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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1950, p. 2

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Thou't Readings o nTh,_Air Some t ite miosîtsuccessfui BBC iridass uyears are eoncerned 'wýitb hougbss reading Sonetling su silul a nd intangibleapar munlikely to make an effective broad icasi 1but Issu youîg Asrlas Sydney Puddington and lus wife Lcsl,b bahive been front page nen s- îIin te .Briîisbh prèss wbenex er Ihir "thull Itransferesîce" pro-.grammiie bias bee on linte air. Il nîvslifies lare sctosiufthte isleing pbi neye trck s a robeirwbicb sslbilug lu uve Listeii.rs musl deIcide fr betieies"is ltteir ans- Lesiy's ppaent bit luread ieýr Puban'smd istcanny. Iu thir firstbradaîslbywereini thesaue leuo a ite wîls bind- fohdd bl ivs ai luidenriify wilh as scbi s scaIrds 1er bus- baud icke ont lf a acir.. lu iter itruuîesls sie ws i another studio anotter bilding 'or astother ente witb ber busb1and, lu ideîîîify obj cts Ia1di to quote line, out ut book ciî~eniti:Iiward1l !byte audiene. Laer on itr iien IIudges were brougbl ý,lisa bfr Piddigtos xx re srippd an sureIbalnu raîtuîîU cgietsivee cuneald bou t 11Pperon onE- asîd tili ite idingalous scee other witboîtî difficuiay tte Pddigtt'i aud fnous reudge tere i a BB studi i ri ofn 1ff l la,80 a X . rlor:sen compnscdby aout orybPadetteda ms'porlers audea BBC osnsîîstaod plan clmbe tbrugirthck ou lu earbons, ttae cntat vgitrlie envelopes, the:eivee rid toa isî trtAs!tttI, tel Icleu Lesey n iteplste an tsitina Wh,-at, No,)Feathers? -Onie of 1isature's odrities-is this tru'e creature caughit byv coon dogs near Mount Ixsîc:npris-. tli anmlshead resembles that of a fox, and it lias a tau lIiie ii oosmai-id fe like a raccoon. Stranger xe is the cou]:iplet absence of' hair ai-d an extra tail ýstarting 1 grow 01IÈ n :i-ýbak Charles Hudson, shown holding the anim-al al'oxe. xs as mn îahe Onte of the iutost baffliig and as yet Lisoived probleuts Ibat scicu- tists are no(w trysssg lu explain is the apparenst aiseration ini the size of the inoon as il riscsauDà crosses the uiight sky. They know quite wel thal heibe oon 15 Practically the same size svbeu h first appears as it is wheu dîrccttiy ovesheard. Tbey also koow that ',bc shriuking lu size is au optîcal illulsion, but exact- iy how that illusion, is caused e- usais a ntystery. Evmoeknows tisat te moon oitj iteý horizon lookrs about tisre imet,,ie size of te 1m1oo over- habtLtbougli the utoun cal, foolï our eyes it can't foui the 'caus- e,,aud a film of the moon risiug sosit lu be practicaiiy the sai size ail the time Il is visible. Actnaily, wlen te mooni is oser- lead it sbuuld look bigger tban when il 1* on tite horizoni becauisý hit"s abtI' *fou0Lr titusaIl mIIiles nearer lu us. put vw e1 we C.heckth iis xvth Our owu eesw eftd lust the opposite. Astronomers havIuu- ebesu rying lu expiain this luso for ceuturies. Somne tbuuighlit le horizon moun seemis larger because we compare il ývît11 trees and bulildinigs ai o in te lite of sigbt, ix ereas vheu it is bil te sky nu surît cu'uparisots cals be made. Othes s sasd that dust particles lu the ail dislorît te horizon moon and stake il appear larger. But ask any sailur what lie thistir of Ibis explanalion and lievii give the lie tu il, for at sea te moon illusiont