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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1950, p. 3

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aMORRIS CO.- CLOSING OUT SALE -"7 GREAT DAYS - - Saturday, April 22 te Saturday, April 29 Saturday- Morning. Cash And Carry Speciais! Pure'WooI Blankets ......... Metal Beds, heavy tubing ...... Clothes Trees, walnut fiih.. Cotton Feit Mattresses.... Cloth.es Hampers, chrvme trim - Kitchen Chairs, 2 style ..... Congoleum Rugs .(C'patterns) $6.95 Studio Couches, gren or wine. . $39.75 Reg. $55.00 Marshall -Mattresses, ROW only..............$29.75 ", ardwood Nursiigz Rockers ... $4.95 Netal Jtiity T hies ..........$4.89 gY $94 S rs .......-~. $5.95 6-x 9 $3.95 Cogswell Lounge Chairs, re& 4.ý at -......-.... .........$27.M, Reir. $165 Chesterfield Suit at. $109 Reg. $12.75 Coffece Tables, vî. ... $8.95 Group Fine Table Lamps, ualf Price. Reg. $65 Walnut Poster Bods at $39.50 Reg. $7ï9 Bed and Matching Chest, at ....... ........ ........ $47.50 Rez. $55 Chrome Settee, at ... $37.50 Regz. $35 set of Windsor Chairs 24.75 Single and 2-door China Cabinets, at............$47.50 Reiz. $215 Bedroom -Suites at $169.00) MANY OTHFIR EAL BUYS - TOO NUVMEROUS SALE WILL BE Ah>VERTISED NEXT WEEK,'ýl 9x13 1-2 $8.95, 9x15 $9.95 $29.5'Pané' Beds, at....... $19-75 Chrome C airs, as low as . .....$4.95 Spr lg d Mattresses, at .... $18.95 Ue.$12P B Rdroom Suite, 3 pcs.- $89.00 Rg. $42.50 Strollers, at....... $29.95 Reg. $195 Velour Chesterfield Suite a t.. .. ................. $149.00 Tri-Lite Floor Lamps from .... $12.95 Reg. $49.50 Simmons Mattresses, at . . . . .Il. . . .. . .$32.50 Reg. $35,00 Telephone Sets at.. $14.75 TO LIST ANY REM-&TNING, STOCK IN Fe F. M£dORRIS Co.ý THTIS CLARKE TOWNSIP AND SOUTH PART MAN VERS NOT LARGE, ENOUGUI TO SUPPORT HIIGU SCHOOL A1REA - RENDALL Thererenaie ftesho sect,'io f 0 larke, O.rono and Nw castie, imet in th~e Maeonie all onr Tuesday evening, Apffl 13th, Vo,- hear the guest speaker, S. D., Rerndal of the Onitaric Departm.ýent <f Edu- caition gâve an account for thte seV-uip of a High S'chool Area. Mr. Rendall addressed the meeting and answered 'the numerous ques- tions. Throughout his entire speech Mr. Rendail stressed the fact. that a High School Area composed of ail bhe Townshi.p lotClarke andth south part of Mtanvers would not be large- enough Vo support a High Sîchool Area, lHe gave for bis reason, the sp1al lamber of pupils attending from thiis area aod the low assess- ment. A High Sthool Area ia the Township would flot be iaible Vo offer the range of, subjects required Vo- day. If they did-try 'to give ail the subjects neessary, iÉ would boe tx- tremely expensive.1 Mr. Renda;11 suggested that the best possdAbie program te foliow Iwould be to uniite with Bowmaaiiie and Polit Hope and district. thus raising the total nuinher of puý,pils, and ut the same. time raising the as- sesment. Y Vida was done the euh-. jects offenred would be grèeatlyil- cýreased, iiid 4 would 'not cost the in- dividual taxpayer an exorbitant amniount of mnoney. As an alternative method Vto setting uip High School Aréas in Port Hope and Bowmyanville an arcs oould Ie set up, asiîig-Bow- manvilie and Portý Hope, and aise using O)rono School for the junior grades,.lie feU there wvas onlIy room for two Amans in rthils distict, and that Ciarke Township should get in to -saye nefy. Short sece were delivered by Mr- R. R. Waddell, of the Orono Bc»trd. aind Rev. D R. Dewdney'of Vthe Ne1 sti Board. Reeve E. 