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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1948, p. 1

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TI Vol. 12. No. 32 ORONO, N. HRSA.SP.9th, l1948 Su bs-criptionr $1,50 peir Year Durham Central Agricultural SocietyFair, at Orono, Sept. 10-11I Mobile Starter To Be Used On:OooRases inn ulp lolnwrhCourtice Takes One G'"oal d-kVr :-11 l1 Prizes At Outside F airs On atrd, gut t, UronoTiracl<' ceptember 1i I Ais Eean are Isabelle Alhn Ai very talented mermber of the Obhawa pulic sichoci taohing Staf, f,ésMissleanore Isabele AMin, died at her r de ,262 King Sitret rEast on T'uesday, August 24,1 In failing heal1th fo Lhe past sv eral yeý,ars she had een e rýiou HIi sinelast Easer, A dauglher,! of thie lateý Daniel T. are Elizabeth Al1lia, the de-cea3ed was born at Orono. Aftr going to Cohama shewawS' a Mesiber of the teadh;ing staff of Ritson Rýoad Sohool since it was opened until last Easter MisAllun was a-e1 e ndvr regular attenidant a'Simee tre inited Church, She is ser.vived- by onesister, Laura, of Oshawa, and three boh ers, ilarence' of Or nHarold of TForonto, and Rev' Cecl luj'. Hanbitlon, Illinois. slo surviving are a niece, R-uth Alia, of Trno and Aso repu", Ronad M WGeal Alu11n of Haiiti, lliinois, Duinirg h-r long ilnsMiss AI- lin was neyer witoutflwers. They came frosn pupil, frs, former pu- pHs and parents, and as long as she was able, was deighted to see ber frieds. At the funeral rnany flora tok;ens were receiv,-ed, among thema flbeing a a nige wreajh fro.m he Os-h- az-a Board of EducaMion, spr.aysi filonm the RitUOn Homec and Sho Clnlb, tIre staff and former teachers. andiui romthecengregatîin of Bet'hel Preshbyterian Chur'clhlo, Il- linois, of which Re-". Cecil Allia i S le The Afunlemra vin as hcdlfmm tr 'Lis.fVTlltohFuneiAl Homîie, n'i an Tbursday, Auguat 26ï4, Yt110p.a tie )Serýviýe wvins eauedby 1ReoiS îrlactlewood et Boecaygeor, a tomme ovw acsorn Oroo, 5aad a-istedV iy Uaited ChurcIr, Oshaa, In terment '-oins made inOonCeery M W Tise paIbeareus aveme Ail eachers r- SOIvhono se hnd mugt n tla VoA Ini st"aff, nnd i.ncludêd M.J.C 4'. Fetiemley, Picia.cf !Rilson ScIroa, ýMeýsrs. Tom Davidson, BrueStw Ln'orenee Snvery anad ied Lyceti. eno Oavmng te tise Provi-nc7-iHde shrdgeetpovier, ise Orh,-1oo Hydre Comsio Urs eceived a daul, y quotae kl-aai1rur tofcti c-i ty. This quotaavwili net permi-itosi acssnytia vecu o-i osu use ofr de sec l ui flIre week dayMony ogi Flday, ïf veon aytwn uait tensber AtIr, -4 aIl iIre dailyv andwekynspes andtieapyteOno Pleýase do ntbe seltiis vsyu iyr n E. Dent, ManaIger Four Nurses Ad A ypcl EauFair week sa now Pni brand vuS prepnratic's bein.g made b-y tIreauemois colàmiilttes etth D rhýamn-1Ceaimai ",1Agricultumal S- rcey and aise tIre housewife sri-ik-1 ia omfor thre faim visitera.Lais .and gardens are Seng cared fer andl. ne doubt wil recveepise trou eut cd towvn guests. 'Wenther pensitting, it b4as been estm ted tithre Oronio Faim is t,-, ~ sekprevieus revecrds. Thins is ý44se n tIse tctbtisilasi yeam the enteertairnient pruved ftebeec- t'eaa and thus advetised the falim as n outstanding peiod ia thr ~eama isstor etDurhsams TPe blgtIre hoe r acing to par tise3mareyMobile StartngGate bas b ýeen en'gaged tocontroltIe otrin f tise ace,, This means cf siarting Ira-, me.t with approval vil oitise rý(raes and speciniors. -TIe Durisaus Central Agriculumraili Socsety are eut te give the fa-nsa ýbg:îr type et herse cing iis yenm. 7ire 7onriitee- in charge have cen- ±aced any owners and find hat ns inany as Rfiteen herses can be expeet- ed tom tIre mcaing on Satumday, Sep- tamiser itis Lasý-t yenr thre pony racez rbrou ghbt pmiefroas al aViso attendled-ns n1 resl taiyonsept.1il tIre pony race n us-fmthe ScitVo h - ad ~m yo esee.TIrl'e race oi ' v ~cting ,aa-d aise pacha slots Of TIre faim rovdsentertainniesi and exhdbis te suithe desires of ail.