OPENINGýl FEED STORE IN THE QLD STAND Alil kinds of GRASS SEEDS SALT - FERTILIZER -. G RAINS - WIRE - WOOD Cash and Carry Delivery on Request ROBERT. GLANVILLE Orono THEATRE - - Ontario - - BOWMANVILLE THTJRSDAY MATINEE and THURSIJAY NIGHT - 2 SHOWS AT 1(T' CARTOON 11N hNCOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, 25th 2 THRILL PACKED PICTURES JOHINNY WEISSMITLLER THE ÎLOST TRIBE"' SECOND FEATURE ELLA RAINES "1WALKING IHILLS"9 ALLSO A TECHNICOLOR0, CARTOON .MON., TUES. AND WED, MARCII 27th, 28th, 29th A Pictuire that is Vivid,' Revealinig and Emotionally'Intense! Jean Craini - Ethel Barrymore - Ethel Waters' - William Luadigaln "PINKY"I COLOR CARTOON GEORGE FORBES' Regent Service Station ÇAS and GILS PRESTONE -TIRES -BAlVUERY and GREASING BATTERIES CHARGING Open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 P.-M.. - - ORONO MOCTION PICTURES TOWN HALL, ORONO Saturday, March 25th 1commencing at 8.00 pm. "FORIEGN AFFAIR" Starring JEAN ARTHUR 1 Adults, 42e-. ADMISSION: Students 30c. (Tax Included) Children 15c. «M."e4.c~4 4 Popular Design Cnt Glass -Cake Plate_.....---...... ........ $3.75 Cream and Sugar .... $2.00 Water Glasses, 45c; Juice Glasses 35e Sterling Deposit on lass -- Plates-.$2.35 Boa-boas.23 Lustrous Pearîs - Strands, Ropes, Lariats, Choker.... $LOO0 to $2.75 Earrings ini Gold, Pearîs and Brilliants .............. $1.00 and $1, 50 Attractive Pins and Scatter Pins............... $1.00 to $1.25, Brilliant Clips, per pair ........... ----.......... ........$3.50 to $5.00 MRS., L. REID Pbý>e9 r 7 ORO»O. ontar. 1l1 il CIIURCH CONTRIBUTIONS Prriouiyaclowedgpd $772.50 Mis. Jackson, Newevastle,------4.0 iMr. an fmre. H. 0. MCGee, OshL-a -- - --------- ------ 2.00 Mr.Prof. 7ïwlnpson New jersey---------------25.00 Salem W. A--------..........------10.00 Local, A Friend------------------ 25.00 $8s8.50 DAn !c E NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL George Wade and his Corn Huskers FRIDAY, MAR. 24th Under the auspices of the Newcastle, Rinkettes Five Valuable Prizes Offered Thousands of washday tests prove the Inglis Sterling the best washing machine your money can buy! Seo, us today for easy termsl Phone 55 r 1 Pluanblgp and RotWa-ter Hmeatq]ingm CALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. PARK ST. UNITED CHURCK Reverend A. yï. Enstace SUNI)rAY, MARCB- 26th 1.0 a..-Suaday Scbhool. "The Deserter" '800p..-ir Service "Local News Mrs. Fred Tamblyii is visiting, irietnds in lOshawa, Mr. Archije McLaren and Miss Margaret Rutheriford attended the Lumbermen's Covninbeld in the Ro)yal York Hotel, Toroito, on Moýn- day last. -Mr. an'd Mrs. J. D. Brown are* viisiting frîends in Ennis'killen,. Mr. iS'. S'ouch has returned home f rom Toronto General Hlospital.. Mr. Blill Horner. Os'hawa. sujet his lidayhast wee'k wvih Mr. and Mrs.1 Laverne HTTarniesa. Mifr. and iMrs. Jack Beatty, 0Owen ýSiond, visited their aunt, Mrs H ow- arId Wtsh, onMody MUrs. Chas. Wood retuîrned oni Sun- day fironi a two -weeks' visit at heri son N iin Lakefield. 1 i-. Percy Morgan ain d Mr. andl Mrsý. J'ack Bairslow, Mr. and Mr's.- Afrthvuir ilyde, of Saskatoon, spenti thewe-n with fri'ends aBrant fard, On'tario,. Oi-noo Public Sichool teachers at- tended the Clarke Township Federa- tion mieeting h.ed at Kîniby on Mon- d-ay afiernooni. Mvs. Robt. Allun wishles to thank the K&rb~y Sund,,-y Scihlool for the lovely address and the beaïutiful sil- ver 'bscuit tr-ny, also for the o)ppor- tunity of being there Lind tnkîmg a part ïn the school, whicèh I apprecia't- ed very maiuch. &lvagîe Colection - There w-ill be ani(ylher paper collection in Oronnouo Moenday, Manch 21th. Anyone liav- ing paper, for dispoa, n.otify the Oriono Times. Thre namnes wi,,ll be given to thre persýon co scganme. HF'ave papers ied ia bundles. Thre building eoomiittee of Park St. United Churcir on W(eieeday af- ternoon met with their arýclhtect and fo(rmiulateýd plans for the new c'hurch. Thre architect is srwn up plans which will be submit-ted to VIre con- gregn-tion, for "pirovai in VIre near TIre grain and ictfeed - store whichi somelý two years ago, was sold totlire Dulramin County Gýo-op. is Vo Ire re- openled by its frmrow\\ner, Mr Rvobelt Gînnidie, Thiis suppfly -entre will be olpened at its- original stand on Statio.n