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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Feb 1950, p. 2

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4G0 years of Antarctic bing fheld on boardeu hips that sctt ue-h s a Drainling veýssel orSe nain differeuce btw"een the ioued akid the. modem outhlnit -job) app)ears 't e h that, in deri dresa, mere attentien npaid te the winidproef ep t a.snd less te the layera oh 1unlderclthes which used teO stanidard 'Ineans oh keepiuig celd. Fli u heedanad gIeves uîsed iewadkyýs (ither. Ili e olyvf ur il) thebe (1r.u eutf is Ountht liming of tht uuIfd the face.I oen a? Paint And Powder past êAndl Present in > Rsia, genelly rxegarLud- utold Slo bod1a Weorks ilu is cmmrming et iptikb.y ou in ten sh1adces j, dfiliming )( t1lbes and ijar, Wth ac r-is lotis, mdpcs s ~s eltpewders, 5shanîpeos esene ave been houn'd te coi rodutionbooýsters feor \\Omlen mll es n p lid ace pewder thm becst e 1 ' geit en i 1 g hemý1iinei ïc s is, as-' ,enl the pain uCI e ofs t the ]haroh, built M. BCbeatiulalabaster ceutaiiung lotins au eues were hend burid WSAhpapyrus draings 10w te apply the nmkaup. îessy men have net aC- wrciated thie ise oh paýint "r)Y thleir female omau bihl itreduced intoth.fle 'alaetin 1770sM plt 'Ail wemen oh whiaietev , 'prefessienor egee Virgii, m aids or des -froniad ferschat .,cduce, and betray into, y anly oh ia Majesty yp the cents, paitscse lie. rtfialteth lýfais( on. sl Eey papes Ipic u nî aay armers and G-oýVerý lien gubiis des , gran goer1nds.frh aI unandon"ly agr fed on on 'A sk for. twice' as 1muLlh a s yoju epect ta' get" may nlot be a strictly, mior al1 sentime1ntbt tge ste be fair'ly prctes, h way this cock- eydwrm ef ours functionls thlese Still, t ne edos luch harm to 19k at a icture from sevïra1 age;and t1he fajct tha lte foi- loin!eitoriîal is from The Fin-an- c-ial Post eshould't blrin uto the' fac tat thecre mnighit be jusýt a teciny lite ,o, sense in t. Thie editorial ivcas titied E HI1NU15TH E 'UBýsi DY If a farmier in Onta rio wants to grow Plore wheat hie gees aheadÏ ind sows it without asking anyone'ý, permission. It is his own business how inucli or how little whéat lie grows and most people will agrees it sbotuld b. his own business. *After ail it is his own farmn, xnachinery and- labor that a re irnvolved. But across the b order fromn Ontario, in New York State; in ai country which prides itsecf on. being the f reest in the world, these matters are handled ifferently. There ini the iine cf a local coin- mnittee a Wa hington appointed bureaucrat decides how mnuch wheat and a great rnany other things the f armier cari grow. Vaiious allot- ments are issued and if exceeded cime finds himself without a market. One o-,wner of a 200-acre farmr thought hie alotment. of 13 acres for wheat was on the stmai), side. When hie applied for a larger allot.. ment last hall he, was told lie w.ould have five minutes on a cer- tain Tuesday afiernoon to present bis case. H. was aiea told that if hie failed to appear, the authorities mnight consider such failure as a waiver of his right ta appeal. Naturally this sort oh tbing a uFed sýome resentment in New York fr- circles but when the Jzw was questionied carre the real Fhock. Because the wheat growing was subsidized with taxpayers' nioniey the Governimefrt had-a per- fect riglit to regulate the inidustry, th-e farmers were told.' And wben oethinks that aver, why flot? Ohriethe Goverrnient Woui!] lhave no control whatsoever