I Vol1. '4 No F ire Destroys Home Fr merly Owned ByHeber Souch The atone ouçe formrerly owxnedFanesA iedT by lbrSuhat, GiarkeUin wsSw CodSe tottl dsrydby file &Wrly SatSr dGay mrnring. Both Bwav'l __ -lnd ciOron f, irelgades ,were pros- Fresreurn good see d for eurt, but due toý the faut tirt water 15) ol be -well advised, officiais -was noýt ;avaThable, aothin-g could be- of thre Cro[ps Brandi, Ontario Depart-I ,ore to,,ae> th hose. ment o' Agriculture, state, to obtaîn At the turne f tihe fire theue a copy cf a bcooket "Seed Supplies was ýcculpied by Mr. and Mrs. Smiith for 1 95f." The publication contains whio esapd i th-f their lîveýý. Ail namies and addr-esses of cereal, -for- their belongings were destroyed by age and clover sîeed growers lu the. Teblaze, Pro.vince wlbo 'have aeed for sale. l'lice toereol f the buýi]diuu -ofnd tic foc e thin, tinos avn Vieadjinig gara'ge frmbing de- Mtryed. Tic Irc,huit labei'ived, atar-ted f >oro~ noeia unc pipe in ~ tic diar T11,efarren-, buildings aire no-w owne hy ic dama L umber Cern- panýy rbo buben usiag it for tic groreing of tbacco. W.KJRMEETING Tic regulair aoty meeting of tic Wopra's Christian Temipeceiý, unioni was,'bc"Ildon, uesday, ac -u ,atth inhoe of Ms-s. Grahara, sa QUelI a gocd atdanmce tic pregidexnt, Mrs. WVals111, preslding. Aftcj tichenunghyna, tic de- v»etiual wais taken by Mirs. Kelly. Mm. Lyedt read te ripture leason fromn ?rv. 15th, versecs 1-20. folloe-1 "d by com-Yenta by Mals.Kelly, re'bo cIased tic devotionail period Pâi prayer. , ?Tic peaee supernteudenti rcad a splendid paper on "Fa.cing tlc Worst" relti-an otnitc etoo feor Ùtec future. Tiecocrrosponding rccre1-tary rond lettats ouf appreclation Iiorticestek.lTt reas decided jteo- der 1more thireanebotters taheu uiaitilhuted amoaug tie differe-nt f;ciro'!s of ic oe tip Aftcrdirc 'n it ras dcddte, hClod a Siluer Con'lcston, ay '5ti. 'Tic clip sheet was la chbarge of Viepreidetthre ct being, "Is aicoella u n iîcs"and vrplied, Vo- by iglit mmer.Tich lwu letter was read by Vie president, ta<nf-roua tic United Chunci Ob- sucryco orn tue subject "D)rlinIg la 7'Jakada". I reonr bor mianýy cf yourra- erp- have read tlic article in tic, No- 7reýmiser Ciatolinc oý-n driakinlg par-1 -ties ainv rral districts. i Mei have read lt cannt butc'be W 1r srd as eyer before by the inrczada of1 Vie dinik cvii ion aour national lfe.i W th!ie lest edecaide, the wlrene of ticaricesnys Vieol-shad country dance bas become an ail- night it dnedebauci, What a apc- taie la rcvealed te us Tlic scene is laid ila Western iCanada--buttic dep- scription oaa! ain pply tcour more Ens- tern Prov;inces as weili. Onie of our acighbours, a yomlg engineering stu- dent, spent maskommaer in a miinig tow n luNortihera Quebec, and reas, scaindalicd at tic ,do-lnl<uing iesa tir.Every ï r ev(veing-ic dindn placs wrer ield wti mca ndwo mca of ail agesu. IV reis had enog 1The Eist is jniade up of growers foi, w'hich a ecnop iregistratll,incertificate hlas beeni issued1, or, lu the ae of potatoes, have nmet with L rjequire- mrelts fojr Certifled seed or eter The booklet is prepamred by th e Seed! Markiýleting and ubictyCo--- ýmitto-e ofu 'the Onitario Crop Imiprove- mrenit Asato.Copies imay be secured frore offices oif local Agricul- tural Representatiés in any county, or direct fomthe Crops, S-eds and Weeds BrachOntrlo Departreent of Arclue