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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1948, p. 6

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WATGOES ON 'we e9 IN THE Spain Nmec and a ba7lf Years aLfter the ensd of the Civil a-htcnlc ,which iva's the, proIlude lu Worldi %'ar ToSanromiainis thie cita- îl;of fascismini] Europer. Ud er Gersýerah;ssimlo Franico ithe state is aprmanid thýce ienufretduo of press or of speechl. With the soie exceptioni of the Fascist Falang'e, al politîcl artesare snppressedl ,een outlaWod. There is said tu ho an tunderground (irosistlanico oe mnent, but thert aref'xv evîdenices that il amouilnîs lu Tory uch. 0111y onice, in ali litat period, bave these panliards fbeenil alowed lute'go bth ie pll.That vwas in Jnly, last year, when tb111y w 11 aked toj vote "yes" or "nu," lu a qetinastou vhlether i-tboy vapproved ofeta law whlichi formially miade Franco thie '1chief oftate", anid setiup ima- ehînlery by whicb bIis successor will bcho cenaIi (-lsome itant day. lTbe "ýyes" votes itnimbered some twelve and a biaîf million as comfpared to "n~"of juot over six hundred But juisî a week or su, ago the Cabiniet ordere-d anoîhier election to take p)laýce al in November, and thore bas ýbeen cosiderable spoecufa- tion in ther unations as to just what Franico is ulp tu. The genleral feel- ing is that the Spantiis1h Dictator wVants touput on i leastt a show of deorc.Fir'qt, bcanise il niight give Spain aLiboýtter chanjce lu gel a lseîping of the Entrupean Rocovery Program "ray" and second, ho- cause Franico desires lu, make, il miore dilliculIt for the United Na- tions Gener-al Assembly to put the Lîast un imi when it takes up the paihquiestion aI its comilîg Paris sessjin. Bttlu spîte of die fact that-, appaentl-theSpanish vuters wil be offered a free chioice, it seemIs pretty certain that when Novemiber- cones thecy will cast' eir ballots Pretty much asFraco ants-or clse! The United States. 'l'The Presidenitial camlpaigui*s ho- ginniiing tlu arm tip) uireal earnt, withi bothi Presidenit Trumllan and Govermnor Dewey suartîing oflf on their first major speakýing tour1s;an it Mo111d1takec alcain achinie cf the latest model to even b 1egin ta fgure the amiiount of uratory that Will lho Silled betwveen n1uw and th5, first Tulesdayv after the first 11 cnday(I lunovme"teday of the bloig Beýfore staroting uont thie Peî t at the Whiite Hlouse, received soein good nocws lu the formi of pledges fr7omim nportat labor leaders Ihat, ji spite of past differenices, organ- ixed labor's heaids werie for the Deniocratic Party. By a -vote -of 35 to 12 the CIO execuitive committe cýame onit for the Trumian..Barkley comrbinlation; and liho presidenit of thse Broýtherli(ood of Railroad and Steamiship Clerks bold the President that leaders of 7 million out of 8 million AFL nmomibers wonid wurk far hilm. It semns certain that twu issuies wilI play a largeý part ilu the Repub-, lican camipaigu - the presence of Conmmuniists in igh Places at Wash- ington, anid the highi cost of living. J'wo rnonthis ago il appeared as if De-weyvoilld \win handily; but right Pow it soemis as îhouigh hoe hFas a, real battle on his ýanids, and the gain- blers whu wore offering juiicy odids againist the Presidenit going iii again have cttheir pricos sharpily. Heniry Wallace-to continue the race-îrack lîavor--applears to ho rnnnîïlng ipere- ly for exorcise, althouiigh there 18 no dGi-ibt that Henry doesn't thinik so, or if hie