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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Feb 1950, p. 3

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ByRcard Bi WilkillD i cespecially goodl, nlor vaS it cs- peSi oor. Me di cûleo t4ck dnc stps, tl sone farl f~inystris ndsanig a cope i sogs Tere wer-e dozetis better thnie Yet Pan1II always playedý Sthe blig tmalwayvs got tebs moe.We whio wre ini show buins;jýs at, theü timle,woded Thle ase wvas sillple whlenl you entrprsin. ie gave Iiiiimsli~ a bl'dup or on.e( thling, lie. se- lected hlis mus-ie with, cre. H-1ei- ,frutedtheorchiestra whaf to play, ndbwto playi it before hie camle .n. Me mladle at stooge ofl thledrm me.He sold the( ide, gnrl tblat lie wýas terrific. We ail expeced that Paul would be among the first to go. But ho wasn't. 1 didn't see hjmi ior alniost a year, then one f al up in San Franiîsco, 1 ran ac r os him ag-ain. It was rather a unique experience, becausc the gag he puled thaqt niit was epic. It seemsý, thiat, despite hiis etr prisinig faculties, Panil ,aS dule to pet thc aIir. Hie bad1 exastdbs bag oftfrick,.Mxa eswr gel-. -,InIg wi se f0 hlmii. Onl this uih heI was tryinig out at thec Olyiai The atre. Mst of ris tlouigbt it would be his, SwtnI seing, ()In the other- îînd if e wet ve ig wi h is nhffiied catcalI-. Pau'sface wou Ïiv i. He,-suddenly galvaniýzed infot action. J have seen some good trik dilancers Lu niy day, 'but e nver- Seen anytbing toequald thé anfis ef Paul Sparrow ithat igbit. 'b ougsly aouei, ieîbcat a con- MofinSSL He perf orinid feat-,s tht cr nbeard of in ttie art of dancing . He rw imlPf àarountiil -bat stage liki-,a 1madman. Lftwa nireoeto s%-tch. Sn-perb l Pauil came ont efcr threoenjcores.ý su ws a omn anupireil eaeb timc, sud1 oacb imte the auidience gave hArnlm nOatQThey clapper! fo,, iVe fu1l i mnttes after hil Ilat ar- AfAfr a wbii I truod back f PauFls cdressitg roosnm, Themagr was jiit 1ieaving. inside, .Pam] wa< haýppiiy foldiuig up a , seet of papo](r. f cold tef b)y ftbe expr-ession onm is face tbat ifawas tde conhptrc "Hello, feioer," 1 grinneil. "YOM killed 'ont. 1 gvtes the thing ta: do0ff you want to stay in vaude- viille these days ile get manid." "Dntkid mne. Those becklers lad (lyou ýdowu for- tie count"j seios tatsfinie! imen 1Iny Lt fie gag look lu anl oldl trouper lilke àWatamiue"isaid, begin-ý Ai was a gag, old horse.1 I bi thre hcklerjs fo do th jb-o tilew. mii1l fe fý (j7.lI - pdL'i' anyfi ly ~~-' Lad -t (The author of thiska-lf storY,ý Nina Eptoný, i. ini charge of B.B.C. broadcasts to French-sçýeakirg Cati. .ada, and liereê she telîs how a chance enicounter on an island l'n Qiuebec Province led to a hlitzed Londoner being reunited hby radio wlrth the f amily that had brought bîm up many yeai's ago.) Inradio, s n 2anY o0e1 pofs sipon n ango ploding aiong at one' s norm!al rou tinlefor \w eeks andI eve-lnimonths withiout niyfhjinýg par- sndenl, te nexpected happens -the "bhlht" ofan unusal oc- casonan extxu- good "star,a encuner pehastha't lmakes youý recalize jus't how ýwor-thw\biie the- m"edlium of bracsigcana be in, h'elpinig to, build np )fr-iendly intier- na;tionIal relationsý. That is bow I arýn feeling at the(. moment of riig, after baving orgnizd areuionbeteenfriends1 whbo have lnot een eCach