Parliament Build- ing,ýs, Toronto., hIadiioto the iist of se for' slthe bookio-t also couta;insmc information about seed-diýl sur-veys, expanaionof grades, information atout seed smpply Situation, sug- -estpd prices and a message by t'Îe 1949 pres-ident of the QaOtarlo Cropl Tiaprovement Association, In his message lie sys"Iot's bulge the biiis in 195(l" an d urges tfiat failers striv'e fori a rdt bag gran1ry of their Own horne-grown grain". b toeS- rmere bo)ys th~ eormSe cdIt'quor, buit te sece youu-g girls druik reiS a horror. 1I ,t is ie ree Chnistiain peopje got areuscIsd on tVils utsr ý'of Stron. dr-ink. Sonie eveni dabile in iVt. "Tt la nueï liarra te tüake a littie lan -modera-, tin"tiay sqiy. "It docs net do uis a ny-ý hanra. Tse people forget t]iat it is frein tic ris of moderate drinikers tint doun-katirds arc recruiit- cd. Theyv do nect rezilize tic influence tieomoderate dinkiag bas on thiel ciildoe, or au other pcôýÔplc's diii- dren nuiid young peoiple, or tic en- couraementhtelr e-xample givez te others te uise itxcns Tic Uaiited Chuarciý hais dec!lared Jt-I Self lan faveur ofVotal absti nee. Tint la good-buV iV is CtI ro.ri Its motubens siouc-ld al be ila tic raýniks of'tic, tbstiiers-naud iotinl tic reser-ve aray oly, Wc s'iould be ctve rodiesof Jesus Cirist lu tuis flgiand everyonc winaing re- cruilsa for tic temperaince ranis. Tiýe Uited Ciurci hais put eut at- tractive "Declaration cef Purpose" Carda. These sioutld be disýtnibuted redeyanIevery Churdi mnimber1 sliouLld ai-iuone. 1 believe every Ginistian should ho inorena atotal aibstainer. Tic Churci sioàuld 'h'e tica sus-ru encey of thc lîquor trafflc. Monüutreal, P.Q. Concerned. Diurham County Junior Farmers Win Wardens'Trophy ORONO.-ONT-., T[-IURSDAY, MAR. 23rd' 1950 Subscription $1.50 per Year EVEINGAUILJRY ROBERT PATTERSON E.R 'W oodyard Addres Thé Evenîni)g Auxiiiary of Pak n ari tiRoentPay'ue Pat- Street Church hcld ther meian e rcuson passewy ait UVieumhocf Thursday e*ening, March lOtbat ti sdaunghite r Ms.Kenneti Bail1, .o q A M u i î a Masonic Tem, e. MNs, Harold Allin Oro,;o le was bora n 1870 nearl presided at tic mneetinig, and tie Kendul son of George and Auin Jane IlPtTh wmd WnCla MYA ânteài pro10grame was in tcharge of M ritrsn1 i NeesleLosCiia icrfAcawtl.ter li uetils atîire life in C1lxe rgla b-o1hy etn n us o r Vtils CarosTably ad ergrop. Tons Inu.la190 lie married Nota Thursday, Mairci i6sVi, d ais tnieir impr1)ove education aiC Tic programmce was most intercat-Biiorenouf Lekard4 whorc they 1s-1 guestsuminy cf thi mtdnicial rer- tieburde ntihe ta ing; tic report of thc W.MS. Pros- c"d for a numibcr of Zer, nmo-sattys fromnBownnçvlyiew ere-scool taing kept i bytril icd n oamauvll,11il o hi rtn oco ic6 i astle, Clarke Toiývnaiip, and the Umont aven. Such d giv-o n la a mostitcrosting way ; inecast oft Qna .for ovei, -lthrty Unjted Onuties. Mr% E, R.Woodyapi dare Pet Voo wcli equi Mlrs. Oins. Mill7er and Ms. Ed. Mill- yoars. renas the gucat speaker for tu11s even- ,imipossible to, do se w son. Tic guest speak:er of ticevro-. Left to mourail fosa, is bis wife, ing, and infihs addresçs he îrevie eeof nmoncy. Tie img was Mrs. A. E. Billetbt,àa aew- lunc son LavomneA ~Ornui adt wo! ohighgts cf lie countýiesý- counc-i'l resas ov, take lai cmrto Ororo,. but a person w!hol dighc1,(Lsec.11s.1nnt of Ouronon and (Jean) tire uling