ù Mu-Li by tIre Oreo, Bnad, Amiateur Show, Kansans' Prner1 -peter -the Cown are but a few te entrtain a,7.C, Its teo soFaim Whennq (tende frlai t ecs) sRyFarrow is sp end ing fei dys irn Toronto tins vecis. Mu.W. E. Reid risited iser sist, fvrPercy Hail on, ii-la iIbro( om. and DMms. R.Lnnglem's daug une and graaddaughiem of Toront viedt1isera lasi w,,eeki. Mr. and Mms Wilis Farrow, hm adMma. Clamence Buml-ey lraotcredl 07%vi on Thursday. Tise cooer aeat-iser tInhis eis- eioeatter thre itne n lart vieek. Rev. WV.-W. Patter7sea b as relus ùd nmmis is hoida-y s ., hereviii tise ~ ~ a asa evc iCiamiseon ,Su- Mm. a-nd Mrs. Bob ancockar S nd Mrs. Mm. rand aýpeat the Orcue Gifi 'litions me- tse CiuN.E. 1er is alpon £m, tnd Mma. e ent ranfi Mm. 1B boha, Y ysears ok 'is- 10, Im. te is cf 'a- he a- nd At the Pert Pqry Fair Ired on Setnbr4t'h and 6hM'i. O. W îR Wh senoredsisdorivern te rond str clasm, taking second préi un lare etyMseBmbm 1.eph weýn frti Iee rinngContes wiethe sam'e roadsier 'wonthr prîze l isen nteansturnout. On September lat, M.r T. A. Reid Jackeline EHem'ert te Brghton Fair takýin-g first prize for t1ie best gh herse o the groulnda, and fimat prize in tie rond lans. At Port Perry Mr. Reid won first prize in the rond class anod irst inthe haUt mile buggy race. Thîs new purchase of IVir. Reid's at one time oins a racer, andi he is nov devoting bis time inaturu- hingh ie a hwhse Vlhitby Modem Players To Show Fair Night For t.he onetot be pre'ýe1ued on the second nirtof Orono Fair, Sat- urday, September UitNthe Orono Fair 'Board Iras engaged the Wirtlby Modem Playems sho CiUipe ent the play "Varetes et 194"W th an aIl-star cs e uttnin maer featuiag omed, dmmatis sng- ng, dancing, anid inc1luding tIre dani cing stars of teWhit'by Oildren14s Theatre. The Mdem Players are an out- 3tanding group af amateurs wbýo hlave enîjoyed sevemal very sceau seasoýns snetheir inception abouLt four year7s ago. Undier the vemy-caP- abedrction cýf -Anne Wîilson, tse-y have produced quite a num ber et Cpînys and m7atsupring entemed the! fieid et, the m ýusical aitb tbei-r "Var-. leties cf-'48" "Vnitis c l1i8 as a casi f£ eat a progrm vieh icripoudes a Gpsy ce n,,featuming rsuch popu- lar Gypas aogs as Sing To Mle rings and Gypsy Love Sanig. Thse Doýguerroty-pe Numr artakes -,u.s bnck te the' Gay 90-'ivussonfga und cos- tum-es tatare lkeyte bring bnck notagi emriste somne cf ltis-e oldsters, TseDi'xieln-nd Revue, fen-1 tumig Bob Wagstaff, oillsend you homne hamigsýeetunes tisat a had almoat forgotten. Aidd te thisàaCouple of daai numbrssemecomdy'kits anld thel dncUiinýg e amevemy tine yeugstrsramtIre "Whitby Cèi-, dren's Tetr"and you yu l bave somidaet vhatf -vie mnawhen oie BoC Hawnlidms tInt ise cna nuikde AIL.Litte in gmwing Po- tates. obas"s' of pa-tte -topa,: tIntmenure5 feet '7 inches. TIr1e tuber aiseseenita be qu1ite suLbsana- Recent visitors 7oiitb'Mmrnd Mms. Leroy Hamnlton cwere: ni-ce, cf tire former, tCe isses lomrence froua cf Woose