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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1948, p. 4

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Refore You Buli- se. ADAMS'.)"LUMBER 4COMPANY Clarke 1213A - NIEWýCASTLE - Clarke 1213A Brick, Cernent, Tule, Lumber, of ail kinds (B. C. Ontario and Eastern Canada) Doors (700 to choose from), Nails, Sash, DooÎr and Window Frames, Gyproc, Lime (Ilardwall, Finish- ing and Spray), Hardwood Flooring,. Masonite, Tieboards, Wallboards, Asphait and 'Cedar Shin- gles, Roofing, Mouldings. and Tiim., Plywoods, Fence Posts (Cedar and Steel) Fencing Mr. charIes Kno-x l ildgu roadsýide rsauaon !ihwyNo. 2, ast o, Newý-custle, lredaeto tUhe wesit of the 011wayonthe nooth side of the Iad. c kDuUu CAPIToL! PORT HOPE iFri. & Sat~, Oct. 15-16 Od.Los Augeles"y With iiiiam Elliott alle Catherine MýcLeod "BILL AND COO" Etaacted Enltirely by Traiaed Rirds 1 Mlon., Tues., Oct. 18-19 "HENxRýY 'V' inTechnicolor. with LAULRENCE OLIVR No Advaalee i Prices! Wed., Thur., Oct. 20-21 "Mating 0f Millie" 14 Weeks in Toronto "ANOTHER PART 0F THIE FOREST' (8.10 Oalyv) fr.m ryiîng eyes IIEvery day hunçlreds, of customers may lie in antd out of the bank -whieh serves youo Yeit von kniow nothing about their transac7tions, they know n-othiing about yours. mo -ay be deposiing or borrowing. The amnountimay lie a dollar, or thousands. That's yvouer Ibusiess.. nobody else's. You take for $gratited this private, personal relationish'ip betv'e-en Von andyorbtk Ail banks see to thL- at'your transactions- and thlose of aibjut 7,O000,000othMer Canadiants- are kept safe foIpryitig cyes. S PON$S 0-,$P EOï,, P AN K The ùOrono Wfo'measinari te i Oc,,tober 15t'h, at 7.8 pni Ter the* Singer .eigCeiter aft Po()rt Ho),pe, -b will lrmosrteteva-r- lotis attachrii-en-ts adfsinnd on thieir machine. Thi,ýslhouý'Lidebï,a ver r it e r est ïing meeting ndai in'vit ed There wl ea rz e nrted foir the beszt patclap made by thielaes C'OýRPELL-To Lieunt. (L) John W. C or'yell, R. C. N_, and Mrs iCovvell, Dartm)otuh. Nova Scotial l 01n Octoiber 8d 98 agtr BiURG,,ESS -TaOononMndy Octdbr1tb 98,Mr n'- Liuxon, widlow ofJams urgess,ý e,,ged 87 year. ,Restinigai tlthe fani- 11V esience1Orno, lfO,,service 1 oni Thnrni-, Octohar l4that 3W0 pm. Interment Orono C, emtery. MiELI OR -Ili Orono nSt dy Octoher 9th, 1948, Jsp .Ml lor, bel'cved hushlandc ofEdaCl Iinýz, aiged 6Myears. Ret in g at thle F. Barlow Funeral evieutii Tuesday iyerininýg, i't 11.00 a.mY. Serivice on Tiiesd(ay;, Ot 1e2th, at2.0 .mat Orono United ChýI uc. Funeral ndejMrsUonic asies. FUTRNITURE SALEi1 ThI'e undersignred lhas re.