'R.Wod yard acted as ehairman of the meet.. ing, and was asszisted by Sehool In- spectors A. A. Martin. -of Brighton, and W. H. Carlton .0f Coýbourg. The men of the district are being notified to be ready o comneMee jwork an-the <}rone Fr VyStation. NowlVnat the fine w@eatiner has ar- rived this place 0< industry wim.1. be very husy. HANDS IN TRAINING,.,.FOR ONTARLO i n Lerning/u1fsi' Practice i ntario the wheels of iudustry turn for/the benefit ofevr nge e, So)e of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractera,: bu ine achines, etc. are producing geods and services whîch earn deillars. These dellars, previdie food, clething, medical care and other: ecsiiswhich contribute te car aecujrity anýd high standard ef living. Eviery sinigkeue c- f us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flojw :M cfî a stea dy 1suppiy cof trainied workers teý industrial plants. These wres:as, _Wi1 opera.te mnachi.nes which are imnportant te car way cf life.: in 'We should appreciate, thoen, the-oprtieefforts c f goverument, ;(lu _industry auid labouir in the fild of employee trainig. Iu achoocis and ini faCî0rie'ý cuýr ' wjYcreS, young and1old, are giVe11 thleoppertuniity tedevelop new ad Seecifie kilîs ini every fleld cf businýess and industrial activity.- &TML For i.nstanc11ýe, Very effort on1 the part cf office workers te become pro- ficient iiniug ling, shorthand anad secretarial work, wilI mean greater buines ïefiiency-will help to makeOntario a fluer place-in whieh te live- and wcrk. THIE BRE-W ING INDUSTRY (ONTARLO)7 m M Dur Way et LIU. R ewards Trained IMandis itarlo workers, know they can earn ire. have exLecutive responsibility : nd enjey a hiigher standard cf living: direct ratiý oo the skills they ac- %r nd the way they make use : lof thbeu, That's alWays thtswhy car cous- petiàvesystcm Dwill continue to Bmake: ICanada great and at great place in, whicl tcO lire. wqmmp Virtu*, Laura Elizabeth -- At the re&dnc f her daugiiter, Mmrr. Stan1ley Beckett, P2 Ontario Sre, Bùw,,maiiviIIe, on Saturday, April 15, 1950k, Laura Flizabethl Viiitue, in iner '77tli yei.. Wid&w îcf John Wesley Virtue, and dear rnother cfi Milton, Tyronle, Eilva (Mrs. Stanley Beýckett) and- Ruby (Mrs. Arthur Sie>of Bowmnanç'ille, Archie, Tyreoe-, arAd dear sister of Wm. Hamley oýf Tir,,- rone. Service was held - in the Moýr- ris Funerai Cinapel on Mondiiay, Aprilï 17th. Interment Bowmanville ceme-1 tery. Laing,' Isabelle- In Bowm'nanvilie- Hoapital on Tues day, April Lth W50, Isaibelle Laing, daughter- of the late William Laing, and dear sister of Whi. Laing, ~ovil, George M., Edmonton, Aiýberta, Johnr, of Tefoilk>wâg doiemntions be .e- x~cwdby the baiding fund c;d park Stree-t United Chunch, which ar&t hanluily roekved Miss L0s Cowani, T,ýronto,. . il Mr, R. W.Bell, Ohw 00 Gamrd ll uiS. S. ý 10 Mr. E. Youing-ain, Poýntypool 1!).0 King St. E~lrrOhw.79 Couricýe W. A.------~5~ EbnzrTUxis Bo)ys------ý Jar4îe, Aita,, and Archie A, fFa-e cet't, of Alta. Aed 72 YeýarS-. Rent- iaig at ine Morris 'Funera7 hae BGwinanville. Service -In Vie Chape-ý (>n Fn-day, Agi-if '2lst, ýa> :00Pan, Intermient Oronio Crcyneteyl,, RGDT. GLAN VILLEI Orono - - OUtlïio OAT CIIOP ....../ $62MOO per ton ROCG ROWER... W14 per ton and up Grass Seeds Orders taken for Fertiîizer AlSo somel 7 f oot Ste£el Post's e. Security for Your FamïIy Today you can give yurfail thte samo e curity that a fortune in the 'bank wRould provide. The Ureat,-WeosV Life offers modern famnily incoeoïq-inurance plans that wdl wiar- antce your fantily a riegula'r inçemie to live on in comfort in case anythlng happens we YOUi. There is a plan to suit your- present in4come. fantily's f uture . .. cal VS today.,- For tht sak-e of y~ron eo f mm niid ..aRd yoUr Y 4r treI Our esineess ..Today- Don~aldHamm Your Future Is Our Business Today" -- -- - -- - Durham Farmers'Conuy Co-op e y' Thal Couis! ' n-b thýe fýeed top qaiy 1]YOUJ CANNOTA FFORD TO B1UY JIJST FEED Our feeds Prémd ri opGaeGan Hneynordered your Fertiflzer R114;Spraly Lime yet'? We Cap Supply You Wîith I9~'l SEED COBBLER, Founidation-$29 per cwt. COBBLER, SmaIi $90Per cwvt, SABAGO -_____-------5-Per cw t, KATAIIDIN ---w-- -.r$U e wtý CHIPPEWA D----- 29 er cwt. Lei us Supply you with yor Fencn!lg Needs: EIlletric Fencers Light ndHeayy wvelght Barbed, Wie-Hog ecn - st-a Fenig $00Off f.o., Priceýs for Ton Lots e2,00 Off f.o.b. Priceg for 5-Ton Lots-and OVer 1% ýcOff to.b. Pries folr cash Phone us Coileci 37-R-i OUrov.o# W, Dêlier gorNXW vl Y AT PRAI~ ~COSTl 1 N I j, -N j, N -t j, N j, j, N -N N 'j, N 's 1- 1' N j, N j, N N N -j, N N N j, N N -N N N j, N 'j, 's 5 s N N N N -'e k v N N k s N N N N N N N N ............ 1

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