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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1949, p. 7

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railvvay sîctfali nspection 0f. ltcmpns D--v~peicS adaàiiesl '.inilta Tihe flhree princýipaý ýl ndutries et isheesq foreat and ining prod- uct eoid lotprosýper without î he tranlspo>rtation ýservices wich ave esew been icopoaîd ite s lii Canadian National System- saitI Mr. aughn. e poinbed ont, - ow ever, that the railwva.in thle-Ncw- foundland ditict faced tremendous oerating problema. ,There la the ~"~ rugges terrain widely scatteredeout- Ports te serve and tbir traffic une!Is, 'The builders of the line deserve great credit fo-r whiat tbey hlave Mr. Vaughan estimated tha thte 0_Octof e tie Nwonda trans- pertatIion Services willcesdrb inceae ;heiiniial expenss eofthe~ Canadian Nationl Rlay. W WCiineed ail the Iraffe that We caielt fifet 0this odto, i Mr. Vaughan announccddruhata econýdLboat would be added te the zeiîveice acroass the Cabot Strait, aud0 aurý ncrease in tis asegrtainl iervice between Po)rt aux- Basquesý unsd St. joehnris to six trains a. e<. These add(itional servi-es wl be pua mb to peration by theC anuadiais ýNaional te acomeda e he vr- lnraigflow of tuiî,anld to take care of tise grQwving fright iraMfe betwccn tniseisand and tise snailand, ter Beran-C zecb i urclJ>1 'bources rpo t 1tatAc- ~bishop 'Josef Matocha., ab)ov,, ùf OloumonJoc, Czechsvaa' Jre(ceivd tise same treatiùent given te Archibishop josef. üea f Prage. Archbishop Matochas Office fhas been ,put imnder police contÉrol, Two of hIlS taff mmbers havebeen ar- reüsted and police lhave u t two day searcis Of bis vesidence. Ira The Valley 0mf The MacKenzie BRefe ma hie il cmete tise Mac"keu1zie Valcy sud the Ihuge braSiiofet is tribuitary rivera, tile fo eeunsry was iubhabited byIdin oif tiseAtisaaisatsgroip of bibes mu thetaoutb, sud by Eskimos lC tisefinge alIo n g tJe Arcîse ThC ndaPlodges of tncAjac- ýfli" ere e-xtremely sime atruc âsycs. Poles Frcacfled dewfrein a2 common apex te torm mpsc pcîce en tMt grouS nd use were ce- ured lilbbaknet akins, te givJe erude shelter These sensiccie huI 'Were buit in, facing pairs ,iobren lefs betweeu for a comrmon tire. 's Sncb dishes as the natives usej were crudey carved bewls et swood ttark, or biru. Froed waa boiled in -~ geatgouird-sbapcde( vessies,whc sec o e av'e becu bolioved ouýta. Watecr was hcated in these !)Ytht' 0r-c-s et droppiug beated sîüajcs ifflo0tise vessel which, bing wýood- en, Ooiusy cOufld flot "b- Puit ou thttire. Sncb a contairner ,uId hold frein swe te six ýgailOnuý et psaker-From "Thse Mceti, Whileordtmîîg is Am'«iel can tonnai lupa '!ylet n ie e ep -"l'm serry,si" said watr idoil'i %peak- "WeII ben,"suapp w4i,"frhaenssi Metwèalhy queen of \Vas f r i n d f h e . T rma nd U. S. M",!iis'tcrtoLxmo Ftsrmery a Republican, hei tics aud "is ciîed with be ra.Last T'linrlsday13, t o Af us thcy lad a grand sho ec friday, aboujt îwnîyiles sel]i it ran aleu mrnn i btv cudliierally colint île few ri.l drpahat fcliloui our front do or-s froli p near Gucîli and!t) firs quetionaske wastin, A~Weedid y ;ge il the a fr -k""aii," mc aid, 'Wa tri e De >I- ng11 \Veil, yo11u enuSt bave ladl ram- thnaare: Ieekiîîggrecu iilere ýte whsîîby are up1 01r way!ý" Anid ithen we hCled ail abut it. Net ouly bave tMcy ad nu enAmbt tbey had killig frouss-wbicl ne missed.Tbeir pinlg çrep is l ing fiatin the ficlds wýitb ne ossoiblity et beadiuig eut. Garden stuff was aïýis ipped se Ibý( "at beans anld beets are shriVe-c(lcnad bulrnt. Pasturca, ef co1urse, ar-e prccal non- existentll. Altoýgceoneurfrienlda Today il ecection rlday 'sudJIisi omrig, almosî as Somon A-b polis werc open, Parîner Isud Ue on o mrur way te vote as trce people iii a free ceuntry Bob bad te go te Teotso bis turn cme 1li As c cmeaisayPartuer sai- Wlat ilu tbe world milakes ail these eiectieui officis11s look se mouruiful? You euldtbiiuk it was 'a'funeral ustead et an ectinday!"Byuthe way, ve bave 'a sug'gestion foi - nexl votinig day. Hew)\ about b Iaving a botParînetr forgotfbis -glasses. 