while eflilhot pour îraogla5see flled ithcracked ice Add sugar 3and lmon to taste. EST OF TUIE UN by jOýSEPi-fLEWVIS CHADWICK CHAPTPER Vit. outy dri. \~ v. vubo lue girli \-e been 1 l boC 1Ïu Watc k lio lm. ie bad Éîli, brtts fron)i ' a1th it lr, 1uc sa ih uot that an ludan Mi aud ddig to t tht igularý11tgag. on tu Stvrtred igna sad, lYu tal:edluislapuar adobe lu'cienida, a nies'! sreibva Atterwa)lrd Vsrgv a sat u tht v rîsuai, do von thlinkso, alsked. fu strtied ber. Ht, uT, ii tbuîiug of ane rde arund ed rck 141 h ~CXVLQL~ o, ont. \l'l ;i 3tri e, V rginîs."1 i I Sî hie 1 ut 1i 1 u, pvU1 C'j- d agsî1, (,. She glauced.at Steve saiu agd nu) leapdi. P rod'ie f for aI ia allup. Tht us (Cuutined Nxt eek suortableuabaing dcu aser, rinsessud dies, ilf dacon irÎet sevie orfour lufvemntsu- la poered bily luoe-aer p ere thrsonusad-oan bise ouneced fauct, hus e 1jjlbiaing g-man> ad1mapie s ocsibleoAseial wbake iton tie dishwashen M lar tated endfur sofwSat4 Ushe bcweighs nhy13apl em l-cldening 15 madofebrWfd pnîtproftaas cauhesakedton taual otle.loo fetuesa tansp?ýearn pyrex icr Bm u endeuscreso50theaI i ma eM Iasde wty"peiam card e l- s-weed-0 hlow bandIt.Dial kno iDat n , cs ade bubr clabca rtmidge ,ýseufp;sud tht piaf, is removed, case also servec u rack foGr 1holdinig bn Laugton adeTh-eÀR* Like The Bible Ohý, i' -,as emploiyed, ail rgt At Ileast, asudr1otrc.Bul Y wansn'twokig.Ont day E.la said to Ime, "You )iare ;an out-of.- wokmailand ibs ruining youîr dis- perec bar10 ýlive Mvtb, Whly don1't you gett and go towok? Chantes TLaughiton igiuuiied oi- sidely, like Captain ligl. e aS spesking of biis wif e, atEss1 sa Lan chesrer. 1,htequ1rstioýý waS, where? li was Wart'iie, and litheateactîvîty waýs yow. Myimo on pi Ctýure eploye1fC r- lanopicture for -nie 51t t mlo inent. ;,But one ,day iI litpMia ides: I'd go sud read10,tht vter Ta'ýkinlg s copy ot tht Bib2 l dep oPe aMi d a volume oi Sîsake speare ner tht ote, lue hlked out t1ie door. He e t ilstraîgbl1tpr the uerest i1nsy bopital. iitr o duced hiliiseif, sud wss let ilwil suutnîced tt bby in bini Lughtuitoiles that àt hey v ri- goiug to1',lirstento thtBile lR ~\vl.liscit.'pleaed ot ve. 0'sdra.l ibaesnelu goud ul.ci t wit oe otbsef ndoten us SIclte 'S o up you'lb rasec. "\s ou igt h1enbol HeoeieltBbe sud ean Gah A-, ra.[tbe ibred ruslig cald. isgres kilni i oI tht must drausatCeicoes lu Laso lie ad ny kowiulieitsl I~ ~~~~~i stnisbéur swai t neithat -,11h, fnised ofid sd G ath, be abuS 1gtt boak Isd sto morcir.,LauLIuhon",ý't So lue sat1do e again.H rs from Psls o.nProverbs,Cion d\l ont nith thtlBbPeblesate l on dShaýkespeare. ley ýlvei. that file.ïiAfteral n ltv ueus mDar Anae ie Hrî: 1 arn 16, anibca ~my mte îfotwell, 1I have ,to do ahtht hueokalnd lauindry and ailthie err;ands bsies1Ihave plann3ed bu rut> awayvith a îboy Ilove, !bu-t up tO ï W IjtiSt CLtlIuldn't. "My othier wC)'tl le t m-e go usd o gelt 1o crehomne tili - misnhmoe time, that is o0nti . l'let on't let for erbti gan hrdl st hni ouc lamou PiThn 1ihave 10 silip ont, sudteIllies,(or bave red lfor neSh syssies doinglail stic for rny good t n.,itoly uait îng[t, alefo!;me "She's> Selfish und pay frîenas ser gaui i over, and e,cicCifs Potî bevaase v llut ae iauybody to ýYhephr "Doedt vo athnd f ghut be a iiowed to gà onlut tbeae tilat wek aud stay as olonga othenigirls dol * Agir wo rgad dceiveslI -n heaohrl sdeeistnî i& 10- cannot benrustd e ls oher * orpanyeou ts She n0sîhe