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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1948, p. 6

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= )RLD marOilBlar South Arabia It was onl1Y a very brief dispatch froum Washington, and rceuived but ittie at -tenltion r ommùlllenlt, Yet t brouighit ews wh-icb," lui timecs like filece, was soe unutsual as to be ai- Mott unelievable. Thtis piecuetfuews told oet the Goverumiient ot Sauidi Arabi-a deli- herately refnising te accept a fiteen million dollar Iban f rom tht i U.S.A. becauise et that niatioui's attitude on thle Plsneprobleini "WC feel we w0c3uld like te getý' assistanice fron a frienld and neot fron someonie blping our tnt- ry was tht way a spokesman phrase'dit. As te the diffrenices betw e h Arabs and tht ewýs ne commient is Intendeti, except te 55.y that thlalt.- fer have had greatly thie best et it in the mnatter et pub1icty. Bt those South Arabiais amuet bc, more backward -- or more self-respect- i»g-tbaný was genieral.ly believeti. somn ehou1l,1d ,reafly telli thei filat nobody turais dwua "a eut" these daye just over su.ch a paltry thling as national pride. Icentral Europe , The Danube " c onf'cr en ce s over; and as everýybody expected, ýçyn before it tarted, it wae a con- 1teice in, naine onfly, ' .erely cerving Ï0 firint'he pRussiane inl a pool-1 tiolitii\ey had already seixed. Tht 'Votig at Beigrade proved net ûenly ftoisi's ability te exert mastery iover tht greater part et thie Da- abc River, but gave clear fV eiece of that ceunitry'e tigit cnrlee the foreiga pelicies et the six other memibere et the "eastern bloc." The wOrld'c me-lst famtouswat lu the "Beautiful Bline Daýnube," ivritten b',Y johanni Strauss, an Ans- irian. But necither Austria o)r Ger- Elany, which bias for centuriesba a vital interest in Euirope's m-ost important river, ril ave sa word -to say ilatht mratter et its central. Thatff will be la the bauds etf Ruý1ssia, eIlone-or tecbntiçally et R~i-,*ialoid its satellite nations, wbîlch mileails exactly the camle tiug. Th'le Uuited States Governmlen -1t' s biaet at thte utcomne et tht conter- ience pinted euiýt1that the Russian plan for Danube ceutrol upsete tlhe traditions and uisages et more thani a Cetuiry and pa quarter. àMr. Vishi- lnsky's comne-back w as typicailly modernm style Ruselani. "Certini changes bav e beenm lde,"hebrus- quely rem-,1arked, "and nîil appeals te _.ýhe past, te deýad traditions et obso- lete erganis, cannlot biaît tht mîgity Up)surge et a new lite." Britisb and French repre-senta- tives at th-- confereu1ce retrained from voting. They knýlew thiey were beate-so wh1-at Nas itht use? There are those 'wbio profess te "pooh- ehol' tht Rulssianl danger bY say.- Iug tha-,t Stalîni and bis butidies are renly bluffiLg.'" If that is tht case fhey'rt certaily mianaging te get Vway witb it. Tht eUnite.da t Tht, case et tht "kidnaplped" Rus- skian echeol teacher>, and thte couise- quetit ous)inlg et tht soviet consul entirai, lave beeni gettinig wmet et Lile fronit-page ipnay"laUited States newvspap)ers. B u t if î Should jreaCh tht objectivTe aimiet at, a bill signiet by Pr'esideat Tru,- ipan-althiougbi recivinig littît pub.