other for ,25 years one Din London and the- other on the Fiscnd oï Osren, in it aiteIId wbile I was ont a isît to Frlench-speaking Canadasein scmeof he eope1Ibroad'cast tro nealyevryevenling ilntu Lond'on, contribut~~itlte-rc "cu Iarrivcd on a brîglit, crp, auýtumu 1day, anld thie Maleleas were lasbiiag crinson bjee h fir and tile epruce, ailmost ithe sane col1or as thie apples wblicb Mdm Letourneav'ls Carefuillypoiin in the barn wben we cailed. fier busband rushed out to greet us. very pleased to imeefsnebd from Grea tBritain.' Hile said Egibviitors fot.-he1 Ïlkand wrerare, very arelufaCt, the only FEnglisb peri-son be--, bai ever 'Duon he islaud was bIi-- protége, a a n called Wila Pearson, wio lhad corne to bisfan as a boy and bail grown up wifh b-is own fml.He susibledoa a-ddrss on a pieu of paper: "oul- liaint PearsonRsinldRoad, Depf- i0rdLodo."Conil 1, whn gotbak fnd out wbaf b)ail become,ý of bim? Pearson bai et teisnl yoars ago-25 yoýars ago, f0i be precsse. Toy bail correspondei inte'riftenfl1y np to the Seconid Worlck ari uf inethen, theCre adl ben nnews front Deptford 1M. Letouirnesu was 1most auxýioUs tknow wafb')om f mn mwature WiU!iam, suad of he eurt buigs I1d WlinI fgof back tso London vas to try ftc1c(ate bint. To' my137deligiht, aftCiorà few iqiis î iouni bit. ýHie bail bee.n bid aeIhad fear-ed, and had su-sfaained an[ inljury to biis spine wbicb ean tae can duo only L lgbfý work now. weanid asked ihlm f0 eýcorne toý ieB.C.and disclsetepossi;- biiity of broadcaisting a message tf0 Endoe Leournan.i doubfed, o ouswbetbier 'heo woÈî ued oableý t, rernember any of bis French aistr sncb a log fime, but perhaps, witb a little cahighe eudreail a shortscript. that iliait Peaýrson waspeffy capaleaff r alifle prelimiinary discssin foethr, f brýadcaS Ling, i n Frencb au n ascrîpjteil interview wif h mie abo-ut is memon,-ries of thie island 0jf Orleans, enidig tp witb a personmesse fOr Eudore andl bisfamiy, andl be spoke Frevnh sii ibteaccent poculiiar to itheý iland. 1 bail. cabeil over to Can "'a t before the broadcast se thâaf if.idor or nea ci ansI a1 h ored n theislnlwreývsi beforeband, aud they 4 at ai litened io,1as tbey wofe ailter- clown iA ceeksý." Sinceltatday, tuetwo ut thwni are corresponding regnirY agaîn. PeronalyIce!l sure tatWllin> Willmanage f0ss liq 5 beîe Closet Held A FrueMlini~hosiery maniufacturer Stanl- tonl Sanson ai bis wife, Maf,,xinle, look inito the hall closet, of thir New York apartmient from which thieves enjiptied ele-ven jewel canes wiie both aere out. Mrs. Sanson, an i. moji ,sai4, it wsamlindla haul, but polic eaethe figure down to S20,O Boer ho Take *bBritaiîn froirgPortsmouth 'to nvresand from iCardiff to0 Huil, on every faigronof anysiue the caravans pll in and thie canva thecatre is setni), wthits oxýin-g- rinlg insid. The, over thebain mscof the f air, oerthe shoutedi inIvitaitionis of othevr shom1en, the1ý age-old chiallenlge fo al Corniers is repeated( again and a1gain. TheoermIs are On vewmtaniding in uine (onl aplatform otside th'e b)oothi, lendinig point to the ba-,rkeru fr-om seven stone t0 fourltcen"! Pi The charge for admlissioni is small gener-ally ~Illng bteven then, it is difficuit to get theý fair-goers ins'ide tuntil they haveseen con trstntdcore forxvard Ilevr lte delay i s