dues, conceals bis real feel- ings Toy ell. Russia Withonc)t anly pretensions of un- derstlndini'g thle devionis wurkings of, tise officiailRssi n d, I imagine Messrs. Stalin, Vishinisky and the gcest of them miust have feelings simi- îlar 1to those of the disappoinited Irish genleman whýlo--lustinig for batle-ouln'lfilnd uanybody lu le, Udoos a 1m1an have lu o lu tstart a fighît in this lown anyway, Not lonig ago Gra Commun- ists-w,,ithi the asssiance of Russian military-inivaded the British soctor T rying té, koop tab on the m11ajor league basebaîýil situation isabu the samle ting as attempýjtinig to follo.w, and write -,about', î0Frie nch, poliical scene. "By thie time cyuur stuff gels imb print," a colleague whio writes cumments on world even)ts puts it, "yon're liable t o find youtrself about three Parisian crises and two new French cabinets ho- hind what's been happening." nwaat the present moment the twu Boston teamns are still leud- ing their respective loups - by about the width of a gnat's eyebrow -and please do not forget who pro- dicted, before the season started, an all-Beantc,%vn Wurld Scrics. And if the Braves should gel in, everybody and bis brother will be recalling the great days of George Staliings' "Miracle Team", su why not us? It was late in the season of 1912 that. the owner of the Braves hirced, as manager, une George Stallings; and. if you imagine that guys sncb as Leo Durocher are hard fighters. who will battle till the last ont and even after, we might tell yon that they are sîssies as compared to the sam e Mr. Stallings, as lie was lui tho, days we are writing about. The Braves, when Stallings took over, were about the most hopeless- looking aggregation that ever ap- peared in, Big League uniforms. George immediateIy started using- the. pruning-knife. with. mighty sweeps and no regard for hurt feel- ings; arid when the 1913 season be- gan there were only four of< the previous crop left-"Rabbit" Mar- anville, George "Lefty" Tyler, Otto Hess and Hank Gowdy. Stallinge. used something like fifty different, players that year, shi'ting bis mon like one of these chess experts play- ing twenty or thirty gamos imu1- taneously. When thecampaign was over the Braves, niuch to every.- body's surprise, had struggled from the cellar of thée National Loague up to a dizzy fifth positioni. By the time the 1914 race began Stallings had added ta the lino-up the one and only Johnny Evers- one-time koy-man in the Tinker-to- Evers-to-Chance combination - a scrapper of highý degree who was installed as second baseman and field captai. But in spite of this the, Braves started off distinctly "on the limp" winning but' four of their first twenty..two gamos. In basebal they have a belief that the teami on top wh en the Fourth of Jnly rolîs around is very liable to cup the pennant. On July Fourth, 1914, the New York Giants were in first place, with a fifteen- game lead uver -the Braves, who were lait. Thon, il of a sudden, things began lu happen, and on july l9th the Braves climbed from eighth place to seventh., Thein, when they had'ascendedl to the fouirth runig of the Iadder, the Braves feIl into such a hitting slnmlp that onily the work of one of the Most remarkable pitching'staffs in h istory kept them fromn dropping clear out of the beagne. There were only thre of theim-Dicky Rudolph, long a favorite with Toronto fans, Bi11 Tiames andJ"Lefty" Tyler. Stalings worked themn in order, wlth onily two day s or less of rest between oaých