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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1949, p. 3

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Leads, The Wo)rlï,, in 3ari 1 ns Sedrish 1mat he W,ý th hlp o Brýî,mitish land Arn.e Mcn aptlljýlg 'wdns fuos match~ îndustry or6ls the pdic pjýiî imod everyonate on in the w _ .~-'-~1l- Sw dis ch Companyi-%, with hedat 0Jnoig ows vas trctsof imberwand, pl an pWpertm)ldsipresses for pape.ig mael ox il'de, mA cie -sho s sysr~s, Te cany m, oraufac inotres ae os"ihle by Swed-iïîj CERMAN MNASONS MEET, FIRST SINCE HITLER Siniundred German sons, y teras n "eniemly of t lech iave met Is'ran],-fort for thi rtpubliic gathlering in mocre ta 6years. Abcnt -700 ~et ade s sen s tIse delegateýs jouned hondF, ia a 'irc7*-le in Fakotshsoi St. Pet!' Chutei and sang tIe hyme, "BotherGd:e Me Ty Had"written iib> a formenri Masonic brother, Wolfgang cAma- duo ss zart. kepreae t h ie 6,70[J Masons re 1sfng ini erîany ot of a p-re- Hi ;I srenigth of orethia 7000 he formiaîl' ,,ýdressed dele- "Unrt bed rsd de fther Dm1 atons from E e 1 g i n Frane, Astra sud lenmark' anA tjeî ritain were presenit. No ermnan lgtaatne drn Seuhrtie Sovietzone or tise Se t. ectorof Beiu, her th oade- ha ben ba.nned, te first time :siace Ger- ma" irst lo)dgeý, "Die Drai Nesen h(ie Tisree Nettles) a fnddat H-ambuirg in 1737, ahi unts un de rtie mreetaésed "[Onîtd Grand Lodge" will ac- cept sonsored tmembers of non- 1-'rei nsasly, epamate Jewishand C-c'dn lodgea functioned in Ger- MWs y Defin tions. BESI 3MAIN -Ts 0 CRI VALRY - Tieatiueo listen l-ile-h taîka CIVIl SERVICE - Somellthng "11get i rt auranîjte btwet C, ' la na71 s * * *à ge er by ecoees. D 1'V ha e xee ros otis e * *1, LA R- ietiewents Streamnlined Power for C.P.R.-Just over thle St. Lawrence Rfiver on itswa from MAontireal, idislengiin 4000, .firstý of 23 iesel unjits ordcred by the Ca'nadian Pacifie for ilheir min neoper ation from Moitreal to WlsRiv-er, \Vt. Thle locomotive shlown- above is mapde uîp of tw muits, eaclisppyn 1,500 hor1sepow.er and -is caMàble of hiaulinYg ioads of mo1re thank 2,200 L-tns in.-t!e lheavy grades qon the C.PýP.. unes throuLgh thle Green Montins Te it above -ý are g-eared for freight serviîce, but p sne ounoie ilbe rad ilte fal', to tcomplete dieselUitin&ofthe 171-ile stretch oaf trac'k. World's Oniy Large Idde-n Area lisisd Part luofan arcle by ProtesýsrHanls Uether .soln-r-e - gardng tise recent Swedih e- ped'itin -.setout to ýigain in- formantion abut iseocean- floor. 'Thi',wekwe curclude thî hgilyiotretlg rIclje. tc: know imuoih more, abouý,,,thte strtifcatonand tise comýapositon- bieenical, pisiA an l ecisanlical --oftise dep-sea deposits.Tt Se stated tat aur lngest cotes, taken Wrcm tie radd ca> intiseAt-. Lanitic Qceca, had tiseir very lws years ago. Bu't in similar oe from tred cïia>' n tise Paicific tise k)owest parts m>'be imuch ode thýan bilat.- Onle oftis ot motatad gat ise saile imei, most dîfficnlt of our problinis cooce.r1s tise dating cf these cOre's: istis, tLi)filldingk ont Ot rate at wii iesdmn lisbeenacumlaig-n iltt workngothtie chroolology of tise dep cean b)cd.Tw ways of at- tcig tuss problensem to give faiÀr 1prosp[ects Of' suLcces's. Ioniumr-The Parent o-f Radiumi i onie 'of them we m ineasuire tise conDltent of radium-pre-senit il layera âut differenit distances fromntisth op ol tise core. Thsis has beenfon to shwa regular decrease witisâge, due thie progressivediitga tion l tise elemlent ionînmili-tise parent of radhim iarlier invsigations in Swedenà ansd elsherc have proved tisat ioimfapecipitateýd onito tise bot- - to fts e,together ithironl, WhS PMDcipiai is responisible for thse higli content ofioumbd radîium - iithe red dlay wthomut any corepnigContent of uaim It bias also been formd