- le attention-mlight bhave a mare direct effect on tht lives et more Amiericans than aniytiug t htKa- stnkina's, Samiarin's audLoai' chance te -do. Tht people et tht Uniiited iStates --like Pagood imauly ndas bave tht Jhabit ef tiuyig thiags on tht e istalîmnrt plant. Amiericanis eow oee ometing ike 'i bilien, dollars "on it bi ons more ihan ever betere. An-d ont etf th- provisions oetItlt new bil l ia tend- ed te puit somewhiat Of a curnb on tillapractice. SouetOf tht new regulatins cal fer down paymtnts et ene-thiird on automnobiles and one-tifth on wash- ing-nachiiinesand thier. heusebeld ýppiancts. Paymp-ea1t for all pur- chases ,undîer $1000 nuitst be coin- phcted witin .t 5 inenthe,,-ever that Net Quite sc TQngh and Cocky Now-Thie self-styied leader of the notorious "Beanetiey"' giig, accused of ii-aling lije tsr- able for residents at Ontaismmler resortcsesnt look at ail happy abou.t the whple thI-inig as he is seen i cst.y1 police Offi &rs at Baïrrie. tIinle to raise bail on an sat charge, 21-year-old Frank Stothier-s obbed, "MJy follks have djeserted me-I don't wýanit to go back, to ji. It wouldI be a very modest esti- ate te say thiat the 2, speedboats registeýred as stLartervsila the Gold Cup race on thet Detroit River rep- resa~ n yes,,tm.eut e t atleact aMillion dollars. Po)r one ex- amý,ple, Guly Lombardo and Sm have tpeat .over two huudredie theucis- aaid on TEMPO I.aot 0f the 21, onl.,y iltueen were able te get te0 the stIartînIgElue, whiat with one tinýg and another. And et thiosýe fiftteen on11ly twu could go the fuill ninety mIiles, which is the -distanrce represented b y tht three licats. Tbie balance tçll, or dove, by tewyie Now there's ne deubt that tbe racing - of.. speedbeats. le.. a. vtry thriling sport; ln tact we knew cf :Few, if any, which furnisb a bigger kick te both contestante and spec.- tators. StilI, wbien yau come te týhink it over, if a guy really wanted te go anywhere by water, he'd do ît a whole lot cheape and witb a great deal more certainty by meane Wife et Famous Scientist Wvins Honors - Widow, of the dis- ceerofinsuhn, lady Bant- ing, bas becomne thtefrst Can- adian wonman te beaard miembe',)rshtip in thtRyalCol- leie of Obsteticians and Gyne- coiegi.sts. Lady Bîantinig, whio hasb ebwr i a 1 Lono hocspital, said she was srrie at the resuit et tht exaina- tions and uwas convînceti it cws "just afuk" of an old fashioned rowbeat, or even a rat t. Last yeajr we connienteti several times abpt tJackie Robisoni-the erst et f cace ta maike tht m ajor leagues in basebal Itbpraîse 01r blis brilliant Play', 1so hic gamiceto forý stickcing il, there la ) 'cpiteot ilt rathecr reughi passage he wac given by socme et hie fellow'-playeýrs ati by, a certain section out tht fans. Thiis season Jackie's nane hsnt been apeainlutbe sports head- lines quite E eunlyatc wbich wnas the probj"aecause' etf reader oet Ibis columa reYUýcently cracknig-"WhlatesflcthltUttr wt youlr triend Robinson, thiat you uisedl te be boesting se biard? Lnooke ike he's juet auiothier eft those tireworks playes-u-p ike a rckelýt a;nd then down ik je tht, stic-k. 1 kue'w ail the lime h1e d*(id't hiave whiat it takes." Se juet ot t fcuriosity thte other !Inorainîg 7we tGook a ook at tht Na;ItieIah Lealgueboxscores, juait te set te0whatdpthsite dusky- ~kiuedDoder ad fallenl. 