seldom ia whobav boedin dhe Foresar alwas egerto 'havaVc go." Be- sieeeytown ianvllaeais favurie lcalboxrwbo eau gen- erall be elied on f0 acceept Itle chleg.As onas a fight bas been arranged %hepaybox becoînes bnsy anditheshillngs fow mi. Seats are slo rvdd n thie graýss of the faiirgroundl' field is tde HetresfUoor.In the centrth býoxing--ring is rvoped off, and Itle rodstands arounld i. With mnany ceremlonlial phass heconitestants are itoueaind the be)ll 'rings Long expeience and coti nuai practie givetdeoothboxr a initialAdvantage Also, he knws . and hlas to knowý, every trick ofïtdu fightling tad. rue, lbe lmay face a top-rank aaerin) need of a littie practie-andthat igh1t's pay w11iil be had-eared. Bt g rllycheis 1on bis feut at tcend. Fo if th 'booth boxer loses f0 an fgbs o'r iýs of.tenknocked oint, hie ceases to be a bcioth ]frCxer. it, is a hard if e 1by aniy standfard. Yet men soa n kit and like iw Joe Beckett, ltrin h le Champfionisblip Class, wa a ootb oxr or yearsý. Jack Lockye took on ai lcorers at ifairs uintil be wa long past f ifly. Red PollIen, a wet egt As boxýed uwith aqWood's saloon for twnyyearm, andis istFýill go-ing They sathý1lýrat hait lbecomies sec- ond nIatu.re, and tai maybe the sýecret. Cetailnl ly my on fist booCtb' encounteraàl1ithqagriz7Lied, fat- tishman earl1twie myage, His imidriff regionlooe so soft thà fseened( a smne tt'- a1ke the fiepouinds. WhIen hle cneta on covering that soft spot, laving hPs awunpoece,1 pitid the poriat, old mlanl. Buit 1 smote thafÈ Noithing happene-dJald i smashed at1 thewideopen pitagin. He stili hu»g back, coverîngbivun- ýn Ail Corners 1able mdrgo, u fwsplain thlat ho dar ed ,nOt rik eenon puuIicb On bissoa-exsWer. upon i myseîf risked eoybn i oStO terrific slair t a fi ùrc*-biçe .Jusf before ,the pmIciblneiI suAw a knowing glin in bshard, simali e3,es. Thiat tintef be did lEaveý Lis mnidriiff upotced utIdldn't kno,11W anytbinîg abolut tafuIl4 affer I camle round. Hi nwnuotter ovett Nigbt att et i ,ghf 11tha nrtce Jaiw iured Stronig youg ;boxers,'As, a 1 haid been lnpred, info the ah-or- lntbing venfure thlaf ends 7Witb1 he mpof.toous cbauilting of " ee -Btt wbat kinid of couiragemus it, take f0, go on doîng thlat For ér in thie faiirgrounîds ,p1 anld dw h coluntry?, If le diffienît eve\ f0i uetswla Moneyis nt1th41answr-ille bootb boxers sejdomll-"et aniy Iarg. sunts -Nor if is mee ove of figbtiitbe on tie lpart of thec boothi boxerý. or of the manwbo accepts blis challenge, That ty-pe wouli ot lasf og Thiere is somnetbiýng deepere-ý 1ply of dgsorfoewcbi rely raiin ig 1fOrt-he ,bigger strnggies of ite. ýCerinyined a vafreserve o org 0fc dHiferenit crowd ecc)niighlt w h oiffer f0 takle on ilconers Tol' e on ail coersif s lot a bad soanlor-a mntlor a naItPin, Best Way To Send ', CoinsI1n A Letter Nexf timle you want'O m ila quarter, dîme or hi-dollar f0 siomieone, you'l probabiy wond er inet hD'w to dlo t. .Many people use adbesivetap or Scotch tape f0ofasten the .