Watson's Garage Sales and Service FORD AND MO0NARCH CARSý, and TRUJCKS FORD and FORDSON TRACTORS and - EQUIP-MENT Jsed 1911 I-MeFrzury -,wit-h-Radio. Cr-1942.Pyin-hwt--Rdo Phone 42 r Il On PORT1'r ,'AMBUl4ýlsII" Withtf RoeTaylor and igMMCast %.pril '21 22 "MGSFROM BROOKýLYN" urda at .00 îthWillam Bndi The Great HI e War Stoy f Bn~ o Fllwsfe -cri Ayowai aBlue- 'd Girýl Wh"Let Dent, in Thelir Hearts; wt Vý R -111MlONTA!-AN and DE NISEDARCEFL haLst To-ay f tis icureYouSholdNot MissJ IND DP TRE P7-F APRIL 21- 22 CINECOLOR? - Short EncantngShort iTechinicolor Y ANU TUESDA'Y - APRIL 24 - AOVTETONE NEWS - CARTOO-N - SHORT DNSaYnd TI'iiJý!RSDIAYý - APRIL 26 -27 *0 ~J4AJ~ *0* - -~ r ~~~9~os/I B e o ENNIS : ~ORG~N1 ~yfl. LL>OJL'fl~"' ~ e e & ~aiIor' 0000 tTOO - .SHIOJT KEND AL Mir.and miS.E. Tatteri fOl-1 awa, visited her inother, Mrs. Heiýnry H'oy and~ Laverne. Mrs, H. Hoskin visited Mr-. and M.rs. Loi-ne Paeden, Crooked Creek. Mr. and Mira.ý T. Garbutt of Toi- onto, v'isited Mr. anid Mis. Jameýs 'Swaribridk on Sunday and brouglit Maireen Safrc ak ihtheml-. MurMGorclon spent Sunday with his Parents, -Mi'. sud M1is. Waller Goîdlon, Oak 111. 1Mr-. amd Mrs. Grady Cox of Oxford, Viigiinïa, and their small daughter Marty Lou are at preseni' visiting with lier ister. rs. Eari Buley. Mi. John Gordon, tiather of the lat- ter is as iii~ Mr. and Mirs. L. N. Reyn)olds andw Lorne Jr of Toronto. -were aiit oýn Sunday withMr and Mrs. Il. K. Reynolds, and the- latter spent -Mon- day in Toronto,' Mi-. and Mrs.ý E. E. Annisý attenýd- ed thie Bolha'ire Brigaýde So- chtal on Thuïrsay v nlast. Weire snyte P1î1mnthtMis. Wmi. Roinisonits une,1he1oct1P ar Î d i tpeetstayi1g withl Mi. aIdI is. Loy' d' a-hSpent Sunday with iad Mrs. A. Ste- mWESLEYVILLE Sudymoirngwihavery good - ed as aieiedntadR t Pane 1 doaidldetheu imusîc. - withbey augtr. Mis. Pedcy lies A ý tfiee wasfhe ai the church ýiion chrliop as n t le ercliignd. Mi n I. Jenson c. froswa Îharod aîwofuç.ý,gh.Brrelug -~Oliaon on Thi-sdy ftrnon Mesdam( eHRevW Tuor and eorgeTuffrdqilEath Teexiibe no service at Clarke- jbihnx naArl2ý,3rd. Thle vitedtîo atten Nwcste ericea w) Oa.,wente1Ev.F.Lane, cfWeligtn w bthe sPeaker. 7f - hrthe e W.mi rAsuppr met ~~fi 'eahe had.roads bing hel Mfiýss Ruth Brkr pent part of her Eatrvcto ihfri ends in Tor onto. Congratu"lt'ý,Ins;t Mr.' and Miýs. ït izi' !on DMnop (nee Phyllis li lingswoîthionthe hirth of aDug- toi ln"TrontdonAprillth Regal Estate $3800-Near Orono, 33 acrec farmý, good d, mi 30 tree or- eb ird; mnetal-roofed barna; new çhc<horuse and hi-coder; tap- pedciseruin barn; 8-i-o med watr l hosenewchimneys, u'~ de-aton~ 'new cap- fiar-ds; immruediate