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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1948, p. 1

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ORONO. ONT-. TH-URSDAY, OCTl. 141 Subscription $ 1.50 vec Year Save Power And Eliminate The Necessity 0f Power Interruptions -,,-thleti*c Society To Endeavor To Improve Local Arena, The C foi thee P. Thn 7in al sreaS a gs. Au est xlnitdas env Athiotide As-1 Tuesday evenhig, ake arrang-emients ter sports. Mihe Durhiaup. Cen- ciety, the rénting, lteýd tO theu. Ah- then reported onI e arena asshbing remingromsare a p p eaa n 1oCe, a - ( lRies. The floar l'ed l hioPgil ast. Eestoding thse ýet 'aasplaed.- luis extension ufly of four dres- rams coud be hie he ethers refuge ou coisi mate of £.9 nd ai Power Cui Off Two Heurs Eifsrced On Orono District WeVL-l, hydýro cUt-offs ha've -uow veached the village »Df Orono. Th e first cnit-off ,vas -ou Tuesday rwhen the Iydra ,po'wev cnt-off 'aas f&7onae 1heur, fronu 3.30 ta 4.30. t n'as snp- posed o have been for two haurs, Ibut "for sanie reason or otheýr the close down w,ýas ciyone hoLur,. Froiu Wed'nesday tbveng'-h atunîayth hyArowiPl lie cnt off 'ýor two hours ta. run jnst as long as -power is not cour- sen; cd. Adiertsemntshave 3apenrei-d in your local paiper that thiese n-of wC51uldf bave ta,,ycome if- "tie people on theOon system dîdd not cnt their eonsumption cousideveab y. 1200 watts ,per day is what thiciruit (Coutinued on page 8) D't1hat the l-oùal aren, would support TI&eun aaeetws to awai,(,ed ta Mv. Dane Found who sO, capajbly van it ast year. Da'mne,1 un- der'I thlis arran'gemr.enit, attendsit, the building and nne the ibe. i Ani-,'e spo-rts imanagemnent co-m- m-ittee of Ms rxsru Dane Fonund, P.: MU. Lun., Carl Flintoif aird& Staïn Paviie -,as appointecd. This croimusttea il reguhate and allot timie tc varoius ice sports, loking! ate-r equipounent, -and select those to ho lu charge «f the varions teams and longues. 1The rmeeting fthen adiaurned. Greater Food P'roduction IJrged At Liens Meeting Tiie Newcastle Lions 'Club mti rulrmeeti-ng sýn Tursd,ýy, Octobeoýr 7th, -witb Mv. Charhie'Cr ter, cfBompvllas 'guest speak- The (ibusiness session cf thle rmeet- inig comprised chiefly of a Hallo- we'en Party onNo13e lst, for the ýchildren anid aiso a dansce on Getoa'ber 29tbi. Mr. Carter spolce on food, andi food proc,î7tioni. Sucb a subjoct wae second nature to the sperkev ns ho bas beeo -la the baki-ng business in-1 dust-ry since 1898. Sin.ce thlat time he hýas become quite outstanding and well kuown in this uine. Mv, Carter stressed the fneed of botter 1ood porduction and prepar- tion inm the, Dominion. It wsho said, esseuftial ifor those in bcdA pro- dtinandi preparation to look t-o the future. The inc.esing tourist trade wouniiild alter if thle standardOs ofour prepared0 foods weve to ebb a o,ý ocateoy With inmmig1oration.r and the tires ent birth rate the population of Canatda,. in nlot to m1any years, lias been. modestly estirmated to reaculi*30,000,-1 000. This- alonie, lie stated ,- 0ould giVe Cau7se for lainmers to take'S to.k and ppare for he futre mF o G producers holloe of the1 keysto greterDomiion Ony thIlr ou1-.greater volumles of feood prepared by caal bauds wil'l the conr be aibule ta faster thse tourisýt trado'a'nd the rsn ouain Mr. Brontonrickrd « ehifo the Lions Clubý,tand Mr, Gkarter 1îo. bisaddress, APPEAL TO MANUFACTURERS T'he extreme Seriousness of the poweer-,hortage wcakes iýf essenfiai Ihat