over the spending of the mnoney àt collected froni the public. That is somnething we should remieyber un this country. In recent 'sieeks there bas been, a lot oh loose talk un Canadian. TRACTOR Tm4"' 'u moivmghe l psy.,Order 00W aini ges lnta.Vey arOnt.rcls lARntlgACHS CNOPEART vT. Oeareponere lhmss nu aoie esa. SmpesrgSuplieasly hsil5 yur nearest Hnes hop about Collars ~ kets, i j Goode. I I~îr~ Ure lu Horse Bien- velling Brand îA von pur TI l h, fra voura Hdes D te f ollc WAhy Mine 6Gold?' he~ coutros of prices of many îings, people have asked "whyi nine goldO" Atis eAtenaceptd as af act th4t Ogold is mnied ý(1front the ground mith great labor and at the expense àh much money and rmat- etria, nlyte hâv e egofd buried Su the gweundai Fort Kno in the Unied States, [t hsbe adt~ the on]y gro d purpese te whichl gold as ben pt. is tp fhl teeth, TheMy t of uc~e, are vey sper- final and sotuîhe1views 0et the ignifiance and wValu fgeld. In slpite of thle fac-t thlat niaýny geveri- myenits anId pltcasdecry gold as useleo an eve mdagterous the vast Ileiy o heole o-f thewrd contnue e reardit as precieus and ro seek é and hoard it As se etten hppns whien r-auers deat wit peplethey fail teow for deecp-reeted intin7cts wýhiChi ae e- t-en sound Terelane pýersoùin teworldtealay who ill neot ar- cetgold in any' fermr or shiape ini returri ogods andla Irn u acýt, àlms re pee, mauy et tlem 1 Che1 -'ave Cgeods or services te sell TheIýre areexelnrasn for thîis These reaseu1 ns areil uttiuedriil g Mt a ' Lurgy, a 1non-p1rofit rgaàniz a- tet tien copos7d f engineers ad11 C tecuiias.Copies ehthisbultn 00e are avilale ir;th-Icarge bDy & 1 White Limitedl, 4W delaideSasr ent, ibrris, ecurers and othereo îoü ACir ersbou if se. sensi 10e for eut -~ 50 page Illusiratesi CATAOOIJE 0F JOliES. TOIECES & MAGIO. CfSLLINS JO A KAGIC S1~ 111 Sonserset St. W., Otts-wn Wholesale ansi Rets-il And ithe RELIEF IS LASTING F-or haýst, prolonged relief romr hieadache get INSTANTINE. This presciption-lke tablet centaine net jue3t oneý, but thret proven medical" ingredients that ease the pain ast. And the relief les, in most cases, lastin1g, Try INSTAI\TI','E juet Once for pain relief aind you'il seay as thousands do that there's one thing for headache e S .it5INSTANTINEt And try INSITANTINE for other aches, tee. for neuritic or ieuralgic pain., , . or, for the pains sud aches that accompDanr cold. A single tablet usuilly bîg prompt rfeef. &nstantine 1 2-Tabet Tir 2sý mica! 48-Tobet bll, 69ý ng's e., B. JHE RDn euii adRELPVaNti Adains lI Tee n G and nead l'eu intud SPI igm" CESS" 10 yeur mu te maSs Big lb nmeasuriug -da- ine quality abusa pilai Shea Cern- ente. Oulanie. I pet tomm, londeal Btooîdeld St. tpten 59 24. El) S telo? Expeiiemmeee milles or alunie. us now. Latviau treet. Boom 1304 TORE, ottawp aid._ lnsav"s rbn lln usis rma ale rn î fres. Tish eas ejo bi snles nrlesaniM a tirn'ea.2,12 eam' I r ihc iîeu o oeeste &tl RiCER 1.00 RtJAJz usor dean- Sali tP-1t-Fre a m lcmila a Pie n. We are1 POST'S REMEDIES Dearmoant j nee S E. wrner a "f 78 Tnge runu ____ATTENTION! WONDËER SALVE' H"as"hi.eeyhn as allOdrnw ntCui:Agentsacpel50 o.Mrr oikr noie Ion ,r of' d BrilteLI Bron o uII Yltie uiyerscrefuil, jLetng Puleuntre. Oua- cf tise sdtters range ralseal ivn Vir n etr Laity;11 ms. A. .Ptro ri', eut. mnetApprovea breadars, mihIvabw1ty poult, eCaotha iumyAce Turkey Farm, uIment approves i an, pullor- t Tm-ky Rnc,jAdrs, NEW 0Ln"VER Il9- -u sad -ýOilîvor 99 ractors In ïaw cnito.Be.,t effet. Gairuaie 4 Fll ls atal.Ontarlo. LOCOMOION lgsarabrasces.Prcio bulle. No ioular tros aoasar. uar aned ceAr1ldl5J ýLilmb Ce.. 14 nls Streat, Tornto GOLDEN coe oa:tw,ýeive l'e,8.013. Am ber, 71cb.rS7 00 Wilbarilnk Delawrier, Octane. uEAL Poto fscad or Btlrsrs camp. Saal egatives or ïgood araps»,,-ts. Pree La-liSmIps anibarber. Photoes of heGrant -Lkes, J. W, l2. 