Te~ MIE A Serial iStofy CHAPTER V ilr"hecle, n u eciinide, sud irgn foi- "Butlhi s 1ho lse 11d saddle are 2 ' 1ý:gonC. !'Iook as if ne mrely. rode off." pl!aCe for- su long tme' Vrgni terî t(- 1,ýock?" Jim n d!Cdd qma pzlda Then "MJ'llset Stev Brrn m thidsan ounitin ranmge wos jagged pesks ivraec ag ainst the palsbiue skvlCe sharp wolf angs. Thbe biniwtg snhtîng diecty oer- headwltn îe-v rode into Sauta ad(obe and faebidns emn asepin t1he sunl. Ji i led the wvay to the cafe and tbe-y Jisniounted there. "You can wsit juside " he to Vir-giia. "l'Il go fli Brru 11e entered t itu e C a wl ber anld lef t ber after or'eiber s meal He stePPe.cSifomtbe caf su11( strode to thesa1rn.'1e shl..1 devred thIrongh tlhe swiuginig doorf aixd halted jnstinide to siletis yes becom.eadiu;te [ofthegloom. Tie route was bi'g, A long bar bat l rau the lgtia oe It.At oie end eethe g amliing2.tables. Oly thirce îug roýseilthe ýïbal, 11ui bld the bar.- )e- lesirhe atluse Steve Bar-. uld. onl.He-wa diecîe at s oor a',t ry-- te arenioftheoom grieat1 Shle [hac Pil La tinanded; yet she ki-ew thfat he ,coul,,ci usot ansîwer thiat. The eidemu rmi is face hoedbe Iat,su c>ùre, He was lrmd H1e cad quickly: "Wait breM And he turnec and strode from theý adoberncbue Hie aas gone perbaps ten minutes, «!ic helin eh-e saw bis uiore igr n the doo qagaîi, she llnew he h-ad furii~oth-ing. "Evertbingi] in re, e said. S. Eorm of age Esperau i 1 14 Barnsat at a dek wr-tîuýg. H1e looked up anl sd sboed "Wel, ana]1" h sid tiatly.ý, .Tim said. "ecmefrm Phl Lawrence's ranch1. ÏThe place is d- s3erte(,d. I tbough-t you'd knlow, if anyone didt W% t hppened nul '1don' uo.I ae't seen Lawre orteu . Jim tok off i campigu hat and tossd imbntte des. He founda chair and sat dowuI,roln a cigar et.Hîsys wer-e sabjer shiarp Yocu are thie Donly mai vnwo had auything againat Lawrence" "Ineyer 1had A sbovwwu ithl hirmLeutenant." aOver hi darky hansme face. 3'! 3s sg t cri, e Sa. rehicle ~ 45. 48. tian -k cr elsewhiee t in0i issu N ew Lotion Notion-Th'iis comely 'vacatho to buyv a dime's wOrth of proection agaiist getsa srid) bfroin the new suwt-tan loti( a bepach surf cluib. Lateat bld ïin the 1bIil machinle bsnesu sprays 30 secoli -Ilihke a few engatmyef se- I jmetdon", cme ome. oe jlmes l'mn in by lmidnigblt, so-D32 !ims)Y four ilu the morning. My sohrasys this is nef ai to betr aud Dad, 0 tstii) a ,voinedwe- anl and a mothler, sud if, e' stop goiig totavrne(l do drink sud emeke) she WClldu im>s bus- baud. 1 lovëdci my hubadearniy wbiei en waS erbuit lnOW 1,Jo0't eem io am for hM et al "My nmonhem eo in very gQOd healîf, sud chu cdaims I1aiyouldf etay home avery nigbt sud make a home for my baby, sud Ms- my hus- bjaud vienbe returus. "Mind of My On -NOw Aune is9, bav2ea riinci of my cowl. l'AI- old eog lc t-akce rare of nmyseif. ouîyoig thikshe shoniciminci ber Owss, buisiue s ' omne tbrMee or four 'Ïe.efietcocht duilies areC se "ot s yu1want to show tpeu of ai, day! lMia'k e abfe u "eupiee fordnugtbe Yonm'll usIbei oessc prondiy whleu empuys oming! atr M, ; cdbar t2,sud crochet ietos Laura WVheelers improved pst- (aapesunlb.a cpe)for