possession.j '~ai offie. Listinigsof ipovdfats and pas!ure Iand aiso invited. L eroy Hmilton Office 3,2 r 10e, Res. 1 r Ï6 INSURA-5SCE EN ALL ITS BRANCHES RARGAINS IN WALLPAPER -9 Whilü theyiatQu plete stock of u-'P sted and Suaworthy a aper at HALF MICE Shop early for these bai-- gais. lsomany extlra bon- besatl AFPIE Baby Needi Mead's Pablni and Pabeiia I Sýzatall- -2. Larg~e. 50C. , Notrim, aFrge --------- -47c. J nýIIsoW Baby Powder, for------28e. and 5,5c seal Baby Panits, f sizes- _-------..-----...35c4 q 4 abi y Scales for Rnit --New , Dependable !Hansýon usry.i Saerentiai per w'eek !5C, C.TB. TYR ELL Dnugs Agent forJackman Flowers PHONE 68 - RNO Ot 11ev. Yardley,>of'Co fit pa-. Mis. Chas. lairisýhad a qilting Mi-. Albert Souh, M. and Mis., Har11olso11ch1and faiiy, takvile Mýisý.PteroMi-. and Misý. Bill 1Wanan aldnd ils vsit with Mi-. nd Ms Jas. Wannan and Jean on Sundry. Mi.Thompsoýn is hiomec again. Mi-.fnd Mis Mltn annan visýit- ed hier pai-ents, i.e and Mis. J. Cowan on Fiiday niighýt. Mr.Patterson spe(nt al few daysi last wee,(k,with 'heî- neic, Mis. C. V. Cooper. lMr. ,and Ms rdeThoropsoin and Mrfi-[(ndMis-. Jack Day-man, Port Hope, visited 1onSucawth M. and Mr.E. R îs Weare pleaed-tosee Mi. Peulrinli able to fie out again. nesday ith Mis, Fred Giahamni Mi.RayBryon as eenholiday- ing last week. i. ans Mis.(Geo-e Ganviilleof Newcastle, spent Thursday afteînoon 'with Mi. apd Mis. Fred Gi-ahan. !iliWanmnnad osvisited 'furda îfternoon ith Mis. Jen- STARK VILLE famfily-, of To)ronto, viited nSun- dayý with Mi. ;and Mis. A. Dofison. Mt-. adM lis. LodBailnes, Kýen- dal, with Mi-.,and Mrs Victor Fai-- 'iMi. MriyRo lsias a inew Moi-.nd i,-. NesonRoss, lMartdy arnd Clvnf Béhivisite-dM- and Mis.LewHloe. NUISsShirley arrow.cf ROSian- vIlle, with Mis. Prcy airow. Mr,. and Mis. !Ruissel veytnd Betty at Mi-.'A.,M dew' lciE Miss Mary Halowell spent the East holidays with AMiSsBeuali Hallowel cof Tm-aono. Mr-. and Mis. Carl Todd, Bruc1and Doris wit Mi. and AMis. Mley oi inson. Mr. and Mis. EaitRobînsoi, M- Wm. Savery visited fiends in Osh Soi-iy to report that is. Aleci Bai(-lay is iii in Osfiawa hiospitai. Mi. aind Mis. LelewHilowell pn S3atuiday evening ith M-. an1d Ms Loi-ne Todd. Mi. Jose UHallw i bited MW. and Mis. Hliii-r iav ig of Laie and w aregladte hear that -Mrs. Mi-. and is.John Sua-k ad Wayne aspelt Sunday with bei- par- ents, Mi. and Mo.Loa f ethany. Mi-. and Mis.Hmaold SOUch and t'amily wiith Mr.. and -Mis. J. Wainnan- cf Kliîby. WANTED -?TO BUY lYead or cfpe stock, reýmoved fiee of charge. On-e hu eri, iligheat pre«for ()'d loss-Mr gUi Fuir Faim. CalCletB - nianviill e ý207. B ,Men's Whlite BacÏ-ak Denimà Rivet Pants, sizes 32 to 42, pair............... ........