possible, b>' takngmesurmetsof tieradim conent tomeasure tise rate oDf gr oiscf tisese remrar-kable concr- tion whciwe iJ nd utise deep-sea boto ise so-called imaiganesç nulies. Tiseir rat, of radial grwhis about nuic ieml ilu 25,0010 years, logical ana, ss- is l tosay' tiesuyof differeuit seis minuteorgansms livngin jie sta- i; È a n i ce .ag e,' . Tsere àppearanceà o tisesane shIlain a ýýlowerstam Througis a bilogical analysis of tise FVoraminýifera shelîs fndivsdffr eut lai fa long coreMr wesal ab'e .tolinqlc up ise -Chirology afise recodsb f sje deep witis tie rtcord of tise rocks compiied b>'y glaciological studies. Tisereare oWshuels oi approci 0tise probdlein i fchrouiology: For exampile, tisestudy of tise voicanie sisrd prduedb>' as-raina fromî,, great vlcoi ruptýiOns. TIse>'hv falln rover tisesea surface and grad- DA,-y settled on1tise occan btou Bxr studyiing thein, , and b>'conneet- ing volcaie-asis layera fi-romlitise sanie otrain dfeetcores. wc mi1ay beale to work ont io a layer f rom a specialerputin mus tlîongh dtis eumme. yWmee w have takenl cot-es ocami islaolds withîl xema filidweIsrvd pollen griswhich wilalso afford c2hues Ita su"Ism ciechroolgy Que of Htisestfanating prob- Issus we ave[to dLea-l %witu conicerna tiseoaophoogyanld tise tetonics o)f tise ùcae floor. Dnintg ouýr cmuiise, wi-th tise btos we were imr- prcssed ýi'htistierugdns of tise deep ocean b1ottonai as it appeared b io l s in ise cuirve dawn byOur ultasniedetisreordr.This fact is ofgrascctfeiertb, ,unfortunatel>', i lima sron b adtuonor woý-rk with isJ-e Cdeep ses tr-awl, and somnetimes led to tisea ot valuable gear. u, corm cover ab1out 20000 nï aLiticýal miles ôrf our course, sud once worked ont, tahîl tîel1 "S a great deal. Aniothier serions ob)stacl'e toou wwk orkwihie core-sMplerwaa tie lIva beda whîciswe foudfrequent 'y 'in tisePacifie anldia ca Tlicse> ïggtetver>'wiesredvol- wcaicaivSiyndr tie sea at great de(ptis, wvIisch ot only piled upje enormnous cones, crowued b>'thu volwc and tise col iskands etf tiSse oceans, bult also s ýpreac l ho- zoutal beda of lava over vastex- panses of teiseocan foot. ili ocaedid xwe ,fbu eletinjg layera in LteisesewCo oceans desý-Per thn100fet beowtise s;Odimeit srae il" sis ,,i y a emali mat- ~LÀnofti nîaxhiusntiiI,, foud y tise Sam1_e mtsdlst qpvn Atlsti, iiîI,,1 dtrrnee MQ j ha ie Cerbqen Bau attention,, to the wvcrk t-3 be doue ini thle future onl tise deep ocean _bed. It3 ophlg, its dposis, ad tefanitastic faun)a whichistiits t depthsi, suipportiig an eniorinous Wter ,pressure anitc e-coldtm purature, are fasýciniatinig studies. Ouir prinefromnt iecris with the Albatross proved tha1t thie n1ovel techinique we have applied cani, in fart, be ed ,,Jto explore tise record of t de ep and a il te pm b- ni;que Cati probably be stil! fur-ther- improved, uand thetchiueo dmesea trawig h"s alradçmade a great strde foward There are no immediate gainsPo an conomDilic k'ind to be expected; M0oilduino precion etasno uran- imare ob6e found on te deep oaean floor. But, o n the othr band. tiseposible gain to many dif- fe ent sciences ià very rich Usdred -toS eaorahgeocise-tr ard sima-negeoog 3ascience stiIl in its infancy. Thle past hiistory of our inother, tise Earthi, aud of hýem ceanis, thie great hapnigvhich) 1have akn he earthiifnits fyu tion and have rsae h o ti n- entls and ocean bas,ýin1s wihl1be re- veldtisrongh tis te dueep ocean floor. If is My incere hope pta h inssu gret Work of the fstue, am Wony theý Scandinavian conitries, but ýals.,o Holn.Belgiumi-ý, Frnc, rcïat Bitain and thie Ulitied Stales of Ameic, itis !teir splenditi past acievemiientls il- the studîy of, the iea, shial take par-ts x-rt -fIr rat traitioi', f PErhaps Soule of imy rader awv had thi susrt of trouble among fai aimaîs. Yuhave a -ow - or i migli be a hors or even a pil iWa bas a good deal f woin on wt. Ps- siby whine "tockîgs"on tiselegs a "blase" on ise 3cface, or"itar- sudnypuiffed up, i7eddenýed, ai-d appjeaïed to be sore. Cracks begani to sho,an91yoi probably tbouiglt the poor bem ast wa ady sunbured Finlly xxisle atcesolt the whitîe sk:in xx oulI4 îdry up an sloug off - wiv, at the >samIe tim, iirk are-as of th14 inappard , ite u- afficcted. Aion. Adtiae conIdition is causIed b)y snîetiising the anima tssieatig, usualy sme ortfof legume.