21 ~3ÂPlOR -d ti ~ Despite a steadsy- raja wbfich start- zý41 haif an lhour be-fore. the prd wasch-eduled to get uander wythe ~ceIbraionof tlie aniveýrsar-y of3he 'Battie of tire, Boyne ia Osirawa on1 .Saturd,2 Ju 1ly mu th, was -a colorful ined impressive ent More than -5,00)0 took part in the parade alld an-ý ithirr 15A00 iiaed Simicoe Street, f roli Avýe-nue Street to Alexandr~a lPark o -'watch the 40 lidges and 19l tbands -mtarch past. Tire scene iii tJire business sectîion prior to there arade wýas a brilliant -mne as gai]y, dressed bands and id anmesfrom far and. near ih tireir sash,es and lod-e -rihborbs aal, lbadges ~acepiaye4 and renecwed1 ~old~uaataneshps.Despite tire ,0that he mre-bwa 0anhor la ~ln stating eectators watd a -Veltvly i'! ;,or atmbles and i -n stoe oowasibavng- tire raja* thalt teymight not imiss -a singlef moment of tire evet which iadnt Ibeen21 held ln Oshawca sînce 1632. re- enthusiasnm of tegtee ]iDdg,e ilembers wasexnpîedb oewiro sa;d:"Rjeetoso, tre îparatde wili go o" There was aun tter asne oftogtfor iothing as tiremrhesdrer- -Mldtire use of lniobreilas. AIl along il tire se yencol ha- shriil nrotes of the bagppetire blare off The, bugles and horm-e, lire tomes of tire fifle, but ill eai eerbandA tiebig daad emann aiý 9rre drama, ,vere greatly deadenied by tire 1 -rai Àli thse'ho took part were c n -pietely drencbied an rt a few ofî thLe members of tr omuslodglesl -'who wrecoliored cashes wevýre no - incd l Aexandra Parlk later with ther witedresses badly staieid,. ThIe parade, whir too x-kliraif an ioutopaes a girven point, ascor "ised of miner onnc't ed wîth- tire Orange Order fGr many yeare as f ornto, e 'fwek swt [r-. and MUrs, Lorne WVe ara aorr to report chat iHer¶b. Mrc and Mrts, W-m, are on tire sick list at presa also àaMrc. m. Geary, am; hope ail wil soon be webl agair l Mr i. dMrs, B. Wtesof 1' borough, spent the week-end, Mr- anid Mrs. i. Mercer, an hear tnt Miss Juanita iVercer been holi4ayÎng la Rochester, fnbo ala, iaa r ails wtfriý mr. :and Mrs. Boeli adson, Mrg4. li'e ,,falther ad 3, ngforw-ard to a -Roy and Mir. Wn r iast respectse a dBoeexMP. ) Lot 8,Cncsio ,Manverýls, Co George WýNhite, in iris 831-d ye-ar, Tire late MrWhite was bo inj Cl.arîke To)wn'siip on February 27thn' 1.8467,a sonof t'he late Victorcan Mary Wvhie. He' took up the pur- suits of farming at wich he speni ftyneyears o ýn the same farm. wa<s a saai drrn at Mc.Ciea's Chulrch, taikiig -an active part in a"I chuir work. OnApril 6%th, 1047, Mrend Ms.Whitecelebrtnteir Golýden edd Ann.iversary. Tir-.e m-,any bqautiful1 floral tributes sho- eA tire esteem a inhich DMr. 'Wiite was M hedby hi fî ede 11e leaes to oua i bs Lugust Street Fair To Pro-vide Enlivening Enitertainmenl Women' Instiute 1jThIe r vlof the Ooo$r rîng nloef e ival appeni Veace monto, dayi, Juy A dento)f thre adfruit gi keen beef ca A past mST A.F aind A, i on proi rat ocso Ootario had1 c M'lzpah No 40, Toront-û Beet ,Juveniie Oranýrge bouirg. Lodge, Predict More is lestilb r( n-ale bud i Tir wetirr duugie week 11me os- weeks, -1,Jne Mos t o fruit- se'a eeftdfoa -h frost angeia curd diU d-te Pat entir. le inal setp Cappea was9 r dropira Vakni incewt mot preselt tire promise a crol; abous Was year, or about equi tire ery havy cOp f 425i4)0C Bie od Pot The laVe Mi. Bowen represated ToeGade 7- ïmp11e ogeFortDnrlham Counity as a Conseeratve f BdllyHaac<ç 1 .Otbutaa for about eig.irteen years. He! To Gae5 Orane Bnevlent isdefe-ated ingthe -îseci CarliHaacock, ie, Goodsreod L. flof.19w 5 s M--. W. Ricirard. Ds-Norair Woodc. )rneLodge, Beth-pite hiris III hearie took a keen in- T rd tereet la tiere eent geýneral ebctiou To Gae3- d ~ ~ i DrmBaMz1~teotyatrtèeeto a Aadiî Shewchuk. tiaken Vto the Rowmanviile General T Grde1 ru'g Bltons Baad, ospta.Goeuda Cowan. and ~ ~ Fl Caaia a 1ei -nrViveýd byhie jftire ranc Bland,._former. iaThinsan oe H moeDn rnedaugMrer, Mary, of'on wal. Port 4cp So Band, erry range The funeral serv7ice, under te O e playrs orunder auspcd DjuiamLodge, A. F.anM 'j. M a, febd iethe Newcase 1LISSAedCirurcir onModyae- ThPrtHp TiGenerai lMotors noon, I ttii. laerient w-ý-ae i os bu gienspcalme-ma de la BowMpanvilleCernery. u idn es as was Ohw uvnlDand. No the cuplfor-tir OinasSons of asgiveli spe- Big SearchEds- liofid er- The Bed *as they Fv-erod Wlrd MMhn ner ii %~Cbonrg, gave irs Paren$ a shouk oni- Saturdiry night 1last win iel didnaLticorne home. Neigibors Fhelped àa tire searci, aadfllaily Vthe pobicC were called around mdigr.Tire Dec iing toMmie Smurtie n ario icsinolatire irouse, Gonstarle '. Pearce sirone his bighirn aths 'esnbybed-irut ire was sourd nsleep un-. noir lmlMdertire bed. a umber Wy htway iA a pnzzy ie alss nig MtsWfrdsaedout "a bit laVe andde- weer f ide t waatie sfewt poace. tions hae0 Miiumsze ýj potatoies offered for sule in Ontario, ias been set at havuf-U ne adsvasgrir- inies instend are, n'7 of tire fomepr Ach-and-a-iraiftire Cege Vtoiriles EBra ncir,On mnt cfAgicbnr ds alew Lregmintioscm ver tireweknd tjn n ewrptte e lirt np Vo Septearber 1 ,-oiers te comy i 1be' to svrepn lty. rean oaare rvir1 M ýes are madei at tire r-Wro Frulit aad V egetabi'e ed Ci ýsoeda.ion 0ùf Otro. 1 4q'. edt dfur'ig tir.e town h ina answer Net receip cesosbroc totl of $Gs. T h is fiue tisiag. Mir. E. Engine ANDi v Orange aefi l'ours, ont a d ire bands £rom a