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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Aug 1949, p. 3

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manaigemlentl.L ut,: t hav ve edAinAfrica, h ,3i a Mistaik, wie a InTbe Christian lscience riu the streets of uy Af on s ny working day, thte musýical voices can lae i tie imost uniexpected p to the Africani native, music" is as old as are a Customs whicb1 co bim througlb thé ages, w are iost ùl the(in]av past. Truc, the imcodem idea,.acie mademsi c htat -of the Afri- eau is of is own in-er ausd stranlge as is ailn! msc but, on every occasion oere man- ual worký is to be accompli ah d, the straîns of native voices blended in- perfect harmiony aCccOmpanliet it a bs sur ly as _nigbt 1foliows' day. The roadpmender séging they ~ply their picks snd sbovels-le men wbo cnit the, long grass w instii Itiscious sou grows so quikjy on eacb ide if the roads -it is aste wbhicb. job they are on; they jkist' For this is the customi of -~ pative îin is homne, and those -wbô biave migrated to the cites hv brouLgis tdisa custom witb themn- ~-brigin)g with it into the bot arid sbýtreet a breath of cooL green veld, af deep bllkopjes, and lonaely kai set on bie hiLîsides. For each sonug oftbe natie pe»Ie bas AtsOwn particular maauing, tyPifying sýome aent of their daily lvas. Onie Song will telil of dawn break- in)g over tite purple kLopiaýs, of fMr P'moke rising from ýsmsl ushruoom-~ shpe uts as thesun. omDe&up, 0if littIe brow- icanuins playiug kh-e snbnofwiven wito cook- the mai-ma nthe tÉhe4ge kron pots. Ie African nativýes haeavotv2ed thýIr ownl idea of ,working t nsutsic"; sdte ýprocedure is awy Ëite sarie, bc- it work witit pick or 31hovel Cor wth auy other ipe Sisould they be breaking up aL eoad, te ,failiof pick sud ïbovel is axs rglsltimed astise tramrp ,of nscigfeet. The firat ntacf a chant is§ souud- .d y a3,ade-th meody ;is taken vp by tosgang as thay MAisethir pik-non -tisIatnoteof Mtia CmunS, the picks coma down in pwr UtUnison. soud tidragging o>f àa besvy load be t-heir objecti-ve, Sit ame procedurei-'s adop)tad; escli man w,,aits for tanote of Site eaer ( hu tseCc-ejtad rhyjtm, sud Ste uaMoe for thea""Fl," U ifthepassar-by lbas 2uSar to her, ha wil iwralize dtatSie native sing- era ais tber aogs to tlise mooAso lu the goldof an fiansni aytbe songsavare gay sud itappy. Ifbey tSaliof dauî-ccansd fatnof weddngsandrejicîgasudof ailý ,whateývar hir race orcolsw On1 days wbien the skýie's aagray ,31d(lowrnwbanSitï miS bde the gohldsud vaisil he bue ýof aný Atr-ican day, Shir soniga ,con3btaifi Ouer clisntig alt au evduesof Sbe Africa peopi. Ttyspeak fthi ~orwl wben he cropa aafie ud whvieilwant asud itunger sai abroad aniong thir people;of Ni left tbaeaifing green lande bre sudh ]in.lu thelow aýad cat are the ram sud the mAts thatsettie lu She beart ofniSie Arcnnives wIen tha sunllight is bidden, fo thieyares ati-iuvingpel, Buit, raili or alun, gray sias "work te msic" Fr Sis idea is n-os -a mdm oa u sodah deep bine buiwhich arme baw- Sag oftheAfianpupe rry Mena, Combine Combines Operationis-Tîsmahn is the latest idles in speeding tup the hlarvestrngi of big wea cro-p3. A standhard automatic tietii ae was joined w.ith a Conmbine to dco se-veral jobs at once. With the arneet a two-miau crew% can ctth ripe whe-at, thresh it, bag it, and bale the leftover w'heat straw iný one- conitinnuous operation). At the left iian ato-mati- cally, twinie-tied bale "sson ready to drop fromi the bain camber. Onit in sm ftheweteSfrn states te gass ppe Lague lbas eched terrifia imnson, ndtbeecn d isn' by uy mansin iglit. Ouao atigar-es nWyomugvAs e- ported in June wit_'h gasope poulatin of 1"00 peusquare yard --and a population of 30 ao 200 is oonsidered critca. Ln tat sme wek oppers býy SIt mllon wee sripig ay fldsansd peacli sud apricot'ow noardsover a path cmo sud a bal- miles. wde ià easteru Oregon. A wss esimiiated in easteru ass witb Ccmop losses Cof as higliPaS 2s pier cenu-. By l ate ýJune tise bopersg ili