this atteu toBox.,1,12Eih tenhStreet Nt nui n Priwtpau ait t" ' te'lunderatnciIaurMAbieiobn mx owu 11f ,aî d et luihn * "mdem"days, tat a Imarriel * ea1eels s he can fling off ail * fmil repouibiilis admiv *5 rissh l spposecitO lîve for' * goo name Youare trsiling that * bl.What sort of mother d *yuappear ta be-, when you leave! *tha.t child niighit after ruiglit? The *bours apsrt fromyor or he 1,0ong tri ber te nuriiture ber n !ic ',itle yuuam lor yonr huae- Dr badolot u ave no ig;bt * t shmehlmas onare doînig. li He l being pblclheitrayed, *and by a wife bo obvIously l bu bliîc",tusec bircscif as otliei, s S"c ar eig e. * ouare cvinýdeed, that * your miother, ütbougb luiourC * heath hersesf looks after youm *jotie guir sîe you are workiu. IlT expect er ta do more than ',ia tht anteyselýFlh. Shie sud * i - r ahrneeli tibei-rtret, andi Sta have te sit with a youngster *unil the ealy bours of Che imor- *Stop cailg for your chiilci, and toi *tell yonir hsb ld'ry. Sbe is *at bier wt'eud, kipwing whlat * yu are doing toiyc3nrieIf and te * bhu. Yon adit ~eand your *fathler haver heen toud o yo v* L (ynAre livinigfre in a home ý whiéb tbey owu) sd you bÀave *driven them ltoî this dlecïii. t *t eterlathope that you imay *chiange your was sd bc * heý fitbiful wife sud g00do11e *they wMaut youtPb. 1 knjow jthat tis oiinw *lot be welcom-e. Yet 1 givei inl thre lhope that you ilïi realize * whiaî yoare d-oiig ta theebs *ii baud su thle lparentIs wibo lv * you suýd vsant oil, the !beat for OeMS, aMkAunue Hirst'counisel Acdrasbr StBoxi 123Eî- Hi, Wish aud turuips Perhps yu'reheard that on sort of 'pan la b ietter'l thIlain an other for cookUng to save inerais anci, vîtamjins, Thel -ýresl ly important tbig. oweeris ithat if you'r-e gngto coo vgtie roery thlat is qlickly -aud ilu, a miimum-"ii of wya yonr pan muest sonduct heat rcapidiy, anidhiave a tigbt fittiug fid. And, acucirding to, the Amnerican Meýdicai Association, you ceau jfor- ,get amy rumors tha-t f ocid cook'cdii ak certain kinici of pani is d eos That organizaton sys that YotU DO NO0T cendantgèr youirfml' health] by cooking inà alum-iniil pans,,, or mi ithose made of aies Noas a han)dy guide, I'm goan toý give you the prper lme shc- -cie for Cooýkiu1g freýsb iegectables. (The niinumtime is -for tenderý y0ung vegtabls - he mxýilm for tOMMse lotso yug. SCHEDULE FOR COOKINO FRFýý7SH VEGETABLES Vegetable Asparagus Beans, green litas Beans, greeu snap Beets NES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOD BELOW THE BELl? iIeIp Tou'r Forgotken "28" For The Kizsd fO Reief nThMt elpe Maire Tes.Rarn',?To Go M 0!t9, t'à"hait ci youî digestion ule 4oi bel(p 1he beit.-i Wow athebet ,, t . e -eed e t e t h et " o g a 4 Qm io a fter mette. Teko Of thi Sma igsive lu.. iyorsne AND ovl -hoip you digst htt you bayeU etaten in Naiture.'a >Wn a 'en mesS foike gelthkidcreefha iaeyufeel beWtr fro. cm hedbpu be.. usI b surepou gl lb eunearter'ls tLit e Pla ro o.rdrgga -5 TSSTJE 2 - 1949 celdL T e o: uu tuc tsig h toue fday dicusslu tI eideawa of leavxug thîs wo ld.Te ri aged 5 nemnkecibe'di lu gou Minutes 12-15 20-2 Recipe spa o