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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1948, p. 6

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THE; Že Poland .Auy imiie the Krelin osses crack tlie whiip. Commllunists su MIlOW -travel lers in eVyery coutry of the world - inicludinig Canada - scm e I ave the ability teo do a- righlt-aboutÉ-face so) fast that toes are 4*ften s een tryi'ng te thruist them- Selves ont (--f thie heels of boots. But sooetimes even such] speed isn't enough bt satisfy the RCd, powers- t1hat- be, as witness wliat hiappenied to mr. Gomlulka, iuntil recenlti onec of thse really big sisots ib unhappy Poland. For someith)iug lîke, twenty years Wladislaw Gomiuika has been a la der înftise Polislisworkihig-class invmn.During the war 'hefiselp- cd organize the ,Peoples'Arm, h- came Scdr-e era f the Comn- intinst-mlinded Wros atand always stronigly avoatd ose r post-war t'cs between bhis country After tise war enided hou becajme a group that gainicd and still holds i133105 complete conitrcd of Polanld, wud wrked liard on, its beisalf. I.is p-fforts dîdl noL.pass un-appreciated in Moscow". Ton mniths ago Uncle Joe lhonorcd hlm wvý;'i a persùîns] .gft of a Russian- made Zis aiitomol,- bile, and amrong bis coluntrymïen' Gontulka was konas "tl But tlise iiglier you climb ,tise §aster youý can faîL. Ever sînice tisen Goimulka bias been slippinig. Ils big anistalce seemrs tria bvebeen stayîlg away from ltisýe CoiuForm meieting aýt wich Tito was den-ouniced - probably bccauise G0omulk isad long been advocatinig a farmi policy mucis lIke tisat of ise Yuigoslatv IMarsbals. Ev),er since tise Comiuform .,dcci- sion regardiug Tito, bisocs sawý Elte or lnoting of,* muka.Be. cause of "il i ieali" Ihe-stayced iu seclusion, and thec word started fly- ing a-round tisat lheo as iu bad at the: Kremilin. Early îlîis imontis mm3- ors proved teo bav\e beem wll gronde. wen ise executive com.- mittIceof tise omm ist Wrkers' party anïnounced that Gomuilka haidî been fired aszscretary-genra1 o the grounlds tisat lise lad be-en sdn wviîh ylgoslavia anid Opposing Cm fitnist plans. Lcss tisais tw.ety-four b-oum-s later f ~1ul.a "Ie is pe-ck of drt",Be lore a large mleetig of party Wor'K- ers iie conýfessed biis îerrors>e and promlised nin future to be a good boy Piid stick cIoseîy to tise pry-or Rsssia-ljnle. Buit lu spite of iis Confession, tise general feelinýg is #bat Mi-, Gomnuika is about tfirougis as a Polisis politician., Hoýwevýer, from iOur stsnidpoïint, the incident bas one somreWbat su- eouragiug featuire, Tise prompt ma nibuwhici tise Kremilin folks csacked dowu on tiseir former buddy easu bc sceen as anlindicatr-'Ion tisaI fthc spJiiî amrong Commiluniists over official Moscow 7policy is miore wide,- apread aud deeper tisan most obser- vers eveni suspected, And iunsounxd applesgeeal start gaing rotten ose to tise care., Iidia Altisougis.-only a itIle more ztis ayear old as an indepen dent natio, xlready tise Doiion aDfIrindia iB inývolvd luh it wo grealt nilitary çlashes wbvlicis il js feared mnay de- 'slop juta a fuIl-scale war withl Pakistan. 'Tisese ara bu,1Kasiir, on lier nortiswestemn borde-,r, sud lu Jldrbd, rigit ilu tise very iddIL cfftise Inidian damain. Of tise two emrimethie fat- ter is probably more gra-vely fraugist ,witis danger. From au Indian vie'wý- point it is esseuItial tisat tiseasisould s aclose reýlatiani-s.1ip bcîweeu tise ,Dominion ud Hyerba. iss princely state,wis a populaino Solnietiing ike 16 1million, ami bisecîs tfise Indiani sui-continent"; &r.'l bath for ecanomiic reasonis asud fliose that came under tihe cadîlg .f "sculrity"ý, India b ias becu de- tnandiu)g a coutrofiuig iuitercest bu flic Hyderabad Governu'aenti. W'hat tise Idiauis Cal sccurity actuahIY mastisat tbey want tise HinMdu rmsjority fedfrom ise îhop-, pressioni of tise Moslemn ruling