~1NGERFM tauk u sadr ieý-antiawe you lglati f0 tt xta ouir ii led lAstSMudayWeIl ntM itmucs easir to atijuvst ore veswen bbc time change's flr, asCtostand'ard tle than wheu ît i 's the oblier way round -mabe ccatselbis a wholc lot easier- to siecpan etra our than it is to lose ýit. Yes e really manage very niccy uti we get outsde. That i's whe the trouble begins. On D.ST. e r len'out to fecti thle chckn bfre ey are really raxforibe raka t Onstan- dard limue bbçc hiekens are up ani ojn4g for itani aising a recguilar, rupsbecaus bh hnink we'v'c On D.-1S.T. h lesstarb lUte 1but 0eepon ayin w linto the ltr mionn si Lu1.we bave to sut pickiug up cggïs cary becausetSe hers get ame of her egg4-aing doue lin th oenoThcn zthe ktnscomle 1o,1gfortheir bek fastnantiSuper a1 wbat tbey thik Ps c usIualtneabecause no one bas evr yet founti a way of mal- ing he aimaI !ant birds change the tic s-e.At isn t lstrang4e 1mw inel difere- nehfur an ao'oce in unrI e we isset i i. The wheab to lm o ht Mnw erc reouptei cond fieldtibr- ng 9gel t Ssisheti beforethe w.ketut te ar. He-er di enu bbcwles ws ow kthre ten luleve s fei until it is prope lvditchet lButby bth me t. q as dUe ilhe rest Ofth foIL< nere com a'gIhoe from th""e faîr I sppos I oulti bave 9gone bu LlIst cîd'tf 1lîkeitNec iu getigmywkdoue lin anitici- endi.Anti WeChiMt I sppoe w îellymisseti soule- thig;., rtwblebeause we bearti! lb, , wa a wonierful air anti it was ;erti ly ýan îia a.Home 1baking ",asery Mucs onthefore suasugar catioung diin't oîte akeAtevo gie fogetbowlu ake Realx sme0m1--ewa'oe' CROSS Puz CROSS i St~re 6. Non ha vessel 8. Irsh clan 15 Nonîstrian -.001 t 13. P'tition 14. Non Yorlç beige canal Si. Fi îghten 13. Past 18. (ti obing plant 15, Bed canopy 21. Parfumes 23, Astringent 125 Etss 26, Put lu 22. Harveats 58, 'reek 51,111e, ram 5~. xiuî ruece iuiif~ ~b Peer 150. Saudy ~1. Peacocle butter5lv 42. Fine fabrie 42. Tdgonousal. il st tunctt~n 47, Quiescent 61. Desert-noma4 55. Eaist 64. 1io6k steadlty 66, III ntet 66. Mita 58. Dash 65. Vs.lIey 69 Sel' 01. lxii D{YWN I. Ornait qisaurel 2 uas'tly S. Palm 1eav'~ '\VeIl, j suptpose thalt sees the lastý of unjr smm visitr. i be Iheni, -but .nowm,- .'Anti thenI1 werit on tu enumerate bbc lobs 1 wanetilu eldoue;' the unflnished wMork that was simply droppeti wheu Cicely rivt;letters 'that were stili tobu be ribten anti varions items of business bu be attentiet to that some- how got put off until thelime shonîti corne that' wonld sec us back to, ortiinary everytiay life. Weil, after outlining My gooti intentions tu Part- uier 1 wcnîtidown for the mail anti there was a letter from my sister -"oliit lie ail rigbt if she came ïip for Thanksgiving we-n. just badt lulaugîs. But su xl is---wc go on Oibunr ortiinary, everyday plans; eacb with Ounr own special probleins anti unr lîttle pet Wiorries, s50 important to ns anti yet 1mw %unimportant w heun e consider tybat Ym-ay Leshaping rip f rom bbthensinternational situa- tion, Ib scems -u ïntiikable that there soutibcaobie ar but theun war neer itis sempossible unigw re rig-lit in the m1-it]itle Cof iNo steprsnwns a iL yet 011r ,,ar limie