seenîs lu bel just as grcal, even lhougb there are noto rees or dust onitlhe horizon. Astronuomers have discox ered tîtat lise sîze of a big itars est ruoorn cari bc brouglît dowît to ntormal by lookisîg at il Ibrougli a tube or cîrcle made, b oses 'tlumb and forefluger. The saine thiug itappens Uf youi bestd dowîs asd lue 1- at the suoosi tltrough your legs- Siuilarly if une ey e is eus ered and the observer Ibol s at tr- een issg stsooss for a long tuete Ciiius;on '-radualîz disappears. A naît whb itas lost au eye dues nut hav e any illusion at ail. Wlten te sîoon is ov ,rbead ht cati be made lu appear au big a a boîkzou usuon if te obs v e on bis bacr. In titat postiSi i üyes are lu tise same positiosn as w ben lie stantds erect iookiîîg at the borizon itoosi. Wisat is the solutionî to ftb' ririJie? Oceutists xiii not comutit tbern- selves beyoutd saying tail bas sosîsessing tu do' witlî tie raîsing anid lowerisîg of tPe ées e. Perbaps vounitave soute i.-geisious ideas on the subjeet. Waruîsîg note fromntsen spaper, To avoid confusion, pussib x pain ful, it shouid be' expiaiuîed ltat Ilpieklcd blonide" iii tiseinculture businsess means a kirsd of fns- nul wisat .î utstbiik. Here's Ho To Live Asr Fui- ii hohogisl, DJ) M aur- :ec mesl. i, sgone tlu'America' lu, sitoxitîmekmtca million- aimesbon r ils lu b a lundred. tits f ute t ite ucs as auy Tith usse esl'ae h'nit cPt sec- - e. b r u -s nut itiaItle chai- iett-eld tre dctr u r ptites alive est l ii reects lU e tu bell xc Ual i c eau proisg lit"- Ici uts - t,, 1s"- ii 5s s ,f tliree -çoee cr5as i e.toronii f, Crile, HOtU s astd Cars ci arcse of tîse c(Yper[-~so i exe aisu înied Sotte se e_,Ltts sny tuaIt sil \VlI 't dsesh-el'rlie îs a brndred iii, u efecet,eot,iitted suie de, 1- -e s-gre r' at lite gs adusio cas atdtees oftisecrsatîsc,,. be mc sa- d, hsututo ifat stu ellrilv c sîseti ýod i.. beets ciseove,, d. Cite (.0--tom tl ougli iPc iad found' l sfe Ietlie uîjceed i iiissUf xxdb uew sc'. glandss nu ti e age of sevenl3'. baloieu(lied ssit ateru trÈ's. lI e nal secetsout cng fite secus to lu ie: est 03ing 'evcr 's,-susti11 cnit anîd Paxititoo uorscb t(edo tu spas e a ltho tlturtltie paxsisîg cf tsuîe. ViîsoiChurcsill,,fr uý'staisce, i, test e-ýrs pasit fis e ge l -nost 5 cri e ire, buts lic is sitii vers a -tve. Jo; ciGeorge a as rich au- üiiier, iBerniard Shasw, ai niuely Ions. is a s mneitaltihî SýetsCas lie was lhiit3 y e-t s s-go. He ess'oys lite, and stiii s' r es. Roce .feller, ni o altuost reached the desitinez,- iveçi a full lite. He iîad no unie su ,it owu and itou- cr doicfiulYPoix long lie was ,gusssg ru ut e. Fie spesît lii vouis and miiddle -I e bicIitg ir atemtpire asîd lus cl td ge :11 cusîssolliiug it. Tlhc Coutess of Dessîsond uvas une brutýe d anîd futy years oid iriesu ise elibeld aIre fursosnse ap, ics. At the tep site siipped and feul, antd tue fal kiild ber. A, ,llriicmtte\ stustan, Mrs. Jo- hustn O'Cottutuir, %,,as stili wurkin? uit tise fields au oste snudred and ten xx Pet. insî iseard of soute test ycarsagu. Slie'esijoyed t. drink, lad ast excelenctî appelite and' snîoked the strongest tubacco. lier recipe ivas: "Neyer woury ilut ii'i3thi ig, buti eujoy y unr f" SosClans Are Ca. l-Ce'ng Agaîn .iThe fîrt I arberig of te Scot- Issu clansinstsrengris for over 200 years ii plausîîed' tu lake place in