$2.98 MnsUnion WorkSocks, Red Heel and Tôe, pr- 45e. Rexole ùm Mats, 27 !inches by 54 inches, each > 7 9e. Feltol Rugs, 4 ft 6 finches by 6 ft. long, each,. 18 Flan-nelette Blankets, Blue or- Pinik check, sizles 70 x 84, pair........... ........$1.09 Latdies' Crýepe Pyjamas, Short Sleeves, assorted color*s, sizes sm--all, nmedium tor large ......$2A49 Childr-en's Dr-ili Over lis, , olors Brown or Blue, sizes 2 to 6, pan, $,5 Ladies' Pr-int D ie es, /îze 14 to 44, each. $2.98 Ladies' Print S ýÎt,J$fd Style, Assorted Cl ors, sizes 12 8, ~h--------18 Wizard Wick eoder-ize, 6 oz, bottie........59e- Scrub Buhs.............1 and l25e. IH1and Buhs each................ .e GROCERY FEATURES 2 kgs 2 9 Cro nack Tea, 12 lb-----4, York Bolognla, 112 oz. tin......c Pork $ausage, SmallLi l b. pkg............... 45e. Speial- FneCtaadian Mildc Chieese, lb.-- ,,------------ ý ,39c. Libby's Tomiato Catsup, il' oz. bottie, 92 for..... ....35c, slied) 24oz Ioial13c, Spie and S'pan-, pkg,. 25e' Prune Plums, 220 oý tins .........5ec. Crushed Pineapple, Choice Quality, 16 oz. bottie ......29c. EMON OIL HAW[SlVE FOR FINE FU.RNITUR'E CIL :12 o.boU 25!r ÙRONO 5c8 TO $1.0O STORE YOIJR POPTIL1AR siHoppI!ýTG CNR HARTLEY )-.eBARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HO0ME FURNISH-INGIS Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENT At You r Service in Time of ýNeed] FOURTEEN YEARýS' EXPERIENCE Phone 18 r 7, (Day or NIght) Voluniteer hielpers are stii n1-eedled place coulid be fairily well -laedap, nisnvainthe bick ait Park Street The voi-itary laJbor corining forýwa-rd Ohurch. A ae nuinber of brie«k wilil lesseen the financial endof thelL have alneady been sal'vaged. With 1rieîuild;ig. Now la tCe tim- te offer a fev ew men fG'or-acouple f days, Ltue orserviwes. ~- 'i "'I o e, * Dee Tee Moth Fume Crystals, sujre death to moth eggs and iarvae, 1Irl. tUn........----........----.... ......49e Moth BallI% oth Flakes, 1 lb. for... - 29e. iMoth Proof Garment Bags, protect your garments from dust and moth dam- age ..... ... ,........... 39C., 59C., 98e. Larvex Liquid, pinta - .............. ...8>e3c, Quarts for........_. ..... ..... . $1-25 Pint with Sprayer __ ........ .... $1.39 Brandram Henderson Retter OQuality Paint, per quart................--$1,851 Galions for............----- ----- --$5.90i Enamnel, per quart ...--...-----..--.--.._$2.20 Gallons f'or.......----- .............--$7.25 Fresconiette, onie coat finish, quarts_..1'1.8R5 Gallons for ....................$.. 5 .65 Egg-Shell "Semî-Glos" Fiiigh, qts., $1.9.5 Gallons fo)r ............. -.... .....$ 1