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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1948, p. 7

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Plowing Match At Lindsay nt Lind'say. got away to a wet start înteco'uty cntess bighld. TUein peition gets Undeeay.,, The bad weather on the opening day held up startig eents to decid plwi' camsof four couti s come+ig -Peterboogh, Durha,111 Otaioand Victfor-ia, LISpite oet the bad weath.er County leaders imanaged Ao turn the required number of fur- ro-ws even if la lot odttbem i d geti -we't don'g it. T'he bad wether pllddown the attndace realyonly 5,000 weýre present ýfor the opeing day. Ho- evýer, Mr. 4J . L Carrolli, Secr.etary- manager of 5tbe Plowm-en's Asaoc'ia- tionwas sumprised ithat so many braved the weather to attend at «I. Tb'syear the 'iternational is liv- uptOits lname boter thaxn in ',os years nd will have tbree lo Ylloie heYrse plowmien two tractor, among 'the compe- ýý r.The fisjýh plomme lid a etse sesion ýanýd mii eter com- ppttiorn (toýday) Thursd'ay, when sod clse open. Dry' weather le nceed- ed for s--od poiig As bas been the case at other fateestdhere is node- ost1to oM cotour p,!çwiug shedieal- thuhthere miibe dem'oqstrationsý oYI 11ree planting, tile drainage, ir-ri- gation 2anid bul zer work. 'nie in- tienationai bas been running since 1913 'bt as nancelled a 1918 be- mause Od the iflena edeic and Cfain itrm142 e14 .eueo the war. (Cnitinue(l trom pag-e ome) *tresur to 10320,The coi .t of the blaeisis$20'8.jS.' The glsstil~ hlave a long way to0 go. In cojuntinwith thel ýdance, the girls are selling tickets on a drwfor alieautiful tri-hlit lamp whichmay be seen in Ernie Dent's Store windo'w. Ail the g'iis have tickes fo sale and oul 1appre- clae ou bying thdeni to belp with their cuse. They would also like Voc see as man'y as' possible at tLheir danice,whc will hiav-e man yattrac- tions. There will be the presenta- tioni of tile cup wbhich the girls won' this summrer, the .resentation oif the bla1zers Vo each. individual 'player, the draw for the lamip,dacn p stairs and cardý, for those who like o 'play dlo'wnstairs. Everyt ing is being done Vo make this an evening to remenlber. Dntwait to , be as'ked Vo buy a ticket on the drawN. Tihefirst tine you see one of the, girls, ask -for a t-icket, buy asý many as yôi can alt- fordl, the-n ihen th e girlsi are -pre- sented wîjth the blazers the'y wiil not' bie 'owin'ýg for thie sleeves. OUONO HYDRO MEETING The 'Or-&Yoo Hytro Commiss ion held their rgIr m'onîtihly metngon Sept_ 271h, la the Ildrýo officýe wîtb .altbe i'menbeis present. 'Pie minutLes 'of the previious m eeting mere paa'sed as read. The illoYwinig 'conswere pro- seated for payment: H. E.'P . .C'...............-6--- J. C. Gamrey ...........__.... .. 100 1 E. Denit ........------4,.62 The 'banik balance 'was r'eported Vto beý $3,205.31. The netlgtheildound Local News buldinga aneshoùw ro mi iu noyth of bis garag.e on main street. 'outot-tow vistor duingthe holi- dlayweked Mrs. C. Walker and aughter, of Trenonis vsitng wth er parents, Mr. anld Ms.C.V. C operoitOrono, Mrs. Jamles D Rso as rtre b orne affter spending Th',anksgivingl J wek-ed wth Mr. and -Mrs, Milîson Mr, ".Dick" Morton andl friend, ai- se Adele, of To>ronto, spent over the holiday we-edwith their 'parents, Mdr. 'and Ms.A. E. Morton. MIr. R. H. Wood ceiebrated Ls! 8,5thb i)rthd(ay on StraOetober 9th. 'is family Nmas -rsn or thie occasion and lie received niumr-- ouis messýages oft congr-atulatio'0n S. mr. IWood bas Ibenactive thr-ough'out ibis litýe, and 'onlly this summer gave ap the position as caretaker o t theý town hall in Orono. Thro'ugh 'th)e long winiter Months, ithough R4 at that time, the sidewal'k aou' the hall mwas aiways kept sho'velled. MNIr.