class, - whiclisrepresenits ouly canc aigisti Of tise total poplatdion. Tisey dlaim tbat the Hindus biave been badjly mistreated by tise Hyderabad Psrmy, znd more esp)ecially by tise'Razta - hars-a AMoslem Ivolunteer corps riumhering arouud 150touad 1If tise ruder of Hdrbdts Nizam, r-epuited te be tise r'lchest mn uon) eartis-bad (lis bardedtes Raakrs sd bad grant(d fuil popr- Tis tge? is fouud in e\ eryf part ofIdia, fr îlise slopes 'Mf tise l-iaaa s 10(, tise Stindrarbanis -She's Perfect-Mrs. selleCoe sil te thlird ývom)ajn nCad tA make a perfect score of 6000 ottofJ6000e ansd wi-,tte Do-minion matrks;man's expert shield. The Eidmonton matron- iout to win the Canadian peni Sportiug Rifle Shooting Chbampionship in 1949. She As a tpical hocusewife, making a bballs-eye ont of every domestîc chore, iucluding tise raising of a robust baby son., Onie afteriioon somne years ago a couple'of unreformeid isorse-players, whom we, shafl caîl Hank, andý Moe J1ast Iby w fidenitificationi, iap- penled to fiud th!em,-selves at a very big lswn tennis tunmn.It shoi1ld be exlane tat hey were thee sseulythrougis error, havnig' been, attracted by tise sighit of croýEWds pasin trouigh tthe turns- tules, and tb1iuk!ing tbey badmab runa aroýss a baîi gamne. or oe-i pri7e-flIt, or some Csuci. Wisen tbey dicoere Iwat tisey had actually got îismslve mxed up witis, ankl and _Moe were very mutcis Uarrisqsetd, lawnï-tennis be- lng onle pastimeif of wishicb tbey kncw eýven les ian tbey dbd about sing- ing hbymus, Ywisicb was practically nil, However, tisey began to feel a litIle more at hnewbentisey notic- td a cisaracterý of somjiewbiat bookc- makerish appearauca wis o s acceptbng smnall wvads of foldinig monley from vrbuscitizeswis ,1 wauilid coe d wisisper bnto bis car. Going m up t is bookmaker-for sucis, bndeed, lise was. allisougis mak- lng boli 15 frowned upn at tennis toumnamients just as nmuch las iýt at hockey gmsHnisaid to0lmi lu z lawv; oic. "Wbat are is entries and wba is youir e" Tise booka~c imeditel relied, alsý,o ;na low voice, "'The entries are, -He11lînvessBelmnan, sudyo car, have sll ou want of Bellilnt Hank weut back and told Moe tise news. "And 1. think I wiil just have te talce a place of Belîmnan at sucis a- pricee," ha. said. "Do you knlow Unything about tisis Beilmian,te" asked Moe. "Do you l6uow auyting about his past performances?" "Sa far as JI arncoucerued Bell- man mray be black, white or even a Chinee. 1I neyer knew ha was even albve till about a minute ago when ,10u corne right dowu ta it," repicd Hank. "But eigist ta ona is 'a very sweet porIce-very sweet indeed- and I think we would be naissing som-ethiug if we were to cverlook such a golden oppartuuity." "YVou are dead riglit," said Mc. "Eight ta ona lu a wonderful price and I muet have a place of Beilmazn as welL," But just as they were steppiug up tu bet tise bookmaker ail thay had ou Bellman, a a'tranger drew themn aside, "'I Overbeard Wisat y"cu mugs were saYing," h. naid cndniiy ý1and you are malng a very grave mistalce. 'tiis lawn-tennis ïS qulte different from hlors.- raclng er box- îîghingnd oherregiilar *ports. elliug, althou.gis for what reason I do not uuderstaud, sud tisey always run strictly to for-m. For your owu good I'm teliurg you that eight ta, eue shots siusnly do not corne off St lawn-tenn-is." 59 HnisandMacthanlked tise straniger andkptthir dou inl tiseir pocliets; w-isicis w'as just as -well bcause He,la simpy romnp- cd away wiis tlisemthcun as ~ ]ý touihosoudhave been) about oule-to-a,-liundred instead of aý Mue0 one-to-ten shot. AIl of whbchf is simp)lly au intro- 1duction 10 saving that, in tines like thsmiracles cao bappen auy- wbere, even in lawn-tenuis. It is quite truc that What is kuown as "form" lu tisat game is probably more scientificaldy calculaied tissu bui auy otiser lino of sport. Timie after timic, year