llditibtgb as part of tPe Festival ut Bsitaiist ecebraîjous ini1951. It issliele teprove une ut the biggseseitsin l Scotlish history, lastiuîg sevemai dnays and allmacling Scots front ahi uver lte wuld. Tue itord "clan" menus n social gmuup recegiizissg a comnion ances- lmv. Jr xx snst tdex'ehoped lu Seul- laird x isere, for cenituries, especially is tise nurlt, lte country was divid- cd ansosg tise Catlnpbclhs, Mac- gtegomî, Cordons and otber clans. Eact xx ns rnied by a chief wiîo lsad teé powver ut ile aîud dcatb over lus chanssns, aund l ev usualhy serv- cdliihm ixitis resuarable oyaly, TIse lanîd vas iseid by hius as being tPe, comîsîsoî propcrty of the clan. Ms-tbes-s .of a clirs rgamdcd tiscîuu selves as liistohh5 and tPe whlui stremtidhioutftisegrontp was mobiiizcd lo u xport ftue daitîs ofanuy iîîdivid- ual xxiiiti it. Inthte old days titis gav e ise lu isiter-tribal biood-feuds. Menibers utfîeit-iidual clans were eeogttizeel bx sispecial formiuf dreis. fTse bi iglisrhy olonrdcdecki sqesares ufthte Scuttisis plaid or tam- tr stiti serie tliipumpose. , Thie stansteislir sprt reunised finrtirsonglisit ltie centunries, -euh- snssnîtisg lus lie srebellionts of 1715 anîd 1740-1 Vs ieth te Stusasrtenuse wan fintal- 13 ssppesscd chanship wxas dealt a ses esc bioWvby lte eriforced nboli- hiofutclaiilaivss xi iclishad existed fora licsi__te1 -crsandtPetu DUMPLINGS 1cup flour t level teaspoon baking powder %teaspoon, salit ilevel tabiespoon shortening (fat) Water Melhod-Mi-x dry inedsls Cul 1 n sliortening. TlI cri add ý noung water to miake a dougb ilta an Ui easiiy bauied. Piis on a floured board and pat out. Cult intu strips,.then ii .,-incb squaites. Rl each square ini the palm ofibe bands to niake a swtail sze 1niarbir. Puit on a flouired! plate and, drop une by one lîsto the boilinît pepper pot. Covcr and cuok 20 mtiutes, then serve. Serappie is aisotherdis [le folks rîuwn ln Philadeiphia are partial to, served ither at breakfast-sli fami- lies wbere they take tint,. to cat: U reai breakfast-or for SuudaJv siipper, First l'Il give yoen rai tional metbod of making il; thien a , quieker and less bothersomne recipe. PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE 1 Pound calf's liver %4 Pound pork shoulder V4 Pound veal 1 large union 2 cups yeliow corumeal 1 teaspoon sait Vc teaspuon pepper Method-Bojl liveýr. put., and veal' aith lte union until w cli-doise. Put al îbrongbi a food chopper, Parboil the coruimeal iu boiling saited water. Add thelicmeat 10 the rMushi. Plage g ae bread pan an-id cool thorougbiy. Slie about ý/ incb thiet. and fry. lis t served with eggs. QU]CK SAUSAGE SCRAPPLE Metbod-Cook bnik pork sausage uinili donc ai-d pour off the grease. Maire corrueal nîiush, and wben sniooîb add the cooked btik saus- age whicb bas been mun tbrouigh a fine grinder. Cook mush-sausage mixture iu double bolier 45 min- utes lu 1 bour. Pour jute greased bread (loaf) pan and chili thor- oughiy ini cool place. Wlbcn readvi to uise, suice about ý/ inceb lhlck, çip ecdi sce îsto flour armibrown iu skiilet lu bacon fat.