- coîa f0o the letteýr. Bilt ail editor -ys lJon-'t do ifthtw.Taesik bt the coin andcasstobe tiîle coin ïin a piece of ae.Te coin woni't shake offo ui Ten'yiarsgo a-D- cb cietîst1, prov\ waer dviing vwasnoene Nowee baspubisbda534pag lairs i&tat there is somethin l f ivity by r1iusing theïr!baud nC sai wate1, lUi )léano As A Neighbor Donceagals Naurc las declared On Decemlber 2nd, as daw was breaking-p, MutEu rpe from nw raer, nil the peoleo Brone foad strani.of olten laafive hbundredo f 'v id n twnyfý.eef igb -advancing uIpon rbem at the rate of SOlfitMMEc an hiour, They knlewvtiafno powerû on Ioarfh couild stop thaf. advance, and they did the olyý possible ýtbing. l At ten o'cldock thaPt eveniing the 'ýown' evacua'ted 1t's 20.000ina- Eîihfy timuessinice mn sitte4 kceing records Etna bas caused death and deution. The lait tule wvas i 92,whenin lcan-descetlav copeeyoblitercated a railwayan Livinig on the slope of avocn mnust be Vl ikelin na bouse ni a frontierC anld 1knowýing that, an euemy's enire beavy artilery i s trained on the blouse. Wen hos- tilities bJ-reak onou o vill be tde firsf to be bit. WIhy do pol live thereknow ing tiat at any mioment they and their poss.eesions m iigbt be dectroy- ed? (ce good reason pstttheceides ojf viaosare otnthe most f'er- tue areas in lhe district.uTeslopes of Mount Etnia, for ;instanceaes are raised every' year.ý Theeare befwn fbre sudfour hutdreci active volcanoes in th' wvorld and thf- slopes 0of11m£osf o thern are inbabited. in some Cacse the peopile knoiom ,pasf xpo jnethaf fhmey will rTeceive good warnig before an eruon, but-i others they may bave less bhan an hour- to clear ouf ,wifh wbautever val- uabies tfbey can take withtemr. Vesuiviujs is one of the m'j-osf unr- predictable, buo)A.D 79it rufeýd s suick1y and so fiercey that fbre tows-PmpeiHerClanIenm, Iaud Sfabae-wre ompletely destroyeý-d, Pliny, coman1îider of t0m Romant fleet, saiied atL oncetoHcunui totry f0 rescue survivors, but foundt ho arbour cmleeyCbok-. ed by ash andA lava, Hie sailed On tf0 Stabiae, on,!ly f0 find thie popullation dead, auiffocated by fumeliýs. sauswl icd Veuvins do ifs wor that 'ail rtreetowns were effectively" burid i lae ,iid asbi. Four Ibn. dred years laer their very sites wýer-e lfogoffen and testoris of theQ erupl-tion wee reated as a le- gend They lay bidden ntil 1860. From thant day if A.D. 79 V,,esuî- vius was qiscn.To -ilitet an utpoSes it wIanlxicfvl cano, and towns and villages were bu)Iiif on tsIopes wbi hepeople used f0 pienieon tCe HP of tde uge Thlen, 1,4,50 years later, in Decemli- be,131, if aakne Wtb)out -a 18,000 people die-d. Sine tentheemas !hardcly beeu e3d fiames artd red- hot aa n10 the explosion wanses terrific paf 6,07 f et of thÏe smi a l Tie peope of StuPierreon thi siope of ount Plcin Martini qu,bad plentiy cf warnIing but tooli no otice ofif. Thecano ruiii) ot for seve-ral dysand then cover- ed th1twnwith a layefr Off ine asti A few days later it erpted, and 15 eol ost tsur live. Tn a siser romcano on a nearby island confinued therliurly ive. u Mount Pele eploded, anid 40,000 people died before tbecy cou(!ld e it's Cocoa Tm etdand bl1oused, thiis pure- silk shanitung cocoa w'ith white emi-broidery, is s n lhe Freutcb desigul- ers aln.The ifulIs isi toppeil by a beltd bluse f ea- turing dt, droppeýil shoudiÏer "line auId fuil Iong;leve Whatfs cookin' l Tin ncan cook lher Ihainiandwac if '0u1teleuvisi;on aPt the samre time, w-bthis cmiato a ranige adtlvso set. MLrs. Bea Reedeýr, above, shows how, thùcok can stir up a dleectable diInsh sipýy b

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