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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1950, p. 6

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CH APTER I Thelic zedoldsejf uke on hlis gnblad kssd is or1- rîed-ookug aife. '11 be baCk oorw a o abolit agï. ulia it up liný's and ag pple pc o' She made him Ipuit ona'b1v plurt watIHbi chps. tcesaalg ridie t10(ade and il was dizzling ramoulside. ]Hank obetawas no> loneryoug.Damp wetherstove' 1dmup.Meguljped aohrcup of a rage i bre roul rdin I"3 taI Webbo Witers fic bose inen mde upIbe SýssorBeil îMPool. iron themilafý ond a sal ed Nealy i ofdthei bd beenlow- WVebb Widnerswasthc cls t ta Iogttere. fLc hd ben delayed ~Then be'd gusrie deIbe nrkrs ,q!.JJ SIZI$ 12-20 304 dashanIswagger in plosebi Pater u48?,55 onsiiszs12, Jqý4, 6 , 1820;30 3, 4, 6 3,40 4 S Size 16 taiksc4, ds.39 - i T 1is ateu asyLo use, sm p le C, s ets, s t Cte 1orlit, JIIlas SedTWENTY-FIVE CENTS --à5e)i on sap autbe accepted) lFor Ibis pter.Print ýi,îuIy SIZE, NAME ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order toxs\ L123 Eigh- t0enth St. Nes 'Fooii1. tt 100LIE 16 lê- 1950 andI picised out a coffin, îvbic i had to be loadetI on a wagor. aud starteel 'for Bob Andcrsoît's ranch. He antI 'Mac lîntI lînted up a preaciier. So il was alosî midîîighl t lien Webb io;incd tht others. b,_e Biaike looked baîd au ,lint. W'dabout decided you usasn't commit'. Soie of tbe hovs vins in aorof setti' on ft ho find yOu."» "Got delaycd in,îowîî." "If 1 was yotî" pe one of the, ccowd, I s ulntdL nicch niglît r*din' alone." "l'Il chance il."- Webb oint cvd totrard the stove. Somehodi lîhad maIe coffee. FHe filîcd a ýU cup ant I faced ibent. Joc BLke andI c'hair-s iitecai. ie others sat "You en iiîowwhntLialpeid,' Webh ld teni."Bobgo t kilictI. Therewas ore uaitone of î'em. Mc irs butiumerd, ile put UIo at scrîap. Te rsbïood near the dor nt Ir ia s bl Uood onUside, efoglttcm'tiil tley dotrucd bim. Are you goiîî' to beipmnieîunt dowo th11c ksii -that Murdered Bob Audrso, o doic, tacisie the ijob "if it's wrthat ,Ah bhîti lookin' fr," said a i-faced nman fludil, ob Aderson iras naixwIite iait any wn ytoosbint." Othes vice thir opinion, The prohni ras loi blîyîouid go On la irasinavot of runuuing ofalbcTinstc iîzchy coeîld roundup. noîbr suges fed hum'. ing -offbbcTriagle age. The lea-n-faucd titan i ihbbekuife- scarred jw pincd titat tlîe oîly vsay 10 u,,pc ont a snke tIen isste, thuiihb a:gun bammer.,The older mten, those usho bad uives antI mm- iiies, Sept silet for the niost.part. Everv mati there brucirthb strengîth of lteé Triangle outfit, Tliey irouid be buckiiug a million- 'dollar apread, andI Ah *Abbott's cowhoys 'ocre al bough fbauds. Ah) Abbott bad Ibrenltened tîtat he woiild break up the Scissor-Bibi Pool ai-d ruin evcry mail1 of thiie nt of bbc coùuntry. This iras not 1;e first m1-eeting Of the Pool ranch- er'Tle ad nmet at Joe Blake's p la ýc ite lasI imi'ie. .Joe Biakse' ad be lected boso f the Pool. The ob irloir waitcd for Ibat tiglît- lîppd Oiialininuto peaks. "Whîsyocur idea, Joe" .,e. "Dntlnot as I bave ,one, \Vb tiesi it irouitI bc 10force At, \I)bott ijîto huyin'tus ot.It 1 got IeoltI itonan ant I ids to, tluin1k about, J-" 1 "Ah!A,) b, Webb cuit iii, lus s'oice ltrs, lasn't enougu monev tcobî tît l Bob Antdersont aîî 4lic uvas sort of partîiers. Bob got nîurdred.If yon flliX'. silin'. goý alted." 