With the Movie SAnd Radio Folls ,y GOace Sharp s-Opinipos as to wblat conlstitutes reai l hurnor dfe-wdlof 1couirse, and myeyou'll bid a lau-gh ié tgiis--if you il ook hard eniouîgb Any- way, a Hlyodpress agenIt thought it unny enongh to Ad ont; and if enough nofns move froltumoista uise it, he'1 l bave got what A waaccord(ing to said,A recenltly 1Fred jAstaire ,vas rcstîiog betwecn dances on a set for bis new picure "Tie Barklcys of Bmad- wa"ndtoid nE fa conlversation Wed ovrbe r beecn two tite extra girls ini the p1iture.'- "My fiace" sidthe first Pbas been "dig arou dlig everbodytbat he~s going to lamry he nînt beau- tifllgirl .in (the worci ld." Towhicbh thic other promptly repuied! What a dirty shamel-aitcr 111l tbe years he's been going arond j vtExyon, my dear" 1 thiiiuk, imyself, tha t Mm. A staire, woutld dolc better to stick to bis; danc- onpwbih isa lot anppiertoan is allcged humor.Hwvr it ail beipa to 611 up a section of yawrting space, and l'in sur-e thePresAgent woild like nue to mrention tuat Ginger RogersT wil.i bc Fred'a dancing -Part- Ple ner b tis cùêsing opuis. On a reccot Sna vnn heard, for the fimt itirne, the "ie away" radio shocýV alld "Stop tCe Musi"-te ~mngamin case you don't aireadiy kniow, wb.ich cnt down Fred Ai l' isteinilig audience by two-)tbirds almnoat ovemýnigbit. 'vc already writteil sevemai timeis abouit wht a menace sucit prgrams aire a legitirnae aircensoannetand bfy the tne tisreachies yn they maky have beeni bannedç, or hiad their wiogs Closely Cmpped, by tde pow- ers that hu. sianply becanse Ihapced teo be *ý ,7 1 orthiern OnteiamiýIýo ot whce ! oniLr portable onie-lunigeýr would oni'y br-ing ini a very ew, stations. Aind mry personal feeing , after lbeamîntg it, lia atthjespnsfi-t e me whoç pay the feigt-muiist be verY Iib)eralmi-inded men, wbo don't -caJr.ý1e mncb if tbiey geýtvan for their maoncey ornt, or ieïse have a vry cnýrt deal ME cash tut sbypisr to get rid o)f. ýhat I arming te get as is ehs. jp tbeclMuse,"bas-or had- W vajtous sponsors, ove for ecd 15. mtnte s-lce of a onle-hour show. Now, aiter lesa than a -week, 1 Cali r(tee'mber sevemal of tbc pri zea that were being givenl away, snicb aS a 2-year snpply nE rozen fon o famrily of onr,ý-a thouiaand doll1ar, or xmaybc 1à was five tonan, ia- mond ring and tinga of tbh,-t sort. ndIcan fainitly mcal t -hat the aponisor for the npci)e,]ng and ciosinig quarter-boum pedawas a certain welflknown band oni American cig- arettes. * 1' * utfor tde vemy liseofEme 1 c-. not irecal wbat poduocts weme as- vertised-- on Periods Tbmee and Foun-. 1 rath-er think thlatOnue nf thern wa some sort of soap powder and thse othier a bracelet nE anmile kinid, but their namnes b-ave entirely eacapcd nae. And, if tbat' gond avmiig Il take vanilla or Jack Ben; or even "'ii e Cani Be Beantifull", Eaastborunile Town, Coun'cil pmroi-. bited t'le sho-w ehtimely. Croydon Towni Counicîl decidecd to allow it to, bec hwn, aihougit elswbcmein te smre counity it washaed Bristol asked for two more unles to be del- ted, but Beckenhamr approved it "as la", Bimm-.ingbýam1- asked for thr-ee Short cults, bujt aredte indu- abiw ni a col'e ni scelles wii anme of the othiers had efuised. An;d The Watcb Committcc in ýCwcatle laid it don that on ebild unider six- -teesn, whietbcraco aieornl COte e cte film. Soundsa abtscrewy? lben iae to titis. Sir Cedric Hardwvicke waa Pan~.ks omig Up !