0On the Satuirdaly, we iscoverecd, ail Rob.inson hddoue wa1,S score betb e BrookYu'S oly _two rus- tbiey w"on 2 t10 0-bit a home Lrua iand a tipl, ad tkenpairt iFa doublle Tht neExt day it was e Ven r werse. Mri. Robinseni's chore that atterneon con9Siteýd of nr(ey efour bits la six tine at bat-includinig ?L double, a triple and a homeýr; twe ruas batted lai; ont stlen btase; and a part la a double play, When we saw that, la addition te thie, ho ilad been guilty et cemnittiag an errer, we ceuldn't help tbinkig that it's a wader they don't charge him admission ta tht hall park. But maybe they m1ake hlm help sweepý eut the grandstand atter heurs to tara hic salary. Alse we cannot help thinking-ter about tht buadredth tint- what a marvel it le that'tht colored beys, who are cuttiag such wite swathes ln bas ebaîl, football, track-and- field and rneet every other sport you might mention, sinply cannet seen te nake tht upper grades ef a game called hockey. It just muet be that they imply de net take te Caaada's national gant-for tht idea that they could be under any other handicap, or that there might be anythhing even taintîy reeembling a cler-line drawn, les smply un- thiakal-we hope. lein p a chld l he~a flhat he "shlould go, and whecn he is old he wi1lntdepart frelin t I wtll eown Scriptural quetatieni ,ih idl rangeetapiton Ont etf thCeeiluOur opinion, le Cail- ainfootbýall, whlich we thliuk wil be eigib)le for an eiitirel ne nane se'einIg thiat the "foo)t" blas crne te :play se littît part in it. New-Type Li4eboat Drops From Skies A two-ten ýair-borne lifeboat in.- tendetd for rescing bomber creýwe downa t cea anwh r nthe world droppedl by parachute inte' Long Ilaud Sound the eher &y frem a, B-29 Superfortress Rying ait ,500 feet. 1P n e ir pulc demmtatin ties, a parachiute masu ng10 feet in diarneter, thie largest eve,-r etandarý,dized by the Uniited 'States Air Forc, brogh te fba .down ewithoutt dmg.The craft, whlich aiready blas ridden eut trop- ical stiorm in secret tes held ia the Caribben mus 30 fmet in-. jýlgth an-d has bada uttd of deviceýs for the cemorfert ct the survivoýrs, in addition te laborate navigattion e- quipmuent. Air Ferceý observers atten-dinlg the deionstra- tien aboard chips cruising twe ,3miles off Excecuien Light disclsed that tbe lifboat already isbing balt ln qu'antity for their nervice. Thecse observers asserted that the nw lifeb)oat was theiret dever de- igne'd te be carriýed in flight on1tte under-sidle et a Boeing B-29 whlose range in excessofet ,000C miles will make it possible te extend air-cea rescue operatiens into cea areas hîthierto inaccessible, The lifeboat itsecf cardecs a four-cyliader marine~ enigirae with sofficienit ful e<_r cruis- àig more Ithan 506 iles. The lifebeat wllbe part of thre ofipet tspecial ai-ce(,a rescue squiadrne estatîiedt by the Air Forc e at strategic spots. Group Captain M. 0. Wateea, air attache of the Austr,-jlani Embassy imd British Empire cobse-rver eat the dempctraionsaid that It Ceould bc 4cf