ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TIRT>Y3~TME 0 '48 Defore YouDBuild Se. ADAMS LUMBER COMPANY Clarke 1213A - NEWCASTLE Clarke 1213A1 Brick, Cernent, Ti.e, Lumber, of ail kinds (B. C. Ontarîo and Eastern Canada) Doors ('700 to choose from)', Nails, Sash, -Door and Window Frames, Gyproc, Lime (Hardwall, Finish- ing and Spray), Hardwvood Floring, Masonite, Tileboards, Wallboards, Asphait and Cedar Shin- gles, Roofing, Mouldings and Trin>, Plywoods, Fence Posts (Cedar and Steel) Fencing SALEREIT S Kik io 4, ('Con. 15 Manvers,1 rile eat afMcCrea's Gh'uchf.t'Wo selby pblc uc ïï o SFidy Oc-tober st, his hrorses, ctlfee-d andî impeet Ternis Cah.No Re-serve. Sale at 1LW p.nm. Jac-k P.e, Auctioneer, I have been atharîjZed b,_y MWilliam.j at 1.00 p5.m. sharp up t !Lot 21, Con. 9, Clarke Ta'wnship ,_,/ mlenorth Ca' Eniterprise anid 1/2 mile east,, on Moufo- day, coi r4th; '2 hoses 18cattie ansi 8 calves; ý2 sows and'19 chnàtsý; 7E liens; feed aund machinery, Termiis Cash. Nïo Reserve. 'ac Reid, Auc- tioneer. I have been authiorized 'by the e-xe- cutL-.ýor f he Estate of the late Rob- inson Bres. tb sel by pulcauc- tion ýat 12.310 p.mn. shar-p ut Lot 10 Con. 3, Cfarke Township. 1/2 mile Iwest af Crooked Creek and milje South, On PidalFy, Octeher 1st, 5 horses; 5 cows; 34 fat cattle; fieed, harne-ss, ful', hne af ipemnsand so'e nisellneas rtic-les. Ter nis Casnh. No ReesrviE.Jck edA - tionier. The unèersïgned lias rýeeeived i- strucetion from "Miss FIorenice Cobble- dik tù d by pulblic actian a't thle Agricul it auildin-ig, Park St., Orono, an thýe afternao(n of Sa-,turiday, Octaber 2nd!, commnecinig at 1.00 p.m. ,sharp, ber liubodefcs Termns CsNao Reserve. Jack Reid, Auc-tionreer.2 rMr.F~pnaan hite wilsel',b public auctjin t is fanri, 1 Conr- ce.ssion naorth o-f oo, an Saturdaqy, mracuh iney. SalÀe t omece u 1,0 "oclock. Tern-Jis Cs.Jack try fihe UWant AdJ. OunCf the Your bunker works A sa deposîtor or horrower, you value privacy in mioney matters. Youer banjker protects that privacy. Your banikiîg trans,,actions are flot open to the o-yes and ea'rs of your competitor, your neiiglbor, yoGur commtwun-ity, In other words, the maniager of your branch barmk and his whole staffT are wrigfor you. Contrast this Canadîinway with conditions in lands where freedomi is denied-where every bank is a poliical tool, every bonkee a publi officiai working for the State! Stato mGiiopoly of banking, proposed by Socjaists here, would opem your banking transactions to political intrusion, $PON$QREO BY YOUR BAN~K CON¶INUED LIST OF 'PRIZE WINNERS AT ORÜN0 FAIR (Cnine rom ilpage one) neoeï Iýpont, Ms.w. J. Riddell, Mrs Ir, oe lipot lde(lrs,.IMrs,.fi - fLowe. MIs. 1),Gý.Hoe, r.0a George Baîrd; sbe5ulcra'ftearings- and pin, Mr s. lia Lx';boy's play suit, iMrs. George Baird Mrs. Ira Lo'we; boy's v lî,Ms.Gog Bairid; 1boy's shirt, 'Mrs,, Ira Lo1lî-e,j Mrs. iGeoige Baîrd; hearth rug, rags, hooiked, Mrs. D. GY. Hoper, Mrs. Geo. Baird; hearth ru g, wVool, braided, Mrs. Don Stupleton; heart,4h rug, crochýeted, Mrs. Ira Lowe.; bed- romrug, any kind, -Mrs. D. Gý Holoper, Mr, Ira LJ-owe; bath nmat, string, LMrs. Ira