( beroughs1 abouitis noi tnderstood 'ally tOoo xx eh, uti o the peen;but ini Soule ma Ilelte light areas of the skin ae imadefar more suseptble to the sutniîghýt thian whIen the sam 1Ile animal is in perfct conditicon. tinig tise afflic-ted anllimaioff tee tr-oubile-miniIýig feed 'Or Pasture. Thený it shld Iibe kept otit of tise sun and oIiIInmeoItsapplied every dayuntl Il hesores hIave healed acose whýfich ;Ilusýtrates howl a-w fui eerbod tmst be w o wnsb vaîniable aîlnimais.Not so- long aga duthre was an outbreak f santhrax on an Eastern dairy farm.ý 'There xvas a grat deli of specu-. ïlation asmto ho10w the disease h ad goit sured! since tisere had neyer beenl any anthr-ax before iniI thatentire regionl. So tisey dýecided to trace it down to itn source. Fialyiseydirove-edv aLtie orîgin of tise trouble hIad been a short pliecc of ]bloo-dy rope. This hiad hJen accideritally left hehissd when a rendering-work's truck had StolIped' at tise -1air7 ar7 for- tle Prose of pikiog up a dbons Tise diverof the truck, wh1en% qluestione-d, recalledi that th,,e rope hiad beeg uedta load 4sonie cattie wichisd died suddeiýnly îmore t9an 80 miles away. No dagnosis liad hem made of the dsea"se wch had proved( fatal to thosýe' atl.Tht, rope ', as founld in tise harnyjard ofï tie airy farml, anid had beeni prac- tically cee to sýisreds 'by cat. *Tf-IL ,,is js nte xmaeo eSsare eatsïiy carried aroun-ïîd the on ucimhs igs as piecesof m"pm fo andaVtmobletires, So look ontÀ for sui iinIgs, and don't tae nyý selvesisf that'vur valuble ar mals aie not ep 'e o terssc da vernuieae Helpful Hints For Hormeakers3 Beoedîscarding thai aeupb,)t- L-Ue[heie garrns&'i, your When m iga rolýldheputam rwof mlacine stitLChîug along the edýge to be ohe.Trim edg close to stitciugl,. Spesu ise sad voradprevenits srthn Ifraveled yarn is f;-Il olDkîsks, wîn il arousîd a glass jar as you tsnr5vel it;yo OtIsen IIdip jazr invian w'ater anid Dalow yar todry. !t will 6e soft and usable. Saveý the paint left over i a cn by origparaffin o cver hetop. Pakrafifin mauy als 6epourved o CVer ise etedof cisezees o keep thean fromdryig out. Moth-proof smlail wCooleus b., wash1 in ad dr11yinîg 44ouhy pti seprtepaper basfod top oe MSSci own on tc ewingcgma- When sewing Plastic mtraa "býaste" with -paper cisisedc pins or a needle amud thriead. Tinsý kind of clotis s1inld ltbe pune.- turd xceptc by t isef.per manýent stitcig. coiver on luer dressng ta!bIe ana- uise ùtise mat forrt g. Use an egg poacier to babys fçýod, Eacisscto besem-sae at Lonce, O ovn s in uise, you can iE"at linuilcron n a nau'ffin pan.e For Ailing Trees Tise s thse ciie But leav get "me, turn yeil droppe to fug tisat are subjlect t-edi:stiret leaf discýas4ee or blôtcisling. Last yeýar, these di- eases were noticeal>' prevalt be- mause cfi vualywept weather. RegardleSs-of tise k1in& o)f seasoa wve are due for this summller, tpe, beat approacis to tree les isese i.s prevýen.thos. TIserecmmedaton f Dr. R, P. M oaaî f tish BrletTrýýeaRe- S.a'e h oro is ,e prayi-og aniy sase ltis aa orýpperor rmercury kmngli4f d, A seodaplctinl l'ts 'Jtziï ip adviale b)aec a uýe haesae grenwlasg and nc'loese czotinnie teaPla tc tobe 1lhli s f he Ça serch t ýi 1 £ REGGIE I nxi fiis no hi f i'i

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