efotis alwayý SI, mucb icItr thn our peace lime activity, Truc, but illogical, don't you tbink? But then we are llogî,il about 50o may things - libletthinigs, big ,things, ail kintis of tbings, Just today 1 hearti of a woman whos;c doctor lias warneti ler that she asineymust leati a lcss ac- tive 1ife. It is only une of many snbwar-n1ingsbu(,wbich bis' patient huitherto bati paiti littie attention., Shet lias aiwavys been an active'.wo- miai, always readytiy 1 lilp iu any social work; certainly she bas nu wisb bu lie a semi-invaliti yet Lber very actionsi areclikly tu brinig ouý theunelcmecondition that she fears. Wby consuýflt a doctor at ail unleiss une is ready bu btake bis adi- ve.0f course most.ductors know that women patients arc crazy auy- vIay. One, metilco saidti lume-"Wc eau always bell when a woman is leady lu take bu lier lied lecause she always lias lu, make a real job of bouseclcaning first, 'arriving at tbe bosýpital for an operabion mayble, tIretiont, anti with ail lber reserve ISgca -e-bnit change the na- buire oS, women you can'tl I ~ I dw%. J% ýL'nie'à'k Qua, 'lui Spcc-tacular - Bothi gai anid specs are sonething s-pecIal. The gal, 'Rubh Woods, is "MViss Spees of 1948." She's wearing $15,000 glasses - wor-th that Mtuf b becanse of soliti golti f r a iu e s stutidet itbheih ernerald-ilt diamonds. Ajêutumn a tok ayb seaclifr Got Byrok ltiges, 1tbrougb w ,iot H1sis olpît x tesud, Then snII(dny, ail uawae Far"of in the deec satoswhr A oîary her irt rsh- Sagtbrouigh te hly wilg 1-umwar, i tgtwbt I h Anti ailotb-iat ee asslél 1bu pro0be I cangII lihe glory ff His robe il; love îs alu)t brush off as mm terial îin is gil isie, f alt Iol car unte buso shopiglisI, ir - dues niraIl dber -i ýtr1 moîber whc Ille nthI1iks i l Th bourather aingb anNtliii iit Il(i2' ît n nd lg biernai. "ust ik er"li ri anti feels 1!"rytmaI)nt up ItIer But geaf.le he mrr, e wili is- bcuver! iti-une f pIb môst icr- !aig habiis u ie wi. iiu cb Sh ill oret u] entCoIAis lolaudr. is faviote desser.theil klri vrot. The bous wil li a n y tlin g b u t i d y , b e c o e s w l lie t drap Do? rcai-akanile nen r ie a l l inibt a Hzîe letgowiil nu,ligstbo 1lu cstntdbe chane ta.im(bý groer's. uThe m,.oncy Cli ol gai'brls ady wl ee exaet ii bbcmes 'Bbc eicie ab- meoemraet will nu wl be poei llt.Hi kibeen tabldoe. tiwen îbey mae ai fr dt1 ee il tccxor hei rcato li ,ý-tii o >jl a is i Then i ceass -lul ming. Bye lects(o senb a bng, ti sh(Ierstnd there anti listens to h r aIg wi fide e s, antise burt beyo cronsoling. liht .iM eosb en rurcrl,nim( tbe_ýsy tepec iir hiome uli na wellas icir moler's hme of anagei.Ant Ie3 mcaptbuîhn before aiage, îthi1atubbey illlie. id ti whiý ose ant I it? tÉ Swncc as flier. dIfshe mesent i comntsor passes Ifniofigl i- ly' In bat cr InIism bsnt been fin euuhosheis Lýtupewes oiroe,l abtsare b rslto comf)y quilties aalog ad da3. Esy-sw; Makre theseini au evenilg, vusing qiteifabrie. 