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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Mar 1950, p. 3

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By E4hard 11111Wils. Shrlyate is miarriag to1- BrEnLewaod,.-,c,-c that his wife au lis v s nnoyg becaue RU-, ied defiaietimefor oin thgs and neyer lii artices of othing strewnaraun . H neer seýt over. usai taorro thngathat ,could be donet odayý Dpiebsannaýyanc, urttrieýd sa befair.Le ralized tu hr awn haits tht povdîtactilg tic Lun.An , instead of com plmng i eceaoedteisoe bis oW hant and reciytheiint tht opeathatshewoldtkn- tîte audàty ta"mpofepher-w soadn ofimessoauaevr, yGn. C iconinud lie.thely ta pxocrasu t, ad heblae ua »ctuery onaus e urtegtaJrihe. A legh hewsdie acmlit Tviheeoccaon as apdovodby Burt a 1 ii ausor m <d B ts, r 1 icles af appareleîmg cpled ie andcntie."andlitnL -msn.i inrted ainish lier -iouidu't." Whie wa tue. wee e Atrau hleBrtbeat s- ~ et h wi eastrateuyceh mnu pos aievaingthe inconveIencet f ioushlddue. e wbegan ta suspect hem i bein ladh @mnvi le Hae ad[rMint-! Lynu laied athm wtibaurt î,d angry exresson. "urt Enge- h y y eutbive ites' ~ ave eau tmingtamrve, t-Ia, well la ely. I've even hongelthai Ly n t ueadilan or.;Waia eftey *seedla a ittebackonie adhmbgi- ghetti14g an nerver g." bra or ,, a muti hinga wreeserenet ~ sud bud Lynnaslesp nhe ln ihesý atinth sn and dinner roughiy, ame ionhats you irpn-lad - eire wt-nstIo e? Have a pain u Bode.I dont k&W rwtit a, ur, "Time5d azuyne mwen Lyusgle u àatd o h The Ontaria ,Society for Crýippled Children, aided by 150 sýervice, clubs, sees that eveCry cipe c1hild ini Ontario in need of attention gets it. Here a patient ch.ats with hfis sponsor, Robert Tho.mpson and, Lindsay Scott, chairman of the crippled children's committee-of the Hmlo Shriiners. The Scilty's Easter Seals appeal for funds continues until April 9. Dontionls iay be sent ta Timmy, Toronto. He's Laughing Out Loud (At the Drop of a Buck) Dicklie, who is proabby the womdI's on)ýiy pnroiessional lauglier, stata l business witli a gnffaw sud warked lis wvay clown toaa Adtoýday, ýattt drap oh a bnkh'a raad ta titter, giggle, snixk1; gifaw, slhrek, liowl, anrdInckie, gga su .d othar- wiseconvlsa imi(cUfufr al tom- crs.He'l laglianypla-ce, any tmauywliàmeif thtpa s ariglt.ý Co ,i,' ocal taenits alana are anfii ntalce lie as a trnly in- fct i ionslagl sud lias proved saine th rough appearances on tise r-adioansd ou recarda. But wbeul you thnow lu lis physical appear- sue(whicl isl a big job, hacause he swail over 200 pounds) you've reaily got somethiug. Dick Collier looks lika a langli. In iset,,lie looks lîka a waiking bally-laugh, with a buîlt-In chortia, As sucli, he's au up-and-coming television perfommer snd lias bis langhiug tyts focnsed avidiy on tise fertile fields oh Hollywood. He langhs tor a living for two tessons, First, he's a down-to-earth, coiumercially-miuded guy sud, as ha says. "Take a look ut my pus, Doesu't it make you langli? Sure, it dots. Sa why shouidn't I cash in onut? Secondiy, ht's a happy character. He tracas bis liappiness ta tht war, whei. ha wus hadly hurt. For a timec, thara wus santie question oh bis; eomiâout of it aIl riglit. But ledid. "T houud ont that just bsîng lva ith says, "la tht moat wan- deýrlul thing. Sa now I gat a kick ont oh s aiuy day." Durlng tht wur, he'd beau a one-man show fon Army spacîi services. Ha spent 17 mouths iu Fersas giving shows at remote camps. He'd pisyZ tht piano, sing sangs, tell jokas sud look ftnny." Tht GI's liked hlm, Wheu lie was disclisrged, ha de- cided ta give show business s