The Orono Weekl'y Times l BaflcnITUS jene .4ithorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Departm-enit, Otawa of endlnnouncertarivlaino A-,dvetsing RP o rqet Sbsrpin$1.150 (EBby inBwanieHospital Published every Thursday miorninrg at thLe Timeis offieceo.hrdy ac 3d 90 R. A. Forrester, Publisher TUE MILKY WAY Somenereeiriyasked the rather logicai question as to why cuid not Ohe produced in a laboratm oMrme h~trlying upon thr- ýs of ma's foster miother, the cow. Well, why nt? Cience Étans ail of miik's component parts. wliat is there to prevent; (,taki'ng th r aterial, inlng thiei together, and ng up With freshà milk. Th'e cow wiii not objeeýt, we are sure. ,os wý,e have kiown have been docille, friendly, and reasoilaLbly rative. Tliey regard hay and ensilage asýç a good first coureto i, 'but to) win t'heir Insting .gratitude, foiiow tis up with mreal, 1margels, or the oddk appie. Having assiae lil these, ý" prceste digestthe,, eh cewinig her cud enroute, and fin- ýeurn in a percentage in milk. Conceded tc) be a perfect food, mu-Lst this milk always remalin le oieoly<f thie cow? NWe have soybean milk, 0 1t~leo 1irine, and chece which contaîns lti or nothing of ata dairy ct. Mvilk stili remainis a winner. Soniethinig the cow fur-nishes- cde it so.AIl of thîs as us t,) a new re,(,spect for the agri- alstan! farier. -Unvwttingly,' perhaps, he is a ceiia-t of the- rder. H1elias chiarge of the mcysterious power. which takes grass, turns it inito wite milk c which later mayi be -made into cyf all iheFse is more perfect ut n simi'ilar ailyjý. Anyieiaiiqte prospect of a farm with-c rily remote. We flnd that we needthe animais even as our forefathers difid. Anythin'gscee litating niature lias been mùodest isofiir as mlilk ýd.i Vo,' her standcard <Of quality, and hoids the ans- Sactualyiy V not a riddie at alil, but a remrinder ethings are in reaity very importnt. mérmercs CounIty Co-oIp. SprIng Needs Wve have just roceived a shipaient of Fencing Posts and Barbed Wlire iu heavy sud lightweight for your Spriug require- olsof Feýncing Wire in, -)~ 0, 93G'sud 40 yod lengthis. We also have a stock of Fertilizers, Giakss Seeds and Spray Lime. We can siupply you with Purina, Master and Co-op. Feeds ALL FEEDS ARE HIGU GRADE AND FRESIL Asik for quotatious on canlots of Feed or Bulk Grains, 00 OFF f.o.b. Prices for i ton lots, .00 OFF f.o.h. Prices for 5 ton lots and over. per cent OFF for Cash on delivery or with order. Deliver - Join Your Cop-operative Phone 37 r 1 Collect. LOGGRSend Asfrom April ist your employees are in- srdunder provisions of the Unemploymnent lrisurwnce Acit. This means that contributions ms epaid for themn beginning on that date. If you employ an-yone in lumbering and logging you should: 1. Register with your National Employ- ment office; 2. Obtain îinsurance books for your employees; 3. Get instructions about ma-kirg cn tributions and about rates. Your National Employmnent Office is ready to assist you with ail necessary information. Ail sawm-ills and planing milîs corne uprder the Act on Aprîl lst regardless of how many weeks they operate. Farmers sud any other persons whose main occupation is non-insurable need flot be insured if they workinlu inbering sud iogging for 60 days or le-m a year and apply for exception. Cali at the nearest National Employment Office for full inf ormnation. INSURANCE Urono tlectric Phi. 5â r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FAMand BOUSE WIRING APPLIANÇE SALES Prompt and Guarainteed Repairs to al makies of Electrical Equipaient and Appliances. Such as Mottors, Wvater Heaters, Rladiosl, Stoves, Irons, Etc. lOrono Tinishop PEDLAR WATER BOWLS ON HAND