'You mean you're deciarin' tsar ou the Trianîgle?" aised1,loe BIaise. "Just that. Evenil if 1bave 10 moake a lotie figbt 'oif it.' "l'Il bantg and mathe vi iub to said lte knife-scarred cowboy wbo spoke m-ith the S'OIt drawl of a Tea."Me. and Bd. Yountg corne uip î to Montatîn f rom dom n idcv. \Vec usas ,raised together front isis Tcybuabuwhacised, Ed. l'Il srn m-y bets aioog witb yourri, Webb. i doni't blamne Joe Biaise for not v'antio' 'to mess into.2 figlit. Liise he sysbe' go a ille andcl kîts, S itssome o f you ollier gents. Yon icitiselu oît o:r ycmu ik n set bac atIdonoîin', antInolir fceiit'. I ringiJ.ttjoliesib More IaouThat's because it's better tea TE Ritders for'ýh by G. H. SHARP far. Tex"said WbsWnes W tIou't iato10 hire anlillers, '. ida i bi. Wel gpa ui icardsi1 osc1 orblle, oeod'h 0bt nfi i oi'10ge rui xs'l ats bi l and g he naie of the mchýii hokit Ed \i . A of 'cul. tellcsia,î-1 iatgler li n fee>labout is busies. acîîîu Ou "lîat's en i,sai îoiîigîî î c othtlerny g in isus ong : s ( rn AuIt abi lî aiangle inu,,-. 1a in't a o sur 10 A Abbotutitay euS "M eauiîî' '-' saîd Webb, *t 1,-i1 Ilere's Soue mulnn:ieciedl w h thue Scssor-Bill Pool, tha i < keep hir îuouti h sbîî ll ci got bushwba'eked bccauIsc om body lIcitilout îl-ai Ed asgu' to be ridin' along a certain ia i:, l-, about a ctin bouc i ,iîg We'cb V nesloe itt otters Ibrou;gli uarr l.s cd, cri e He bruie bb t lc lilttfli",t,,ci lbi asi tor. "C>nly yumen lbei ektutt Bob Anderson on5 ýgoin' t b bonie last niglit. Bob %ls di posed 10 b'- stayin',at Joe Biases Evcry man hIem e knout s thi ii,,,, bad tbree thousaîîd doLlars litcas and somne legal paperson Liîî. 1h1 Cash lîeoiiged b fihe Pool. 1Flc papers be ,had, iveredpoioî pi-ovin' bts riglît 10 a pic(e oflaid 1 was to mccl B.b about nooîî ani tse c vere 10 takelltîtat înoney 10 Uice baitîx anti file the paliers Bob baiýd. 'Wben tic meetin' ai joe'sb ok or., Bob decided ho go oti om iîîstead of suai i' ai Joe's. ýiud vitlî Bob t 1 iîere the trals orjd Il w et boite. B" l'etuti e o1 tî îlat noney ad theni pipers o bim. Bobl)ns ut arin'ailbi lo -eheu lie gotkilletI t-is b ins tiiere oi t ite foot algsîde iîi le hadu'ft boil,[off!isha- M-t i 1Irougît lus ociic-s, 1ThLi itoIney antI paper-, %utaS gîîP. Soýme man iri the Scissor,-BLili Pol either too careless vi iîh istal o elsc Les sold outu 10Ab M b, 'iFat man je beariti' i* o ln es-cc lie is, be's lseiî. HOIXAN 1? By Anine Asley O. How eau I1otakcé a good polîslî for niabogany furîitnrc: A. Use one tablespoonful of olive oui mixed with one teaspoonfui of vinegar. Dust the article thor- oughly, then -apply the polisb witb a sol t flannel cloth. Foliow by. polishing with 'another sof t, clean ciotb. Q. Hoxu caît dry matches lta refuse 10 strike bcc'iuse of dauîp- neas? A. Rub them back and forth in the bristies of a clothes brusb.e Q.'H-oxu au I 1remove stains froin the fish bos0I? A. Vinegar and sait-will reniove these stains very readiby. Q. Wbnî eau I use itîstead of fat for frying foods?