cJar~A ng, 1sfl't it? f powhe e, ectiofl. a ething that 'year~ ago, the clarity ' vly I ) wht orel yeS gon'd for- mel, iuim," or mcii!" i think, mi- bc e Scr donit) tyt hei gnoetn tervg st yo hmup ndf xxý il )utter i i tespoons ýbaking powderý Ont ixli 2 tabiespoons ýhertcniri& foend ià Ci me pmiik 5/ýz egg, sightiy btenw 0prad tdis dongh ha wei-grMrSe pie in' C-overwihatedows 31ca *u beram, hedwt tae A45 de,.(ht 25 mnutes Serves ~owp diced r, iti let diced, eanxed 4 sUces bacon5 ~iced, heed immer 5 minutes serve bot or coid. ,* * * CORN-STUFFED PEPPERS Serves B Add miups canneid Coin, mioe 14 cup camilk rgy - itaespoon sainted lt- msdtum poon pepper. Bl apcopedprseyi 2 tablespoons lte ute ýER tabi eéspoons melted butter icup 1milk- ¼teaspoon sait CoQk oe Iwheat untiltIck Pour int resd uatcasroe MVix in 2caps canined grceen Lim-a 1 cap gratd cye icup white saucc 7cap piMiento, ine Stespoon est Top wt 2 taWesoons Meddbuttr l'; cap bread erumibs Bakeat 350 deg, (moderase) 30 VEGETABLE CASSEROLE i~c a ps drained, tdiced "cnned carrotý o/ucps drained canned peas, eticp fine-ly chopped oriion 7~tableàkpoonrn eited shorten- ing 09e9psweil beatea 17 a8 oft, breaid cnumbs 'cap creamr cup Nvegetable Iîqid li M taspoca Salt Toiv elend = dry, of axmy nation stems i[rom tdie character, of its people. anda etalwvart champion of demnocracy, draws ILS strenguth [rom .th peoples of many nationsan its Variety and colour [rom the ~ beI~ingof their1 racial and bilua er]itag-Ys. Richinm natutral resources, Canlada bas enrichied hierseif cluryby; intierweavinig thenaialhaat eristics of these m1-an-y rcs h comnbond is citizenshîi the- Canadian Faily. Geccraie 01, democr-acy il, ent.lve won- riad ianiiS. TBURG