un plais stats wnee rog wviugs suad bgiuiug So niove ont etý feuce m" ows apd coyeredars Cno-jie fieod, Been W'yoming'snneg arns cone'uraiouse~edsm-1ahl coin- pard t tiatfouind i-n Navada Iby Juy 1L There s popuflation rainging up to 250ù0 per suaeyard waPe fonniId ilu 188,UXO acres oif egg Ibeda, Ai migratory borde coveing 3000 squaremie-4 ilswide, 7,5 miles loig-wasý eatin)g itsWaon rate of two toilsix mls a y, suld thse pplt was fmom itbre to fify aduos Per square Yard over bat wbola vast are, Quite atuirailî, alli Vhsisfer soma naws for farmers of tibe Plain sud Mountin Statas, mostof sud drouglitài ceadusr bowl oM the Ninietcean Tirtiefs, wbeni soaplaceýsSite isct wre thik on rairod tras that loc- motie wbeis spun uselesaly. Au- tomoile rahi, to, wauhated trom soid- wffi b thejusects. the year 17,wei at Jl an'd Auguat,gaaopeswinged tlseîi- wa,,y ontf th uortIestii ciouds so thsck that tey 1hid te Sun forbonurs sud swept micli of te souts dean of grenvegetatin Tise "; p )e c C speiaI yen f'or oniosfftbthegreen ]tops su md bubabIow ite runled one Narsaoid-timeir tu swaar that ha coud amel onio on te brat of' ahorde of 'Ele isatatatset past ha ý3 dooir. uurd of sattierâ wvere' forced, to abandon their om- steads tht esranditnrdamr wou-id baiiïve been dr-ivamn nt bad not relief supplies come out o the East. *1* , ices Its rcooo slikes sorg- L .t ca I esta wnaL I Like aIl inSects, it wears it Skal- eto-ionoutbe outs.ie-a areos chemnical comlpouind aidcii whbch shecathes tce w'toe of it bodfy. Tlhis flex-iblearo is Ire- mlenldously tougli, liglit and shatter- proof, land rfesitanit -toaikali and acidcopud wic wodea the elotliuig, fleal a nlboes ofÇ 'r. o ià areattaýche.d imuscles so arrangad around catapult-lke- bind legs as to anable tie hopper to hWo, if so iMmutie a term can dascýribac so pr-odigions.a leaýp as ten Or tev fet-about 150 imesc thae lengtb iof Siteon-in ch or 80 Ilng inecllTe equivalent feaýt fo-r a mail wuld "'be a calsual jumlip. fromi- a 3tstaninitg position, oýver- the 'Wasb;ingtoýn Mnmnacco"rding to a a riear'inYhc)New -Yor Gurlyspeaaking, and co)ntraýry to ap'rne a grassblopper doas look befora ;t Ieaps. Carecful ob- servers assert that ordinsriy the,- creature chooses a landing place sud judgestidistance before il tîakes Off. t doe5S so throuigh eo-1 pound ayes made up of titousands or lttaeypet wbose images fuse itomonein deagrasshpperssuia-, Tru Pyesareprtctdbya saheet oftrnprnchtntogi arouad iseif, font and back, for a isaneof eea f eet. For close work, bowevar, the 'boppar, as ast of re sim-ple eyes, very small, one over tehe ase of eaob feeler and one baîfway be- tweau tbe faelers. Througb these it can clealy See abects wHitb a fe nla of ios face, But scre4grasshoppe)Ir car- taîiy oasnot iook <befo're it, leap~. Asa tnster f fact, it aS see as f ar as it can um-sn i jumn-pa as far as it car, wlen caed Lt seeks to m-itigate Cthe danlger o0' tii blind 1ieaplîng by, neyer upn twicesuccssivi inthe same ic- î recti;, S ite Intiltefahi seeks clut a w dsptin the- Site bor es do bard Iprongs,' gethecr or spre panidiuig reaam gerS. Titu Sis agaIinISt the s;O dirt t te su: or Srea oe colored, ccLi covere-d witbl = )w a zigzag )ftenjmp i sniare-a enaký, apool 'blopper ust intoý xlomern. dig- soUÎ Lu the ýsp)ring te eî nJoS eatan!by tmaýggotsý, ah so0 o-itatcb ont bably na2rs.', chs k 1o)tise hampers its is severely cramiped l'y ira outer shi swiclitp it tsheds its chiititn surface suid grows. anw sud large-r ouac. t doas titis six; turnies On te'average duriug 1 tise next several neaks, developing wing stuba on ithicfourtli-,miS1, hafgonwings at Site fifth nd fuill-grown ouanas't he -sixtb or Dait statge-. * r WhIicb soud c eabout eniougli maCgardliiug gasspe for o- eýxcept to, add Site silncere,-hope titat tbay neyer get a notion te tumu eat, asud coma e adug tAis way Hema' to heman whoinvmetd stairs And isaîgist our featto :ýsoarl Be was the fiatwboevr bre Lut asecndfloor. Tc)a!womld woul '4ha dowust a WbVlataver hmyh -Oivr eford "A. Way