a lett ±~ ay, to I 'a mothE as o 1J0 pj. JACK STFW 40 FAL l RE, A GOLI ()To improveyos ()Tou raeyu ITY IR SPE Locald Newsýîlil, ti'Mn od his fn nwhomOpn Mil] St. Mrn dny oj'k anýd Mn. Victor ~7Iimof Lindsa, visited Tues- day venmg it-Mr. a'nd Mrs. Geo 'ikîa!d.randMr. orceYork. Sauda fternoon and eveninig tll sf or ued oollens tof)be re- reived fr blank t tthe PuibliS Li- rr.Ail odr to be senýt ayon sionidry. MisJa.Wilson, whl-o is takîniïg-t ninle mnts'nursiiirsg conîse pinTor- rý o (, t thie ek ,ed îth lhel parents, mn and sMre. irpie W4lso Sersice en f MWorld War- No. rnnow r,ceive tersriemdl The loal pot ofice have applioation ~inin obtainýing tlheir iedlals. Vistin ths wek ith Mr~an, rslerov allo i he !ltter' - "ui ' Ms qoh MGiI FEnniskil- len. ah !of vwhom e 're p,(aning (i +' kig in he Lindsay Fuir on Satur Mr. and Mis. Fred Berry visited !rindsnarLnkesîid4elast we-n wee ccinpaie hme iby Ms- fn ru. Burns Kit'mr who haa alospent the prýeviOUs week1 at Mr. Ktmrsformner 'homei in that vi- recogai FREE- from from COAL8 pe -~prdy e ELECTRIC SEPT. 25th, 7 ;?.m,. Ark of Safely nig - Speeia1 Mvusic Gospel Preaching