muund appearance. How well the trio did their duty is seen by the fact thbat for fifteen con- secutive gamets tho.y held the oppos- ition t0 an average of one run per game. The rneasures the Braves. had ta take in order 10 wln games some- limes reached the point of despera- lion. Arthur Daley recalîs one after- iioon when, in a late inning of a scoreless tie affair, they'somehow managed to fili the bases on Babe Adams 'of Pittsburgh. Little Maran- ville was the next 'man up and Stal- ings ordered hlm lu get on, no malter how. So "The Rabbit" sirnp- ly stuck out his head and allowed hînself tn hébencnked by one of steadily to the initial sack, forcing in what proved tcu be the only run of the gamne. By Lab1or Day the Braves were tied with the Giants for flrst place; sud -with a morning - afternoon, outble-heiader scheduled against thse Ncw iYorkers,' the domt1and for tick- eýts was suo greýat thIat they borruwed Feniway, Park-homneoiofthecir Ami- enican Leaguie rivais, the Red Sox, and holding fair more peupfle-to play it iu. Dicky Rudolph pitched the morn- ing game, against, the immortal, Christy Mathewson, aud when the Braves came from beind (lwith two us. lu thse ninth, to ivin 5 mus lu 4, they w ere iu first place. But thiat afternoon Jeff Tesreau lont- pitched Tyler, and the race was al k(nottod iup again. Thoni, thie follo-,v ing day BibI Jamnes tosseLd a dazzlîn-g' three-hitter, which was more fthan "Rb"Marquard, for tIse G(iants, could matchi. Once more Thei Mir- acle Te-aml was on top, and this lime lu stay. The dazed Giants, stili not roalizing that it was al 100 true, practically chuclced il. When tise Forms Cabinet-Herri QuLeulille smiles in Paris after telling reporters he ccetd Presi- dent Auriol's re-quiest to form a à a French caiinCbnt seasoil ended Mi-, Stallinigs, uiibe- lievable >Braves were penntanitwi. ners by no less thain ten ald a hiaif glimes., Vý- have no space to tei.lieo the Braves went on and foled the' ex- perts, who almost unanilisly said that they> should be charged admiis- sionl to get into thei saine parký with the PhliladIcelpia Athletics,, and swet te WrdsSeries in four straýight games, y fomTrent canal D'ARCY HILL 0F LAKEFIELD, ONTARIO, big'un-conscious yoongster t. surface afier diving tbree times Atbis borne in Lakefield, noar Peterboro, Ontario, D'Arcy Hill isad just started ta reniove bis work clothes when a sbrill cry, cooing from thse direction of tise Otona,bee River, pierced the air. Dashing 300 yards down tise wouded patis, he carne ta the sheer, cement-walled bank of tise barge canal. Atilrst he could see nothing ... anod theoni, suddeffly, ho nuticed a few bufles rising ta tise surface. Immetdiately Hîi- lduo'e int a 17 fret of rnuirky water. Swimmaping ta the bottum of tise canial he founid a bicycle. A. leakîng air valve had caused tise bubbles.. and Hîilb was certain that tise rider must be somnewisere near. Corning ta the surface for air, the rescuor made two more dives ta the bottum. Despite tise heavy undertow fromt a nearby power dam, ho finalîy located tise un- conscious body of a 12-year-old boy and brougist hlm ta tise sur-, face. Eight foot of bare cernent wall faced the roscuer , .. so he began tise slow, difficuit swim ta tise canal entrance. L-uckily5 belp arrived within a few min- iptes ... and soon tise boy wýas In tise hands of a etoctor. Tisat young boy is alivo and well today due ta tise bravey and cool efforts of D'Arcy iil of Lakefleld, Ont. We are proud ta psy