1THF1RE ateupieces fir each biipper! Pattern 632:; ptenin smiall', med,.lrgex. large. Seýnti TWENTY FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accep- edl) f,,r- this paýttcrnl to the Neetil-1 c:raf lîe[ . Bx , 123-lSith Str-eet, Ne1orno Print piainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, yonri NAME and ADDRESS. by Rev R. Barclay Warren Law In The Bible .Leviticus 19:9-11, 17-18. Golden Text:-'lhou shfait loveC the Loro t11-o1v ithail thly baTth and with al thy sojni, and with al thy, mmdý. 'Thii, is; the first andj great comnmaudmient, And th - cond i islke 1u11to>it, ou hait .Mart.22:3ý7-29. J 1co ,hs sons and their familles, into gypt.Fourcentuiries later after a peraiod of gýreat affliction rtey emered s anation More than a milionstrng.Their Ileader, M-oses, bydie d rectioun gave thm a Code of lams. Many of thlese, icluding the T'en (Comm11andmenilts are basic to the laws oS,)our n-lation, 0f alts au s Jesuscselece the two giv-en il-,the go1le et aud pinted to them as of suPpee importance. -'On these,saiti he, "bang aIl the lac and the prophets" Truly !teeae udmetlt Christian living, John rote,' The iaw vwas is b)y Moses, lbut lglace anid trut1 came by Jesus C -rl'liTe law sets a high sanaît t wich 1sinful manal can not attain. Buit by rpnigof our sins anid bieigon jce;u, Christ neCbecomene cretrs 'Oltithings arecpas-ed awac le- hiold, ail tigsaebecome ý:new". God' oveis sedabroati iin tu heart. Then nedo tos lting9s which please God)(, ntfrom lfear but prom love; Wlecaue we ustM, butb~cusewe husdesire. bath Note "Mliss Jonc,"saiti the science professor, "snmld you Care to tel! the class wýhat happeu-11s whenl a budyi îs immerseti in ae""Sr"sit Miss Jou]es. "h eeh ig. Incmeta a ag, eeal tax was first im1posedby iliamPit i 1799 as a r ta ISSUE 2-14 ~E DA~ PAF? E~TRAIN~ ILO16JE~ TATS LE E ~ AFORE '~cu~ ;T8fEAI)LE~ oIPtE f~AT~N DEPFIYETE O~JLi Eh4~I~E RAN AIl: Ij~Il1 or colti,,fo r vegeCtabe fcreamt hapn1o turn sou, aàt oe tesdoes, ït honi dbe useIlCd WihFii-zTomnatoes ai caranmbsat i fredc a golden Li brwnon bolih goû(i restiu C pubh Sour cream ing dthedisuces toa bot plattr, aspriukle aacouple a cu an a aîfof sourcra Strand cook sowy il ieken ed. Season itbaitVI:and peppcr as diesireUd. 'Tiien po'ur t1hebot saucre Hot Sour Creani. sauce iis sauce i epeialygood w, ith cook)!eti broccoli,ç'caulifiower or potatcs, To male enough forsi servings, btenti une tablespoon ofs butter or othier table fat wt une tabiespoon i !T - .atitione cup sour cn i,,anti 14teaspoon sait. H-eat slowly anti stir unýt*jtil ticken- Ad. Cvr anticook over hotÉwater for abouit 1five mninutes. inl choppeti par-sièy, chives. or -radi or green pepper may beaitideti to give color anti atdeti lavor., Cooked Salad Dressing I Cupurcream 2 eggs '~aspon muýtsttarti Itablespoon sugar f cup vinegar Pepper if' desireti EBeat the eggs výery iighit, adatithe sour cream ai nd o ther ingrediins Cook 1,over biot water until hik ened. Easy Pickie Recipe Save liquor left from swýeet Pickles when you an',0o preptarea especially 4elicio1us pîckled bes Heat the pickle liquor 0to tebusil- igpit ten pour over cooketi skneianti s1ilcetibeets, wbOicb, if smnall, 1may bc left whioleCoolthen Chil. Keep lu refrigerator in a screw-top jar Easiestpikeece Pep Up Lamb Stew1 Lamib stew can bé f iat, stale anti dlor à can