Jaw, Snsk., and Marorine Ir- wîn etorf td ntaise Mm.'nd Mrs CamesBail11nnd sons Fred andà Ron-aoldcf iOsh[avi. DrgtIre Lae- beuur Dy eek-end visýiors viere 'Mm. and Mrr omn lIeNoale and ynda Mis Fiser'sparent, Mm. and Mrs. John Vampeu and Mrs. Vamplu'~,mothrMs. Witt cf Ot- taw, ase n. d is.John Mcpa- mer cf Toent [ddTcUnited C ounties Health Unitl Bridge Club cives Mr$. A v/ery neabe vnF a s ,ntouFrdnAuguat2Ih, vihen lise tDge Club an! afeu intmate fninda gnhered alienomec Mrs. Marry Miler te bid troclt When Merle arrived sIe vas com-l nbouitoenty of hemurierndaseated! on iselav.MrJTmbyan Mf1sq Barlovi VIen peoeued e, Gilihri vu lavepieces e)t chia on, belisa,îf' 1f ,tI îr is. Ai dnt , lune-S vis served and a! VFour public isalilnurses, have me- ceil jund is saf c tseNerVis Misa DMina Sisape and iss Jeu-! ane TWWac mtek ieM poei-du-! aIvoiS n Pblc Hats ursing h, ieUivriyc Tormnto. iu Atmica und Europe, ThsPurs e cShad ae vamiety rt ~ ~ ~ %vý exeinei ssIta vomi, k-a- in orian Order. Th e iie avorisUg an arch.way cof pink ýanid soitea Anne, youngest daughter f Ir wvas Lu.ied in imarri'age t GOrg [Andumwyaungest son of iVir An- drew Du.nlop cf Miland. Re,2,R.M E. Mortocýonducted the doub)le ring cernrny w ith IVirýs. RlýAd Hl lingworhof Toron)to, aît th-.e piano. Thse bid(e, who was givenl in mar- niage by hiem brothber AÀrmond, wrea street length d<ess Ac wite crepe and lace and a silk enobroîidered -veil wvith tinywht flowvers and elbýow length lace mten.SIre woe the groom's gift, a peami bracelet, and carried a bouquet of med roses, bnboy's breath and fern SIre -was attendèd by b er sister, Mrs. James; Rutherford, wearinga turquoise ldress cf French écrepe with ma-tchmng headdcress and carmyin.g pink ,anid white asters. Two littie neices of th-e bride, Joan Rutherford and Erva Cairas, ncted as fio'wer girls,, and looked pretty in yellaw and nile green organdy dresses anrd carying an Llariflul cf flowers,-Mmr. Hemiarn Dunlop wh is brothem's grcoomani. Mlter a buffet lunci(-h served on tIre 11law, ith Iap p y couple Ieft for Daullt's Bay, tIre bride travelling ib a wh-ite emibllridered two-piece iress,, med shoty coat a3ndwit accessor- ies. They wrl eside i'.n Torointe. A quJiet ut pmetty weddling ituock place 'on Saturdlay aftenoon, Sept. 4tI, whien Domeen Ruthr, daughter icf "Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farro-w, fbecaqmeý tIre bridecJ-f Jameis -V. Lwrsoýn fr. and 'Mrsý, J. ls~rtweAIlLowery.i 11ev. A. E.,lEustace pemtommred t1i e ceremcny. The? bride vw-s camigyattimed in a floomlencýgth dmcless of ivolry br - caded satin wvitb >sweetheart neckline.1 Hler shlouider Veil -wsucr- nt tylei and s-he carried a bouquet cfsnalp- diragons and- asters, -Mi-ssooty F arrwbridsaid for hrpister, chosýe pink allaver la-ice 'with match- ing beaddres an carmied a bouquet smarte thre lbridIes. M r. AIll-eni Com-nish was,'- g2room 'ismaîýn. Citer the fèeption at the home of thle bride'spns whereae l- diat irlaives lad asoensbledt the1 happy couple luftfor a short Ironey- m oo e ttna ad othMý-er pinscf intemesi,G WM.S. cMeetin On Tuesday, Spebr7t'r,thec Womn'sIMisioaryScieýty Émeet- ing was heold in P ar k S t. Uii d Churcli wih the president, Ms Delve, presiding. Althcugh smail in nuimbers -it wans a moist intetiIng 1meeting. Atter thse cpeang exercises tIre business s taklen up at wh-ýich ii wýas deecided tha:t as- the O ct ober mîeeting , a Takfeig et ing, a special speaker would be se- j cumedanKiy and Newcnstle Auxý- iliamies bfe invited. Miss GihhIlna, literatme secreta-, spoke 'on tIe literatume deprtment and gave n revlaw of several newv misýsionary boolos. Tiný-meuis zgiven- for exchange et bocks. Th. pro- gramme sias in charge et Group No. 1, vvif.h M Rowe as eo'nvenOr %,A welI menrdvocal sole insgie by Mrs. Canýrson, accompanied on the piano hy Mus. R. 