74 Florth S3treet, Mdad nal DO'TEAT LESS - 'Eatminoira"Cere;tl.Fiva grain, tibres mue, but careal lboa ew thrmil taste. Ai th nou7rishmI-ient e0 aturl algrains.Midylatv pastura wlliece Bu, bail eren stnbing camnt ilo. f..og bouse-eclln wvatar supply ýTwo mies ,,et nut Bîmsver. school Diienue. epen rond, rrija lnii t c availanla. Isî .91 'san nDep simporttng ArmGeure1,-, 1,7 J7mb, 3mre-, ïsi m non , A l-la1 fi'N'M ROFN CNRRIO kED aEd ibiel ortufms K sîdîug sheeinf te 15 "ee lenglha. 1" ora 12" ide 24gnoe. Semm rur masu.mets fo feeesimt ad llmsrae (idr ivu icl nf-tnîen iSmpesonremua. tumme mimHede-il grw fetIlIn yal-] Jcnel , ISpyIi.Deli ..lous,Ifo .1- un l obar, 4for3 2.5. reeCuln Garde GuidewiheryOre. rok pe ns-m fvy ureres1 Bwm vlle1-nlarlo TNUIh,,1, TraterandPar Eelpmntagu for sale mn thriviu onmu1 y Es1x O-Nta 1 Ontme al naceu 1 LeA:t. i o en iocly oxi, 2 th i . e 'T on . Pleasant dl~miill~ed protesu theusansls sueceastul Mm Anmerlca's graatast systeni. bau. frea. Wrl5î liA EVEL RAIIID: SCHOOLI 150 Blour ,SS W wagaaE tffs ie cata., mena bume~ %1,A NTEI) REGISTERED NURSES Foi, V-eur Diith 6Da Vee SIOUx LO<0',ONTARJO sAjLESMEN SALESEN wated t uitrdure ew podl. Wm'I l-hou ilh,,c *11 g il im HardarePreddt.. Blolwm, o ïProte.t yomr flRa.nd CASH IFoBs VIRE anal THIEVES ýVe bae a 515 and b1w eoftSa , ,or Cabinet, foi anby %upoe. Vslt mis or w4lffr oi, e ,j.&-ýj.YtÀVLUJRLIT TORONTO SAFEý WORKS R 45FroB 1 . Ey'oroT. LA 50 É tcrNomtcàý !%rZE 65C _____________ W A K E___ P-, -R lanal croýsed wth Beteaille W11ita.Tms_ I likae bans Oýak Grove oltyFa-,AmhCrst W KE U Y U ftoo U,10lurl LUVER BILE - Wlthout Calomiel -And YoulJwnp Oit cg Bed i1h. Mornîng Rada' to Go IWas Nearly Crazy iaucntou~igsiirierya. Witli Fiery Itch- ' Until 1 diecovered ]Dr. D. L>. Dennis' ase",ng- eSt tpated. You sar, sein l anýd tise lý ftest reliai - ID. D. Prscipio.Woid world looka pnnkI. popular. thls pure, >o ollng, liquid n[riaton htaies thomiki, gelite (7ster's Lîtil, s peed:kpeace anci conifori froni cruzel ilcing Liver PUils te gai thesÉý 2 pin'a of bile flujw- -1uad~ by ecema, pimplles, rash,tlete's foot sud oh-ritel troubles. Trial bottî, 56 1ngfraaly to m'ayo'fÏ '0. ad p. ir plcainceeaae tem itne Geta i pakage t4a.Effetiva -in m3 ltchor one bsk. sk rngisifor D, D, D. bila llow frealy. s o at ' iteLm Presciptio (orînaryor exra srangi'.3")0 ta e nydruistore. DO YOlE HATrE Se mnany womlen betwaen ii tegas Vagetable Comînl)uld to eieveý of 38 and 5'_> hava g,,od reason to stcll sym'piýtm. Womfen by the 1 lhi eiichange oh l Yife y"'rne tousande h Iave reported gratify- wlin eriit ebsaay-hen ing beinefits. No Other medicine embairrasinigsymptOnrsof* this o0hs yefr 1 bsml nature rnay betray youlr age! fti yefrWmnhssc If thlis functionali period makes 1a1long record of Sucoesa. yo ufrfrom 1bot fiutihes o Regular use of Lydia Pinldmamnl's mae onfeel eo wealt, nern'wO, Compounid lelps build up t'esis- restless, liard to live and work tacsgino cli middle-age wvith-try Lydia E. Pinkbam's distrass. The wmnsfrîjenhd! LYDIA E. PIN KHAMIS Vegetahie Compo>und 'i ý e =&V 7 --

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