'N Swede Auto-To be plaCed on the mnarket in junle i l low-sluBg, low-priced Swedish motor car. TI-e vehicle's designler Ciaes Allander, left, tries ,ont the rrnabott vi h a frieiid in StoCkholm. Thie car Will seli for abotut $386. w e entirely applaîîd Bill Dîinan's, resolve to get nut ovien tht- getfing is good. And because-as thie poet said-'î's better to decorate the lives of flie living (han tu te graves of the dead, wc s', ould like to pay himi our iîeed of tribute. just how beSt (o go about so doiîîg is ratiier difficuit to figure out, but îve'll try, WXell, (heu], it is liard for aîiy body wvlo bas followed hce f.irlY closely alînost since the da) s v. ýheî Lester Patrick aînd bis brother, Franîk, Înveîîted it, to admzit that there are players today (bat ceîîn begiti to comipare w ith sotîîe of our heroes of old \Vhen Junlior colies home, rav- in1g over the sp)eed aîîd clevernes of scI] as - Maurice Richard, Syl Appo, Teeder Kennedyý, Eliner Lacli an1d the ike, jif is ourt customn -an tat of scores blîoigto 'Ur gnrto-ogi s e tht rashi YC'uiîgstr a pit3 ing steilhid sui -tart skng abotut Huwie ,Moreîîz, Cyclone Taylor, Sprague I.legborn, Durch Niglibor, Nels Suart. "Your sasof today couldn't eveîî carry the spare sticks of guys like toe w e tellI iîîîi, and somectinies it sm as tbougb lie alîwost believes s. But the trutb is tuligbty aufj botind to prevail, sooner or later. -And if the aforesaid Jtunior ivere to coiie uip riglît rno- and ask us, 'Did you boiîestly' evtlr sec a better goalteîder (han Durnan?" we nîiglit hemn and han' for a w hile; but, in the end we'd bc bouîîd (o break clowni and say (liat Wt never had, In otîr tinie, île bave looked ai aind admired a lot of higb-ciass net- iiiindling. Naiiîes hlike 'Georges X'ezina, -Cbuck Gardiner, Roy Xorers, George HaiiisWorti, Lorîîe Chabot, Harry Holmnes and baîf a dozen others corne (o nind vl ienever there is a hîockey faîîîing But ixhile vue may have sten more brillian single-game exbiibi- (ions (ban anything Wtt ever sa',' Durnaîî put on, when ove picture Bill over the Whole spant of bis National Hockey League ca- reer, Ave areç afraid we'll have to- admit (bat if hie Iasi't ithe best tlîat ever stood betw'een a pair of hockey uprights, he'll do (o tie, to until the top man tomnes along. Maybe (bat admzission ihs.a sure sign that age is' softeniog uDO1Dp, but- here if is: order for S i ll D ur naîî as t e out ta ld i g N S E . performer in a bighly difficuit and eaePentI rerve-wrackiiîg profession, and WC ADDRESSH1 t -am xish bim al tbe best noov (bat be's L - - - - - - decided he bas bad enougb. B-OTJFOItD MELR JUST GTTING ON'T USE NOW SIOL W14AT ARETYOUTUAT du&, i USE 'mE/S WHT R AY FCR 7TUE USE THE TEAKETTLE WMEN PONBOUFMR? RAPPATOR OF TEAETIUE. T415 15 JUST 1: My.............................,-~ 9" si ze for Jambe . . . 13" size. for rame and calves 19"ý iz. for buls and horses r-çlnaiioC-Oer-atie wooî(.rowers' L m t ],D ep . W .W ,, 217 B a y Street, Li i t t . T o ro n to , o n t. Please senti me '_ _ pair(s) of size or sizes: i 9................,,19" . - $15,00 - $18,00 $18,00 /~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING UONKTflN GHCSGvrreîApoeCfSag sotnn e nine. B E A1-HA JR DPSSE R Breding ualilty ne o ite e tu, Dj-Bu rieO xhnet.turnee ear. ~ ni C N D ' EA I G 530 g u e s . b e c e r t a i n . V W rI t oprc - A d ~t ~ S c p s S g E s i a l t e . F e h lg a c l l e an -G raIO JtLi y L e y gne. Monkton Poultry Fa ineM Lleux ILrntnpnnt prig God, Se li Tan£Iideen 'OUVE HIK rie Oe ut ileexeitWdesa. las