'Best. This vv-as followved b)y the devotional talken bjy very, thought.4pr(ýoking talk on thse1 pr'eblems ftncing the church to-day. Sh-e said 'oie ImnI.t have taith, as the theme Cf, the m-eeting to-day, "The faith whereiby ý-thechcimutlo. Mfiss Davey ren extrmacts froni Dr. pidgeonms bock, "TIre Vicaicus Lif'e," the themle being, wie muste willing te c£ire ourselves te ,the limiît if oie udIep The imeetiing closed uspm yb two i et h eies ludayI The Red Tise ocId oevcSo iedaLny at Ji- lyv bItto sat arouaid $10 t rom Urono In Play Vifs Orene reached tIrefinaislsuin ti by elminatng Hapton IC isserali- fi nals j, Or.0iooook a to egoal lead itnl thre friaeplnyed niOnoo1o Satumdn-Jy, Auguast 28th, Led oy' Ray tise Wswihtwoc oasscnOred early i theIre ma haîf, aad a goal loy Jac Stobamiin tise second hait, Orono is ec'ured -n lead et of nis[te0, ;Hamfp- !mton pressed isard near tise end. if 1h. gam-je anndwere rewn,;3rded vistisaz of i goal by Bob Vivian. Mm. enr KENDAL 1Miss Ho-we begins asusten ch*er McensScIreel on Se-,pt, 7t5. Mr. Clark is tisje tendher for aew" te-rra in XKendýaL -'Miss M. Fiýsher, c f Toront,. speatding- a vieek witis Mm. and 10 Mmf, and iNm. NV. lMelntyme, Widospent a ifow days 'wth1 and ivIrs. HerIr. Reynold-Is, MiPss Annie Tis-cmpacsa t akes hem- teaching duties a a nscisoci n Lindsay' on Septembler 'ibi. Mm. and Mr.CCiarenice Bella d 'Mm. and Xrs. Arthsur Bell spent îl-e w(eek-end vus Mm, L. D, Bell and Miss Selina Therteli and Mmr. Roy dley attended tie oiedding et Mhse Hazel anid Shirley Th-erteli in Tom- ente on Saturday, August 2-Suis. Miss Georgina Darlingion takes up a. riew-position as tenciser Tf Homne Ecýnomica ian St. !IMnIry's fe-r tise new temin Spebr Mm. and -Mrs. Leonard Buchi-er and baysnPeter visited Mm. and MINrs. John Patton ln-Ist vieek and Mra, Blekler, Peter and Mm.ý Hall saile4 for Engpland on WVednesday, Septeffi- ber loýt for a vst Tise rînging c; f th.e sclhool bell dur- ing tise early heurs efthtIe m-orning reenlywa very annoy),ing te say tise leote it. Tise ringin tts school bèli is te <ral tise neiighbjours eut te a fi re or somretIring equally "eMme, Md mosi cf tie peoplei Vis vilae eleuofftIreir 1beds 0on iseur- iig tish ingetofIns bellî. W. A. Meeting TIreFW.A. metn et at the home et Miss C. Stewarton WUenes day,' Au;gulsI 25ý1h, oiti a god nu- ber i-n attendance. Tis e ol alvn "ýNamneoree ia' by'wric oe îcan1 Ire beter Christians" and sorme very i, Tise pre idlent., Mrs. ReyMer- cer uns in tis echair and gave a rend- ng on "Ged ruais assy business". A 1vemy enjoyabile msclsicinon 1 n e pb Ms.jas. s-'aebrici.'ffis. Gillsie,1 ('isea a deaconeas c f tise Pres bsyterian CI isu rchislaToroatno, spo'ke etohem rkin te'n ho pilatis oihishaie visitsanmd snid Iospitalq viere vep my neeti places clsebs! you like iheas o oiieiIer you dont ohewns pamal]yzecI and vise ldia't vinait te re maced te and ted tnut sIre would hav'e te bear heI sffein oilh atinc ad oins told te "ge nhend and bear i i is cu-Lssdne s anld see wIreelilt'gels yo "W ,ell", sIre s-aid, "f an,,erngi itscs 's e d n ts a ,,e I ' 1',? In eer t-IMghog ic tisaI". Thinsl s on vi e can. al leari, 'as boy cvften vie find ormseives kiig ai-n it tise pricia. 