di * cip lie liikeachýil haîf br a, * u nti h nstoY,'[] ze that 10 twisc c only way 10 hae fun iîi"lthis wold isio lue honest, am *n seagtoiward, and ;depenle lustead of rehlîug agý'-sns *~ ~ ~ Si to ipsetyu holdbe halued * easier it s wo li e fr ou fo will? t , 'ish e ha to u 1at'Î *1ý youcostutyin h ui e halo * fante wihorry aIlhe1tof * motivs! Ifih encurages such * vicesnicos h1ee L is l o thfî *~~~ii srsisiste n wo mspir *'l Yo vr isfil of ,tsnratIl * a' lia(not ti,, relize the n ii ty *~11; la-hathisn,' tlutu]t]th- * iI stîli grw 10 ýLagirl hatnice PUZZLE 5 jvoïd l. Aeng 8. Mut ACROSS 1Prends coin Ir. TBar lu. WriulEý 14. relanfi 21.chuite ungA ET. Havig lms' 0.Coemoio 32.passageways du. Poemaking tu tu"ve oi 4.Tilts nt. Fete rosing 5 'wraneWhe 5w. !%nt n'ts bcoot mr V5 laî ; irl , Pre ý isoalfowed bu(7utw0 j su mor ,same wIlbecome u y V' word arnong [tht 'boys or thle * stret cornrs. Yor hole social * hfe Wil collaIse-andthni -Meu be bulate. *, Iak hoïynwhltie is Serous Sly tdaandIdecide, Once, and *for ail, to heluave yoýurself, Uon't si 'n.eak eut tco meetamy lbOY. Neye'r *tli anoter l-ie. Deternine 10 *1a: vrk ouir imtHIer prolid of you, *o s se cani trust yorsaanWe * se dtsyoui will bc given tfie * sanie pi eges otiser gi l ave. * ou hv iltdhe- faitis, andl m util -yoss 1regain jil 3ou Iisinsit î- ~dur e eretitosseipes - None o stSittright tb * happjness. Wthave only th 'right it t am . fY1.ours vwiI Corne. A 9.iat ilsoeimles reaizes tuoo late thle eed fo'r obedienCe Ud - I c' u r Canp .ltn' au 16. Coru i, 25.EnIh S2 Swi1s S<on g '45 luel ody 22 tra inild 4 6. Furtive 24 Buqet 47. Sxesiey 23 Matý a 1 , 1"ik 4e. Daniah ,fiord 28, Attacks 49, Murmur 21. Eoquen 50.Stitch Answer elsewhere ini Ibis issue lp ounuderstanld thleret. tns you hiate if you write her a Bx 1, 123 Eighýteenthl St., New Toronito, Ontari&. SPEEDS FRUIT PICKING Tht "Orchard Monikey"ý is dü, sigdfor uise whjen pickiing, tlsia- n1ing and pruning fruit trees. Is er- pected to speed up >rchiard opera. t01n5 by eljiminating need to scratn- ble u1p addown i.» adder. Uniit basï two booms rmouinted On a mlsiîc. piatforrný. 1Booms can be raised (yr loweredbyse of pucsh-buLtton com- troisfroma shrt dstanlce above ttground o heighit of 21 ft. above. A self-containied generiator oný the mbie ase poersthe bom xcotrolsD!. Requires a four.- man re t operaie it -- two ooù thc tfiatform 0t do Jthie acitual or- ý-crdwork land to do thse gro)Und tc0 operate the tractor that pulls tisbe machine. Tests ntade- by a prod1ucer- are saýid toshow that four meneu pick 3Y) acres of >apples in 17 days3 by u)se of tht nrew unit as>om re wih12 mnusing ladders. Try Thi2 If Yout Want Quick Ease and Comfort res yoursei rm th2 tryingrur rye (es-Mon'isEmeraid 011 givea you prompt vereaf trom1tne Iteb etacern. Pipeand otber etralc ausOd skia ando ocalp In-fectiOn0. Moone'sBi.rî DO i s epasy awý simrAe te u8e, promerta 8 lng atisfaction Quarainteed o tnoneY baci as etng drugstrsaey Neyver wasa show like Ibis -. ,nover so muci to see, t er orvlin. Frcmpn inghoui, lu colossal evenýing fireworks- show, eveýry daýy is crammed wïti btings te ste and do. Therd' 1 the -Royal Marines BantId ma bmouts ance - orch-estraste da, the untold thousanids of fasýcinating naihibits. CoLUCe ani enj*Cy the ~~~ ~sheer magnificence of thhe daz7liug isp ayo L ~Bkii~2 t taklent sud invention COL, K, R, MARSIOALI. Piesident SLWOO10 A, HUGRIS Genret Meenlýýger