after y ear, as tisey corne down 1 tise wire voln will sec thi favrites--tise boys tisat tise dopes- beris sabid shld]( coule üot on top- battlbng at tisefish Soibefore tise United Stateýs national cisampionships at Forest Hilîs, anboy ad even predîcted thisa acouple o ýf guyv ll -nmed G on- zales and Sturgess oldie tisefi- nalists, tisechclýCes are tisat ha: would have been put lu asragt Jacket. Gnzle sas etoglist S50 lutIle of tisaeh was oly r'ted as ,seventeenitJisounis0 Amiericanme' liî. Sturgess wajs just a 28-ycar old nobody from Souitis Aria - îiuenlt tisat bad noveven providedi a sm-iai-adwbio was con- sidered te b', playilgn mreiy for ex- crcise. And eteredlun tise tourna- muenit were stlcistap-notcisers as Frankie Parkier, jaroslav Dro)buy, Bo-b ifalkeuberg sud a wvhole buncis- more of star-spangied wizvî"ards. Yet wheu tise smoke isad cleared away, that was tise setup, Ail tise otisers had fallen, by tise wayside sud only. Pancho. Ganszales. sud. Eric Sturgess were icI t ta do'tiseir stuff bel ore a bunclis of tennis fans se dazed tisat thcy. could hardly believe their cwn eyes. It was just about tise most anlaziug, upset in sportsi history since tise days cf tise Chi- cage black Sox-culy tisis tinie it wa.s strictly ou tise levai. W. think we'd better go shopping around end filnd out what sort cf a Prce wae au get en ia parley cf CWacago lfawýs ta win tise hockey titie and the St. Loulis Browns ta Win the 1949 Am- enican League championshîpi .After what teck Dlace et Fortent his uotliing'pg gong ta surprise uts any more! Tise oldes(t recorded docuiment oun ,pzRageler4Off ïn The Forgotten IMari If there is a forgotten mlan in ti S country, whom tise writers of politi - cal platformis have overlooked, le is thse man wbo would like t civ security through hî,,s OWliI fforfs, says a Monjtrcal Gxazetteý editorial. Thse political program,-s are gener'ï, ous i their promnises of whiat the State m-il! do for tise individuaàl citi- zen, The State il offer to 1ca ro hlperbaps even from i& isCradle to bis grave. t f lor thje ;cf-relianjt person, whio wold like to have anl enlarged opçporunity to care for himiseïf by having milore oCf bis moniey left to hJimself by the Gov- ernimenit after btS spendinig and taxing activities, littie is said. The truc test of aDo, nmn' or a party's policy isý who is encouir- aged by it. If the spirit of self- reliance gets ai ltise rebufis and tise burdens, and tise spirit oif submission ail the benefit.s and promises, the wrong roai bas beeni takeni. Thse forgotten mnani, wants security for bis sl-eine snl ther an eccentrîc nor a Fusn e, H holds the key to tthe problemi of pin duction. And for every governmient party and country, tisat is tise fonda- mental problem. Smart Bird Before the Nazis overran Soti- ern. France, an old peasanit womian had taught ber parrot to say "Mort aux Boches", meaning "Deatis to- the Germans," A Gestapoc agent beard the bird one miorniing aud -warned the old lady, that the Parrot would be kt'illed, and(! she senlt tO a concenitratLincamp if ithe parrot ever repcated the phra!ise-.:The old lady sougbit IIsCl fromn the Village priest. Hle isad a perfectly bDroigist Up parrot, ise told hler, and suggýst,- ed-a swap. The nexýt day ise Gos- tapo man, quivering wt expect- ancy, glared at thle bird, anid grew choleric With rtage when 1-,it said1 nothing. Fbnally thie agen't himrself shouted "Mort auxBohs"Ts parrot said softly, "ýMayv the goodl Lord answer your praye2rs, mny son." PUOMPLES AND Quickly hripas o clear up dhese bl emîishes leaVing eskiai Gtsd sraooîh Poenoe MR. PILE SUFFERER Wibe t a st iiferenice Ibere la In the nsodorn wsy to treet Plies. 'lhoe neeSSltY of removinsg the real cause la oily - pain COmmon sense. Tile DcivPYLTONAE treat- ,ment (a liquid taken by ;ioutll) socsdie te (the inside pause. Spell afl .1an tectýaütihat boirp nture rebuild Cthose delîcateý tissues. PYLTONE Pie etmn la siencc's antsier. 