great value latn vast expanise of tht Pacdfi. A spot of brigbit greta dye on1 th« surface of the ,Sounld wsthe target at -wbich the ý drop was a i meýd. se aýCcurate wac the aimi cf, tht B-29 crew that the pilot ot a 8bip fihled vith newspaper photo- e raphers at the spot hastily ordered fuil peed asterl tri avoid being bit. Fins mewhat ike ho.e on the tail of _a flyiuig boib 1)kept tht new lifeboat from tubln end over, Cnd ila the drep. iIt landdrighit side up due to e le ction of its righting cvhamrbers, iwhicb ,were de- signed te bu integral parts cf both the bow and stera of tht boat. T'hese aPre made ef rubberized fab - ric andj arc inïflatecti with carbon di- oxide at the moment of rdlease ef the boat fromn the airerat t, sQo tha-t th-e lifeb)oa-t rightrs itsel. re- gardlcihssforheeangle at whlichit A group ef four- Air Fcrceý air- mer, on uhf e raetttrntretem seves tû e enwlifeboat a-fter tIle drap, Tht craft ccaiiý,rry up te twecnty prosif aeessry.Lar ger para,,chutes Ithan the 10-foot eule used bave been contucted experi naly, bt nene lare r rbas been standardized. For several years w-, have been Callingatetoe te act that when a 'bunich et kids get together on a corne lot ith an in'flat1ed pig- skin, about -n-iuety per c enUot t ei activities conisiste iinl rcisiing tessiug and ctchnig forlward Passes. Back in the days we we ceuld really enjoy watchîug a gaine Ceier at i90 lu the shade or tea iblew zere, it was just the ether way,3 around. AUl te youug squirts cofltat ra watete ibe mghy unteIrs,ad thlat is whlat they spent l-,their ftimle leýara!iug. Nw this failuire to "traini up a child etc." i eriulg fruit-and sorry fruit it is; an iýC eider fane sitrhreadlisten, in amazem-ent, te thiecrdshern "mrommoth" pun1ts wica tew years back, wouMld'have been con- cdered up te par iu a purp-sco game. Whea yen set a large proportion et tht kickIng here being dene by ex-Anericans, yeu kaow thaýîtbth werst bas happend-for our puat.- ,ters ceuld always eut-range those tron tht South et tht border by anything tron 15 te 30 Yards. Ont et these days a smart Canadianl coach, inetead et inportiag hie ilired help troni tht U. S. A., wil brlng la a few et thoee nglishi rugby boot artiste. GÎve Ontet then a sease-n te becenie acclim- atized te our gant, and ht's preb- ably kick hie tean te a Dominion champienship w'ibout even getting the.bosom etofhic bri'tches mruddied. 2 Special Remedlies iy thue Makors of Mecca Olntmeni 115eef Pile Remnedy No. 1 is lor Protrudini Beeding Piles, sud las uld in Tube, WI$II pipe or internaI appýlication, Prfice 75c. Mecca Pil, leniedy No. 2 îs fur Externailthoing Piles. SoI( ;i Jýe, and is for externe! us only. Mrico 50e )rdee by nuýmber from pour Dnýuggitt AGNS WAýE CILS, GREASES, TIRES, insecticiden, lteerIcenceCntelea fe and Barrt paint, 260f Coatilngs, ctr. DI>a* are wanted. WÇrite Warco Grease & 011 l Ini ted, torobto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES EARN 14pMONE3V AT kRoME é SPAE E or rULL TjýJiME money mralelng. Learn te iuake c rd7 aihome and care a, you le. ..Free tfos eupplled. Co nspon- doucecoure. Ntionl Intiltute of Coufec- tlunery Rfeg;d..Dlui RQP. Box 152. La,- U.S.A." -BA