whînl, despite tisa fact that ha had spent live yeams at Boston Coliege, stndying Psychology. He buili ha set aound lis langli, a piercing shiek that lied beau a hig bit with the boys lu service. le, studied langliter, sud devel- opd wfetlne tltt aucampassea h.asys) more ta 200 different kbe snînl Ian tt inai agl (used"whentht his waaa la sue hm o-tersfi' a") t theshsin lagli(" eclla t Dick Collier-Ht laughed tht hast paid iaugh ever iaughad. thing ila hnnny, On ana television progmaîn, Col- lier got paid $100 for laughing for five seconds. Ha saya that's tht best-paid laugli evar lsugliad. That ane haiped hlm devalop what lie cas h crowniug achievemen- tht last laugli. When They Opened The Erie Canal Final, tht Erie Canai . astan- isbed tht worid, for kt aas aýn under- taking of suclimaniud .hat the like ai it had hltiserto beenaucaom- plished onlyi by tht greateat empires oh tht Oid Worid sud by menus ai tht labor of slaves. It is but natural, therefoma, thai tht unique spectacle aif the celebra- tian ai the opauing ai tht great waterway, upoin a stage stretching iruin Buffalo ta New YorkI. belote an- audience, composed nai a large part ai the population ai tht state, slould appeal ta Engliali atiats in searcli ah Amemican views, sud that their ýsketches shauid ha used ta deconaté tht pottery ai Stafford- shirt. Ltta sw1th pride, mingled with wouder suid nu ittît amuse- ment, tisat ane eviews the stony of the openiug celebration, as It la me- comded, in the old china illustr.- tions. Tht celebration began-at'Buffalo, tht junction ai tht canai and Lake Erie, continlifd at ecd littie liamiet and city along tht banka.,cuma- iiîg at last in a blaze ai glory su d patriotisni as the watersfomthe. Great Lakes were mingled witli the Atlautic in New York harbar, No respleudent Doge ai Venice, stand- ing upon tht prow oh ha gai'ly be- deckad 1Bucaýtau-r and eatin th j ewelltd ri into ti wat )aithe amrmore prend thianvius Gvmo Clinton as, standing uo a primi- tive canal hoastdapdwifitheh Stars and Stripes, lie ponriled a harrel oh LaIte Erie water into tht Atlantic Ocean thereby accompiisbing the union ah aur West and East. Tht first illustration presants a view ai thteliarbor entratîce ah tht canal ut Buffalo, with sailihasts in tht buy, low wurebonses on the dock, sud a packet bout upon tlie canal, which sailots are tying ta tht wharf ... Wihisomething akin ta awa, ana listens ta the sound ai that reverberating' cannon abat, which fired at Buffalo and rapeated in succession by cannon statioined aiong tht entire iength ai tihe canai, prociaima in ont haut and 20 minutes te the people ai New York City that tht littîs fleet îs under way. Four gaily hedecked horses then proudiy prançe aloug the tow-path drawing tlie cansal boat, Seneca Chiai, whicli heurs Govemnor Clinton sud bis associatea iollowed by tht canail1boats Super- ion, Commodore Fe rry sud Buffalo, Ai tht end ai the procession is Noali's Ark, from -the "unbuilt City ai Ararat," having ou board a h-ast, two eagiýes, two iawus, birds sud fiali, besides two Indisu boys in na- tive costume-ail takan aloug ta g ratiiy tht curiosity ai the effet. New Yotkers in regard, ta the wild West. Oua sînîlea at tht ailegorical pie- ture, painted l inonraiftht occa- sion, whicli haugs lai tht cabi n oh the Senes Chief, for in it îuay bc sten Hercules resting upon bis f av- otite club aiter lis labor ohf !ishing the canal, Gavemuor Cln n la Roman toga standing b-y ha ade gazing upon tht p)lacid wa-t er Isud inviting Neptune suid h ua who coyiy hang backselhsia ing ta approacli domains naPýt te by riglit, ta enter tsogitht