vf London,ha spendîing a fe>ý-, wcastie -OQi R&\E. !hckey Ijla NEIL F. )-", 12 r416 A nouningthe wonderful i ajlQ w1hen , was g, bt isu't to Swaýrbrickandi ieinW hm ,pending a few ýk Stne NiEW -A GENErA Above: Streiminer De Luxc -4-Door Sedan Coupe Rghi DOLLAI 0ea, %YOU CAN'T BEAT A PONTIACI * 1. OnIy Car in the World with Silver Streck Styling 2. Lowesîi.Priced Car in the World wîth GM Hydra-Matic Drive" 3. Thrillhing, Power-Poecked Performance - Cholce of Siîc or Eigiit 4. Super-5afe, Super- Strong Ail Steel Bodies by Fisher 5Smoother, AUCsind"Traveiux" R'Ida 6. Wide, Easy.Access Doors 'Optonalon Sre~mlnerandchieftGin Mo-deIs ai extrç os ROY F O>UR GREAT SERIES-21 beautifuil 1950 mod4els 'of Pontiac! They're newly reflined i syling... further advanced in. performance. . and Pontiac urges you Io Compare prices! Please accept mir cordialI invitation !o see these wonderful newv Ponfîiaes oday. We're sure you'Il agree thai no car -so lei-, so beautiful, so obviousi-Y litamiped wiîI quality ithrough and Ihrough - was ever offered ai a price su Iow i IFLEETLEUIER DEWLXE I .e<tCa la; j Hlere's al bolind Io ways!A CHIEFT STREAI s E Six and -Eiç pricea FLEITLEADER SPECIAL Pricedi igh t Do wu With The LOWEST! Dashiingly beau iful - yel ihey're the wisest molor car buiy lin he world to- day! Big, eomifortable, Fafe, depend- able, their hlig h performance !is stariing-yetI ihey are so rexînarkahIy ihrifty tou qperaLe! And wîlh ail tiis paliyPoniap's uew Fleetteader Specials are priced 'way, ý'way duwkl - wfth the Iowoait! 'I Dosb bc, ý Mla 8 ý and,