ofLU" Il"eda-- mnsisalvation is 1no%% r-ulhe life of thepresntOf toda, lvedearesty, ntetlywîtouta frwad-lokig tougitis lK onl iurace or thditur .Beg-in thle day with Christ', and FHî2 praye . .. yo nee no therCreeless 'wih ityou aexeliin creed-stufIfed it will leaven anmy theological douigh in whch"ou tik Tequ;2 ie hfe In ay tght cmatet willhe!;p you, to bear yor wi and ohrsburldens witb, a ligit heat. .Lif eis a straiglit plin ibsess, but'te ayis clear, bae o o by genteratis cof strong mleni, intc wboe aborsyouter and woeideals mutst be youtýr isWto -Fo an ad*e, delvrefi» Yaie Uleet 95 air Williamr Osier ta the undergraduates, of Thiat mlod 1erm 3y Ri faflih lkno "You ca'ýn't foolan Old fox e Terry Oks»Anse Acteilý was say- irug. "N_ýot even if ourethe Sma13rt. est bank robber and gagster ài the counitry ," lie chuckled, re- flectigug n t tor ,Ly 1he wasabu to, teil.ý 4G1envcie, was pr17e ttyw wrvougt uap tt suniiier, I ne government agetscame tbrog, wvarinig a1Éite sn-illtown ank ini the count)ryside torbe on th.0e lookout, and advýiýisinig vwbat to do.O DMe %nsabt and a coupl of bis heucmen driven fomnther haunts in thelarge cotis by a cnetae eïffortv of local and federal agents who eredea set on 'igin"tg an en«d Oto te cLt-uret watve of crimne, were hidinig out in thtle Sticks and wiiing aay th t1cime 1b,,,staging spectacular algthoduso small towu bank% "T'de troubjlle wa[tai no oneý knew where tle varmints would strike next. Duke 1 saatowas SmnartHe udrtodsaltowns.ý becau-se le a) bontt pin Onue, aud he choýse as the ýobject. 'f his piierig bnksthat were ipr-etty Vieil islatied n nroetd "'junte passedd part of July. Graduially thefarOf Gevleciti- zens jbegan tosubide.O Clo+ Oth1ýrer smali town 1bank h !-ad ibeen es J tndem1 , 1 [C aste gane asud lie un- dA blLuoannatue. Early lu Three C display s day-Old ýeherd looks over lier one- is a rarity in bovine circle, JITTER i p~. - v mutb'dhad somte signa prIlînltedà sudhng ýaround tlo',-cbby of tVe 1bauk. Sncb things as "Save fal YorOd Age',ý, î DpstWtb Uz and jYor-Moniey W 3lBesaýfr.' The citizenssmîeda littî ie. Ter vas tryinig to reaýssure the_ .One otherign was priuted anld iniserted behýindthle glass in theC frontdor This, too, amused them, but iê1 dîu nn1oy them 4an-y. "nJuly 15 te ietd f la ville's mS treeýt was ahruiptiy u ariyintcrrupted. Ahihp - red black sedan suddenlY ap- perdat the, townI's southenrace roared down on hl bn and camýe9 to, m2 abr1uthi.Lun si front of the general store_ jer-ked erect. Tbree men had ieaped fron th e r Two of tbMr one carryiug al tuacini-e gun, rutoward th2 bauk. Thie tbirdsyd on the : rb aý second miachiiine gun nestýïi1in i is arm. -lTle lounlger.s, pop yed sd fihee,vwatCleJ1 in stupxd fas. cinaton. o thir utter atnai ment bey sw thetobadt tmatlthe banlk cdoor without en- tering, rulshi back to thle Cm-, pile inito it and driveý away. "It al happnud within eons For a mnollent or two, the lugr sat tasie.Then of tonie accord tbley 1i leaped 1, raced acrossaOt street aud enteried thie banik. Terry Oakces wais talinlg on the eepoe He bhung up and smild at tben. II'Two toon' lie saiid calmlýy, 'Sheriff ron picks uop Duke and ie gang at jepson Corners. 1 just 1 phoned him.'lHe looked from one pop-eyed citien tu another. 'Nrt harm doue, boys. They didn't eveï4 get in.' v'u, why didn' t tliey Wa happened?' "Trygrilnned broadily.'Dk 1nsaatoknos smllPtownls, He >as a smali-town boy himseif That is wbly lie picketh is blouri to do% buhishoda-uppi MO ItMfer lunch 'Tha'lit's mwhcre J fuolcd hj. Teýrry pautsed to cbuckle anid glince, towvard the front door, ItslnC ky Duke knows smsll tomwns. Otbr- ,vise lie mrilit not 1have takntai Stock in My sign." "Tl'le bewiidcred citizenistre toward it and reaid. Theya-wee Hlte dazed, and not quick to under- Stand. "Thle signrl ead: 'Bank closed. Oui - o unch. Retu,,ru in ontebor. We keep a medicai record book fore each of our chulren. e n h1oneiF i flî we keep a Yccod of hlis Syi-.

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