadies kow ow -hv ~uuhthe fresof anaa en itnt present rosperiy and epraloyment ald aire scIld -on the idlea 1that futureý -prosp ects depn la an important d- fr e on maintaing flot unly a per- , nlsupply but 'nres lgit from)l rcde Vo decacle, 'Cenadîiala forests e fos t'h îeroilds tnnost impotranti material sou c ir lpulp,ppe and other iorstprodncts 'and, theugh the pulcp and paper in'dustry hYt'as cor.uiiitted itaself now tVo maini- tbiing ua perpeti ualsipply, the de- raand is greater ahit hn dma one 'r,,thcis lias causedt the vecent ili- creasies in Priv-e 'cf nwsr nO Caaianmerýhan.,Johatn E, Arm- siogof Orono, Ont., tinýks the4 situration open-s up lon-.g lange ivs mient p'oss,ýillitiez' for miianyi Canadien ciizeas to supperent wht om panries anid'goverants aîre:og "'Before the war a large number1'ýý1 of tlihe trees pro0duced hiere w'ere put ovrth-e dipbecauise nobodlyas- ed for te 34r M, Armostron i rts Thet was lu spite of the Y et that' as a resuit of fresýt dis;appîeoances fv 50 years or m3re, herre l Durhami Contyr the streamcs have bPen get- tmng smnaller and smeilemr, the irels deeper and deeper, and thIesl o Mog isb ingwshed no lae On- taro t ra aisa la pite of thre tva - gdCey oiEfarernaulinrg wt rfo theriv uestockin thiewntr ine tîve tat mî1nil;mae lad-owmn- esý grewtres, n ihat is proftit, in 192und1943 teOrono hnhro C"plerce mailed - a series of 'letterszý au lie Profit there ils pingrowing tvees;uber trees, pulp-wood trees, ta asfrtree-lo owrs,'Mybro thefr and I weve sn overcome aitk the propagande that me have over' hreaple fr90,0l0 0 re d rand hieplîne trest patfor 'auir Lads sud forests ý'cenot fîl the de- end thre yers agýo buh 0 acesr e land.Ta1910 tdey expnt4 to hauve 1il') ntesfo iti ing on a crIttke 'but2 abour fIve yyear 1teygro a Christ- "Whea talag' with on,Iaod !Z, Sctt,[te Mitister o)r Lands ndý Frsslastwie Is'aid te hlimln "Aî! ei m'anneds-e0 t rch aftev his .trees areplne is a short cday [pipe couda rock-'irng chatr and s-it tharee and -isten Vo tnem grow.Wh hasn't ths beau gven mlore Prbi ity" ? lie repLie2dla en-eet,'Y ou [jusýt vmalt until mebave the tr4s fo îlaýtibrtiion ±anýd me 'iishow yenU'. "The Orono Cheniber oinCo- noercehad 1% Litan, the ,manager1 of e pOvono Provincial Foreshty Staion, at At tIrsmeeting Vo giv; 'lhe inomto or its trpe-plant- ing la n-,pe-agn. My brother wasn't thvse wý'Lsen I told hlm nle-xl't day sonet<Mr, lnton had said and that me soul Plant sMme trees, 'iy bo th'.a0 t ne, 'Yen c(an th-ilak of mowre ways ftemake rconey mlthout wrigfor it tan enone Ikn " "Se ased lm t e go ojver- te the [foresty stan with ameand tal wlth Mv, Linltoi. -\fter we cae eut hoe said te me, "IWe are simart ibeys, arent me ? This forety station lias beau hiiere Sor o-er 20 yeers and -we lhav-e neyer plan'tad a tree. Se f)we ecncled tenand th-ere that L t woud eyr e ý j3eunlerhan now ',and planed 3,OfO tatïyav nd ba-veý hen ltln ever sinrae". "The CnaasaValley îis in Dr hall-[Gount'y nnd the Ontario Depart- ment of baudsand Frcss1s d&W an teellent job of