E: À%J3v 3Ef ISTOFTIIE SUN A Sertal Story "GoIfori- ! Jmsîd hn iei 1ambien" C) tbé-i ntl a al ndr is "Ve, gmbc,, JrritotIbe Ruîtil i l dckotcads A dariklucs staitic. The, nigItîs no-iseýs aeO= sauceinguTnepoulof ab>y esIe h oot cfan ou:Leeiie sound is t e-n I a. Low-pitced vue So Ung 1a e :b ut!" S 'q gel ilW"Barron sais. 'Apache oves and tri ankles ct,U-t T llîa Pm wiîiug bfre said 3àavagely tei i vle e Barron snapIyed,"Mot Pv-et i asn%'" Thir voices moved naay weire lo sî,Vrginla iiiWI0.darkncss c~ight have beenudiscussing ber- antI Phl.Sie kiew tity bas been qýqLun ding -smtigwswog CHAPTER V lithe le gray woeerly awný, Pmni Randaîmcamnel oir aS ten, Mand ýrcIuti~ udressted e cp oloe e'îs 1,senig linerem î ir mos M.c ~b îigers ecuI ,.ed but--,- tons nd diii n be slîe. lie n oedpresental.,i Thi ribut." sh saî, AtI iieu T~ doîî n Cut -,-0gbt u yn vBu ar erb. Tbeymay n acï, yri ,l becaefu. EI l iî loe stîihe. "' 88 Ytlow oolsf 40. Freeh-watet cot.) por~etse 40. CaMa dlsh 45, Too baC 46. fihleel ut gises ~na i~ tiatl<te-i BE 'Buidinga bo hou die >is fomed byÎ,'for pl f b aroperaileng b, iîraed ith ao be it b mxtueo edadaniSwater. the hn4s b wbt > a ecnicl cIlle w'day cati' antI hn c arY c i ileta cbimney ntil notachinki lf Illoth eoatig ofw1 cie-,wbc twenbc og bib opoe h ood are drivn quoleUmeanso8î et!; thlis te ca,, t 'chinking.,' at -fr ut e rdoue eday cl ae luIrti- ducd nt smotbc oer iand it plaster. W e a ry btb wallsp aeng os ?citeyaevbbeahedant preseut srui fabi n tI tiduedap- pe a, a)lcei hen bdmil rrve wti inluee Ofbe deais They, conut-oehi idonîattend Snuday after Snday, I fel I ar lokm O u n sa tua ' Cd milaecaeo u a \aîiiwre.AI dýo beliýve selve *Wiild îlot 1be .ttaclkCd byutîvts 1maiud hat be heisîtIthefreo * wrsipwhreauld as h3e *býu tjsnal oui-lgosfattti 'i' c bstefai'liî o our parents.A * vi matre, ociliitse ives- ~~~Il Tl", i dv s m g o i I *~~~ 1eic 11,l 1 teitcU rchn * and tbien. Von.ili becareful, ,t ofcure1ot to'd para e iir * ,fitii i ainy w * you wifêdid nou hveanun *differecebefore yoru mariie.d- * or, bavý iiîg it, did!noýt keep tue * iibyou. JI was raised tbmîk * luit Mne sod geoasuinch cdu- *cation as be could manager ant * not olîrliy'0-te mo1-)ntary> ben- * dtsChataccue..To have an * thinker of ýaIll] imes it be- * rich oîe's cltu-al iiife, adto *dvop auesauiig ant *toleraincecnerigal epe 'iad ail thiug-. *Try n mce moru t cu cky) *wife thattirgl a better sciu- *cation you cari ake her lite *more coînrableand pintrestig. * Prbaps later on she cr be * seaed takle up sorecoure c' he bid not geo in achool and youi *find a ý,finlerlite toge_,tlier A wie wIhu thv,, îi er lhusbafd's ambitions ii, not being emart. Thei yeaung for beuItr livng andI better thinking s1hould not be discouraged, or a man's spirit is br-oken. Aune Hirst cani help lm su5ýCh a situatiojn, if you write ber at .123 Eighteeiitb Street, New, Toroulto, Ontýarlo. 