aepen lock. Upon tht deck stnd wa Cigarette Ligjters--A Mile-Stone An Hstory of Conquest of Darkness wondrf0ithn1ý0ing tî-me 2 ciga- sraist ili1h t ~i~e lglteris.LtIs niost a mgia illage, but thlis wa efýI Woiuk when y core ta tink ai ocal magistratc, gadget #ess lie top, and a 1hume to wr xreyp appeart foryour cgrtt.li ore beburners'theaïs faula, eydygadget, n-eh aipl1 iant'esw o ye masaly usc and tike Wfa ins, and the ight gr-anteýd, represents LnI) tretig tioiu orrutsledn llestone il-thlý ong hiistory oh theI- cooled flamne. IThe discove conquest ai darknesS ib-y îM. hands of a financial 13 mnitive rmethoda of iiluitinatioip wvere Wnso stili n Use 150 yarz ago, adte Fie wa fot particula: tremleudoucceeratio ite1dis- ionIs about t~da lon im e coveieswhih ld t th moem lis discovery. Wlieu a forms oh gas anddeleci ,hgrtig 1imn a edlip las ether i correspouded cwith thie Idut(a1anigerous ta take a ligli Revoutio. Een te Etlysone into a room unWli aicol Lighhoue ws miutine bY replied that the gasv canuses ai the beginnung airtht e ignite because "it - 1a nîneteent ~ ~ ~wh cnuy ibte air o the to M 1lamps of varuomskirds 0, Ased wbtherit 'was peur ta have beauusad, roulgiil, elogs h rpled srointhe yuan 2,50U 13c.; !lamps cth ntecotay ~i ord. heGrair ad Rmas trong a medlinicinle, beenai knew almiost as mln(i about ligl)t e , ;ts fomie luh ta iug as Sknown iiiW j ebens h teams heewe centu. iale air axiats abot,> We kpaow how pilmitiva an roin tht anuimlaland veget dued lire by rLObing flats ïandd oci in aul aur drint ai] sticks ogta. n acien Feti forms". a Ipart. of ourse sianlegnddacrbe i discovary. Dosietas hd "A gýreat blera nted H[îuenk iltPulMi aiî lreda mgt tn ta suake. as fvears later, and stukarock'. 1i<glit soetroguyti mthad, th lr battheiari of te rock flshe -o i the uurry , and Aya uleSir fire xas sen or the ,firs1t tne Dv emntaa h in~~-Sru thiond"btwe w car o t Inveutiv( "picssslu tht, d Inttuio nono ai early M \ant are diffictilitt7tac,,ihtngdeeopd t ut itis easy te imiaginle a cave- thungas ,% wkinds of dweler wtchig atwýig or fibe gsurrs eeita huraing le fat dro,-ppedfo âoat u185atrlanintiervý carcassanand proceediig fComutat a undred yasCr observatîcin ta build a prniiiveýde leud lamp. Thc prodlucýtïinoflieb mat. striking a flîtntin suich tintgs s twaMhton, li tde tinjer-hoxcondflinitlockifle t>- 'hat cerium î,andia fs came vvy much datr. resulted la a liard subsytý4 Varionsns cf ail !lamkpa have itted a brilliantspi been sed i i ±eveuing yarwl stck witcia whee.Hf, but the! first recar-ded uise aI illu duced the first fit mnation by gas dates back ta 1 ý763 important ta eeme wlien a manamed Spedding, li substance bears no rela,î loved near Lord Lonsdale.'s ol genuine flins, te geolo ines at Whtelave , pied cal its used in thietinde- gas ta his offiýces, whemeli ned flinit-lock rifle. il for iluintin.Hetried ta It was ot until th-e FRi 1 WaVir t "tfte flintwa b7righitly pa)ýinttd kgnsred"L Piaed in a îpriitive tr ERienu-t water f&omnthce sla M Ett hter onistigo which is tabeund m inhe ceàlegr- tow encloaed lun alani tieninhi Nw Yok, cler (somieimies a -From "The Bine China Book," cs) This was urmo b-y AdaW krCamehi. fin-Woothed Wlieland M) Midget Mummy Up For Exams-Iva P. Goodm n hlcs he 14-ich fiurewhich he believe ta be tht mumnsy ofa nau- ture prehistoric ani, The "mummy- was foNd by a gSru afi workers lu 1934 in a formation of soiid granite iside a sealed cave. Goodman baught the fgre uomaman hobeieeui brought bad iuck. Scieutts are studying the piece ta deter- ly was itt bd' î aman

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