ai Irect 2,! 4and 1 errg 2 Pis lis arrets, s R. ph~ Oronlo, in th Retired Fari Ail persons h,, s ,at f dIece~ ~4.. flatedl at On unire, 9. MRS. GEOII me Minisrer of Canada ilne 27 the voter m-ust of anytingll else, whoý the government. t. Canada has lehate aned a quick ýirs bhecame clear as tht ovrmnt r ds. asl ~ eOf the oii opie of theni.ý This warmi and essettially Simple human bewing is the real stet- thie product of the mal town, of humbhle heginins. ardwor, abig famlly and hefriend liness (if contry eghos In hlomd, language and instinct he combines thke qualities of twýo greai Tgk the voýter it is e-qually important thlat St. Laurent i, th, leadler of a irully nainlpart, mwithproveýd ztreiigth froim coast to cnast, the oilly party whlichi ean hiope to forni a stable goverimeui after cthe election. FHi, charactler, his- ability and his aciev-ýements hiave maàde himo the leadler of AI the Canadian no23 r oomd bUsýe and sii bain 0o, ge on h aIf-aýcre lot on)] the South of centre Strleet, Oon;aisc e and Lot on the wvest sid.e of I Street, O)ron0e.Buth the prop-I ofth late 'Mrs. E. J. glo. ytFrdj. Blrmacoxuhe or R. 'Vaddell,. K.C., Ooo FOR SALE ick building, known as Pro- e, Church, located on cornier oy 8, Cncesio 3,Daingti-on. ,hser to rernve buildinlg fromn et.For fuirther particulr F~. F. Blackburn, Newecastle, Ont.,I R., R. Notice 11 EN ESfjý nam, aouresses their lail securlities, veri4led b, day cd J u saMddece among th baigre I fatedi June 2AI)~ E rono, ing P( park, i( Enquiri LIEE F ire, umeicc ours: IO .m.; 6.30 te 8.00 P.M. ys and WKIdnesdays by appoiîdnaent oly E 47 rl - ORONO LEGAL once C. âMasone 'B.A. rîster and Solicitor >WMANVILLE, ONT. Phones:- Office 688 -Home 551q W. F. WARD 8ÂRRISTER SOLICiTOR NOTARY BOWMANVILLE, ONT. INSURANCE INSURANCE l'ire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability oRONO - ONTARIO O0RONO'SINSURANCE IA-N ManuactueraLife Inauranei *e,~ Dominion of Canada General Hartford Fire Insurance Waterloo Mutual lFire Insur,%nc Wawanesa Mutual Insurance leý representedl n thia-disftrict by r% A 1%,T".'Vdi-wrX'T ORONO Phono S ? 1 *I t Insurance, gi-e Dane a trIaL ,,-I LIFE INSURn"ANCE Pension Plaps; Educationial poficlea;,- PIrotetti(itanld S.4 In fo Chi1diren and AduUs; Mortigage 7Int surance Plans. F. E, LYCETT -P. ORONO, Ont. - phone, 20 r U>~t - AUCIONERS TED JACKSON-, iAuctioneer and Vahiator Condic1g Mction Sales <a&Il aIa and at reasonable ratas Cemmunicate with him at I'«% Perry, (>nzario, or see hi$ Clerk, A. E. Morton, at Ororte, for date. JACK REID.) Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize în Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for ternis and dates B~~~ P nerl lent *Free Estimrates will be Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Homne Insulation B7 Blo<wer Systemn, Four inches thiCk, GILPIN & Ca. Insatin Cntrcto~,57 Bloor . West, Toronto Dis§trict Represeetative for Derham Couniy GEORGE WADDELL Phone 23 ï; 22 - BETHýANT STAFFORD BROS monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 31.8 Pijndas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMIENTS ANI? dsome. dig.- ier the rces', loNed e And sýeeî;ý vil f-,v races.