- Serve wît) 53 up., constantiy. Add beeris ani7 he;it.8 serving s. Here. too, is a style yùuuna rever have tried for serveng ta other standby, carrots., SOUR-SWýEET CARIROTS 2 tablespoons butter ormagrn 2 tablespoons flour 2, teaspoon salt Pepper 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 cup bot waler 4 cups cooked carrots Method-Browss butter, bled i funr, and continue browning, rti- ring counstantly, Add seasoning-a-. Combine sugar, vinegar, and wates^I and add to first mixture graduiy;!II Cook sloo ly 1un1til lhickenedsir- ring constantIv. Pour over hot tr rots, 6 to 8 sers sngs. CHARMNG QOL D W ORLDJ No-ý2 ( as pictured) Pic J: ITEh FOR 1IE E PROSPECTUS' MANUFACTURERS '4ERCHANDISING (CANADA) LTD. 2067 Stanley Street, Montreal Ifou sufer from ARTHRI. TIS or RMEUMATISM ansd thse pain is suo great il just sceins t0 you you cannut stndi anotiier ay, you should know that DOLCIN has bhelped suasy, mnîy suflerers lu COME OUT FROM C NDER THE1 SIIAOOW 0F P-AINJ!a DOLCIiN is a tîied and pruven preparation whicli usually relieves,; prosnptly and eflecsively, the pains of ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM and kindrcd disturbantes. DOLCIN will nul harm tde beart or asîy other urgan. Grateful ns -u.iiasd womesr froint al parts of the wo4ld bave sent unsoI*ýcited enr of thanks tiste makers of DOLCIN for the relief frum pan )wh lich Il ucIN ha$, scougisî them.a DOLC IN is îuday ,-probabl-y cw t1i ioml's b-st-i-nowsr prodie efor Itse relief of tPe pisof ARTHRITý îIS and RHEÔMATISbM,. T' ere1sTa on every genuii,-ine DLCINTablt. DLciN i i obtainable ihrouglsouî rtisb Cýommonýwealth. Beware uifus Who off er you iilationis, usually at higlier prîces. Try a boude uf D OLCIN TODAY-DOLCIN is reasuinable . in cost: 100 tablets for $2.39-200 tab',sfo $.9- i alsu availabie in botties, of 5001 tablets. i viai naldn CIN . stores. DOLcIN lime ooto P5,5s 95 5LI, - S A I GNext week A GRtEA NSEW SRA ")y G. H. SHARP Packý-ed wi.ýý- th actiand hrills-A color. fui, swift-mo,ýving seni bound to please 7oyers of- Western fictlion at îts best. 'E' SURJE AND RE'ADTH i E F 1 iRST NSTALME NT NXTl-WEEK- - OUWOv TWAT O IS SINGLE PEPisoD:E - i. lu s Fex ltesar uor f ~ui(r Gttn ufiiîtsegetabies mb:1l One of the c t nw, ore, yn iappen to iive hee P is Pepper Pot %',IcIs, u'y cr1teh idar[liibe u uvya ago, tused tu, be PixA( ke hsul P ronidi. But lsu oubave lu de Streets of lte Puî3ian sl pend on itat ou have:can U1 o polis. Stored na, rnîdIis 'linie oh Perbaps yon'd hie tL-my t osîe ear îhey're liýýae lu be a bit u- tisne. Iî's a reniyîaly oifsu interesting, unses yon fird îe te 'stck lutiste ribs" kisud ways t0 "pep, theîîî up". NexIt!ials PHILADELPHIA 1 'PEPBR POT 300 thliîk utsesvisîg beets, tryltn 2 pounds honeycomb trip- .ns 2 nsedum sized union, cbnped BEETS ïN ORANGE SAUCE 2 miedium sized pvaiusrbed 2 abiespoons butter ormagrn 1 level tablespoongun upc 2 tablespoons flour ilevel tablespoon swcetn-sajua :Y4/ cup %vater i level tablespuon blacks pe-pper 1'/z teaspoons graled orange rn Sait lu taste %Y cup orange juice Metbod-Covcmtrip \,x t yter, tA teaspoon saIt faý<d seasuýniutg-S. W'iii rst sal- 1, teaspoon pepper sîosi- doue, rentove trusts pýD1. ut,cn 2 leaspoons sugar Ws , lunc1t squares anud relue.' 10 tPie S3% cups cooked beets, sl'eed liqui d. .\dd usion and pite. Melhod-MNelr butter, stîr lu four Vi ue tie potattus arc ea3l dut', snd adi xi -ts-msluivly. Adcioag oud iciunt pliigs. niace nc s '-hi rind, oranîge juice, SaIt, pýpp.er-, and * * . ~~~smr , co,, t ,,in] S,-s,, .-

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