'lTise speaker inrentoned tira ise va5 nle' sýed te Ire bacis in Kndlfor a visitandaked tIre praye ret the meies ftomr herseif anidil telow ioorkems A lovey lnchb vas served by tse roseasard duIring ilt"-ý paaintire presidePni dilvidled tise- ladie mbl- wo ropaaa onduced 'ncotet iih vn ivr ueS nen- ,joyd. rs.Milton m msnaoa avote et tans e is ioseas ftorý hbem gracius isospitnlity. WESLEY VILLE i Miss HJelen Bammoviclougis returned te Lakeport tb taise up hem duties as school te-ehem tisere. MmNln cas-perrnt, fvidays,- in Toronto visiting oitihbIis aister, PenAtir n ad 111 Bmrv clough ouIbe tise tic. newpuist apend scinool. eemipeeple etf tIrhemmuInnoIty ntIeddtr oronto xibtonls Mm.an Ma.George Mrtnand Lynet eceme, spent Sunéday vithi Mm. an d M rsW. a r 0-r Mnd taii-1y spent SnturdaFy vU r' Mm and Mims, Walîter Loagyîear aI Eh- zabetîvillIe. 3 i flD-,r aA ier s,o n rpht-, ýt,prl fevn-rr n 1 * * el * bOrono went to Hamption on Wed nesdhy, September le, and ia a Wat and evenly pljayed game, apoi scoreà oae goal hafit ay thrcugh thle last haîf of the gamne, to take the dcso by 1 to ï), bt loýSing out on the round ýby thie rore of :3 goals, to 2. Or'ono w -ill ncw playin the finalsý- against Courticte 'I'rsi gme t be qplayed in Oron Oon Wednesday evening, Sep)temiber 80h, at 6.15 p.; t;he secondi game in Gourtice on Mon- dày evening, Septembiler 1,th, ,A% third game, if ncsay ilbEt played on Wednesday, September iSth on neutral gr-ounidis, On Wdesa eedn s ira. rooFo)otb)all telaii in a. loeie- cisie<,n lost to Courtýce 4-V a oes f 1 to fj. These two teama. met for_ the Cart game of the finals. Thse irst haif tlere was no aconr for sither teami. lEowever, abIout ten uminute before th. close of teIleia hIf courtice rmanaed ýîte sl'i oaby tIre Orono goai tender. Judging frem this gaie t cn he seei nL tIri he gawe o'n MofýiJ#l 1)'eke contestüed(. Boi teans have. the altyand tria he a Wvere pleaised ta haýve Our pas. tor-, Rev. -A. E. Ù mac, nthe uli ef lumpb UnAitedChurehlst Sunday, and ere rivîege te iste tohis excellent reo. Mis. ElizabethbTamblyn, Orono, Mijss arn McKelve,-y, Bowmiïan- llleadMr. Neil Sfewwýart anod MisCath'erinie Se rtSixtI r Lie, werar recentf vishLors )Vit'h i14-r. an.d. M1rs Fred Brimacome. TIreAmsrn CosutinCr- panyhas lmos finshedfor the- presenit, the wvoik teare doing on Jhe rond here. Unfortunatey, naiC leavng a deat hap %n te old aton MoaAcksm e h zwo o~uig tNP view of the new rood runnig nortln a'nd ! Roy Nich"ols were, Mr, and Mm.Care o!Ialdson -, nd M fi ýss Bety ackeof AMontreal1, aad Mr' SinyLoc'klart, cf Port HUope, Sundy 5cool as hldut lii.O wihan tte-fd,,,caetofth1irty-four, an il teach-Ierspeaa. h>c a l t7,:3O ,viDr.Oke reach01ge on the abilIcf T"nsfiend, ta'"'kerî frm the lrt chiapter cfTiot, (Taeelaie for ta LMissesEileen A .iliri, aMd Plme petema ofI Sundaiy wts m.and A", Mm.i and Mmr. B. Bil nnd( 3. B.dei nn' gara one day last vieek iss Rileen Ai-ia anad Rut.nadMurmaî Sunday ni Lake Scuga' IMrs. A-1nold TIhfrorifn Anat and Care! l sp)ent1 Mr. C. Payne. Msncharles Snui visiliag h'm' daug"Iter' Tufford et Bunker HIS Miýss H lelene Bamrooi ing hem summer sl port Hopte anti ve ýwÏ suecess. Among ïWed-nesdoy a toma wPul -MmsEd'gar G, coimmence ies here fo Il ,an(

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