tbc a delightf is, Hîave ]ilamb1,or muttun cut mb cstew- inig pieces ani pronCeeti as forre- làr stew, Save fort his differuce adti 'u peaspoon caraway Sem&s,2 tabesoon mncd prseyani 'A teaspuqoon lgarliesaIt aloug withbbcl sait antipepper, French Fried lormatoes 4 very firmonmates. Sait anti pepper- to baste. Fat for epfv-g 4 o 5 tbeposs ftet for. 2 tblespoons misk. Slce tumatocs. Beat egg, add mlký, aidenough ffour to uk tlibm habler. Dip tomiatoes into Lbat- ter until weillcoateti. Drop m b ot, die(ep)fat anti fry unii golden- brown. Drit n oupaper, sprinikle vwith sat anti pepper, ani ti seve inmetiabey. Srves ý4L Answer to Last Weeýk's Puzzle s i Z, 1t'SINSTAN I !That'S thethng o tWhen a cold is making yotu mise.rable, You'1L get relief from INSTANITINEanïd you'Ill getitquick. INsTAýNTiNF,. lamate ke -a doctor's t prescription of thr.ee proven mnedical ingretii1ents. Qu tabiet is usually sufficieýnt to brýing relief' from i de aches andpin ni' colds, lheadachies,nurie neuralgic o-r rheum-atic pain. So don't let that coltige you down . .getfa-atn INSTANTUE flOW e , t, RpErYoDUC'E LE COMPLAI T, which inakes yod NRU;«ýWS HIviI-STRUNIG on Schdas Are you troubledbydis',sffmaev fucinlmonpthly dsubne hc maeaye ufer, feeL',So ber"si caik' y rteswek-at such 1ies dTod la'y Lydia E.,ika' egtbeCr pou.cd te relieve uh ymtrl In a recenct testi ro epul'~ ~ bo woxnen trquled ithia way.V, Why don't Fr7e 0yas hcad iol yen gel smart and try àil yo-rself? "d wmnbv eotnh ol.m pinkham's Cmo i,4swa ,efynto o'i eor thn known as a uterine U ue,, aea reuti.W -/ity/g mportant oJn~P'IH~ 'sxLasîneV,~ aa L y diîaE îkaw'sVY~~ le, c. arActr 1 22.,YThe girt menSUre 35. Ages Il. Englis i iver 38. Respeeblf 16. Salreed 40.: More erderi Z LE rgan 43. Minerai -24. Electrical 4.Net exctlnr 4. aS 'conducbor 48. Yarui 5. Og 26. Eagle 49. Persia 6.Chfe27. Aegean Island' 50. Coin 7. ew stada 28. Publie vehiclo 513. Driuking S. Steru 530. Puas vessel 9. Ireiean 3 1. Dance step 57. Performý Answ-er taThis Puzzle Wi xpa etWee*k e Hi5 Rew ard T e wo cot owersof tbIse firin, caileti Mcfyntosh, thc manager, "LseMcltosh ,;,sid i te fwq5ý partner, "We ~finitaistyrs cd te paceW~ nowhow liard yo uthave"o', ia e'a ïear makin ýgeovt a cheqeifor $2OO ov or-, Te mngr samrd.sae WHY ARE MANY WOMEK NERVOUS Whe woienare disturbed Lbj noises atË m ght . ,becomne l sui gety they perspire whvlen talking tw sragr. orcrytooeasily--tlicsl symptoms often herali a tiiuc whenitheynqeed specfül buiinig-uip. But actulally there's littie t. tlread or fear! For plenty of 8leep, frcsh ail-, wholesomre food and Dr. Chase's Nerve" Food will help tc build uip vîtality and tope up IhTe s.ystem-so you cnkepserene throug'h the moat tryIn)g periods of ife, Yes, Dr% Chase's Neýrve Frod baS fhde ithousanldS Of WoýMe1to face the future withi confidence. So if you're feeling nehou, - get'y orru-oni you dot't rest wvell at iiigzht, anti often fer! mootidy or irtbl-aeDr. Chase's Nerv& Fîooti for a wile, KE'ep yorsl igood c-ondtio- try thi5 tim-ýe-proveïl s tic whiek býas helpetci so many. Th*enanse "Dr. Chiase" is your- asrne 632 1 --- - -.- - --f -1- 1 Al Lil