R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 FOR Is your proýperty under-inisur- cd ? With insuranice costs s0 low, there's rio need to gamble- BE ASSURED -BE INSURED NEIL F. PORTER Phoie 92 r 16 - ORONO, Out. Real Estate Good farais for sale are not plentiful, but la my office I have listed a f airly wide selec- tion which varies in price front $1,500 to $20,000, according to size, location and general quai- ity. The majorl'ty are available for immediate possessioin. If you have land for sale, either improved or the poorer type, I 'would be gind to kinow about it., There is a ready market for aIl classes of land. Leroy 'Hamilton BROKER' Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TIIURSDAY, APRIL fth, 1950. OË%,LASSUFIED OOLUMNS NOTICE Dr. A. F.P, cez lbe -absent from his office idoftw weeks, com ing on Sanday, Apil 2nd. bu1-p. SOCIAL CANCE,'LLEb) Owing to the ibad conid on of the roads, thie baske c 1fhat was Vto baebeen held by tl' ar-ke Union Home and S olIuS th1is Thurs- day evening, 'hasien acle C1, ONE, CO-ME ALL To th iinua1 ase< Tea of St. Savi s$~h ~t be he44i entfhe l2th unpertJLoinrence at 15,0 p.n3- .Admissiin c. and 25c. CONCERT At thSe Town Hall, Orýonoon Fnï- 1.1,, Avril 14th, the otPrr Yach-t Club present the(.f play' "Too Mmv ieves ', r ýkredl bv tihe OddIfefl'~nfd ReeZhs icf oroneo. Admi 1 h'; lts c - children, 85c.~.opn at 8 p.rn. Curt&nI raîes\~. 830p.mà. Proceeds for Builing Fund of tSe Orono United Church.i WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippled stockx,rmoe free of chairge. One ho'ur service. Highest pricet for old hoises.-Mýar- gi Fur Farmi. Caîl Collect BOW' manville 2C,79. WREATHS FOR SALE I a unnw in a poCsition Vo supply! artificial wvreaths at diffe-rent priceS. They may be sean atL the borne of Il. Prescott's, or O. W. Knapp's, phene 62 r 1, Oronio. Ap 29-P FARMHELP lie avilaie.Arrivini soonl. Writel te S. Buma, Rý R. 1, Nesti.eton, Ont, Phone 225-24, PortPrr. J un 1..p, LOST Lat ee-edNew 00/rich Tire ard ini MudSn~ 4p) Any- one flndng samiie kilt ' VI0 fy HiarrY Lycett, Phione 984-12, Orono .a-il p. FOR SA>ýLE Music provided for dancing. Round AfaS-ed, and No. 1 Red Cliver or' square br both. xClient or- $eas ae a.ApyV oi chestra or rcrs iqir tSimith, P'honie Orone 56 r 6. a11p provided. Rate w ý. Mke ____ your dance a secs cal]i'AI. Win-1 FOR SALE BY TENDER ariott, telephone 0>1, Bownmvilie, . . .... pied iby the late Mrs. Maria Smribh, situa-ted on M ain Street a >sfroi Farmers, AttenltiOn - Now is thSe Orono Park, and the Fo ý,re6ySain time Vo innoculate your cattie against, Sple.ndid garder. H 1e11 good tise ravages <f blackleg. BiacKlegoids state ofrep)air. sMtnernt are most effective. Box oî 10' oids, necessarilly acceptfd/ Open foýr ton%- 1.0<0. Blackhig Cul i Aggressia dors tiil the end o-pii. Possession. (fer use -wîth y< V ivterinary isit of May. Terns (Cash. Mrs., syrîge),10 dse I $ 1 380 ,2 0 Mds Hall, Orono NorthS, Execu- dose bottle,$20, D Veterinary tra<fRbtBeiEste b--p Hypo sof -Rgbrt 13OC witha2eneedies, full directions for its lsue, $,3.25. A Tyrreli's Druig Soe Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F CHARLESq FRANCIS AWDE, late of the Vil- lage of Orono, lu the Coun11ty of Durham. Gentleman, deceased: Ail persons hving claires against the Es',tate of the said Chartl es Fran- cis Awde, wh-o died on or aibout, the -'ih day, of September, 1948, are herebv nîotified teý send Vo tVhs Lnder- siýgi-ved Admiinistiater, or his3 Solicitor, on or before the First day of May, 1I9501, lteir names ad addresses and fuiW iatlclr of their daimis and the( nature of the securities (if any) held by them, .duly.