iTifed Profession, gooti wage iOV3NMENT approe,.Top ulîy, tr taniCyl. Imitn..touIsar)ds 11eesefl Marvel graduates Catalogue anti once, it E olalo Ietle E OEO ubori tr.Cnda Anieýrjc's greateat ,ystemn. iluatrateticatp Sehmoer' e Quallty Hatchery, Linwold. Oiilt. Ca11oü C., Ftroo uiCan.e, Trait- logue free. Write or Cal GET TEE MOST for your chicli dollar;s. Coiers, bought, .1i,, agei areeoli net ATLHIDESN breetiing, goond feetiing anti goi, mnaenito Repajrire y factnr-taîet mchnis.SCHOOLS ment ail affect _profits, bot or thIi hee, Open ountlnn xeo Wdeto. S trant"I ( 30 3101St. W_*.Toronto hreetiing islby facr the ioteonialTu Cycle, (amilton. Branches. 44 King St. Hamjlton obtain, tnter lta' uotl i1 te stop. - ____ _& 72 Rideau Sîreet._ Ottawa. Siredn abel on- our c, iks mans ore hanTIACTOR 0ON ERýS ___________________ stret we o eke u te utee.W an uplypatani,,esoresfoil NURSERY ST-0C K Frgs nai.BAGS, BARIRELS & DRUM >S pltCutaeictlgeo ri ni:Or filti wîh lîig ollt tt1 sme, iit ag. 23. Beahd uarat fer ae. Nagr ureie, St aha1es)ntr. day lti, -tarteti , odri lets. A istrkey, acetei os. LeBle ti,rD t .1>0 cloe0225prl. Oailet.OD M.orley pole rat resedBone WteHol xilra otes] 1.1bk ntsaifàt. Villy TCach ýer, c /0 Mr. lande, BeltviJ l Wît.no eot . -xd beles or Lexe ti toms,. Ec Ctlgu.F01QtC SA1t M yrB evle, Ot Tep) Notch CbickSales uIIpli, Olro- NWHoilanti ale. lgbiiy slieti. 5 BEALTIFUL DUILI.XS-Oniy $2 8)0 post- $t000~1-New Heilanti S ler hoieti 00 raidi cash itb iiorder. A grand ssortinent III 8~E14SOPI'ERTOtNFIES Baies $1,500.00; 1-John Deece , R. Tracter 0, f Pollontigrundahlias. Extralagtuee AN FIEI luevrsînvnîr-leîetInenlike neîv-$1,ü00.00. R. L'nil k la.e 5 different vîl5es different coio 's. Won- ties nt fitînîîraton set re. 'he H ris Detle, Essex, Otderful slr Ion. eii vorth twlte the price. itaîsy lo egsieei i5lei liooee3 3 HORNIETSâAWS.....SALE. Holiant1 I Iliblîti NuI reyCompanî, Queen i0an SteetOttwg ______ IJDELB J, iman $29. ou.CuephElizabeth Wa ', F. Port Credit, Ont. ll1 i(0A CEANt oipt ih 1" 0'o 4 teh cis E E V 0? tr bng Delivery-Chlnese VA V i VWiteto.sfi ntroalo. -. Sales tax extr, NE 4;A"D ARNTE D. IBm lfege- l11greta 2 feel rsi ear-25 RA E Ol ayrin ieeistieia r le ài ~J. Smithi Saies ,I, l Ii., l,, lwoil-71b St-, Plants sufficient for,!25 ltei (12 ton20 loches w Gar uelphi, Oot.busby) $2 V8-ctiingP 12 inohes hlgh $4.50 [0 Prie Oe oks Lnolei 70 one1-28 OLVE R lrtPec iationrbFr re 00 (ln ohes aaV CalExhibi. Street Tiîroiu O7'),îî echanicaly gjts 1.Codn ion e nesIn clors re. white or ink, I _________ hoiten Braoto. Ot..R.R~ fr 8.89-Appt, trees 8 feet biah i,-,carleties _________________ StInlnsh Sp Deticlous, 3 for $318--Plain baIlE>M'IWAl'1I__D__Cs CADE 1WI-I.l T N 1hih, ilin 0( rees 3 feeî higlO in carnettes Barbaýnkanti avl able., arrivinz so. Wiet . Vng{ryttaiP n atO t ud vt vr rir rO di-lis dehr, Bx 92. rcîil, Of' ooe SR T W T PIIIO O1wyN rels it m nil nai B,1 alr6o'eoc) ___ PEY--fr rcati(ngneatiteco F A M 0 1 A Ed î e n . rurr o e ( r c i o)be dvd srg ,î I S h i e x i i i n s i t e rasperies at taw rcbank h ln 2 a pp, Pcnr Srnlr, M D ui Cu- in ub at usr o pn u 52, chicken 1ouse. impemn j'el grae ,lng. rc ta ge. rtetta. S a Ei bthW yPo trei .P .,O beautiful 7 roi (am Ltt 3picebth- )oer Lo,11000 ýùy.rk St.,_noOtro r bmoHdeiet yofWoe 1mnte eAPPLE TR1EES, Pears, ins'eei AET rhurcb. publieant )gl.ho, railxay, Peaches, Bush Fruits, StrawberiaShrubF'ETHERSTONHAUGH & Company pateni bus. Frire $50.500 wîh $5.000 totin poy- Ro-ee, Perenniais. Loîvest pîe n er. Solicitors 11tahlished 1890 0 0 BajýStreet. nen. A17W ary.it nei n.Catalogue free. Norfolk NrerSmce ornii Sookiel o f ormaîionn mPenent, Te. 7W ___________________Ontario. M. LAIDLAW. i Se,. Patient Attorney.. BARGAtN, $5.08 45 acreis, D10,(hoice tar- -7o CUIOociiîPatente ef ineto,5 prsS. iaa tien lanut. 