Lowe; yo-yo spread, Mrs. J. McGîl; fhaudmade laceco lar. Mrs. C.Ga e crosstitce] lunýcheon dcoth, 'Mr. Ira Lowe. Orono] Women's !Institute special, Mrs. D. G. liooper, tMPrs. H., alw Ms George Baird. FINE ARTVS Ou painting1, marine, F. LeGres- ley; aoil painting, landscape, -Mr1-. Richardson, F. LtGresley; water col- ors, marrie-, F. rLeGresley; \water cohoirs, landîsc-ape, Mrs. BreMus. Rtichardson; wate.r colors, flowers lOrono 'W. L.; craiyon drawing, a ny suibjeet, _Mrs. Richardson, F. Le2Gres- loy pastel dra,,ving, any subject,. F. LerseMrs. Barlow; veir and& ink sketchi, Orona W.. 1 DOMETICSCIENCE Loaf h'omemadie bread, Mrs. .1.- H peMrs. Reg. Sutiton; leaf of whole whceo t bread(, Mris. Cre Tamblyn, Mos, eg. Suttn; i: loaf, 'Mrs D. G. iopeMis. Car- las Aamblyni; chieese loaf bread, Mrs. Reg. Suttan, Ms.Carias Tmln half dozen %buns, Mrs,ç. Carias Ta-m- blyn, Mrs. D. G. H'oope'r; haîlf dozen tea biseuits, Mrs. FedGreen, Mrs. Reg. Suttan; orang,_e c-ake, Mrs. D. (. Hooper, Mrs. R. G. M4ffat,; lmon < ponige cake, Mrs. R. G. Mo0_ffat,« MrTs. Carias Tamblyni; scones, ra R. G. Moffat, Mrsý. Reg. Suittoln; Ilrend ral. M RH. G. Moffat, Mrsz. ID. G. Hoopei ; wxvhle rwhv]eait nmuffin, Mrs. R. G. Moffat; ang-el cak , Mr CaisTamblyn, Ms.Fred Bowen; lyrcake, !iark, Mrs. Eeg,.Sutn Ma.R. G. Moffiat; la1yer cae, it, M2Js. CarýIas Tanslyn, Mils..G Mafft; aplesauc'e cake',Mr.R ~41l ( uMrs. ariasTambn; apple pi,,r. R. Allun, Ms Fred Bow- enlupi pie, Mr.Frer-d Baw- Y,. Mrs. CarIasas bin;lmo ie, Mrs. Reg. Suittoni. Mrs. yPred BfoW.en r iiie, !Mlrs. Ca rI Tmbyn fmlnMrs. W_ B. Hoar; icookies, Mrs CaiasTrblyu, 'vls.W. B. Itoa; 4w~iv a. seringtomatýoes, Mr.A. A.Drmod Mr.Cra ton. îrs.D. G.ilooer; ucmilber nîclde~.Ms. Carias. TamMlyn, Mrs. Re.Siitton; nmustard ,pickl]es, Ms Reg. Suttonj, Mos.CriasT,ýamblyn;. nuieat relish. . Fred Green, Mrsz. Carlos Tamrblyn; oletincanrned ftuiit. Mrs. A. A. Drunmmond Mrs Peg. Suttoni; 1an1ed vgtbeMrs. Reg. Stton; ruit cake, Mas. "r os- Tamlllyn, lMrs. G (, . id Roibin ff(,od Flaur Sucial _J- Bread, Mars. T). G. Hoo- r; pang1e cakle. s.R. G. M'rt)a l ie Ms Reg. Su1t ot clc0ookies. Mrsz, Reg. Sutan1;tea bsuts a.F r ed Bowen. Pure Gold Medal Mnfc turig Secil -Tes bicuit,1Mrs. Fried Green, a.oe, Mrs . Sut- 0f the 2,6i3,A00 homies iii Canada, -7Preone by thie peopfle wxho li-re in hemi. Fn. & Sat., Oct. 1 - 2 "THE RETURN 0F THE BAD MEN" P With Ranideiph Sctt 1 TI-ATEA-AGR~ CIêmuieid Wjllte he2 ,i S. av sAn- 1c aber 30d c i ar ing ut 9%8 an op sq ng M, 7.00. Rev 1 . rgT 1,ma STRAYEDý A BayGedi r w fae I4 white feet d ln~ eeeye.1 Anyone knowig"s c4reouts, kindly poe25 r 185-c.no WILL UUY Uïp te 100 acres of l4andot n"ee- sartote good Syin Ai. one - terested in buHlingyIf priice al righ 'vil buy ir iedateliy, Al cash. Apply ta. ox 107, roo Timnes. t FOR RENT Farm-, 10 acres, S 1/ý Lot 24, Côn.! 6, Townshâip di Cbarke.Apply ta R. R. adel, roo.tf FOR SALE Small cook sorse 15 motths cid, in gz oid tin,$2560; alse 32-vot1 ID. C, genierator, $25.Cffl Apply A. 11. Stevenis, Knal on ronc, 2918.1 c4%6-. FORSAI 8-iee hst'niedsuiite,-i n g od condition. , $70100 cash. Apply ta Mrs. Gar don WVinter, Orono. -5c SALE REGISTERS 1 have been authoized by lrinW !. ll to seli by pulic aurtionat Lot 4,Con. . 