New ontrbuton rtesfor Are eflfez-live October 4, 1948 The newVlu of The nw cotribtionrate areWEEK-'LY RATE Wel Class Class of Emnployed Persons- Employer Eymploýyee tm 0 Whiile earning less than 90 cents a day or Cet Cents Centss while unider 16 years of age ...................g........... 99 1 (*ýPajd on his behaif by the employer) 1 Earnings in a week: $ 5.40 to $ 7.49 18 12 30 2 Earnings in a week: $ 7.50 ta $95 . 24 15 39 3 Earnings in a week: $ 9.60 to $119 24 18 42 4 Earnings in a week: $12,00 to $14,99 ............... 24 21 45 5Earnings in a week: $15.00 ta $19,99. 2 24 48 6 Ear n in gs in a week: $20.06 to $25,99-..... 30 30 60 7Earnings in a week: $26.00 ta, $33.99.ý 36 36 72 8 Earnings in a week: $34.00 or ............. 42 42 84 Pj:Weekly and monthly rated employees e-arning $3,120.00 or mor-e a year are not insured. Oni and after September - 20, 1948, new denomiînations of UNEMPLOYMENT iNSURANCE STAMPS will be on sale at POST OFFICES, Surplus stamps of old dentominations may be exchanged at Post Offices any tirne prior ta October 31, 1948. EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 4, 1948, INCREASED BENEFITS ARE PAYABLE TO CLAIMANTS WITH- DEPENDENTiS. THERE ARE OTHER CHANGES AFFECTING BOTH EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOVEES. For fui) particulars, appIy to the nearest office of THIE UNEMPLOYMUENT INSURANCE COMMISSION R. J. TALLON Commisianer j. G. BISSON Chief Commissioner ORONO ELEOTRIC Phone .55 ry, LOrono WIRING Plie binesa pcaty FIXTURE~S a R -EPAIRS Te1 Wviring - -Riadios -Toa,.sters - irns Rangs - e-Paes - Ai! Eletrical Orders for FailiWiring shouild be considered now. See ERNIE, JERRY o EB "~ ~L. A GOVERNJMENT ANNUITY is -your safeguaird against dependency in your aid age. Prepcire for your future now4 -then you wi;I neyer need ta look back and say re- gretfully, "If OnIy . ... o' A, A ow-cos; Canadiain Governmentl Annuity y gaateyu as muc-h as $1200 a yeair f or lUfe. * No edical Examination isreued * Your Annuity cannot be Sz-ed under anly Iaw. 'iou cannot lose yoRDr money aven if your Paym,,,ntS fail into airreîr. * An6n~,fcom5 a8,ielgbe -LABOUR MaccNAMvIARA Dpoy hfe Mqil til roday POSTAGE FRE5 n Qovernent Ann uit!es, C. A. L. MURCHISON Commissioner STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Lorne-- Todd -iýth iMiss Doris MDnl' wshm for the week-end uat Stella. îMr. an'd Ms. Carl Todd nera ed friandýs to Sunda-ý'y dininer, the oc- casion bainig Bruice's itda. Mr,.ian4 MrSOre alla and MrninSta. 