ý(ced in structions freinm Miss Rouie Tur-nerý to el sou y -pulicauin at 100 pm et Loýt 5, ConIcessionI 1, B'oken Front, ClreTownship, 'at Por 1t G la nb- Y, the folljowing-:Lirr table; 2 3- pioce bdoo suites; -umrcoal oul steve; sinaîl cook steve; iig roitablie; \walnut bufe;9- -ece Wedgewood dinner set; 2 "v-w1ýant rockersý;vwalnutt rmchaIr;4wce rockers; wiker ay bed; palrl1our I coucb; wlniut end table; Îhall'ir- ror; 3 toilet sets: bnoos; fumed oaýk rocer;20odd cirs eti c Iion Bedr'cm ainp cabnetradio; 3 fëather tics;2 itchien tfbles; a nuniher of trunkaý; nmbrof feather pil-lows crtis; odd dishIes;' pit- chers;:ek'r tnsl;o lams etc. Reiaks hs siieicue sev"erýalpieces of 1real good furnIiture. Tomsii; Cash. Jaýc-K ReidAcioer SALE REGISTERS I hav hen athrzehy Mr%.7W. H. Bell te sol y pul-ic autio a1 Lot 24, Con. 8, Hope Townslhip, haîf1 mile east of Oak HilI, on TuTesday, Otober 19t a ,0P.11-. shap, herses,; 17 heani d o ws, steers and caives; sow am" 10 fei'eder hoIgs; 16 breeding owos, 17lms and 1 ramn; feedI, andi a fillinoii of fanu ia - chine»r.. Ternus Ca-sh. Ne Reserve. Jack Rp,eIAuctieneer. The udesind uciner a received instruc'Ilo',ns fi-ro iCh.as. E. Taylor, te seili y pulic auctien et Lot ,Con. 10,Care ows ion mile nortli of Enterpise on Ne.o 35 Highwayý, n idayOctob-er 22nd., his lhorsesniîlk cows, swiefeed and machinlery. Sale te o ccilnence at 12.30 p.m.sap TnsCh. No) Reserve, <as the 'fan is sold, J1ack Reid, Auction-eer. ,Ijav.e receivpd n(! ttonstesel! hy public auction fomtheexcuo of the Sstate of thlte W. J.Kns man, Lot 24, Con. 2, Man-vers on ship. mdwy etween Pnyoland Mlhoko n the coun-ty Read, on Saturday, October 1'6't;h, lat 1pim. her'sesý, iu4lir cows, feed, poutryan àmaýchmnery.. Tornus Casýh. N o Re- serve. Jack Reid, Auctioer The und(erýsignred bas re-eived in- structions freni Heis5h. Byers at sel] hy pubilic auctien at Lot , Gonecs- sien 3. Man-vers To)wniiF'ip, 1 mile north and onie mile west of Penty- peaol, on Wedniesclay, Octd!ber 2thi, at .0pm, bis entire husbol e- fects. Týie furnitur-e is ail in g-oed conditio. Term Csh.Jack Reid, Auctioneer, Orono Tinshop! Prlumbing iHeating- and Sheet Metal Work . R. E. LOGAN PhGne180 MvAIN STREET ,1-1RON Cia s6ifle d Clarke United Chur-ch, on Sunzfday,i wlth Rev. H. A. BmtN ats getseer. 1tpc "I music. Pet Lok 'u~#rWeç,e6yngt Supper celinm4ci'lt, a t 6.0p. drn25 cents.,-7p THAiNKi OFFERING SERVICES KIdby Unilted Ch_îurch Thank 01- fering- Services -will !be held on Sun- dayOctoer 4thl, at 3.00 ald 7.30 p.m. EVENING AUXII1ARY In pl)ace of the rgra meeting ofi thie E-venir-i Auxilîary, planrs arie e- ing made to, attend as a group t he Auuu Ra1ly of the WMS Pres- byterial in,-,Newcastle on Frid'ay,- Octcfier2nd Altrnoo sesionS'tavts at 2,15 wî'th Miss Raie isanc, fro'mi China,1 as guLesýt spea,-ker. Supper will be -eved a 6 o'cioick for 50 cents . An initeresting programmne wil hopreý- s nte athe evening ssin Tran ýportatenwil e arranged,. and ail memhriý1ers are gd to hoe at ,thie church not Qater than 7.30. WVILL BUY Up tou1M; acres of 1land, not nmcs- sary Tto Iegodfairming soil, not in- foete nbuild ingls. If Jpiýce si ight wilbny immediately. Ail cas h, Apply to Box 1,7, Orýonoù Thimes.t.e FOR RENT Fam,10üares;, S Vs Lot4, on 6, Twnsipof Clarke. Apply~ to R. R WadellOron. t. Spy apples olre" ces Apply t'iA. 11H. a-' 7-e FOR SALE Oýe «32- Ford Sdan.haig ew motor, also one '38 Ford C-'oacýh in] good conlditionl. Apply to George FOR SALE Thr7e1,ork'j eedP--Bbc)dBo rs amid3menhsc4./Aopply to yR-Jý Hancock, ph no 13, Orono. C-39-p FOR SALE yorkshire 1boar, 12 m-ïon--ths oId, iGoodCon type. Apiply te Kennethý FOR SALE 19ý41 4lercury 5-passengogr Coupe,i 19417 -nior, excellent tires, customîi ibuilt, radio,. heater anid defr-oter.