Strecet. Thie grain anid feedi store îs tbIe o'pen for busýiness sooetinrie during the lirst _Week of April, A-,s a line of information vo ouar congregation of£ Park St. -United Chuûrch, the ltwo comrittees set up at t'ie congreýgationqal meeting are working inerly and fatithfully, and soon ýhope to binl a position Vo brinig ini a full reporit as to the new chrhhom-e aind financial campaign te be adopted at anothe-r cong-rega- tional mepeting. Ili the areantime we hope that ouir familiy, the cogea tien, will patlently wçait for tihis re- port. The Red Cross Drive ia Oronio and nieigirbloring sections is prog>,ressialg wunoderfully well. Besides the can- vaesers mentioned in' this paper two wpeks agc. Mrs.ý H. E. Milîison and 1Mrs. W. Cariusan have 'been caliing in the south end of thre village and haveappreiated >the reception given tireur. Mr. W. J. Riddel is prep'ared to aeciept ýamy donatilons' fromi those who care to leave tihenr with him. TIre drive closes in InýotheT--wefk, e piour c-pruinwIil ibe, very wel- MIr. Bane, Found, convenor for th'e Eastern O M.H.A., pres,,ented the Bobcaygeon Banltams witIr the On- tario D* Ohampionsh$p shied on Sat- ueday nig4ht. Tis presentation \vas maeafter 'a game in the Bobcayýv'geon Arena.- On Wedn'esday Mr. Found journ'eyed to Hamilton where Ire at- ten ded a special executive mee-t;ing ol tIre O.R.H.A.. called Vo sttledisput- es in tItis division of On'taio: Hockey ,anising eut of the playoffs. The local Amateur Association is row FIn represented in many of VIreProvin cial Hockey Associations by 'the ptcr-, sin ('of Mv.Fud 1 1 - 0o OPEN SEASON FOR MUSKRATS Legal open season fo)r thre trap- pdng of nuskraetes 'omnienecd Mon- day, Merch Z0IthI, iin the five couinties 'od the Trent District: Durhami, Nor- thuoýreTiamd, Vitoria, Peter-boroumgh anrd HIiintn.lathe four sruthera conie ie season wýiIl close April 21,st. Hibuton being forther p>rth, thre seasnn closes slig.zlyý lat- er, namne<y, 'May 5tir. Muskrats can lyoni be taken underl the tutliror,"ty of'ia Trapi)er's license, exeeipt iby farnirxs trapplig on thelir ouwp Ifanons. It is unlaw-ýful te. shoot or spear any muskrat, or Vo place -a trap within five feet of their lbouse, bur-' row orpush-x4p. ! Am mu UHE RED & WHITE STOREI IUUU - UIIM! It's O-So-Good! SIPECIAL Fresh Grouïnd Coffee %C» 'Garden Fresh' FRUITS &4 VEGETABLES Pineapple, Jumbo size, eaceh .........39 Cabbage, green and firmn, imported, lb.. -.....S Cooking Onions, largfe, 4 lbs. for .. ......... i Potatoes, New Brunswick, 10 l-b baz ..... ... 3 Lettuce, large crisp) heads, 2 for....... Cod Fillets, Sn-oked or Freskh Ask For Haddock > iîlets-7Fr"êsh- I Silverbrig-ht Salmon, Piece or Stecks. Fresh Oysters ~ I Gold Mledal Peanuit Butter, 16 oz. I ars. Special ...... 2, Libhy's Spaghetti and Meat,ýa tastydeish, tin.....-... .. Chinese Rice, 2 lbs. for ...... I "~L' jPeachi Jam, Wagstaffe's, 24 OUI 22c btle I jar .............. 2 boxes 41cker Iprc 3k ys01 2BYE'Canad Paeirz.nroctory -O'v __Anew detergent that floats out the dliri 'We Deliîver Daily' CORN 181- ARMSTRONEC WALLPAPERS We have very pretty de- signs ila Wallpaper.-Ail aew patteras, Waterfast and Suaworthy, priced. from..........------15C. to $1.00 CONGO RUGS Ia ail sizes, prices as follows: 6 x9...........-$ 5.60 7 V x 9.........----6.9.5 9 x9 ............ 8S.50 9 x101/ ........ 9.75 9 x12.....----....11.00 9 x 132-.........12.50 9 x15 ............ --13.75 Curtains, in Cotton Marquis- ettes, Suaniwebb Rayon, Mar- quisettes, aad made up Cur- tains; also Draperies ini Satin- RED PITTED CHERRIES 20 oz tint QUICK QUAKER OATS plain, pkg. 33c Bulk' 48 ozi BYE Damiasl, Striped Ibex Flannelett in grey or w] by 90, priced. AI] WooI Thr9wý or rose, vwile, Our New Sprin; 01n display, il Beige, Bine, black, rose, ft cedfrom ---- Easter Hats ia and Fabries, Fl( thier Trim, ail st Di-esses, in Phc Plan Crepes ý priced .ý---- Spriaig Skirts, in Ail Wool Plaid Sliades .----- Macaroni, 2 il, . jars of Pickles THE NEW SOAL- for ........ ... for ......... Toilet Tissue, 3) roils f Pork & Beanls, Clark', Rice, 2 lb ......... Kremel, any flavor, pi HGrnie Ketchup, 2~5 o bottle for. .. Crisco, lb ........ . 105 oz. Tomato Juice Head Lettuice ..... RANDOLPH SCOTT MOVIETONE NEWS %F A L 'q - RW 1 Mill St. North