C, --CIlICES 15,000 PULLETS Rayte Lay ato10 Weekýs to 2-4-5 menthe. lund ÏBaulge raised under Ideal conditlons. Al ",al l) .Catalocgue and Prîte Liet LAKEIEWPOULTRY FARMvS EXZETER, ONTARIO0 an] crusabrecd, Sommn'et aludFalçhlees 1batch'ed te urder FreeCtlou.TwadlIe Chick Hatcherles Limîited.Fergits, Qatrlo. PULLETS. Pure breede an-! or0nsbr'eede,0- weeks te laying, Summerci and Fail chicks. Freo Catalogue. Top Nutcfh Chlcle sale os. Gelpi, Ontario. eggïs for 149htctg eso.Gurnt premlum' pluis hatchahtllty preiu pid. send foýr fulli 'lîcails. Box No, 12 1-lt st.. , NW Tl)orutol.- - - POULFLXEEIERScancah lu on1te gou now ready fori eaoabypromprt ehipmnt. Sendfutpricellet and urder suon. Qrtltr Hray Htbr,13G0 John N. UaliltSu.. Ontt ulnk ow for Otob)er etey PULLETS 8Weet te ûReady t. Lay. r bteds aad HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON, ONTARIO RAVliFOUIpti ND e~ ielao en IngI Write te, us -o- information. W are EParlier'e Dyo'e Werlie Limlted, 9Tne street. Toronto, Ontarlo. MXPERIEINCU13 Lalvian farnmbauld. marrled 2 ehldre, au li in D .P. rcamp laI Eulo eeks spoyeton Canaduinf arm1l CeiafadIenLtvian Club, 12S iandolp1 6us10d, TorunYto 7, Otarn. FARUMS FOR 5L Houte RIt Uthsay. Wm. Htamml. er- f bld, Ont. 200-ACRE FARM l esrbl oelty w geud bank bharas, god( frame bu e te ac.res guud ltrd-OOdrnniug watel', ore mnile fmon ilg, ttostores, chulrchiet, sohool etc. owuer rtlring. !Immedtaýte pos- sesson. eorg Iter, E. 1 Ethl, nt. FOR SALE ALL KINDS < f par-ts fer 1928 Furdwun Tracter. Alse car partsý. S. Selgel. ES 2, BÂARG!AIN price fer guice aI- ledge doge.s HuIlllies. M101dnature, W'11 tralaedleaders. Four adfulte. Ten pups nline weeks old. TwuI U.dgs Raneses.Ail fer $0,0.Dr. BEAGLE honind ppls fne untIng -sudl show setoch. Emierson Itobertson, 1-14 Bloor St. W.,* '1'rento. anapabsots n lubium, 116,1201 12-, oras- serted. pacaýge 20c. Bocoi,-edages, 239 BanU- geois. Meniveal . Write fuit uew iste and îes. SCOI'E SALES CO>. LIV bredig mnitfor-Sal. etaudard, ilver- blue, pastels enid lbaîf-bloOd lvrbue.pet' prces. Wrttete El'rwln Greenepoun, 46 Gien- arden Rld. * TùroutO. suitablê for cuttingalal types aut'V'01. ight differenit typvs 0manufactnred, aitusin tbe well-known ud reliable 1ý b.p. «"'PureO sien" alr-cooled, 2-cycle mter. !Imuf ite delivery. PRECISION PART'S LflIOI[TED 1910 lramMontr'eal I15 SELCTusd bts iotaogrin,' feed and vegetable. bougltt and soldi l an1liantàty. Al bage acumcleanled. Get (Unr poces 1lrt. Servlciug -tbe .trade for -a ouar'ter ut a century. London Ba- Comny. 466 South Stre,, REGITERE Pans, bautis jredby Mai- boqum iChampio. Cresodneinvtd Marveru Lea Knule ire itiver.COnt. RE1TURN-ED br AIR MAIL Faire day a-s receled. lastc trmes yed suy clur. MANUACT RIG Opieln. 654Moulut- RoalEat.Motreal.4. TRAC-TO'R OWNERS Wrie frI-r calgue Ilpags u woth for imutedt<1te deliverý"y potatoe dlggcrt, cd- spt.ke tuoith haTw ,et. Order no': betore prie icresetbocme tctýive. Tuclt & Tracor ortpmetCo. iLtd. , Lakehore R!d. atMmiTooo14Ou WAR SURPLUS TIRES standard i(a1 . $051. ike uelw (0( -16 standard tre'ad'] 8.1, ep(mud d luw, jep troad 612.j. 0£ies ututher ar su trc' k tires :sud tarpulins uneutt eît 0%on odeaIr'en ilanu, u a C O.D. charges 1WJIY n ln t aspherrLihis f Il Ak once ,lietCette stc. ary ado, LEA-RN Ealrdresslug the Rober-,teorn tothod Informnation on reeneet regarding lasses. 