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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1948, p. 8

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AT MTON F A RMERS WE AREP YIG HRHIHES PEVLLNGPRCE FRDEAD ORCRPLDARANMS G~RDN YONG LIMITD Rio Orono Spole Alees. -Radios - Heýt Plates 17,1 and DomestiË Toasters - Irons - Ail Eletrical Wiring should bc eonsidered no-w. Ilil See ERNIE. JERRY or HIERB. Defore You Duili See ADAMS LUMBER COMPANY1 12l13A - NEWCASTLE Clarke 1213A r m Brick, Cernent, Tule, LumberI, of ail kinds. (B3. C. Ontario and Eastern Canada) Doors (700 to ehoose from), Nails, Sash, Door aned Windiow Frames, Gy.proe, Lime (flardwall, Finish- ing and Spray), llar7dwýood Flooin-g, Masonite, Tileboards, Wallboaards, Asphait and Cedar Shin- gles, Roofing, Mudnsand, Trim,Pyw ds Fence Posts (Cedar and Steel) Feneing ALL s and Radios, EASY -VA-,cLJuMu3 CLEANERS Comileewihal Atchet ELECTRIC MUOTORS ¼. 1-3 and l'A Il P $19.95 and up C. G.] I C.G.E. ELECTRIC KETTLES Now u$14,5 0 LEAF RAKES $1,10 and $1,19 L(COMOTIVE GAS WASIERS STOVE IBOARDS $2ý29 lUp >OýFING a square ~ rofingroll $8.750 Ix T HL ave ove ceCrokedCreek Mi sJureGaronci eut fe Mlcp and Mesi . (Art iCanrpbell. of' ViPu i hM. n M s .Sýi pree oron Me md is. yece loronMan fam ofiiy bae oe d te ise c uït11- d -Mrs. C. ýV. Copewsd feoovdt thedr new homeý and M1r. and lMis. Jc sld Ill nily1are n ow liv ingl 1cml foimery osnd<b Mr A very pleasa.nt evening 'wa, psenýt etL the- Kendal United Cliurch, on Wednsd'-ySepteýn-iîer 29th, when a large num Cer of ei ghl'b o rs anl fieuds gathered te houer Me. and Mers. C. V. Coope1(ran Grantl befoce their dpruefor Orono -M is Caherinie Stewart read asiail a adrssnd Mr. .L. D. Bell pro- setdthemp withi a heU-it-iful chest of,,'Ë nty~le M r. sudIMres. Conendi G-ant mae uitabile re- plis, ftr -uhilhseve-ral people, wvlieecalled uonfor pecesÀ shor-ýt pormems insda sumteslunchwassee-ved in the udySehlo-olrom WESLEY VILLE i1Chrs 1' re urned to P rtý hier nee Mr.C.Pave. udof PortHoue, ,spent a Few ~vuihy i (ixtpcd to Ms Ruthero n te dathof lher fiter. Gloria mtrdtoDosto'W - M es LTjIl1-1. Mai aetadHelen- Zmnsent SuLnday at C-1-reniont. Mr. :11d M.HillIi sud L-1rel aînd Mv. -e.Bee, of Por't oe et Suuday wdthMi. aid Ms da Amog unayvisitera wiih Mer. T oro-n.o adMr. and e. Ku i'iih en atulauceof hry4r 'Reeves provided the musac. KIRBY Silo fîilliug is ab'Iout cnompletpd ad 1'Pple Pi;Igi' ,no0W fthe orderIlof the dayV. Sorry tû hear that rs.Jas. Wan- nan ii-sune te oto'scre e i er aseey2,cvey The Wm.M.Thkofrng s- viewl'be 1held c Wed1I1esday af- ternoo. Octber l3h, a.2.30 p WVe would ikeý- to sýee alilth[-e lAcfes 'f1th co)mr'n-1-ity present. TheW. A. held thi onthLy- meet ing-o Fiday 1eiu, Set 24th wih Mr. Wm Alipresid- i ng2. After a shiortpegaIrs George Carsorp , ccpl-eelytakcin1UnIl- awares, was p;)res ,Ie(edwith a îlovely m'ilror i n appr-eciat,ýion (oflher gener- eus help gi;ven te Kirby. byMe. C. Caevetii ini th(a church on Tuesday ev-,eniing, Otober 6th. At the close of the p-rOgrann, My. and Mrs JaesTioery -we-re presented with a lhe1-til C, ffee table from- th'il yc-geaio.Lnc a Notice to Farmers If youl wsnlt us toq remove your1 dead farm stock wti an heur withouit charge And for Oid Horse,, We are able to pay because we feed fhe ownaiimals. brick in Sept-cieer. L.to Thue unac rMard; ers, A'e prso airofc !eîîlof silser wl r.wamiual tinrudMs.C r ', Sm -nber Bfer get nus- ev enit. Rev. Hl, A. Bunî-t madcair- maar Mr.Neu Swar led the voeed with ,a solo, lu ,the Gardlen, 'lu blis usui fline style, md aise le witb the coi-m'm-uity sin-ging. Miss Caitherîne Stewart thenl read the adï- dress whiicb iwas eiyrespionded teý by Mer. and Mrs. Coopr sudGranlt. A fewfred spoke 6(f the lova- M'ith wh'ich Mr.'a nd Mrs. CGre were regardel, asud of their frie'ed- liiess sud ighbo-s wbich thiey h1d exeddte al svith hoim thpi cae n otact. Refreahute'nts we" served in, the SundeySchoo roo1 sud asciltimî ejyeP WV. A. Meeting The .otl etn of the W.