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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1948, p. 4

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Âdverhîsinig Rates on, reqijest 'S, ubs-,c r ipDt jo n $U Try our up-to-da.te Job Plant, <Our prices are sure to please, and our work is f Ltie best Published every Thursday morning at the Times offic Auffhorized as Second Class Mail, Po st Offie Deartlueiit. Ottaws R. A. FrVer, Pulbishe Established January, 119'37. Care and Courtesy New Year's Eve New Year's Eve is a,,time W11-en -car anid rtesy is nieeO, -en trve n onthe bh'bvihays tlroughbout thr.e coun'iry. Newý Year's Byie is an evening when som people iniiiel omtd~ stronger t!hainwater, -which is suxre to eff oct th e driviing erai parties. ;Crrrst-ias siowed a good example Of this, anld weknwtit New Yearý's k g1enerally weee h.n histas (far, wors in fr) Remesiber the olc sa-i1g "Wthiskey and Gasoline WllNotMx" 'lhere is only onie ïwa to play t saý'e, don't tou-cfh intoxican,-ts w' dnriv4n-', anid you are iable to fare ail righLt. Be co)ur'eous. GIlVýe tho otihecr feiiow the doubtL. He mýîg1t bo uï-der the influelice, so give hin the clear rtitawy It i5e better not to c'tradiet the otiher fellovwhwile on tffheroad. 'Thcasghhe i deiii he wog giveh 'mlte right for tein chanices t,,on ie i s not responsible for- whlat he ing Nîtrh his m . * * A Fine Tradition For y-ealis pa st, the Chrstmras Day Eibr- idt ioadcas.t as bleen regarded 'wibh affecUtIy Engfisih speaking people every iwbere. Culm n4g us it does Me iit apeuslmessagefrom HAs 3Majesty the King, Mhe broa.cas serves as acon-q dnghi ain. a ie iay land wtho owe aegdante Ao Me BritadiThrone. There is eoamethin.g -snguflar andIi ime.ý,a about tje (custom. Jt lias Ibecome a fine tradition, one whihwe trust will Ae félloed an long as theý Dinglish languiage ks loved and ucherdehied. Nothlg u'ndces people flmke the coimon touch. Niot)hing'ap- poals lke the inoaeeinof cnia asil.nunderstandýin(g. When a r-ulinag lmonareih can Speak unassuining adoptimistieally Vto Al- lions ofisubes at C$1hnmastide, there is, over-y 1hope for a mnore .1cosely knit bond of fellowsshilp among al concerned. Probýabl)y the most t alked. of qoainfrom a--ny of Hie Maï- jets addsemss came in E19, w'hen the new classie passage was use&. A swid~ to the mun who stood at the gante of ùheyer Gve ne a liglt thiat 1 n'aiy tre.,ad safely ino the unnon"l. And he repldd, Go out into the darinecs and put your hased into the hand of go&. That shaR bu eto you lietter thian tdght a'nd safer than a k-no\is w- ay. Wlit finer Nem Year thought couki i-e takan, either foitHiis comïng year or any that follow aftér. * * * * Christmas Trees New industries and ventur'es spin rp from îm t ti nte.t' These frequentl~olMbowthe more nodAst and hmie eginlgs of farnimer decades. Thle Chl'tasTreebusinerss las grown by leaps and hounds dmin.g ýlate- years, until i epreýsents a anneltrira- ,over of ilhmndcreis of thusands of dolars. Tueos are being grown uWon prepered ops of landand tin- ned or cloaredi as growthprit.We ofnfeel Jhat ian -any in- stances, needIess destrctin od 'trew e s ocasioed lion epeopile g unsupeswiised into woodands and cetdcmw quantitis of oùui)g ~prmhiig tree. We would muci prefer the, niethod wlhrein wst andsaadylad is used for tMe growiig of Chrstas TrAes. Whoa the trees are removed, o)theris can be patdin theiir place, Thre ve~atthat poor, liglrt land ie often. ideal for the growing cf ever- greens sbiould isupreeý2s us wiÂth the iwor'Othw-hieasct of the is- MeISS. Vandali, such as is too often pra,,tised wengood! trocs are rcmoved from faimn woodlo)ts or even ground dincntto homles - such vardalai mshould le condemnad ipundsted. t j a atove hin JeIngtdirection, tierefoe, when people with în eye to thse' future, cao set ot acreages of nre"s lecase the ClrTma ree vOill al-vways haeits apjpeal, pýarticriry qwe e herce are chii(ren. Iit should in ilo way interfere with the aires iy did01 sply trees which are grown amn n.tedAfr moe seful and pract ical purposes. à * à * Good Work of the Legion Local ilatcrest in oiow prielr rn-un of tldheCanadian Legion wil be he$gtened liy the rücent oppintent of de.IW. C.fIH. Mitchell as Legion President. Boewmanville, Niewcasi2 and 0=o dsrcsare enifioded in What is s-adlykn n as the Bo-wnan- ville BrandIs of thse Canadian Legion. Tte organization