-Mýrs. Leslie Dallas ol very vSpirit of concentration as she bIuliiy stirs récent pancakc-making contcst. lt' robabljy unnew0 tte:lIynU that Cndaswogo plso Onjs for drea dingte ecrt o u Witr.For intan ete xr coldwcte in thle winter of193 34 dlid so mucb damage to orebiards !in Ontarin) and Quebec tblat pro- lion barrels. Tbat' S a whole lot of applesaliu, ando joke ,int dd BuatCaadin eperts in] tbe culti. vation of ruittrees havebe nk ingontIll obemfor years, gro-c,,, ignew varicties wbicb they e Lxpect wi elp cOmnercÏ1ia growers to bati te initcr skiillsom1etb1ing whlich ,wiIl have(the ffect of pusb- ling stll fartber nýor-th our apple- Rusia vrieties nf trees prodluce poor 'tuality frit by l)our tnad -btwbcn Cana'dian varieties were budded don hbardy Rtssiatypes the apples wcrc ail tat c ncle - sired, and tbec trees provcd tobe eýxtra fotrsitn.More than thia, the-se trees Secm ,to. be immnn to, tbe colar rot whicht is sncb a plaguce in enstleru Canadian orcbiards. The Piest successful of ithese new aàpples is clldMainsobetusNo. 5, wh!ich is, now bcbg distribulted to nurserymnen for extended trial un- der commriercial condition1s. It la avery hryapple aind ikely to prove of real alu ùtoour grow- era; 50'twod seem that anme- tbing _gond, in addiion te borscht, cao cone ci of nEussia after ail. Down in-,Massacbusetts, wbiere tbcy really knnow the-valueof gond Answer Pays Oflf-Whiie'she wvas maig cili, sauce Mrs. Gordon Thlomias of Chatham, Ont., wvas called to theï phone. It wvasaHlywo prize con- test M.C. on the othler en1d, and whe-n h gave the correct anSwer to the qulestion aýked, Mrs. Thomas wýont an awvard oi an al-expense trip thog te United SÉýtts. RELIEF FROM ECZEMA A Lady weiz ,, I hadEczmna bemk ouf on, My Ieo ed td.sd almo1Si eyerflhing, btst H did no00d. Thon, I lrid Moccu and lot r.eohom 1the. iuadng, und Itching. I cunnai spak Io hlghiii c Mocea, Toronto s the the batter in a paýtsturage , records shlow tba t -thit moire progressive farmilers of the state are a,1pplying an average :ii $1894 w ýortb of chemical1 fertifiz--r 1topsur and hay crops for cvcry becad of livcstock oid coough to graze.,A number of leading dairy- men go ecven further than this, using as mucb, as $32 Worth per animal unit during 1947. Be-st recits were obtaincd wlien sucli fertilizer treatmneots arc ap-- pliied wicyear -ly-te beaviest and rnost imprtanit bheîignade in carly fali to give cIove-,rs and grasses a good stamt bfoewioiter, and the second application ii0 sýping rigbt after tbeflrsýt cutting of bay or, witb pasture, foilowing the first grazing. Altbougb maybe 'it doesn't exýactiy belung iii a farm columu, 1bcmc's wbvlat migbt bc real news for tboDse wblike tbe writer, bv ennS iciug "ailv r, teds amongth gl"onl top of the nIýdogg. (Matter 0of faýct 1Jvc been tiig 00Wtb "slvr rpreseo1ts ;about 99 per cenit of the crop). tions md by tbiree doctors ait a New Ymkcollege of mdiclinile, common table sa1it hlApacheck graying hair due to Iack nof certain vitamrins. Waiter, pusb over an- other saît-cellari As for you 'bald hleads-nlotinig to report a yet, altbou1gh I did suee'anitem about a man wboc tried rniîbbnig lbooey on the niakcd pate and tbcoi letting a dog lick it off. * * A Nomw, sornictlioig for th)e poitry raisers. According to those wbo sbould know about sucb tinsit ia nf the uitînoat importanîce that the laying bouse sbould bhe thor- ougbly cieaoed and isetd be- fore mnoving your pules into it iu tite faîl. Droppings, litter qandlothier m ateriai sbould ble rernioved with shovel and scrapcr and the waii-ds, ceilings and floýor setwibastif