every means b. used f welieve thi9s criticalïiuain If you have steam-driven or standby generaing equipment of any kind thaf is not at present in fuli- fime use, which could be utlixed fo aiîgm$ëet the Commis ibn' avaita ler ources, pleasîwr us ceflect, gi g fui p icula 5 The gravity thi Situmia con flot eover em- phuszizI. "YOU operaion 'm this espect is vital if the preent level o pro cion' is f0 be CHAIRMAN, THEi HYDRO-EI.ECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO j Addoe.esai emmtc fo the l'h. ydoilcr Powar commission ai 620 Uiest Avenue, TORONTO 2, Ouý Charles Francis Awde Il e re p a ss ed aw-a y ilu1B o-wrînni- ville Hlosr)ital on IMonday, Sep)tember, 27th, 194S, Charles Francis Awdee t thec age of eigh",t(y years. lM.Awde, who was in perfeciy g -od health, suffered a heavy stroke; on Saturday, Septeiier 18th, and [-%vs ruslied to the Bomnvle bs-p pital for treatmet, He suffered al seçbcnd strike on the 27th which piloved fatal. The late NMv. Awde was 'bora l!n Tyipone,. a son'of the late Mr. and Mrs. FrancLis Awde. Hepucad a larm ,on the Foi-i.'Lh Concession «Of Carke Town'sbdp, nlow ccupied -!il Mr. Sheldon Moffat. He was unlted1 ian avig to Susannali A. fHooper, alsc, &I Tyrone. After fariîng forc a neiber Gf years,> he moved tac Orpno îin 1908ý ,,nginto ftle gro- ý_cery business whieh hbe-crri-ed on for two or three years, then, sellhsýg nt to C. G. Armstroug. Awde took anl active interesti inl municipal 'affairs and aras one ofb thie Board of Trustees when Oronol was niade a pûl!ice village. lle sEr-1 ved ra tetx collec-tor for Clavke Town- ship council for eighteen years, and was considered t-he 'best coilector the to',nsipj ever hadl, brinmging in ar- vearslogoede e was also, secretary treasurer cf the Oronlo C erietery Board for -many years. He wa,-s e ulleliber «f, Park St. United Churceh. iHle !baves to, mourn bis loss, bis 'wîfe, Sana A. Hooper, ant,4 o ne soùn Harold, of Toronto. Ancther son, Francis, passed away ili 1931. The fumerai servie Iwas hield in the 'Morris FuneVral Chapel,Boma. ville, on Weduesdlay, Septenifber 29th,! with Rev. A. E. Eustace hvn ùf tihe service_. htermeut in m Oeli4rono meteri, . Homne And School Club Host ToNewly Weds Thl'e ]monqitlily nmeeting -of Clarke Union, Homne and Sho Club was held on, Friday eveniîng, Octoher Sth. The meeting rwas called to> order 4y the president, Mv., Ervan Rainey,ý followed b1), the singing cf " Ceni-" uda"~, followed by the Lord's Pray-1 er. -The minutes of the lest mneet-1 ing- and of thie executive nieet ing weret rend and adlopted. The programmre consisted «ýfto piano daets iby Mrs. J. Bine and Mvs E.Brown hic '-ere vcy1 greatiy enijoyed, foilowed by a votoJl solo, Whein irish Eyes are SIn"ig and an encore by Mr. Glenn Allin, acccrapanied hy Mrs. Bilue at thne pin.Mr, and Mrs. Roy Berry were tben asked to occupy chairs et the front, andi after ni a ddress rend t,, iMr. Uh-monte Bullock, wýere pro- sented 'with a 'Labine lanup and wý%oolleni blankcet by Mv. Neil Rainey and Mv. C'harilie Stapfleton. Both 'Mr. and Mvs. Fery replied suitaly. '2lr S. Avistrngshowed a number of ber pictures, scenevy and a number -zf lo-cal p)eolle 'which werve most inter- esýtin-. (Mr. Ailin Ëthon fa1Vou tir et witb the ever laveiy .Blue BÏirds. of Hfappiness", and ilanencore. A hearty vote of than.ks was mov- ed by IMrs. Harold Alin to l those takling part in 'He projgrammrne. The meeting coszed1 by the singing «f GoA Save theKiasoaltm and lunch. Orono Girls' S'OftbaIl Club Tc.Hold Dance And Drawl The Orono Girls' obl Club,' wothis stimnýmer glave Orono iu flrst chanspionisbip club as far )acýk as anyo'ne can rememnber, are an0 Fridlay, Novemiber 12th, pntting on a dance anmd draw la an effort taI miefunds ta bu-y blazers ta colns- suemorate their victary. The club haedin, its treasury at Vte'oe of t'ne seasoýn the sum i-io $9q. 0 0ý.The (Orone Amnateur Ath- lotie ssociation took acnt of 'C% which heft a balance'of $78.20.