-A. was h1eld at the Parsenagemon Wed- iiesdeiy, Se2ptemsepr 29tb. Aft-er the pen'g)f the meigby- a lhymnri teroll a a rsoddto 1--;y '-a't d1yn ulikeabout thle meuhtý of Septemiber", with a variety Af 0-1 td telike tis plasaunmnushbut ! ""rwe ntoogforw"erte theMses sou whbbf-llws. The seriptur.e w-cs reaid 1-y Mus. Stoker sud AMrs., Lxrrdad oe entitied Tlue Prayer Meeting. The pu1aeo tables was vote'd ou und p'isse.Pre- parations for, the Kuae'sCu Banqet t beheld ti nahmr dicuse.Thîe peieu .RoY McereLid an artice entitied Scboel, and a tr'ding by l1-rs. Wm Bo'yd, ertiil d Tqj w eet tuse wrame of Jsssudsand an accDunt ofý tJe Mie of A .scomposer, john New- tonr wav-s nil st i nt e1eQst'liug 1_. Ti t ohd lhow John Newton -was bro)ug'ht back to God by a praying mother çd , godci v î'e. Re-fce1met w -ee seed by MHrs..Brt-ga cias ho-e.ess for theafeonol tn ugsecmog of ted e etig by ST"mA R K VIL L E Buy The Large Size And SAVE!l Note be ile mcoJtegreat aIg ad h yuprhste lag ieofrn m insedof h sa Bayer Asprimll2elag8e;...Sae1e Phillip's Magnesia,- simqali45À;La rge 6c,.S ave 28ec Templeton's T. R.ý C. Capsules, sml 1,5 large $5,0....................Save $2-â50 Eno's Fruit Sat, small 59e.; large 98e...Save 240c Absmrbine f-r, small $1.19; large $2,39, Save $LIS8 Listerine Antiseptie, srnall 29c; larg-e 89c. Save 46c Johinson's Baby Powder, smIl 28c; 1Ige 55c.. Save l'De Brylereem, sniall 25c: large 49Ce........ Save 39ec Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, sml 69c, Ige $1.7 9; Save 28e -Alka-Seltzer, small 29e; large 57e ,ý.. ....Save 33c. Colgate's Dental Creamn, sml 25c; lge 7,5c.. Save 18'e M1enjien Antiseptic Oil, smnl 59c; Ige$1.Sae 22c FROSST NEO-CHuiEMICAL FO The IdealiTta-m;in Torji-c for pol fal ags.The hqund ià sa for thc childreu tand the capsules 'for 4ldu!Ls The Liquid.ýý...ýý..... ..... $135, $2,9,5, $44,5 The Capsules - 50's, $1.15; 10s $2,65; 20s 59 C.harte s B. Tyrreil il,,. iUIl s Phone 68 AGENT FORJAKA FLOWER8 Oronce. Ont. ladié'BaLbronSIgganlo,-ývors, sizes 2f)all, 24, dium orlargepa.r................5 Ladies' Snuggies, 15 per cent WooI, pair....98e Stedmian'is Pure nkkbe Baby Wool, colors of Pink, White or Blue, 1 oz skeins ........ M1c Dawn Glo,3pl Wool, 16 shades to choose fromn, 1 Ounce bals.............30t Aero Floor Wax, 1- lb tins.........29c Spring Clothes Pins, box of C6 for.......25C Fudgel, Ci Mr. sud Mes. . jebe,-[Scoýtt 'suld famil-, Newcastle, visited -on 'Sui-ý dla y et',Warren asns Mn.sund Ms. Albert Hrioof Toront'o, with Me. sud îMels. Ho- ard Farrow. Miss EîPleeu Farroýw mas ome for thewe-ed Mi. sud Mes. Lawrence Savery, of Osh-anwa, -'isited MWni. Savery. 1 M.audMes. Orme Falls isud fa- i!y had.uuy dinner w4th àMe. and Mes. Carles TamMbyn. Me. Cecil Car-veth w-,il! show pic- ture-, in the s hool 'ou Fi'd-ïy aeven- Mr.an'Mes. Llew. Hal,ýll ai sd faily, M2iss No)rmýa Hall well visit- ed -Me. and Mes. M Rle- R illson-. iMr. and Ms.Lorne Todd, M1r. sud Aies. Fred Todj(1d and Rossasttendled Port Hoepe ýFair hast Saturday. Sorry tO report Mc. Ed. white is Mi iu Port Hope hospital. We wish hbon a speed<y recorery. Alr. sund Mes. John Stone, Ooo Me.s Cflarenec ilmrer won a aio ie por't Hop)e iset veek, holding th e luckýy [tecke COWANIVILLE 1-2 lb'n ., 25e 'ranteed to 2, redu-., ini Tomnato oz,, tins,,.19C ar...10eO !Lq uauc Me. o uri( SERVICE nt the meu&t àt ni W. Ont. 9 45"- O9W

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