tihelast fere yearsx and thus a larger ass we aIl feefl ws kuior, followng- ei" l odadwsicdcdtibntei eeu r mos itersiligan inphng ali ier ee grandc.1iidrenl; anc brotertne meeting by Reeve George WaIton cd Vint tuis issue é ' on Cosamunfty Priecndsbip -,1d1 W. M. -Brooks oft Manitou, lWan h lo came of Ne astie. test rince he'bais icci S.work. Ms-s.Ev Brown fav, c for tic funeral, and oe ester, i, Tic addross ý,f tic guesnt speaker, Counties CounciLamr with two vocall ic even- of cidmpuf. Intenment Vook placec'la111Mau ullongmaiicipal adminpistration jertainfly not arn easy1 ig closed witi a social hour. Orono, Ceumey. aindIthcedispersemenut of tic taxabie Tic county of Nirti _______ ______ Ticpallbarers wcre nibur, dolua Ir.Por to 1836 satd tcnr rclell ra Mahryt Moran, Grland iltcar, seaker, tiecucuntry was governed scharl airoasand it -u Tkree CivilCases tH<arryCowama, BorthuRoboi,ïla-ony roani e Pro-vinc'ial Legislature ticsae r tint t tsed Catura.ans Atitr Ribis. stinebody as county ýor tou rý ounty of Duriare wo Refore Sing Asuzsco0unciliin existenice. fHoweVge', ait ing under VUils ae vsci Beor prn A sze hird Gamme O0 fPlayoffbil ofo iitm Lr uhuaa eprtn Two ->divorce caseýs an an amton te 1 de bmniip lugovrn et a uvya The speaker denlt or, reorr oules said due oni a proml-1 usastrous For r ans0= 4 gvme adith or year14 i 4ctBhdi u- of the tain countiess i iorlote, comris-e tuhe civil dlckct yerdt i rsen -t aldf ovn umentscttig up adinistral of tic spring iassises wbicii opeaed Tic piay-offselles in tue serri- wtii tie isnroraion 1of oui-fint Tn t vwould cor Monday before Mr. Justicc Welis atithnais of teOHAhuir D eah tpe n o tiern ofcipalties: onyVoatu Coug. lt la Mr. NeWls'frt court -Uasa betwecn tic Orono Orpihans M, Woodynrdifrmdtihiose pres- RadSyteeCuesk aiui ng'inla Cobourg. and Souti River came to a decisdie ont Mart Lprd Duniare,, Lord Syden- n ,WillalliC. Si,,i,- i Cu idin wit Ne layig oflie oud 1011 andSir , Týojawnil. tThoser. fle ctorctos, h Wilim . ins-cfCoourg la endn icpaying Thitic tird npx ar wasi R.Budraaeee Ur N wtheticpossiity of suing Helen 5mw of Cobour-g for )uaçmo1,t a irda r ei iitisap layed mca nncley responalible for cur tliumberladndl a bad divorce.Plaîin atice tier % Ma Soti ivy e ong irails opitsprsent day fori ,iof gIrraet a be thougtof fer ti vor-c is cMarie 1Isabel Gairthre Ofa second Ontario Cbamptoasip be- 1867 theLBgiN. A. rct povaw the Pmconcrne&. Duliare Co Clarke Tovvu,4iiÀp vîo l-ingNor_ iiîg asicd paistt1eboards and'Ji:jýjese omi[i in Gartahore of Whitbytne-c. i- di u '0enag e oibemuni Ticethîrd case is an no titIce cipalties.-tuicradfol t -E-atub team, piree-kus ttofic on' MWoyadsid bsbe roads are hilly aind by Daweson Beebe of Hopý %ùýo &Woyadsi bsbe nThis, ie aaiid, is oue o, against Benson Beobe. Hielen 3 'sided coiitest, hmd ron one game, aind, voiced Ut Me eic ccnty couneil are of amh stctDr ansI Loreazo Bec~he cfwhw. t~riliners latthird gaine were litUte use. This bellif, beacd, renus arnae titDra to adviance ont te furtier playdowî,. nsiitrue for tuere reas- a great doal of teaorrndst l ai- It lis dlainmed hy tic plaintiff Ntit Tic score of Vie gani e as il l inworl-for tt e oipty courci'ls. Tle 8atrale-u is e sh on Sept. 23, 196,ie lent Benuson avour Y ftic Seuti River entp t nx meting -%vas inforaed tint tic total ladoigM.W i and Helen Bebie tiesain of M1,<3,beng 