Aiter that thle loorsoudb thom)olglIy aoaked So tbat aoly re- rnainling dit can b scrubbed off. This ahould ibe ollowed Lby scrub- bing wails, floor and fixýtures witbr a soüIlutioni made by dissolving onie pounid of lye iin thirty gllonis of hot waiter. Wbien this Pla dry, àt la Wise to appiy a gonddsifctil sucb as lye bn twn or tbrc per cent solution, chiorinated lrim b 1the Proportion of six ounicea to ýeacb gallon n' water, or nunE thfle many commercial preparation's available. Crackzs and corners sbiould nt bc negiected, as these mnay povide cnzy bidiog places for parasites and dis- case germa. Last Sunaday mnoring thre oITus went to Mýalton air-port. Two of us came backý. At 8,:40 am Cicely tookl to theý air, on the first Lap of bier tranis-Aýtlan tic fflght. By nooni next day she wouild be i Engian1d, even thougli she hatd six bours to wait iniM tra  S IJwtche he plane disappear initu thie blc it semdimp'ossible tbat sbe sboid ie bere nue day anid at biorne tbe luext Buý1t su iti- ldier visit, like al gond tbiings,lbas corne to an0 end. Now thede vis andicbcken"s- catsan kittenls, aIl look at mrie ini surprise wen Ifeed tbem ibecause Cicely b)A ad akn bcnover com- pletely . Wbat beri pet coJane,ý will thiink o herl sertln idon't know-and i arin ont lk to findl out becauseiti Partne,-r, notI. wo bas takcin over Jane aan Last week w rally ba)d quite a bectic timec, crowdinig in as mucbLl as we could in the ,littie tîne itbat waýs ef t, a1nd of cour11se tbere wa's regular work to be done1,aswcl We rniauagcgd to get a bushlel of toinatoes inito jars bteoga1dding and entertaining. One day we went to t 'he 'x and, as far as I. know, it ,-as tbe only tbiin g in Canada>'tbaut Cicely didn't like. Sbe said it was ton noisy, ton commercial, ton untidy and ton colossal. 1 Was disappointcd at bier reaction-and she certainly didn't see anytbing wortbwbiic bie-> cause -tbe noise and tbe crnwvds worried her so mucb that sbeý wouldn't stay in any building lonmg enougb to find out wbat tL.1erc wa'ýsj to s(e. So we carne bome-bly train, -a lot earlier- tban bad hen ur original intention. 0f course tbere is ndenying the fact tbat tbe Exhibition is ter- ribly noisy and tbe litter ail over tbe grounids sirnply appalling, but TIEST YOUR 1. Q Hecre are the bcgiîunings oif some farnots quotationsý, together witbi tile nrnes of the atbors or sources, Ynut are to try and give exactly tbe fecw ,,words tbat follo, Wbe youi've doue tbis, cbcki witb the correct answcrs youIli finid prinited iopside down bclow. 1. KIPLING-"lf you can keep your bead wbictxail about youj . . ý 2. SHAKESPEA-RE - "'Thbe quality of mer1c:y is niot strainied. 3. THE BBE"Piegoctb before destruction 4. TENNY'SON -Snstand evening star i. LNFLL W -" ifel real! Life is earnest!.. 6.111,TON-"Tlicy also serve 7. PBROWNING -"Grow old along witb me!t S. McCRAE-"Io Flanders field the poppies grow . . ý 9. KEATS-"A tbmtg cof bcauty i% a loy forever. . ." 10. GRAY - "Ibhe ploughman honeward plouighs bis vweary vway Il. SCOTT- Bate tbr a m-ian witb soul an dead wvho neyer to hirnclf ath aid.. l.SHELLEY -"Hlail to tbiee, blithe spirit! . ANS WERS notI; pila .gi t : putiaE ~'ÇuM £iui s!~il ïf :ili i0 , 55tIUZ -3jjIEp .0;.P[joÀM tItp s-tiAEtiipuV '01 atisti.out stiqa& j -6 :"VO1 no miOJ'satiSOn Dti ;)DUtItiMti 8 q @qO; IQX 91;ai 18q 111'L :;EA Pu' Pu-Pis Xîuo 01M -9 :IEoB 8S;! 