'Fa, a Toroto M.and -Mrs, Warrien Cas( na7, faiy aeat PýaVertlon Fuir last SaturdaY. Mr%. and Mrs. Af lbo n Mairy Lu ithMi% ndMrs. Llew. HPil.owell. lVllny attended thie so for Mr. and Mrs. James !Lo'wery on M4onduy avening, in Stark!vîlla eho. 1Mr. AIf. Dbsnwas h iToronior o n Mondîay. Mr. and Ms o tpeoNw Mr. and Ms lilil aio Newtonvillr i'.an M rsPos and Cliarlie, Oac, it r. and Mi.Morley Robinson. Mr. andi Mrs. Thas. Fallsspn a -few days with MWr. and Mrs. H-,i, old Littie, Oshawa, an'd tne h Fair. Shiloh tWomen's A-nciaimet at the home off Mrs. Lleiw Hallowell last Wadnesd'ay evaning, with i- tean ladies present. Miss K. Stew- art was guest speaker for the aven- ing, andi gave a talk on ber tnp to t Quebec. During thieevin, M Neil ,Serwart -faîe4cO ;vitlh ia scdos. . Mrs. Lorne aeeianti Mary Halqwuell asoheiped îh h po gramn. At 'th closýe of îthemetn Notice to Farmers If you waut us te ýrecmeve yourî dead farm stockl within an -heur without chaýrge (SALL US COLLE(-T'- Bowmanville 2679. For Cnippled THerseýs we pay as high as..........------ Aind for Old Hejrse,ýs as high as.......... ......3. O We are ab)!,-to pay teepniýes3 because we feed thýe meat teoulr own nmas MARGWILL FUR FARM R. R 1, TYRONE Telphoe:Bowmanville 2679., KENDAL s. T. h-idtc M pnIaf, Mrs. . Sehn itdbrs Mrt othAea~e setth Mre-ed it1 M. -d ia Bak ai] anM. 'n, i ooto', Mr. J-anbic,,M r. Palec. pintie, f Toantospn The '(dM) . Snih ad rs Loohred Piaî oiiinlwere itrsfouther ndMr. Mdter Ro.Bson of oer week-end.-t r.atMi ý w Mi. n mrs. M. Saoper. und Mrs. S. 'Pton pntte a wT Ms Chas. Topnanddrthur on 'Sun day ti n t elay eenn f1 The10Itobeoco hfayesJas be guthilerd in around Kenal fr J. sresan. Teio-e wLl be nre ork Ma r ard raMs. ob. yGfuo. M- ontor, andtwoaug-hers suent theiri, ae-nd u iV1i an M.W Bod sirnd called on lVtrw.aniMs M . pe. H ýk1'w!)i'a 'Muri. Sands.'ercysP-itto'nAof Orctono, alledonMr. n a',rd S.Mprs.S apdýer 'n sdad e nininof ud it- tihe fraitend's snohruna. Jus, liosîkin If Cato spI eru'ay b Csene rson. Hskaind Ms. J.Swor- dayt wee: Mf. awd Mrs Gad Mbo- Qhllaie n(andMrs. C. McQuabe'ýroia On n Snany isJa n oQuanr1-i., e MsCllsin, haisut'pesn (anuse l"ý in ltt ospta a I, NY, hsben peii'g an lighte tase be after a1yea!s a, sence.r Mns. Hoakin fids e wor amht inte ares'ig. ierýtn,-acii- weraste scene 0f1rtheagi planeiras on 10nda1.aTtenn oon Hast Wa Teihle wis thr1eî fl'yte o tescnerand a nesients nearby ee ik se u fraiya e hors tting ont nlfviou ta 3 inmale ifins neupating rt plane burting oint fiM's wben rnWa ýýirug Thýe pill at, Plt-t's lie Banr h ar ploting titis Vam- vpie Je.aicrt bat hs lif. 'Bi Curtai rcate h acie k ait te o thymeTohe W. 1I hiýseld n h Su'aday Sùin1-of oipo Wnesdoay, S'ýetemîbJer lSth, Mrs. and gaeta venyitretn a l- formaiv alk NIthVIo Ein Mr, and lMrs'. B. Ha nc famlily with Mdr. and Mrs.1 eocký, Wnwrh nS witfi i Mss ýRuth EBarker Thrlae ta egn Getlick adAnnmlue-ha 5h lluth Mrh s ataei sehool iin Ncw ('ls t 1e and and M3an- M- tifan 'Mrs. BuiFaneuocýk enter- tainîed teche ,aents and ups at a co.n rast on Tusday eving19 MVr. and Mis. J. Ma.e,-Leod, Winiii- peg, visited' t1he larte's sisýter, rs We are sorry ta epo ttatH- tor Mýiilison is in haa I'o spital, hlha ad az n cprto.We wisli Aum a speedy recvery. FURNITIJRE SALE Theunesgd bas received 'In- struction from MssFlorenice Co4bie- dick, to sceu hy Publlic auction art the Agricuitural 'Building, Park St.,! Orono, on the a fternoon of Sacturday, Octoer cid, commeneig at 1.