ý A, Fat i8 flot absoluteiy neces- sary; merely. rub the pan with common, table sait, then shake it out,, and place the mneat 10 be fried in thme pan. 1Q. Hoxu clati Irevive. lvil-il,î1v tti ce? A. By washing it carefuily mina basin of water, t0 which haý beeni added two tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice, Allow 'the lettuce 10 stand in this water for about ani Isour, and then wash in coltI watet. FLITE IS Canada' s -À thed -'t. QC t tIoesn'î i e Yas g btetoul 'ax _eggs. "Teîc uasa nutterîig tai getp 1 agr, bîo;aI a îinhlig"ant(i of of tbc ruîîîbling c tie Ibe sysîcîn ofb"ii' g ggs graee aid cnidncrig1 sieaiifreshIînss. M\ilS x av an1 te possible eare-pu operfy cliibbed muýiid îîrspeciîed eseci so oflen for bacteriia count andI sediîiinîîttiîîtoc nu, of' eiter ind i themulis coîîdenuL, Wiit!b alilibis care nu ît theout ce, if' epp_ ne v, l e idifresiuness andc îîîibi, Ieconijeq s ale .itulcouta'iiiiat- cd, tuie Int les1-vus Iîîtie attentiou- or acksnii slicî ies i odîîlcLs biaveu'îtefaortexudle baie etthey haie]b,-t îlicrl-tin iieaiiness; oioîîgr usiii tîyftf up u wluisIîl.eî aier be]iîu cok Wocst oI alil. ibIpoî-esofteîîq tbrui bui,'CS usiencooed.suami ut us potatoce lias ý- bosulllah cr'ai flax ourire iScl-o îîindî iii \InysOf yore. SoalimePt Mrs. i oiu[t Public lias gI ruî o sig"Vit' itr~w ibbm ur uîtaiopoýtntoeS-?' Noxu tat É'n, quefio;"Ilbucauseý you 'sec grxdýiuîu of ýpov- tocs lns, 1,png since bceenittpuîso yradeci as to i iie ai-i y. tI1îat ,is Jîst le', a, lest tIle ptîe lpiiw fli cbig feloîrsmît th4 prd]cr' batve co ausirer for 1ii. ot cse scabby poî-aîoes re îî er ffere for sale at ail. S bc oisutir gob tcuCe soieanIxxlc iîybuy potaoes by- vthe askt r hag tiiey taitlieq'îte sre iue xxili bc reasoîîabfis uniiforui iii izeaid also fin and sou'nI .hArtialby, b al apper rance, , titere ioldt bu a kickisii tlî ur orîd abot t itice iookin g potatoce. But lte proof ofj tht spud is in tbc' cookiuig. Y'ou boit thieî, tdrainî theîîî, andInnî thini-nnd, according to the en permutent of lte potaboes, hier may1 bcecitlier atery, or saetulrîî blacke or bois antItse aîyedible. So s'ou bry other way ,î cooking wsaletiter, t wsait firsb, iast, or jus LI as ltey cOnte 10 hýie h oit.,But il makest ery litie diffe- jre-tiiose lniffy, nîealy potatoca sce(imti o be golie for good.. Experts, have coîne fo-wrsidt with Fa vourdte Water- 'POint becaùse it's so economical, sa easy tormix aind apply withi brush or r-oler,, drîes odorless inan hour to a durable, cleansaibte finish. In 8 colors csnd