Lt twle there lui aeed oet g[ae.urn The, tst wel ne at ,he f a'O NE WTDN VII pa.iren-,t 'rinting 'S ~1O»Lindsay LLE il ek) orynt o spenIt th' dis Tha ýs in theThe large or small to handle acton TIhe,*TIMES OFFICE manly of the fighVlinLg tisý itt1p acelouit Of course tllf iLrnghofj oarried riost, orwin shýclden nu efe41 ve Orono, Ontario 1kpe at il. Ila 39e Freezers Orono Tomorrow qne esia 5d plaii for financial security espe.. 'for you. Donald Hamm 1110E 65 r 13$ - - Fri. &l Sat.., Feb- 17Î - 18 "RED HOT AND BLUE" Viceture "éSUSANNA PASS" Mon., e S., F eý2 0- 2 1 Rh da, emýini-g Wed... Thur.,. Feb. 22-23 trvelIed Vo l'eterbono 1Il:ved ag'ahvstt tut theo u(rse of the evený aMa% Pwoveni. ForTni, feeiing quite houored. Ifard luck Stephewws more bruises ansd *ruts in Port Ho(pe on Mlond mseeniasif anl the mVU Vspiyras far as ýth MR~ are cerneed.At gaine Stevîereuie to -lose a cit beia'w tlh Thie Rev. Dr-, Robert passed away in Janwtar of[ his soli in Gaîanes" U.S HeTTý wai borii i i9 * Good Luck Hlunter aid Han"Itelr Hol where Aubi coaitiniures it L years ie h iu 01t;Gree-ley, a few y ýearsa Island, New 'v lie mlade Mis Il Of P( our, for and cars as fo/kôw-ýs: 1. "Pedigreed"»-ai dîtioned. Thèst. guarantee. 2. "As is" Cars - RE On~ p' 1 o d >. p0 2oth Fi?, gi and Mýlrs. tentertair ddred on Durham * ?S' Assoc. er, .LVrs. W.