11Iaginle that l I a agreat ftime for littif whletriug te makl li1 ilinlic hedidni't sec straigbî sud hd otdfoir the wogpry hat iutile job uver, Pane nsd I cid a litîlesightneeg ailoug the baick cnesinsad weactnaiiy 'saw criop tha12t o. r net bdat ail, sud! hay fields ithat appe.ared about 50 per cenit of aeae Thesefarn w' ct nmor -.)1e thaive or 0]Six ils awVay froilmiru ovubt tbey were Ïa part of tlisecouuî tbat l is dc- tered, beiug fairly weli woodedC(, Se) you s:ec tbaî la anlothler argument ;lu favolirni fforest conseCrvation-, [lu a bad year nwbene Ibere la sheltein, cnops areuly te be aboveavragc, ilost peope nowadays, especaliy ibese %lns o me frelinbbýc ctif tlhey buy adtariflicywantil ie r- dcigthe hay ibail con- venîruices, and neot tee faýr fria tn lor Oity. 'Se vn at hbappenls, îbcy gel 011cm location, t lC3y syighetr taean s rs uit-nd el poorer crp.MayfseJI shoidn' gpealze but a suvyof tne di st rictisur- roun)d iu1gïus ;Ce rtaini y bears euti whaîI a 1ýay. Mabewchad be-tten get off tise hi'gbway snd move back ï- pice t se hap)pen"s thatwhr wvt )ive waau,'t a highiway we et torsom ~'r thet tarin. Btlimes .on, an, Frîc Sundç,ay, 24 Warren, PRAYERS ù0F CONFEQSSIONý Païlmi 215 1:-;71 Golde Tx: o ton orart gond ad ieay e oriv, n pletius in-mec'uI alte thtcal 11upon tiee Ps-ahlm 86:5. l senw n e luVewmall 'aoman as she ashd, ie ieied o nita- 1 bte.2 Sami. IlOn wo er o meithe Insc eeiyld t ou torujicatienan) mude li e- peaid aong tiîre o Daid' cbuldrcn. 2 Sasîî. 3 Ho trete sayng, dC ilies m onet lession wehae utpryes l'on f die tfrd yIXvd xie1o bInieson32 ancutes.H ilfo lui, \hich rested upon )jýhua. ' nîiîr sturn n(, )l-tilte droutgl ef~~H tumr"Fepe or mnerty and souglit togvns for teac ad puiriîy for bis iiluer ntr. V t grisr hadsinnr ,coid lî ilein Godr ieli ag Hfom is l~u.N ite t Our teGd ifoesnf u froniaiurileuns"I on z and lIm .ibly Be crtvabu as a ve at ep1hic ,pen C., irs 1 plastic Luggage is oaD jhtnnia 0enilns Seeing mat tintiï, y bc restesr Sc wt r Maticbboek ýcover et ani t an S pl b ele an d photo 4I os make staes, ens lear s d - hol) d er , w i ch feaPýtur es a p ir u f spiectac lesý. A dvertisng t e d~ l a e d l a épi t d o n r v es1s d ofthesmi-îanprei foer 910 Ans-wer te rosor us -V, i 1 ~~~mm~\\s' \\~' t RonKod and is Merrie Metn had te core a i siha how and arrow or they didinYt est ! To sor a kit today shoot over to the groýcer'e3 fo ot~Grape-iNuts Flakes -that i vnet #-Y" mie utTW griuns - %wIleuail td inalted ba;rley. Wlhaî eba t!t- that goreous Grispe.Naïts la is cimp h oney -go ldje nf lafi ket, G o o o m hnsi olsd becanse poat'e3 Grape-NiusFakapro. vide nouihet. . usùeful qususitiec 44ai tabo. ksyds,ïses, peeltminerais ni otûher food eseî el.Srve4 ua hiy-eaten on si igle, As yonie ee." ycar tItan I thav se i ri i s i bouse for misiirc.Adit ih greilics sdawie icshu, mue odeugs n grars sdiosqukibes ud "humebey ail cem frein amd how tblcy gel lidi r eiy kows But ee hiug I neer sec 1$ a wr.IhaventSaccu ne siwice srg.AS for fi egs, Ic (ontly 1rog-,S WC have spttcd arund hueea cre But e offe( ecaro]liii grcfui verbc iis.Iisn bwfa abeon li "i iflyineah And my tausîly isju' sî sbs iookiu1g fer- d1niîî as he birds anld ade or emoude nd b ih li aiwas en,%\tI as-e,(a)age,!up ply e(i oef t il.Ye it'saa thirsyWorod armondber. àu sk you-wiîceyoiud yen rabe b-hIere or M<A!usîraI1ia? Australia whcre kàiC now %wiuîr- sud rmty coldatriMansd a naion- wvidl'cocal strike ;iu,ýtlts arau wit ely fwher aio e ac day f- or ,tht usçet gas 'audeelrc it.Partuer ]h.asb rie uAa tralia se") yb wCuahherM oie oreaou ati eig What's Ne-w At the CKNE. I f yenUarc prend--, etî y! u measplannig sudmakiKg a dola MStrtes Ientusa ewa ils ucaly for yeu: Ont hudred ollars la ,bc- iuifce t tia yaeýjr'e,( C. ïot the buskerW per wbo makes ut tht wis cents thrd ilIgel $50. Just se yen eau do anbit tcf ac tie day etfthia inersig Cempeti- lion, isere are fwpontr. e vei bc aakd te pla yessr wewekn menu frfaSt i etof Éve andi apte ity quantî.iesfrSandy lh wîi is i eiln It e rn xslug ow t oe' iebr timse jiam c separate oune foi inge a thing ând sparkling jmm riù Thjat'. aLil you need mrhcn you use Certo o CroCra...oncle miut'. "ý ful, oing bolli Whata !saing of tim and enýergY, This short bol! gives ,,ycu à other aduanitages, tOe: Since very IlUle juiceba. tinme to to'à Mvway5 yeu get Ai, average yielsl of gaeswher-e -fhindlogbl î>etIpes wGuld gveyru about fi. IQot esýpodIl ? hc fruibt ste r 49 duR 7the. lveïy nmAtural c4-oor. "'syeayhyu ent or j.U ý0y. 1- s 'k s-' N t' t-' i-t t'- y N -t N N s- N N N N 'S- N 'N N 'k N 't 't N N N 's N 'k N N 's 'k t- N 'k 't N l'

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