10 te L.Orono' iad lu~t ids taxes for Vie Counuis Counicil cd lapon thc meeting1 takring a proniissory note. Tic. pcuwcr shc'wu on tie pilcvious iit amoua'tVo betwvcn$40P,000 and pcavemis hatticrmur aouit of tiec daimi is for $951.30 an'd allowcd 'Seuti River to go 1date $5D0fOn, and tic largest expenditure dr u nrssta plus itcresàt on $870.00. tic finals. The gare prcved I'acking 1wais tint on ronds whuci rail aro-Und (e~ rs foen teni0ve o - ztp, anid'was uinterestii-ig to h$1,4u1,0u0O. --- -vel Local Member -Reports Froni Ottawa Sonretintes Ir Von1der if I'm i lang- iag laite Vie afcceptcd but te ne cun- aiccepîtable prefessional pel1iticin.1 Haro lt is lessa ia aer since tCie eledtion, andsI alrcady tiiere arc signa tint; semne transition has aken pilce. I'rc bougit onea ouf tiar-e dark bIn homtburg hats; have bovgit a acreý pair cf giassos ouf Vie dan hkem-.]_ rimmed btypa andI on sacrsai occa- socus ha;ve found r-yn f oaga-o1 a roosa shakîng- hands -aiti rryu pooseat. When 1 ti dfind my eifici- tating to go dor bren la a pa-ir cf old panIts plus, a ýtre day badfour fear it mrit ibac a vote, l'il! inca I're rcally quallficd. Nuwspaiper eior bemoan tua lh fact tiat tiey have se mrnc mat- criaI Vo radsIthaithVicr eycailgit uf fers, bat members ouf Parlinreentl ,could gire ticin a long head saat ainsI ýcatchup Vo tire aithin ,a aek. Every morniag, aftcurnoon and evea- iag our Poast Office boxes la ithc ouse cif Commons produce an aval- anchie cf p-riated ansI mimieiogoapied words anci as you've nacrs-seen. Tiere must be thousada of es-gain. -zatioris reho are lnitercated la iav- inug the Goveramet do sonîet1iiag fos -lten anI caici cf tfiere senda eeryrerbr renis cf recîl-prepar- cd inuineusV suistaulito te î-ic clairey. Ia additioni, tuera ara Vie Publications frein ail dep)artiuents ouf gorerareentÉpeusi tie daily copies ouf house of uoniimons proceedomgs to On Friday, Mardi l7th, Pifty-Soiur cadi hais already been awardcd a bo rcad. We could use ýat least three 1Jir Farm-cer 'boys under- twEýnty- similair grain prize. Iucidentaluiy secretairïes auld five sets. of eyes tire years of ae froni eigbt coun- Harold H'ammond scored a possible apiece to soirt out thc material aind ies, nmily Hsin ,Nürthtuiber- 150 points on whimat and Earlegietarsobeamutfaien Lairid, Ontarlo, Purhanre, Prince Ed-! Brown a peect score of 100> ontin adPe-terborougIh, Victoria anid weeds. Oae of the most Intcresting pieces eno idA-ddingtointook part i ndingo h is ivna h of propaganda recoived during tie theQuite ee Jugin Gniptiton Stadin ofthe frstseen nd iepasit week was a beautiful bookiet ýheQuide J-,dgiII- CmptitonDuirhamboys itie lb-.st twenty are, rne at Eda , Each countLy -was caeutit- , tofa osibe 50pont:ontie 'linost coated paiper ed to enter ten boys with tiche John Geen, 778 with a soude cover. Theaneo ~iig scringboy ooprisng acieach inember was printed in the cor- 'ta.(1) H7arold Ham.mond 787, Dur.