ga have beer ~strate the for- le! k complote down a aluice- nning up and and miniature ~ng the iver ~arts h~ve been arpenter miii- believd to e the bîg-ges ~ fa woods opraio Sp Spray Lime, ton... for nasoarywork, per Mrs, A. H., Keanle is able t0 be tlV and arcuind again after lier sicknme MisM. IM*,ilar, Toronýýt, laisit ±miyvisited wt Mr and Mrs. Maijor on Sniy Mrýs. May Johis, of Tron, Mr,,.)W..W. Sewnhats tre hoeafterbeagcofiedto thWhs- fri nd Mlr. Mif red Sherin an fmiyspent the w\-Ceek-end at Mr. and Mrs. DanGrady f A m- lowe-re in towa la!:st wveek and Otne he Streý-et Fair. Mr. and Mrs, GeorgeMih!ell andi :AI]ily are hlda gin teSd 'ur dstiict this week. Mr% A. Jaem pert the week-ý 111v wihM. -dMrs, Victor Mac- Parlalne at Sydenham. Cotractors believe that Park St. LUted Churcli wu]lbe in,,reainSsa bySeptem-ber 2-4tIifor service. CHOICE QIJEBEC SHINGLES Extras................835 per M.ý Clas....... ............78 per )M. ,nd Clears........ .........$. pïer M We have a carlad of Swift's Caniadian due to arrive to-day, cïittaining2--1 and 2-12-6> f or your f ail wheat Give us al!a and acquaint us with your needs. If wýe donttc k them we il get thexu for youl. Durham l.Farmers' CountyCo-op Phone Orono 37 r 'l for prompt service uonierence, e coming to RADIOREPAIR To Ail. Makes ofll HUOME AND CAR RADIOS W~rk Cuarktee ORONO Hi. DUVALL 1On tarlo large .21e I Pine- tin.. 21c ra-. Orme Fals a ,,nd fair- uied by mr. and Mrs. s, pentf the îweek-end A rs Wm-. Morris -of ,nd Mrs. Wmn. . Jaek Keane aï ±oaie,Mi.- mestic Quaker Qats l b 29e -r cofl iof Need ~ARS' EXPERIBN~~ (Day or Night> SUNDAY. n's Ail Woo0ýl Plovers and 0 to U, priced from-.. $2.255,te 31 fel Regular and Unshrinkable Kiroy I an, Booto,4 tnOey proceetiu i eompleting t ,heir visitorsv were: Mr. ifred and 3cand -Nyl0on Garter RBelts Priced $1.95 Plowered Flanineettes, Qiiality Yard 65e ferduLrcy Velvet, Red 'ItrIlll $7.50 SUDÀ,AIJGUST rý28 AMeIêSùcks al Pticed 39c'an 1l1,.OO a.m.-Ser'vice. I RANGES I RANGETTES___ ,HUJY A GENERML I WASHING MACHINES CRINA WARI TOWN HAfL, &l«N0 Guent Speaker Professeýr Thompoon Mrs. T. J, ,vere, Mr. arid Llar $3.95 and Mr. family, a we' new way Iwo weelçs was fisb. he village introut. sh struck see what Ning that hoe pulled. When ho he found~ a 17 incl 'e was flO ek enid he ýut in the Plumbing R. Guelph ,Ny loxn PhoneS r T GIfts Good