ý verifled by statu- tory decînration. Imrnediateiy îafiifte the First day of May, 1,9"the issetsý of the ýsaid de- ceased 'will ho distributeI amiong thew persons entitled theretio, hacvirg re- tgard oniy te, the claims of which the Aclmnstrator or the undersigned Solicitor shall hen have notice.' Dated at Orono t-his 6th day of Aprii, 10. HAROLD J. AWDE. 2727 Yonge SC.. Toronto, Ont. Administrator. R. R. WADDELL. K. C., Orono, Ont.. Sieicitor for the Administrator. Wo wlll be pleased to pick np DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS For immediate service telephone collect Brooklîl 62,' Cobourg 1266w, Toronto -Adelaide, 3636. GORDON YOUG Ltd. FOR SALE 1984 Chev. Stad /For nearly new tires. Rece4oorjb. --Boa- sonable pricp. A l'Ooo Tkues after 7.00 p.m. FOR SALE EleetiMic Rangette-, excellent coniS-, tieni. Appiy Vo H. Suh Orono. FOR SALE Fleury -Bissil Trctor Double 14 x 16, also 12 x 14. Ait the, od picsais one 3-horseý manuire spreader. Cashi ortens Appiy 'T. S, Monto ,1mpton, Ont. c-1 2-c. NOTICE Slirbrook SL, Peterboro, dial 4'782. F. C.Rîddell. -2c FOR SALE [947 Chev. coach in good condi- tion, Priced riglht for, quiek sale. -Apply Vo Grant Cooper, Orono, Phono 52 r 1. C-12-p. AUCTION SAL E The underesinedlhas, receivod instruc-tions (z rom MR. R. S. JOU.1NSTON te seil by public auction ait Lot 3, Con, 1, Clarke Township 2 mâlles east of Notov iionthe souifh sie of No, 2 Higfhwa-,y on SATURDAY, APRIL Sth thse folllowing iivestork, implemonts, Hay, Furnituro, etIc: il WEEKLY AUCTION Due-to the larze amount of livestock. that is being sold at the Durham County Com- munity Auction, it is the unanimous wish of the farmers of this district -to hold a Community Auction Sale on Thursday of each week. Plan to meet yotir f arm f riends on Thursday of each week at -the Sales: Arena, Oron o the place where Allf arm commodities is sold by public auction. F. E. Lycett Cler~k TERMWS STRICTLY C AI. Hall Sales Mgr. -'A S U Jack..Reid 1 Auctioneer THE »URHAM FARMERS' COUNTY CO-OP. ORONO . ONTANIO MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 tu 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.nà. Sundays and Wednesdays 67 appintient Orly PHONE 47r1 ORONfO E. C. Si-En, M.D. PHYSICIAN ad SURGEON Address: South Main -St. office Meurs: 2.00 to 4.00 p...: 630 to 8.00 P.m. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment LEGAL Lawrence C. Mïason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAýNVÏILE, ONT. Office 688 Home53 W. F. WARD tARilRI SITER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phon'es:, Ofie825 Reigidene 4o BOWMANVIILLE OINT. AUCTIONRER TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducta Auction SLesofal ase and aet reasonÈahle Ihto Communicate with clmet Pe Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerk. A. EB. Morton, et Ores., for date. J A CK R EID Oronio's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates LIFE INSURANCE'-- Pension Plans; EdUcational PolieS;ý Protetion and Savings Plans, Le. Children and Aduits;, Mortgage I- surance Plans. F. -P. LYCETT ORONO, Ont, - Phone 20 r 10 The RUTTER GRANITE \COMPANY Phone 5 01 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers STAFFORD BROS iMonumental Works Phonie Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby F17N'E QUALITY MONUMENTS AlP MARKERS Lot us oroct a handsoniie, dig- nifled monument over the iest- ing place of your lovod owns. It's net oxponsivo. Ad seeing this lasit tributo wili give you endless comrfort Furniture ilospital Re-apholstering, Repairing Refinishîing Antfiques Bought and %Ild Se our Une of Drapery Kîtchen Unitu made to order C. F. IDuncan Phi»e 79-16 . ORONO v ORONO PHONE 74 r, 19 9