0t1 si! ".T puV i' r ýàopDq .qda Lq , Vp UV -8 :u;iAUoitj1mow;julin oaq; ste 1ddoip 4T -Z 7:nof n; stili tbe fact remnains tbere la plentýy to see and rnuicb te Icaro if we c-an but shttnr cycsa and, cars to wbiat is unidesirable. Next Wedesaysomie -nE us hope to go again aitbongbi Partner is showving aiguis of backinig ont a[read-cy. He says she is afraid tole the farmi for vcry long because tbe b orses aoid cattie nieed so rnuich watcbing aud waýterinig witb tbie continnedc dryý weactheri-and there is always the danger of firle nof knwnorigin. A ncigbbour bad a grass lire stait ini bis lane the other daiy-and o one knew bow it stairted., Fortun- ately tbey, soon haid îit-under con- trol. But supposing eerynne on tbat farm hýad bcen aýway to the Exbibitin1 Ciceiy and I had onei day 'i To- ronto tbat shle eiioyed. it was part- ly buinss )t cbleck eon ber plane reservation, Wben tbat r was donc wýe Iad tea at tbu Arcaia.n Court because I wanted ber to se tbat Tor-onito could pttupi)somethiog better tban aý hot-dog lunlch couinteri Then w we -t to Locw's te sec "A Date witb judy". It wýas quite ligbt but gond. and we enjoyed it. Tben we were abown over a To- ronto Conservatory of Music and listened te several violin solos.\NTe also visited witb rny sister and> nepbewu, ntil late and tbien, because we stiil bad tinîe td kilI we looked ver 1:b- Royal York. I wanited to shlow Ciccly what Toronýto huad te offer in tble way of first class hotel acmmodation and, if my mcmory iâcao be relied on, 1 believe the, Royal York cao maitch or surpass the Ritz, tbe Cecil or tbe Carlton- in London. Finally we weodcd (jur 1weary way te tbe railway station aind at 2 a.rn. we arrivcdbere at our local station. 1 bad told Bob not to mneet us as wc did nt know how or wbeo wc sbould get borne. Tbat sounded aIl rigbt by dayligbt but at 2 arn. the' fact tliat if no taxi sbowcd op wc shon Id bave te walk over a miile dido't se-cm sntcb a gon(-d idea. But we wec lucky. A taxi-driver paIss- ing by vsa'w thle train pull in ald on tbc cbancec that lie igbit pick up' a fare b1U waited. He got bi are aIl right, Partuer just iniformeid -me th'at a hgbht sprinkling of ramn is rnaking itsclf felU. We hope it pours and pours. 'The cdrouiglit is awfuily bard on botbi bcasts aodbra Yctedy aoticed twAo pairs nI bitterosý circling and cimcliog around bere, obviouisly lookinig for wvater. As for tbe c ows tbey bave (dropped off i0 their ni ilktrerieuidonsl.y, Farmers On a milk quta atnrally biave to fùeed thicnýws iii tie haroi --or buy mnore cowvs. And water. there is a trucker in tbiis district b is busv ail the tine, truckîng water. Wec bougbt a thousand gallons o, ur- selves last week anjd dumped it ioto the cistero. For wbhat's the gond of a bathiromi if the water- works mun dry?ý Took a Long Time Mobaned aha,90,rcceivcd a di- vor-ce i0 Cairo from bis wifc icf he saine age. He told thecur that tlleir- married lie had been balýppy 1 for sixty-seven ycams, uintil la1st weck wbn ae dernanded 3m pias- tres (15 for a new,1 dress. ,Sbe iS ton xtavgatierconicluded. MR. PILE SUFFERER Whiat a yast ditferenice here is la the modern way to treat Iles. The nieeesstty of removins Uthe seal ecause t. anis plain eeMIMon sense. The anew PYLTONE treat. ment (a liuid t-aken hi' mouth) goas direct te, (the inside case. Seiigums, Plant extracts that hetp nature àrcbuiiil those delicate tISSUeS. PYLTONE Pile, Treatment is sceece's iiflwer,. St igets vou satis- factors resuits withi a anc hottie trial or price refunded at once at ail modern dmnggists. II PENNY B£l-/2- H , ceI I i %irqS,,P ý; (0wq-IoLîýre P. C1-ôc1pke