*00 p.m.ý shrp er hu chl ffects,. Terma 'Cash. No Ruee. a Reid. AUctioneer,. tBOTTIES- use i t1he ik om.W l e, eral lepriced eci Seïberling anudMoorn flt atrBtis 1ugdcntutog uaLrantIIeed 2 rs ach 9-1j Sy Ibo lot Watuer Bottles, ýea'ch.........15 KANTLEEK HlOT WATER -TJ'OTThES Ilhry cauýlîot leak; becaiuse '(1-hky are iï(uuded lu u pee v are iiot plauzd Te re gu-arntpee forfie eas Assrted Types, each ........ $25t$37 Couhibnatîon Attachments for Hullt WVater Bt ELECTRIC IIEATING PADS illro approved, assure coùstant heat ftr any re-quired tme,3 eat adjustmrent for Low, IMedium o)r 1Hýigh Temnperature TO0NI-1 The Homýn-e Permanent WSave that really Yworks týe batiyhe hbafr. Easýy te- use, the kit is complete with clear instjructions feýrce- plete use, Here is everythinig te give c-yDurself aempeeprant Kit complete with Prfess2jinal Typie Plastic Curlers ....................$.50G Charles B.lTyrreli V»RUlfS Phoine 68 Smiall Plastic Covered Ný wi-th Pencil.... Taiylorý's Baby Bathi Soap AGENT FOR JACKIMANM FLOWURS -: Orono, Ont. ~#4a - ste, yf-ur teeth Ladies' Shurlene Jiose. Special per pair ...,39 Ladies' Cotton Vests with Strap Shouldcers, for..............65C anid 79e Chiçlrn'sFleeeed Sleepers, bNue orcinksizes J lto4, each.......... ..$16 Girl's Directoires, sizes 24 to 30, pi ....59C White Flannelette, yr wide, 5 yard,,7i ends .. $2.85 Timz Paper Draperies, in a goodt assort-ment o)f ptn and colors, ready to hnpi..$1.49 Telowels, part Linen, redI or blueceks each 39e, GROCERY FEATTJRES Cfhiver's Old Englishi Marmialadle, made In Enwg- land, 12 oz bottie for..........44 Vel-vet Flour for Cakes and Pastryv, 5 lb) bag . 9 Mother Parker's Tea, Orange Peko, ,1-2 l.... 52c Chocolate Chipits 'for baki-ng, de- coraingor Chipit Co)okies, oz pkg. for........29C ~ vory Snow, largi, Ifr, ... 6 NewvCh'ee se, 111M)d!b ......49e Kre-Mel Lemnon Pie Filler (Canada Starch CC) ,pk.0 Asparagus Cuttings, 12 4o-z tfin.. 20 Nabob Coffee, all' pur-pose grind, lb for ......,,.. 60r, Pie Crust Mixý,, just aidd wvater, m-ak-es 3 single pie crusts, pg 5 w- I 24e, 43e 73e. ORONO 5c.' TO $1.O0 STORE YOUR POPULARI SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Ewaijp AT1TENTION FAR] WE ARE PAYING." THE HIGHEST PREVATI[ - FOR DEAD OR0CRPiPLED FARMANT HORSES - - - CATTLE - - Telephene- C9lleetfrImdit ev Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Pineral Directors and rurnilture DeLWerg ZLCIS KINDNESS HOGS -------------- cou Equippe-d t. take care of t' reasonabi, charge as Most Telephene:, Office $69 SERVICE ,rai at the meut rgeat and 523 and 7U6 owmavlikOnt,