70x36 ste i lrn. rick bouse, ýs ýe1j ,6 PrsS. taa wîth hîtiro, modem ronlvenilil ilne , epiog creek. Beautif l -,Accurate I'ascinaring good; welle. t mijles ji, ;leon paved Wiefr(e rsetsto: SALSMEN W N roati; houiti be seen t h apreat-iWil- LSîNIN)ýýEWM-WýITF liam Asby, .R. N. tl, oc.(C dDI LMIE ,l .trj.1is hred) ouc Otar l oo h ae 2017 Saniy Sree, Hntrai y asimle nticonincing demon,,stration, of FOR SAL1E CHOICIE \WALRERfox hounti pu... Cuar- rîoney-savng hueotiatceneeticti i MOTOB('CLES Haîiey Dvtso.Na ni ente'ti hunters, maies $15,80... emales 01hme.Apy by letter te Dept. A.,Alert useti bengh selt exçbalngedLag stock $10.00.. Cecii Crainter, Cornie, Ontarilo,, Saes Company, Crystat Beachi, Ontario. or guairanteeti used i iotarcycles Ropaýirsýj, by SREPI{ERD COLLIES Pt PS -.- also choîce W N E fartîîry treineti mechanice icclsani om Pekin bock eggs. Rose c0mb Biack antmi WN nîcete fine of wheel gîods Openevnigeontît Goltien Sebriglît Bontera stock ati ggs, 5HIP us furs. Minks up te $45.0(J-Weasl nine excepi Wtiieatay Sîri f"cle1,1 sports. Choice stock. John J. ?Melîlgete, Ceetel $4.50-MuÏkrats, 84.50 500 Suskra e lh i n g a i S a n t i !, H a m i l t o n B o x 6 0 , O nî t a r i o . r a t e e l i I e s it C n s t > S e r e î CATALOGo f farina. countr'y nrope, A1qn- H TLq'- free, Trappers Asscietion Baelle Tam. treai area. reedy for uelvkcry. Twî & __ Que. Country Reaities. leitmount, SoteiCAPABLE PERSON f1,rjinsîIl mdebomne. Quelhec. 51 Whitmore Ave..,r1n11 . WANTED __ CHINCHILLA __ IMEDICAL. HIGREST CASII PRICES UP ýTO 4 YEARS Praise Be DOK'T DELAY! vrysufferer of P.O. BOX 144, HAMILTON, ONT. ratic pains or Neuritis should try SALhaia trcienrhr n D i x o n ' s R e m e dl y .S A r i e o s p n r e u n i r e s R git e reti , n u i s e s O r- An ld cotishcoule ere MUNRO'S DRUG STORE CGenerai Duty. Salary l$140 pcrmotplus listening to a broadcaýst servic-e, the 335 Elgin Ottawa fu maintenance ,,iing ~niitiols. ApIy' upritedet f uses.Layinte husband sittlBg back snîîîing bis $1.25 xpress Prepid, llospitai, Ccrn.Ont.- pipe, bis wife in dceep contemnpla- POST'S ECZEMA SALVE ticin. Haîf an hour pas indi l- Banilh the termetof et ry eczema rashee ence. Then, suiddenily, zthe 1ld ml anti weing eký in tobe oisRzm laughed. av ilnt'iaoon 'u ,.8 iiSandyseicaiid î wf, vrm in.Dmpies aIntiahet' ot.i rpnti reaily te bs eailes tnies nnoet 'why this nmerrmn nteSb rgrieecfbw ihonc oeest bath?" seeso. "A ,"' said Sa nid, "the arson's Sn oiFe n Rcpt0 rc here 1 amn safe at hm,". POST'S REMEDIES 189 mmemi S IO. Ceraer of Logan PerfetioniFOR SINUS, IFAYFEVER AND HEADCOLD5 serfectioîist a akes NAMELESS Colti Rfimetiy îe NEW. -o S aypains lht,,gives(ben o $Wstho hvcneyer usti. Con inc ug ot0e pea ple.ial, 8.0 ttroe sPuritY Produicts, Exetel othe peple On. Try C. C.& B. T0NIC TABlLETS foiriotw Xitallty anti CeocraeIiti'hi At druagiste, OnaelIlar. 1PESS CALOJÇLV'-Q getlif -*,i 3iruggists seli is uton Salve, too o amazing relief. OPPORTLSITIES lOR 31EN ARND110EN RAV CPIALteassiet Ilii mgrketIl' idea uor intention Ail informationk strictest contidece Set1prîcfa F Lrticr 1096 Pierre A ve., AD., 3, Winsr ]!seetistoîtes 00W offers Perionai assistance tu hegioners. WIrite for partcr. .V. SU 4-15 Tencb. PO. Boa 580, Vancouier B.C.ISU 14 95