15 gets you asis- tsectory resuits w0t1 a orle bofttietrial or ptieec refiuna at once t ail1 moeç, Mlucb vainabie Iinher, bar,, 6o x 40, new 2 car garage. goodbosecoldbesi cora excllnt1so(, (0 -mapie tres for taippir)gL. Farm- enupimnt in excllent codito,in- eluins tracte anS nerly alne essary farmn eqluiornent About 35roiles of excelenit ,horle- lino, good saand beach.ý Price $880. Easy term. ýjýnrthland 1týalt.eLiitSBro.kors, Parry Sonimd. Ontario. F70R SALE HI-POWERED RIFLES Write for new lista n prIe. scorlE SALES Ci). 326 Quen St.Ottawva. Ont, MOWER CHLAIN SAVÇ utal or cultting ail types cù oo1 ElàrbI ifern tpe nafactured, Pail an dellîvery.- "' 090Blrnern montreal 1 2 PORTABL ohoppng mil, cnsJastisý SfVs anüt Il- lnder, ôriven by John rDeere 1'M lap, poer unit ,oiontLe, on Msaslc Leaf truck. Waltier W, Buritlolder, Marthain. Ont* BAGS AND 1'OWELS Bleeched land waebeS Cotton bag, Flur$2.88 ler do zen. S505e?, $83.0lier ozen. TOWE L«S doz. - Sugar. 612.$25 oxen. Surplus mtrs ColVers, ail"gl1,e, whito. washed. about 25" z 613" - 00eachi. Fùror elins add .25C. postage. D T.W, ]BY-PRODUCTS 53 NTARJO ST - TORnTOl FOLS Ged-HcM, by Dainty Plrinicej George. C. P. Carsonp tc, Ont, 1947 REO -4i-passenger achool b)uEss efc codto.Stewart'a Bus Linos, Lyn. Ont. 2, melnactotb, .2 noies eoutb of Dundal'k, Smile to public aho,1t) acres hrd 1 busýh. day oanibank barn 410 x 7t): rlvoesbed 40C x 25;seep-pen. î ehenlhouse, 5-room11 e0115 ick ous,, ydro installed, price 65I,, reaonaletera:James Bunston, Cretn i. o." 4, Ont. Box 18, 12818th Street, New, Toronto. 3IEDGECraaa244,6 lchs$4.50, 18-24, $3.50 per 100 dlvrd rmrNurserles, White Fox.,ek NEW ROSS RIFLES .302 British calibre with sng$45,each bl they least. Write frdsrpin SCOPE SALES CO.' ROOFING AND SIDING lecsFACTORY SECONDS f rea rain oo-n , wedoub, yoen car. rn ýfroni f tir grade. isph., S 1nle 10 lb.84.98. 115Ilb. iiex.- gon $63.75. 12G lb $3,15 Per so(t100 fI.) 3Red, green. black anS bons. BIneaaieiei 210 lb. $niy. $L5 pr u.60 l rd ny 61.5per su. %"tbick tnsnleted B3rick siding 1.3 u Rolbrick idîfiin ured o'r buff 03.10 Po(s" Witt-, etailed crulronr' ne Robert Jonces Lumber Compariy. Hair1non On 3 PIECE BATHROOM SET $120- 1AIl nc'-esss'-y ip and fisings forolrbn aSheetins. Min bing& Sieating. 35 eech. Brewith stock and Implements. Ai l llalnd, those n;,onbiwyen goof atone rcoeds. Core ne e ee theni RSfP, .Bokr John Welker. saicarnen Rox 53, Servis, pnt. WANTEDI Ai lac1anSTaLn coonhound bâitcb. hroeeor for years od. WieLeo Breaking it, Gently Ginisberg had a remarkable run of luick in a dice gamlc e 0e ay and piled up $3000 111 wîiings. IHe went to the welI once tüco often, howevep, sho)ýt tisewh $3000, and lost. Tue-, ldied of art fiur.His5 friend~ Solomron w-,as dsgae to brCa th~e ý Iadtidin)gs to Ms.Ginsýbeig, 1 He foixnd bl ler bak'ing a strudc- i le b kitchçn. "Your husbiýlland vas lin a litt1e craIp game thilis afternooii, Mrs, Ginsbserg, le saPid difflddenly '-y wvay of a start. The lýoafer," sI Mrs. Ginsberg, conitininlg with hier baking. "li - ws ahead $3000," cOnýtinued So)üloon, "but hie bet it ail at one t'Imle anld got clcene ot."1 "1$3000)!" sramdMrs. Ginsberg, iloIw V thor-ougly arotised. "He should drop da. Solomon11, oddýed gravely. "He did, GOd d11Y, Mrs. Ginsbergýý." mca! beWarninq BakceMay b. a signali your kidneys are failing to fluer excess acids and poi3on.. ous wastes freux the syqtcm. DoMý 'i Kidncy Pills hclp relieve thia condition, often the cause of backache, headaclie. !iheuimatic pains or disturbed rest. Dodd'4 contain essential pila and niedicinal ingre- dients whicli art sirettly on the Iidncys and liefp then regain normal actin. Cet Dodd's Kidney Pilis to-day. 'j38 Dodd'sKidnyIlls l SSUE 40 -- 1948

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