- ner in gold Icaf, It wasso well doue thtit had tVo be scanned and ro- Tlie Wardens' Tronphy f thehigh b1are; o (2) John Gee 722, Hastings;tane.Tcrsepprbsktes toa wa wo byticDurareCouty(3)Enile row 77, Driae; 4)too ordinairy a ýreposito',ry for such a bosfor thetwentie1h con-sective Donlll 1I Ta-,inr 7q6ý, Diaremi; (5) I'Ray fine piece of printing. You'll be amaz- yca wih ascoe f 241,wit H sIt Stpleuton 76, Drham; (G) George cd to find tint the gufbjoct -proposed- agsCoutysecond witi 2303. On-J Skedig 74 uii 7 Merle Grcyfhound racîng for Canada. You'l'l tirio C -uyvas third follo'wed byV or 6,Hsig;(0 Alex Mar- also be am(azed uo know tiat tIre la- Nnri umý.bepkand, Victoria aad Prinice tin 700, Dur-hami; (14) Gcrald stallation of three of four tracks in Edwaýrd (tie> id Lernfox andAd Brown 747, Dran (19) Keith Sta- Canada woid, it sad -bigso much digo.The Du;ramCunty team ptn 74r3, Durham. Amerca inmouey into thc couiitry and meaber wre arod lainiod, Prize Winincrs in thc Individual would 'ro sce 0 *ain millions in Clases:taxes thant tic prosperity of the a-ii BaileBrre ad Dnad ayor . tion woul.d bc. assur11ed for yoars to) .AgrcutualRepreseaýtative- E. AX Wed'-Ge-e Skldiiig. corne and, la fact, thenaioaldoit Sýummewrs wh'o ,cacd toetn aJ hat-DnfrdMCa Price wouid be lîiquidated reithin hr £'-om. Du-riam ilanatura'lly proud iof Ewr.tîme. This may b-le a siilgit engr ,hi cý,ievpnment, aly-Jh eu atns ation of the clat'ireis burt will give youi The first tweity boys recýeivcdIAlaufa- erle Mor, H sIt oie ie of the pIrnposai5ý wich ni prisVes, 1and 'te ii iboy laeacihag. our )unmber of par1ilaiment l si p eas wobUshIelS of Rgstrd Red Covr l ani, Ecinn of Posed 4to Pead ode u mna grai. Tc winin tem wa no - Vctoia.digest. The invention of paper and aligible ýfor iese grain prize, s a tJ(,s -Tic to b b rokeif. (ot npg or watAui. Thi-sbringar ito à Cloe oce M Co-lîusastY for ltic yca- 1950. Howe-ver, uwihtiVie a pp ro a ch cf sprfing we eau be assured that it woinlt be Voro -long beflore tue pari h- coinca a i iieouf suiamer sports. Retarians Holding Rural And Urban Dinner At Orono jTie Bowvmanville Rotary Club arc holding a Rural and Urbain Dinnier in 'tice rnoTown Hall ou Tiursday. Marii 30bl. Aiso on tue prograre i to be a talcntcd speaker andote formns of entert-auament. Approxieately 1iftý:r inmbersou tlic Riobary Club reili ha pooscat and roeservations arc ibcing rende for an- other fifty înterested peracans ter taike parit la tis cein Ticýkets for dinner are availabie froira ýoilph's, Hardware, and aise froni my mcm- ber of ide Orono W. A. Tic local Women's Association are eatering te tic dinner. Pnocccds frore tus diai- uner are to go Vo tue buildi-ng fnnd of Park St., Unitcd <Chuoci-j Clarke Union The executive ouf our blinie asud School Club miet atit tic home ouf the, preýsidcent on Monday inigit toeclua- pîec planis for, a basket social te be icld ait tic seacol tus Frlday even- ig. A rcry, pleasant erenin:g la ex- Tnother liand mairk oufdtusý districit hais disappeared. Tie atone housse on thc corner, formrerly cýccupicd four rany yenrs ýby Mv. Hebor Sui reas destroyed by- fine carly ou Sait- u-rday moýrning-, Ma-,rdhIFiti. Tic Smith fa;mýiy ly w rc occupy-ied tVie horne lest ail tVils possessions, and bairely escaped freni thc buoning- building reiti their lires. Tic syr-in ppathi ftic section goes eut VLo ticmin laticýir bs.Ti ius ad faon is jowned by tue Adamns Lumber Comepany, Neecastî,,awie ope-aVe as natoacco farmi. Wie have heard rumeurs init Mo, aind I Ms.