iim tribute through tise presenfation of Tise Dow Award. TrHE DOW AWA RD iý a ctation f&r otsnaniding ihero- ùm odd ncluts, as a tamgible ixpression of dppl-efiaticn, 'e $ioo Ca"ada Savirs Rend. Wire saie lected by tht Dow Award à mi 4 pou f ef r fl~i i aBdd1in newsPapers. belf J uJJ si ss,55 theuvsurfacej,, 46-yeart-old D'Arcy H-ilI dove intQ 17 feet of dark, murk'y canal water. The sheer, cernent wall was impos- sible ta climb . .. sue Ml1 swarn with thse unconscious boy towards tise canal entrance. Fortunately, others soon arrived and helped tbom ouft of tise water. BA-ISSA ICI i E N TOTH07MEDVI/W ADI-AD A ~i~rC t C [Sussex. Any ltge fcom ight weato layin Box ~. 1, 12 121 Strptue -Toront, nt. [j yP.E1N C ANO LAN9 MAi51!O anthnsneeda ysnsor ecan~ I.? Wriýte t. os foc information ïWe are gd to answer tour questions. satnn 5. 8srlersye Works Llmted, 791 rolige Strse.t. Toranto., Ontarae 1FARzs IM ORSALE 20-CR ARM ineirale( ca!té,w good lbanS ,barn",gndtam oue en acrles oo rood od uniewater. os mile trom villagesto, stores,chces school etc. Ownsr retiring. Immneduate pos- sesin GogeK, r RB 1 EhlOt. 320 ACRES 1ay nm,10cla balanlce nssor. Wodan' im w-rd hy stcem ous, ot-uidig)ondjep -l'stel stnho.28 headbo aia.Hyr rssure PRODUCTIVE DAIRY FARM 11$Acces. renan ae, nar ligblway o 12 peddgrain n lvrfarmt, fl Ioiodfr arhdo, la rgetraiorfieda.s room fambosfnce nin watsr. LLOYD LEr RLEPREsENTJINO .AWLLOUGHBY and SONS REALTORS SEAGBAVE. ONT. PHONE PORT PERRY 115R,11 FOR SALE ina l-ts b lbum 316ï I, 120 1 or ai. sarted Pcklage 20c Dscor-edges. 25Bous- geais. Montseal 2. HI-POWERED RIFLES Wtsfr new ist, a and oncs CPESAL.ES cip. MC ue.So Otawa. ont. LIVE bresëding mrnil for sale, standard. tsilver- blue, pastelsý and half-hlod slehupelt pnîces. Write tae rwln Gr,ýeensp)oon. 46 Glen- adnRdU, Tornto. - "PRECISION"' VOUER CHAIN SAW sulta!ble fr cuine alltpsn od Eight different typesmaufctre. Il oing the well-k-nown and cehiable 31/2 hp. Pe- sIen rcnled. -cycle neor inM-ediavte deltvery PORTABLE chopping minils. conssing nif'Vas- ent iA" gbnderdrivn b Jon Deere 5.p. power uit ýmointed oNfItfleIs eaqf truck. Walter W. Burkholder, Markhiam, Ont. 3 mota6.0 aae8.2 olice Co11li mals I monýtha. 07.180, femal 54.0, ie coli, ready 1 tran 1.0 tmi 60.Parents, ef these posa ,will ob isfor cattIe !ikle mmn.Tmand% as& oiecttsdmg 2 sars oid, wIl scifce$50, eal mtas gondï Morriaboc,,,Ont NEW MAýCHïINE1S, Ms ars6 fI. o1e IVy"" sa.6 fL.Gri Bndr o2mvFrtl i.e paerr,1f,. TalrPlow, lused macines., , 5f t. cnmc Bne.2 n MCmielisc Dciii, Iaomel .Trc toc DisePlwAppîs Cha. B.Craig &Sn COM. 1 COBNEL, Bg.1 Da.waona ole son s $ 2501 bui. Powe,ýcceae.odnLsl, Acten, toneBckwodober- deliery 11il;aW'ere1Rt.1, 1Pnwasslan, BAGS AND TOWELS ds ugr 2dosn.Supumttrea -0.0each. Form- ln ad.25eotae DEuT. W, BY-PRODUCTS SPECTACLES LENSES REUBE S AEMAIL same ay as reevdPlastIco rams ded as olor. TROTTIER TRACTOR OWNERS while euomn.fulilîurtated Weave for immoediate delivery PotatO dîggera. cd- won ,d sawt t,11,1ersfertlizer broadcaaters. 5015e 101h barows. tc. Order 00W before pries býIcees becme effective. Truck & '1'cactoc Euimeio. Lsd . , alîshnre Rd., at MmoTorto 14,On WAR SURPLUS TIRES New 00 a19 tacto tirs. b tread $7,52, stanardtrea 0892.Likýe oew' 600 ex le stndrdtead $85I 2eiý lmnud and snow), tca 09 2 6sadr read. $l1.Sli aentca. 