8, Hope Twn hip aîf mjjie east of Oak 11111, on Tuesday, Oyctdb4er 1Val 1.00 ip..sa, hese; 7 ead of cows, %ster n ale;sow ad 0 feeder hog-ms; I16 breeding ewes, 17 larnbs and 1 raie; feVed, ami, ei fli U1ne uoff-r ma- chîinery7. Termîs Csh E eserve. Ail cattîe are Beefl Type, DuLrhans Hereford ard Fol Anpus. HaVe heenpatrn on a ecrn field for some tie 2 ansi are in great cniin Why no t coma.r and g-et soe fths top feedfers at thie righit p1ice, al will 4ebe held atHom'Ye Farm', at 1-.00 oicioc ,onTL-es(iayt, GOco-er I2th,1 Lot 17 and 1!FeCon. 8, Darlin1-gtenr Towns'hîp, l1-mile rthof-nnskl leri, 10 m'iles nort-h cf Eowýnianviîle-.i E.A.Wery ales Manager.- CTed' ORONO Fornire ilospitl Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques- Bought and Sold S'le oUr ineoef Drapery Materiaï Hitchel-n Uniïts made toe erder C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - OROINO Free Estimrates wil] be Given Cheerfully on Rock WooI Homre Insulation By Ble-wer Systierp., Four iuches thick, GILPIN & C. Insulautîon Ceaitractors, 57 Bloor 'St. West, Tebronto District Repre-sentative for Durham Ceunty GEORGE WADDEIL Phone 23 r 22 - BEYHANY The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phrne 501 - P.O. Box 623 Port Hape. Ontarle Monuments, GravemarkerL Enzraving, Goidleaing A. F. MclKENZIE, M.D. PIYSICan sd SURGEO-N Sundays aild Wednqesdays by appointment ly PHONE 47t! . O0 N 1 LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ON~T. Phenles:ý office 688 Homne 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOU NOTARY Phiies:- Ofie825 Residence 449 BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. DR W. W. SHERWIZV1N VETERIlNiARZY SUJRGEON offfice Main StIL Orouo Phene 63 r 7, Oromo J. C. GAMNEY INSU RAC Fire, Casualty, Automobil4,e INSURANCE !N ALL ITS BRANCHESl Fire, Automobile, Liability,# Life, Hospitaîizationý, Platev~ Glass, -urglary, Casumalty i Representing the Leadîmg CANýADLAN, BRITISH and Office, iMain St. - ORONO Phones. Office 32 r 10; Res. 1 r li Phone me and 4 I will ti t suit you.., Estimates ,freely giîven, ne obligation INFORMATION WeuId y&u like te know more abo*g the futlowing?. (a) How te wiii te your fami1ly ue tiîousand doiian.s fhat yen have't x0t saved ? (b) Row te guaraute. a aa;ar7 chequLe te your fawffly every month for 10-15 or 20 years shouid yen b. takenUo"t of tiipctre? (c) How te have a satary cheque every mont.h for yoursel.f as long ae yen lire, commencing at age 55-60 or 65.' (d) 1GW îte guarantee that yen?, son or daiughter will have the o meiçe for au education beyond high sehot? Lot us have a chat abeut it soin.- Éime. phone FREDY LYCETT OROINO 18 r 1 AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSC Auctioneer and Valuator,-t Conducts Auctiený Sales of ail înd at reasonabte rates Communicate with hlm at Pm Perry, Ontarie, or see us Clerk, A. E. Mqnoteng, ai Orono, for date. JACK RI O)rono)'s Lcne Auctioneer and -Valuator- Speciaize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terie snd dates Pho~ne 5~ r 18 - on