ý Wood Is la the Lest 'of t heith. The Times, aloiig w&th his miany friends, -wish Mr: Wood 'mans more happy birthdays. An accident 'whicb (meurred 'on' i Tursday oft iast week, could have resu'lted int aaliy.The accident, Occurred et Sisôaon'S garage just soutii 'oitOronio. Arche McLaren, wvho was driving the coalÏ triuck nortb turned finto Sisson's' Gaarge. r M. Kerzie, 'who was a1so travelling northn,turned out to pass the truck crashed inito the side ot the vehicie. Dr. )MdKenzie was ha'dly shaken up in the crash, is (body hrTeaking the 'teening wbe-el la bis car, 'but alter a shovt whle was able to continue on bis way. His car was bad1y smnashed in front while Archie Mc-. Laren alid the truck dseaped. No«w that the dry speli has broken lt seents , that it can nain almosk at 'ii, You look eut the windo'w and the sun is shinibg. Look out half an bour laiter and mo'st likely it wi'll'be raining. ROAD DEATHfS ASIS (iii'- TWO ASS',-IZ E CASES' Two cases are on the crimia cfockeSt of tble fall asse7,"s w bi Ch opened at Ccbc'uirg on Triesday Iast,i before Mlr. Justice Ch-evrýier. *Bath, are iotor mnluhecases, One! bein'g a change against Geo'rge Wat-1 son of Toronto and the 'other againsçt Edwvard Dumof R -R 2, Grafton ' 'Drunim, it is ehiangedl, was the driver c if a catr wihstruck 'a bi-1 cyclýe in Hal diman d Tawnship, rid'den b y Eidward Bruczuk 'of Grafton, wvho diýed ii nh'ourg 'Gencnal HoSpital.1 Watson 'is chiarged as the driver ofl a crr hchnas în collis;in with onie driven 'by 'Gustav Poisson, of Quefhec. Mrs. Poissota died after thýe avccdent. On'1 the ju-ry ]ist, Mn Edithl Watel cf ofoigis suin.g Chlief ofPolice William' J. 'Carey for $8,000 damy- ages, ehjangin.g thaittlhe was locked -up con a ch reoï vagrancy in No- vm r,146,i an'd later comnmitted to a mnien tai1 institution. Plriai ntiff daimýîs tha't t1iere was' no jus.,tifica- tion Jfor ber being ;taken linto cus-1 tody. ýShfe is n'a-i«represented by- counsel. Austin' Browýn 's suing Alfred Morris of'fomnile fr$,O damuages, th'e clain 'beinT1g 'based on a,1m1t1M acciden1t. Plaitiff -res;ides in Bow ian'viille. A lif r ed Aflin of DýarlingiLon To'wýnshitp is suing borne Bradley cf e amiltoifor $5,(?O0' dan- agies, arisinî-g out of a reported as- saulît. On t h e rnon-jutry lisit, William-y Gree1'naayqof port IHopie iss Suingl Fred 'Lingard of the saie town for $295,char-ging bremch of an agr.ee- iment in.V'olvimg sale of a taxi busi- niess. Hariret Palmer ofLaept la pffaintiff'againstd nyTuino Coîb'orne in a dispute over an estate. There are three divorce cases. 'CHANGE IN MILK DELIVERY mterno'on' delivery w'11 commence Mon'day, Octoluer lfith. There will be no delivery that morningi. Make sure te buy enougoh on Suiday inornl- iing to' do unitil Monda.y' afteinoon. There wilùl be no iore. Sunday de- liveries after this comning Sundayf until fuiith'er notice. CEDAR DALE DAIRY 1~ 'i v ----- I.A NIJS AT WORK..foir ON TA IO ON TARIO 9S products are desired and pucaehy people alil ver thte world and the capacity to produce suicli gooeds lirgly dtruustee-onmic uelfare oft every man, wonman anid child -wilini ber berders. Be-cause thesale of -every atcepoue nOtrobigv aluiable dollars into tbis Province, we ail are ýmore assured of job Security . . . and %we and our childirecari ha ave more eft the Ibetter things in lif(, To pro duce icucli goods in sufficient quantifies, skilled labumr je viial. Thiat is why every single onie of us should Lie glad that wýar velerauw, are cotistantilybeiiag traîned te protide the skilled hiands se aeeded byt Ontario iindus:ry. Tbeyý. receive ON TRE JOB training under expert iinstructers mx our O4aiectories. This training, fprovided threugh the co-operaliem of the Deparimn et Vetef- rans': Affaîrs, the Fe el eartment of Labour and ithe 0Oarie De(paIrtIeàInt tEu tieýn, 'ISarts veteran1s on thie road te) skilled casnashp agtoteu-e their adsin suci(h jobýs as retinlg, thnsrpig burnishing anid fiaishing,.tle miîli evenitually oephioto eugraving craftsmen. Berauise ef the incesîgim- portance ef thlis trade, veyeffort oet th-eenel-skiýlldworker,, h0,lps 'I ak Qn'ta4rio a flner place iuIi whicir to ive and Centiributes to the welfare andhapns ef ail lier citizenls. THEF BREWING INDLJSTRY (ONTARIO) ~ R. C. Snuitb, 2 ,ofToen'o, an RCAF veteaisis sewerl)ltiîng a plate in a : lai1 rge oreritophoto engravingplanit. : : ur-iti triviiviinig, veteran6 are sliifted * ~ fo tree job [0 aniother teo - ~filiiiarize [tien] 't i ph'ases etf phote engraving. : metin tiwe factories where - IODteyrrev tanig .N e

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