-ý 'G. Duivail. Leskard. i-37.p. WORK WANTED Duthma,,4ý3, wife and girl16,I- wanit eilyeton farm. fMan eni do al far ývwrk, ean dTive tuk car mand tltrcter. 1urfher ifra tion art Yac. Verimeulen, care UI- mone BllokR. R. 2, Oreno. c3- ORONO FmUrntre Hospital Reupholsterlng Repairig Refinishfing Antiques Bou1ght nd Sold See our lino of Drapory Material Kitchea lUnit% made !t enorer C- F. D~uncan Free Estimates 1il e Giýven Cheerful ly cin Rock Wool Homne Insulati By Blower -Sys-temi, Four inches thi GILPIN &Ce. tnsulation Contracters, 57 Bloor West, Torente Durhnm iColinty GEORGE WADDELL Phone 23 r 22 - BETHA.Ni Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phoýne 5U - P.O. Boýx G62 Prt Hope, Ontario 1A. F. McKKNZIE, MN.D. Office 'Hours. 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.... Sundays and Wedntesdays by appoýilltment ontly LEGAL Lawrence C. Myiason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BoWMANVILLE. ONT. Offce 88 Ho"Me 53 . EW ARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY BOWMA.N VILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. w. W. SHERWIN VETERINARZY SUJRGEON Office Phoe63 r 7, Oronio ïNSURANCE J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fine, Casualty, Automuobil and Liab)illty ORON'S INSURANCE MAN ManuactuersLife Insfurance C.. Doiiaof Canada Geiteral Hartford Pire Insurance Waterloo Mutual Pire Inz-urance Wawanies-a Mutual Insurancé is represealted n this distriCe D'AINE FOJNDÏ ORONOPhn - Ifit's liLsuiance, give Dan. a iý LEROY HA&MILTON4 INSURAINCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Automobile, Liability,, Lif e, Hiospitalizationi, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representirg the . LeadÎng CAINADIAN, BIRITISR &bd Office, Mlain St. - OROINO phontes: Offic-e 32 r 10; ReS. i1' 10 Phono me and I wilM Cal tO suit yOu. INFORýMATIO4-N Would yen like to k-now morea bout the foleow1n? (a) IIow to wilI to your famly T m theusand dollars that you haven't yul (b) How to guarantee a .alary choque to your famiily every mouth (ïor 10-15 or 20 years ,.Iould yeu ho takeil out of the piture ? (C) How to have a salary cefiquei eVerýy ionth for youirself' as long me- Yeou f ive. Comm lecinig at age 55-60 or 65. (d) How to -guarantee that yojur ["n or daiighter -will have thie roney for an edlucation beyond high sechoolf ïLet us have a Chat about it Some- terne. Phorte FRE D LYCETT AUCTIONEERS TED JCKC st. 1 Auctioýneer and Vi Conducts Auction Sales e!It and at reasonable rata Communicate with him at v, Perry, Otre or see his Clerk. ÀX E. Mlorton, at Oronio, for date. J A CK YREID O)rono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator 1Spècialize in Farrn and Furniture Sales. Consult me- for termu and datesl Phbone 5 r 18 . 41 Main St '-,-*RONO ONTARM

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