1.5 rce fother car and trcStre adtarpauqlins on reenjLeat Remit 10% on Odes or seýnd fl,1 amount and save Eataiiaed 120.122John,1r1 s Toronto. LEARNllalrresslg theRoberta9nmethod. lnformnatLIonion requel st rgrîsclassez. Robertsan>'s Raaldressns Aesdsmy, 127 Ave- nue Ra.Toronto. ALEXANDRA MARINE & GEN ERAL HOSP'ITAL 1oerc,.Ontario EBOURS eeral duty NURSES& Oood ealaryî,-idea ing ondîtînna. Ap It to t$i SaISEc", YOUR SEL d Bry suffere Elgin,,Ottalainoatpald 01.80. PROVEN REMEY-Every1suferero hn maiePan o Nitios shul tcyDio Bemedy. Munro su t ore. 125 Elgin. OPP>lI'LITESF()R WoâMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER SIN i C% N AD AS LADTI NOSCBOOL Plasntdtnlbe rofessýtion, gond wagss.ý thausandasoce-safu' l Mavel graduates. Amsrics' .ratosst vstem flustnsîed catR, i.lgue res. Write or Caîl SIABVEL HAIBRE-SSING 31A8Bloon St, W.,. l'onno B3ranchies: 44 King St.. Hmîltan &74 RIdeu tretOtaw PATENTS lt'EBEBTONUGB& Compsany, Patent Sa- lîcîtors. SstabllsBed 1850, 14 King We2t. TôroInta.11111k'111 flinformation ,on reque8t, Theý, Tower of (,Loio's niew flag.- sta 'ff, cnit front aDouglas fir be- lieved to be :"89yer old, was bronghtiniito service last weekl-, whenl it took the pl1ace of the-staff whlich had stood n the Whîte TSwrfrom 180 s l 145 Thiene flagstlaff is al gif tfru Britishl Colnmliilia. Wencnt the(, trewas 158 feet long. 1Th fin- 1Ihd and wi-aitd flagsoaff meiasure'qS.85 feet,abu 10 feet of whichi is embedded il, the rouf. _________9__ 0good achineslhot Water 615.00 each. OIL, GREASES. TIRES, Ore Bormn' band eower lippnmachine Escl leleutric Pence Gnrfeu eryn-e, used only once $12,00. 'id BarD Paint Roof Coatings, e2Desi wo brsebakesgondA condcition heavy whiteý srs ante Wrie Wace GesseS 01 im dul, 000thepanir. ý?p anted ýiý niOne Gem electrie Pene cotrolleýr used only e. ted. TàroGnto feiw months, insulators incîuded less Batteries AGNS àned, al ,nulisto ksefl $0 oI ur ppualpiedchlre i rber tlred n erlnlema oieFemale good wagos.t Rildie Krs eigh,et. Templr ac! onciclden$00,. aroe Sale, Boom 1102, G62 Bichmond , St.V1W. TorontroGrîoOt R.-eady 10 Lay also1tO Wseks ,'n") 34-5 âMothe. ROIN N SDN Floor ami Range rai, is ndeýr idea] conditions. ROIGADSDN AlsoFat hiea.Caaloues. i Pin I 0 FACTORY SECONDS Fres Bes laeai bargain onin e sdoubi you LAKEVIEW PQULTRY FARMS co el hîie fr00) tirai grade. l Hex EXETER, OTROgon ç6.75 . 122lb) . $15 uer ,,. '100 tt.> Rned, PULLTS. urebreea ad crss reeds, 8-green' blark and bend. l'us ava"ilable ia weeksb layng Sumer nd Falehioka 210 lb.n ps Guelph. O)nlario $55 ec s't. 60 Oh. ed nnly $L75sec sqj. POULRYKEPERScaocash f1Ilin egoi 1ý" thî-sInaite riksiding $8 915 se. eggmaret y oderng6 t e ut ..SBoIl ,rik;idinigin lced or buff 01.10 nec ýo. 0w red o esnbi rmtsimn. O.FB. Factcry oû- mito.Delivscsd pie end mc oCelia't adodrao.Odrwihdtîs iclroin reuneat n cýhic1's5owforico, rdiiey àbc JnsLumbi)er comay Hm , Ot Bca lathsr. 30Joh NHailtnOn.3 PIECE BATH-ROOM SET $120 PULLETSFe lmlgcaaoubtaon l egs, 1vWeeks ta Ready to bt evra beea ai atacistsbain, nacescditos ras. Senor ponce lia, and reeda. il ncsac ipe'àn, cîttnga tfocrlmb HURONDALE -A 11ba1, .Man lmbg& Ileating. 3Qýii CHICK HATCHERY t axneSt oîal1 SEVERL Fara 20Io 200 acces, severa2 LONlDON, ONTARIO wt GsWelia on. icg n $50.00 a tsar PULTS tweko1 aingla puce reeý1(ds each. Somie with stock and Implemenîs. Ai, and ahed umraiUalClk ee and. those 11on on ighway on gond atone btatc'>hed eore ce aalgeTweddls roads. ' ý àcmaand ses tbemi . RMoore, Broker, , Chlck latchenes l itsd. Fergus. Ontarin Jiohin WiesaemnBox 22, Jarvis, Ont.

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