1How They Buîlt An Real Log Hlouse Helipful Hints For Homnemakers- Vv heu atilgul Ottans, ;au n el the tieb)acsntwhryo want tlimifyupll t1hewindow ifth iebacks -are Ceven. aesr Mes. S. M -von jiit took ont of taglear sïack îIna !hot oven for, abouÂt _Ïve mintes lTe Ibeat will ýsofen t Sugar, andI you'llsuid t perfectfor Ifyou have Ny ae, ilftoe altr aking sîpo rrs r lmkn My aimilgeusible 3armls cih proors elicont b ng to was te hlesipcoveCr. Iuse drnss sup oholidthe ar-mcorssu- Iaca maIrbiAp frou nt a o fasoued wasbstnd as une ci te worl surfaces near my stove.Iiz l pratically impOssile to amag t I, can placerotskilets andIpn dircctiy from th tol ,ve ontI,ý,s sr f ace-.1i use itl ahth tme ga, lc toý cli otnodecoissdpe crut. t lokaas nie a san lo near my lJaundry tub11s.Berep- ýinJg auy garment ithpces t t'ilwash, Jtuot1i-lie oktsisd o,, n antI brusb thriem hrogly use thiýs samen ndIrCs o souý, sucb) as ncbidcl~s n cuifs ot sit.Buhn scse ,hanlrubbig yband or on ahoard --MAr1S. - \\. I tind h saves id effort if i w îildrcri's play cli le Inne "'-"'11 rc;Ady for nti ironuui ISSUB ~ icr epïaimcd thiat $ uatýIlbe retuirned. At frs ii wasdejbgbî cd, dispIl ialong timle îlu silence, 1h1 Fair Question A yeoman tr" (ying 1 maîtuver ber- se-dan o ui of a parkinig spiace an cdino heca' hedt!hen mbit Itcca ,biliuld and fnlpilinlg ittïhe sîret iurck apa.ssingý t'-iv Liytuc % Apolice-lmnv'1,bC bad been wltcblilng approacheéd lber. niandde archy. "bo'4glvive ea l cs" Isbard to cw nrrc,,iac foot .of tdi ie . Cnt çor îem àr a loig as vo)11 uucedand place il v ig ti e critCkk:This bhodis thlerikal 0W nplae a'd you cae st1ich rigt il fiihdthe c-ce. Whc cey1u%,e ýü1sen\,ing the r lickrý-ack, îIust ~ peo1 h trpo w1dpae. PARENTS For Boys B3 to 14 Cive Rigby's New Book "Rocket &Jet Planes"ý Moesthat actually FLY! BurniII's Book Shop 100 Yonge St1t-Toot neCosapl olaint occ fa3 Paittero 4963coesi zs34 take 47 yars, 5 icy Sc n th. Set reritoBoxn o.n 1, 123 liiàsg re1'4 pü Bling Dry Yeaet. ïLoteand 10 mnin., THMEN gtir well, Scald c. mýiIk sud e ýt4rin lu 3f',grauuilated sugar, 3'; teIp. sait, 3 tbe. eotnn olte) ueem.Add te yeagt umixture oxkd etîri Ili wel-beaten egg. Stir li . onc.-ifted bread fleur; beat until amoetbh. Work i lu , c.ce-eited! breafi fleur. linead outPiloctmeo'lad ülesti"c; place ;11 greaeed bewl sud brueh top w'ith lmlted butter or ehert- eniug. Cuver andet in warmù place, free front draught. Let riee until dîoubled in bulk. While dough jes rieing, cmbine ;,,jc. brown engar flightly preeeed dewn)ý, 3fc, liquid honey, 3 t-be. butter or margarine, melIted; divide evenly into 24 greaaed large mufinl j pn;drop 3 pecan baLlves jnto oech Pau. Pim-li dowu dougli and djvjcle mitr no2 qual portions; form loto emoo-th bll. oîl each piece jute au oblong ," thick acd 12" long; looeen dough. BruAh with melteri butter or magrn.Spriokle with a mixture of 3fc. browu augar (lightly preseed dowun), 3f c. copdpecane Begin- ing at, a 12" edge, roll up each piece loosely, like a Jelly rail. Cut into 1" ece.Pace, -t. e.uin prepared mufflu pana'. Greaee tob. Cover and el riae until doubled in bulk. Bake in moderately hot aveu, 375% about '20 muiluteS. Tuvm out of pana immed jate- ly an)d aure h, or rleeated. ,/ t-' - r MUN ffl FOR SETTER CITIZENSHIP.-. MAKE DAD YOUR PAL SUNDAYOJUNE 19 eH.ney Pecan Buns. CeOF ?", sht