1lRu)bertsunr'e Hard1ress1ng 4ülde-Y. IlAve. nu oRad, orno ISU 3 14 cbàinlcih nt5Maintenance men aud wles Wr waieý aceontmodatlin fe rorom D boa rd, Pleas,m write Argo BleuIe Ce, CeaIeS- ville, Ont. AtýLEXýiANDRA MARINE& GENERAL HOSPITAL REQUElryS general duty NURSES. G 0 C4 salay. dea liing condlitions. Aýpply te th,, iTO PROEN Evorc-y su fferer ,uÈf Rh-eiu)a tic Muros ruS Stor. 111 l, Otawa. l'est-~ RELIEF FROMIN TCH ruexa.Fot itchBaersth.tiwom etc.,resod uiclyt Bnz itent. UpSbyphypicîians, Ihcsptals withexlen reut.Clen, cootling, sootlng, oloýrle'sa. 1Oriier WltMc ftluc lsd be onvne $1.0O - pus ad. lM1ocn yreftmdeJ 1If not satlslled. 2Alcume Suippies Regd., Box 114. ruy Que. Uteuatc aisor Neuitisshold tr Dlxu's Rmedy Munol)-rugStore, , 2 Elin OtZlWa. atad$0. CI PPOi$TU- HilN 1T 1 S 1FO131t W)OlMEN ,BE A H-AIPDRESSER lOIN CANI-AAS' LEADINCI SCHOOL thousada suceest liavel enadustes. Âmïencs'>s greateet systenl. tllustrated cata- logue frea, Write or Caîl If1ilVIL A1rilEDRE sIN 0 SCIO)LS 29851Boor st. w.. Turonto EBranches: 44rKing St.. Ilamînlten & 74 Rideau Stree, ,ottawa ~$~RToeESPATE1{& d0NT Pae4 To'ronito..- Buoolet ef Information un request. cnp oao f blýackheads and impleo hilt tutee.Lave ou ovor ulaht.Reteular sIZE, $1.110.Trial size,00. Guaranteed. ÏSm- perlal $adustrlee, 1'. Box "901, nipg U.'S.A* 211 1if1,h Ave. , 4w ont City. TEACHERS WNE ABEREEN ud llummer Townshlip Schol Arai u.$;wauted oeepublie sebeeol t"eher., Pro tatant. Apply, etatiug quaIfCicatIons ýIAsu D slr e~pcte, 0 Ewar McunsSec, -Leoburo," WAINTED WANTED te pucas ullets elIght weeks to layiný. ours breeds or Ihybr-id ýcsses. Âdvise aEe, number sud pries5. Apply Box Nuo. 12, 119-lOIS'hSt., New Turontu. Onit Free? Me Too! FroInbehiind the,- Europeaîî Iron Curtain seeps ithis jeke that le be.- in g pa s sedC around-under the brat-b te "halppy" peoples of Lastern Europe, A prspeousHugarian meýrcI- ant, BennýIy Cohien by naine, Iý nounices te his friends that hiésý,- aBbout to e ~part on a businiess tcr": oif the Balkans. Suire enloughi, weklaterisBuaetfin e ceived a- postcard: "reetiuigs frow FreeRumaia."This is fol- lowed by postcard.s ith greetings from 1,Free EBulgaria anid ram F Yugoslavia. Two imontheis lter a postcard arrived from ToroDi(.nto. It is aigneii e tingsfrom Free Class A certificate rqie Modern up-to-date pirmises. Top pay8 -our day Aïpply-SERVICE MANAGER MOCUNT PLEASANT i MOTORS LIMAITED Toronto'c 0Oldeot Chryser- PlmuhDeal.ers phone IHY. 28 nevor ent out any 4 e npaI WaS oo ters of ber blod- tb.at needed akttention. Shie used Dodd'a Kidney Pilatai nce. Tht isnpro-ved actin- ef her k'sdn-eys lbelped t. clear aivay blood ïnpurities and excess acide. Fatiue, backýacbe, he--acla ack of snergy dis- aýp!peared. Dodd'e Kidne-y Pille contain essentilal e and medicinal ingredients Èhat att direl uponr the kidney-and lil toethirnormal action. 14 Dodd's idneyIIIs CLASSIFIE» ADVERTISI NG M 1 ..........

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