is Domrinion wide, and embiaces ex-servicemmnhfaniail classe es ftefghting forces ,WiVir a charactistie spiri of indepemne Chte men of tGe Leg'ion seek to Ye self-supporting, and self-susaining. Hlowmecr, ÉbAhlc good-wil and moueiery ail are ever npprecned The annrual «Tppy Fund' ciappeal is one very wochy Legicn projet to-which the people of Orono and liiityhve been uxcedjirgly loyal De- voed as it in, Vo thse provison of Crsmsgcltig for children of needy, Leg--ioinmembsers, ne Poppy Fund is -unique, and entitled Va ~cal etiom Mv. Hetb. Murray lbas beenninstrumental in keep- ing the Poppy l'und efore ourttnton t s conorteing tonote at dins festice season, that miany lmssfoiruate childien and war vetes-annegcnes-ally, wHii have enjoyed a merrier Christmas because a kindly poselilent supporc when ik "asnneeded. "Sermée" is iecoiniig mreandi more a watchword in la cun- try which reccg:-izes its, indebtedniess to the men and wvomen niho aetîvelýy bore tise 1brunt of wair, When chose %tho fougit OUrTliatties wna retin-nhome and u'iLigyenev u to ork out nthir wn salvation in civïlian Site, it behoo(-ves the pub1ic V o offer assistance nhenevcr and werever posible Pie rwLegi nibas assistd mniin secnrng jobs, has fttrisi',Ied foo,-d, clothinig and hou-seholtincsste in ieedd cases, ham stooci hy those wlio requuired neial care as a reat of artime injuy or exposure. Ia short, the Legiio exeés ts't influence lor- tIse 1betwew of At own muen imnw roturnd Vo thse coftenC;imnes diiflicuit balte of imaking a iivrgn in thre laad for wIcih they fouigIt.L ike any other Ses-vie CmliorfrattyNte uccess of any mieo loçal brancli will hinge Largely upon the enthusiaRm anti execudive ability of the apointed o9klers. 'NWe ulmiat tIls cistrictlias di,!e ~ieyainti wellianlcn Ah. Mitchell iathe Pesident's dhair. Not ony wi t eritory ont- siwle 3owani ].e rea-t favorahly Vto lie choice, fbut tisie newT Presi- d4ent wil carry in(iWIve and experdnce into the post nihicli will jPr"ee invalpameinhe eacsing ypar. He and his associates wîlfi ~Mr. anYid allto;Mv Mr. d ville; 'Mrs. .Real Esiatc $3-500- Farmn, CavaikT ship. 200aces, 100 worL balance good pasture,f house, 94 foot stceel-îý -barn, Nwell and ever fio spring.ý $2,6e0 - io Township, good Misýs Edlie and Mi Bo'wmanNTville, spen~t with 'Ur. aii( Mns. Mr. and Mrs. C visitefi Mr. and IMr tell, B0wnavle Mn. Rohert Alex spent the lia partients, Mr.anM nd;c M2-s. A. St )ent .Crît 0a ~M.and Mrs. pou ,tyvr00ol acres,-1 Iand, $1,1"} - 70 acres, (Clarke Tomwnshipý 2eý acres go,,d workable land, balance 4bimber. $1-0 Building 'Lot, iiiOrno cls non No. 3,3. -À good Opportuaiity to sectue a choice 65 foot lot for Spring use. Prosectve uyers wili do wieli te investig-ate srme cf the properties Ihaeprivately LEROY HAMILTOIN BROKER Office Ph. -l; Res. 1-16 Oroio', Ont-ario PORW'T HOPI Fri. and Sat, Dec. January lst, "1EVERY GIRL IIou BE MARRIEIY' With Cary Granit, Franie Tone antid ana Lynni Al-SO "RACINGLIC Mon., Tues-.,,Jan. -3 "LOVES oF CARME 'Withi Rita fHayworth ane Glenn Ford(Adit - lo hi coo Wed., MEET FI i Jarn. 5 COSTE] - HAI FUNERA Mvl. andmMrs ai Mfr. and i don Wlil, -with and Fred. Mr. aild M L .Ur. aa i lyS. A. Uýw andr JOyCe, and Mrss Low Sr, SpentGclri t'a EwilhMr. ani Mlis. Dave a,Toi-! onto, and aeeaigover for a fewýv ~1t wit i am -11i Mrs. A best 'oa, lmilton, anti m iii ho visit Mis. Tina Mar11tineli and Sfour grandcil"- LD dr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Jan anld Biiy of0Ajax, miMis ýGeor- ginaDaligtnof St. May ,speat hot Chisýtîmesýith i. and Ms-s,ý A. G. Daintnand Bill. Mr. -and ~r.Jiack Gloers baby t'le Reil. A. Bunýt ini the home cof- 4 Mr's. A. G. Dalngtn o Suliay EN -Mr. and Mss Mas,-eus Su-)per sd Mrs. . Pa"tton spent Chri-stnimas Daýy Ai0 r.at Mrs'. Percy Patton of Oroo.Mr. Super 'iitdhie skiter, Mrs Sinra haOsihawa, and ,ve arec1 pi')edtoreporit that shle la pr- - 6 gessig' s!isfctorly after her i1i- LL Hpe ndMi.Stan. Gr ay. Port" MUt. Cordohn Pln Toronto,! Mrs E!noPalr, ,PortlHope,Mi andMrs RoeitMastinilandi two chîdre, PteroroghMr. ai Ms Clet(olan a Rge o Hnriklo, Y" M.ar- Mlrs. J. Martýineil, Mr. and Mr.Gos-don IMarÉt inlel ,Mis. 1M uonanýd Mrl speit c'Ilristni1a S with Mr. und Mis. bie Mrie X R. BARLOWI Ontario = Antiîques1 Sce our Kitchen c. ~que Ta au LS-61 s. yen? oney ool? ~ome Free Esti Given C]

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