ý The g-irls- are, ver-ygrateful andi.%visb ta acknowvlecize at this tiuuie donation-,s ta their fund of S$10.00 from ---- Ovono ofn br ICconuierce' ans 1'Dedication Service At Park St. Church Well Attended A muicli larger than usual congre- g-ation g-athered in Park St. Churcýh ast, Sunday inorning when, the uewv fliaînnmonsi organ and (Maas cie wvere duly dedicated by Rev. A. Ki. Eust'-ce. IMr. 'Carl Bi'llinigs nmade the officiel Presentaitioa la- eli f the cgrgtnwith (fMes:Srs. J. D. Brown, Lawrence Lvun and' Milfordl Shevwln of the ?rustee Board assist- in.Tlie orgen arsplaced lun the Chuýrci in gretefL mîieinory of the laVte ÇMrs. Sus'annah Cbldc;th e cl4mnes 'are a trib ute (to ail local nmen ard ,vomen who serve inluthie wars of 114-11918 and 1199445 Many veterans of these two conflicts were in attendance. With its innovation, during the hast decade or so, the electric organ bas maede possible a comyipactuesýs cdl installation, a wide range of toue, ansl a cathedlral-hiko appeal inu music, Just why this very logîei al3olution tean aurgan need was s io long defler- red locahly, is a niatter !or conjec- ture. Mv. W. C. H. Mthh' fine von-i dition 'cd "Blesshis House w a s deeply appreeiatedl, as was also the mus;ic hy) the choir under the direc-, tion of Mrs. W. E. C. Worpkmi.an, or- W. A. MEETING The Wom--an's Association. of Parkr Street United 'Church met on Tuea- day atternoon for their Octd6be-r metn.There -was a good atten&- ance cdf ladies present. The rei dent, Mrs. K -LJ Tainlblyni, preside&" It was ýdecided to haveia supper and bazaar early in Decem-ber. Th. da te'wvill be -announced later, MIrs. W. CoI-)'qidick and 'Mrs. C Duncan sang a duet, and Mi.-. E J. lHnim --ave an interesting read- ing. flotb t1hese numbers were very much appreeiated. The meeting ciosed -Dy ail ee ing the 3'Mispah enicin ganist and choir leader, Rev.ý A. R~ Êtnstace centred bis sermondscue upon ýtihe great place occupied bhy mu. sic in church worship A beautiful profusion oC flo,ý,ere- at the altar uttested to the spirit of generai Thansksgiving, perhaupa evnbrighteing - the vay to a more effective era in h onçregation'a church hlf e, The wilI troin you t. be<.me un expert technîcàu In the post-war R.C.A.F. there are many trades wich provide ample scope for the amibitious young Canadian to prepare himiself for a progressive future ini the technical, raio, or clerical fields. This is the day when the men with special skili and training have the advantllage over the other fellow. The R.C.A.F, offers you just the training and opoportunity you are looking for. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Rotos of pay ini the R.C.A.F. have been increaised and you con add ta your monfhly incarne by improvinq y@in trade profkciency and by promotion fa higherrcîtd. -MAIL COUPON TO VOUR NEAREST RZVA.F. STATION cI t- M, no.Ot doQta ia i NAME Pleaa,i>.,...................... i TIRE5ET ADDRESS '., CITY Vol. 1'2, INo. 3 î am ORO

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