vefofieeUstai Sixteen Ch"idren Pass Red Cross Swimmling Exercises Display At C.N.E.8By T'le Ontario ilistorical Society NainlExiiinis that oi tIhe ntrellistoi lSoety, onatCe seco 0rfoo f 0IseColiseuin Buld rn- ThIs s th-e sxitsyear oif the Socetys xisene, ndalitspub- aune voumes, Vaulbe on dspa 1 There eaa ais e hasoeancopiescd' tihe orgiel i ost ofE which >are in. pertiment ofiElRcords and Archivs. TInsseincud -,ieneral lsac rock's eins for ins surende o2EFortLDe-i troit, 1812; aletter of 1792 i rwten b-y WlimDosnrgrigthe Ian grni, wth ea atachd;and tiseprolamaionissusd lby Vn i teaant-Gover r '1vF ilabisBond Heu., o«erig vanards for tise ap- prelnension odEVise lacn aasi The beotà 1isbing siaffed by Se- Double Presentation eàt th LI arueho o m ie evenîng, August 20t1,W hen-: the friands of "lis. andsMi,. Gra Du 'ril u)ryn is ir.Dvî va ,, îta,- ge d t.'id Swmiginstfructin begun b',y the Orono thet Associatinun- der the direction of Playground En- structor Pi Seis, was aied tu a sucesîlccusin ntuesday, August 14t% The Orono lRed Cross was ves[pîn- sue forsemdig PM!l SemstVoa -Red Cross ,s"'1o0! at Picto,,n vhere lie quallified as3a Red Crossswmma From 'bis sivwismÎng ls; ixeeri boys and girls mre examiae1,d by Mv4. LWarren f RiElid Cross Headquar- ers, and aIl w treasuccessiEul lu pasaý- ing their junior tes, T'ise followirrg were presýented wiîtIs amardls: rar Lync, B3o1b Boode, JKeýillIsWes't. Bil Armstronig,Den ý,yîn MryAina Anmstroug, 'Ber- nice Ltuna, Edna CGom, Joyce Boa_- tcGail Gopr, Lucile ynlh BtyCoopier, MreLiiJanie Neilson, Margaret osk aniEhe We lhope taecbildren mili qual. Sincere hnAs gos es oPhil whc made three exr rps fron Oshawa Lo mekeWIna preparations for thi2 test. MissIsa AAle ma, Oha apss. ed a uy et thetcity on Tuesday af- tOmoon les. ]naî sevcme mi be held(et Luk ec Fos' ua- erel arlers o Tbisrsay, Auýigust 26th, et 1.30, tponce ta Orene' ceme- tery fer u rial. CelIf. sftera twn ecks, v'sit witis bis faHsrW.1, cBrrettqnd 'brt-ï er Charîe oE Boanavill. I is 37 ben eoosnpaied them on 1their ttrp. Avery pesetvuno f vrelatives, ubein bout Fo)rty, from o Ino11, teckplac SunayAugu.stltie WvVad dellI-McG inty (Fiik -cendles l in vercîîdel1br aSI pirea anit visitedepsnisd- c<Sratec ie (lvery rsiytia Churois On July lOtis, is-a iss Car- oline Mas WaddelCttl, deugli.ter oiE Mr, tiid 's.lDavid -M.,Wadf-dell cf Enurin- ela'w, becama ie Iebridc -f 'MrChar les Ed'er MGIinty, Son cf AMm.s CharlIes E. MoGinty, Sr.oe W ee- awmenNewrJrsy Rv 2edR A. Welmsly offcWatd et utise eigist o'clock double rinig ceam1 Pr)ed ,g Vs e r emy, Mn. ' TousHasa sang "Tissu tisa Years",1 and "I Lova Yent". He mas eccoini- panii-esI bMrs. Hl. Har-tjoy et tise pipe uryen. Tise bridfe, sseorted by lier fatheri taire a aowu e sheer wisite China1 tipniii veims atied (!- (Id ilae,. frein tisa- m di drss.Tise dîce, eud afuîl skis mare mrlouýcjett o > n-otis canitered mitin11e Tise bride's tire sis Weddell e-nd Vivian ) ma-re lhem a tendats ld n h01 ordi sk ]Il Vol.,

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