whte! Why not gel the best> for less! A4-k your paint dealer now for color ccîrd. MADE 30 WESCO WATERPAiNTSCNO)LD 210 S. ATRCKaT, MONTuiSAL WORL's LARc.fST WATERPAINT MAKER (Cet off 10'atheau!u :rtwi t, ese ! lFor- pilow case. :cr 10 s es, iîi cro'-be atIebrieer <'rît 69.3 sasrtf io'- àabout 5\1Il ii.; ci ocliet liictot Laura\lilc'iiprï c01 hem tikc uIedieux onu sosu siple 0,1its chýarîs, p1hotos and con - cise directions. Seuil TWENTY-FIVE CEN\TS in, coins (sîaiuî. ctint Lctc- cepted) for Ibis pat I iioF-. 123 ,igbl'eeiitli St., '1e1,-Toront, Ont Prîînt plainly PATTERN 1_Iu--' , ' oi NA'ýME andc WeLl Known Film -Star John 'Wayne THE ONLY WAY AlUnch againsaý bis, will, the youuig suitor lîad becu persuaded. to go tbrougb the forimaliiy ot sîatiug bis intenitionis t bis p rospective fathcr- iitlats. "So you wi'ant to becone my sont- *hlaido you?" flic oltI il r e- marked grumply, 'Fratiklv, no," returued the suit- or, 'but 1 scec no way out of ît if 1 want 10 marry your, dlaigbîer." AGONIZING PAINS 0F blessed by bundrede ofhou,üan s f n ferers froin the pain o; rtrtiller'a tism and Sciatica. Gel this saie2rlabe product today. There arecianmy si-tstitiitea for DOLCIN now beimg ofiired, usua1ly at hîgher ponces. Be sure yeotk for and pet the original DOLOIN Tablet,. The letter "D" is stamoped on ovr entt DOLC]IN Tablet for your protection. DOL)ýCN la sold by ail druggiste hrugou he Domiion. 100 tablets for $2.39-20( lets foÎ,ý,r $8.95 --alto available in botk, f 500 tab1et%. Dolejii fliiteil. 'vori .Ota. or;:) sor Itle type of oai or teua hyaeco~d ei and o ptalus o cmmrial us totres-cs, 5elc tIon'Wt preutnfor theuol ut 1 _ iru ous inwayhe b ae matI certai bevain n ba se corne to be cnclsionIba irthoî se ofbeici fe'tiiizte ýatI costaVnte spran t bas in h hie foloi ig ndifeeccs hi 1if bugts bc ti tc have5own ant hoe We baecàbougbt. ai ýel fo 'tve rjs srinput inseut pottoesg we seth sal poatoesler o frm Hilse w c b og etrfor eaing thea t carbeore V hey pl antventain th oriiuay u aewc ctate thenie auX tunt u,nI Ins tb mtre bugs bcc oretofise buii rest" Dth( F use comri al fertaindr We ge- ually l'ae a fair iela foni Ibe omber'l i 1c pulet in cit notbincam a hll i n ig loord1inagry asd 10 ~ l) sic Bttbyd bv ago lIaior.As ew ptatesiffrecnt antI een befre Ibeakin re ast" tbepttoes bi Ilepome ms e. iy flffu ien nased. For xviteu Use we bi pneatos bfr oa com- grtrd that ýo'urilte ttftor sed ameu tIbe fLavou! A tnllaýy ltI«s' pa -il s chaper10 by tbnthe growîlîe oul becuse oey re atheaîl Ibe oatos we btiar y'ow sae ao cmmria efoircit lcelp tlîerî aon.g. A mail wb grosss potatoeS 1 111,11n ids bîg fol-tthe andplent3 of IlenanI .fortai p-js ofi'L prbbl adffrur u b sou ii u hiiltbearc griadbr Mar be-bult !Our ou s ay an ond i suyloanî. i hî Cub i ve. iï gecîll c uîidcre toe t! hea sof o Int groThes. m,ýïe Wiac î '-illelonoîf ormprode- pttroes \VelIrthat is ne forthe offercing of lte it f xpriu 'i i. i.

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