-JoýhnBailieyvanld fam-lily arc ceriniig bnci te our scin Several fairmers in tic section aoc hiailinigwoed. p-igmust be e as re have Seenl sever-al eoed cinlcis. We aire g-lasI te report tliit Miss- M. A. Taiylor, aie huas been on ffd o her bed for soým(-t.imen, is mluclhi ioved ains w3io aisý- eld-1 brated iher 8tibilidaY onMrc -3th. Sic usuas visiedhy Mo.Ai Mos. E. R. Taylorn, aIse Mr. aindI Mr. Ilealth Eiii, 1 -n of tic atosuf recent Aiduince- ments il) tiec cunitios reas tint ouf)ti formation of a HlealVi Unit rebiîchi iLm eiclOfilraviile 1 al uncial officero rýeg1u1ar <sanitairy îns-ýpocLion by) qualu i cipalitica. fied ins!pector.s. Tîhc expenditure o'n tuis baahOf eounity service costs JJ ' $70,0!00 a ycair, of Uwhich 50n% la a W'ES-' susdyfo th e oorrneat. MS. Lloyd EBa Couny Asesingspent the week-E M.Woodyar-dstLaited thnat it had 1 Mrs. -Roy Niebh4 beýea n ggested tht acounty ase- Mesr.Dog sor haý obtaiued to do awvay w,ýithi the ice O'Neil s ýpe: assossatieuiit troyubles that eist lu the withMr and Mf tuwin Ckunnties today. At theý preszent1 Suncay vaitons time nmany muni cipa1îties, b is be,- ICPavn e wre -ý lileved, are supporMng mrethan -lihorudyke andf their share of the reposihliiescfMrs. arolNio tue- counitiesý thr-ougb unequalOîzed as- Si-1day Scicol ssments. The speaker said that wiývth an attendi every tiuniciilit,,-bas 'ait thie pr>esenit fol, owed wîth Dr, isaesoand this fact 1lenda .ýo 1,11 the G'ospel diffor-ent leveis o)f asamn eug Some of the 'yi turned iu, It would take ait Ieast ti c hckey garem t1rel years; for a coun-ty assessor todaeviig dover tlie wholie territory and tirougli 'The Austljin ci his findings bhring lu an equalîzed as-ofdrwhe sesiment. An equalied aso1sen u,,ýSsywilwsj1 ". over the rehole areca vwould mean tlint De tcb ail mýunicipalities woui be paying on pqLay PitaL the s'aime basis *n contributiagWdesy eveni eqpiiLy,% toward the revenue: of ticMh.H.,ev c Tio. t -wouid also, lie said, ~Trnovst grcatl asse icProvinciail Goveru-1M.adMs ment ilu detcrnrining -fair grants toi apentSna e thc pr,,operties within the equalized old Brocog assessment area.. ad n High School Area Donnai Qug'hftredi Re-eve Woodyard iuformed tiose prt for Glýenn, presenit that tlie couinties council aire a-erooat tLhe at presentl setting u-p la 1High School' nold Thorndy-ke. Rffeforestation To COMI sess to advance 1id tx~e,'i l-NP aye-Pr wln, ia low as lools, hie ýipped, for iith a inali ý' i h q, Ifal er - sessimentt ic lié CIec one of thle in in t.he Uj né ti-a i t i Frank- nllcey and las Barinct nt Sun-day, Irs. E. Bniri ýs rvith M. l r, ansI M family, Lansý race oduC -1 TOke takilr hulîdren s- Viey rer ýid an(ow st vvaS postp pspent last gMr'S. M Glanence When Soiu ZoneForster M.D. Kirkof 3410f01 ler"swi IJindsay and Jboin Bell11,cf Peterbor- ouimueln ouagi, reho have chnge of Vie lefur- ticTowashàp0ouF estation prograre oi thti Department ailes nS4tu mat o of Landsanaid Foreesala tic Trent 415OUG00uos -re Istrict, hoxe maide prepai aton for Gan'is-nwk Forest, the plantinug eof 880,00tueos onriremerurentera of the Couty Feresasduring tic cming suld, un tcToi apiug. T beouros reili be sufficient Ho-pe adCaIvan. tei reforcat a4out 13f) acres rof mdTicplalnting m oacf whci iais icen aicquired meneeichu the, dus-ng tic past two years, grounIà lUpIl Tic distriutin b'y foreats is gev- laper-edof aies erned by Micaneeda of ho land and by 1mil e, depenig ï acreaiges aivailable. s'x V cepré,nt 75,00O tues will bc plainted on Vine used on tiese j Victoria-iCeunty ovesut n tic vii- Creus of mca ait, ity of Burat River aidnsirnnt areas toc rugi f Idmmmýl 1.10mik, âmÊvqý