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Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1950, p. 2

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VACUU M-SEFALE 0 Rie rs for i yGý . H.SHARP CHATERTWO (CniudFnom Las', Weck) As thie fujnenal sermron was being, preacbed, a doÀùzen ,or rmore nîders- cameup tce rad ibai borderd on the cerneiery-. Ab A,'\bboti was riuding in the labi infoliowing hîrn flebid toneM ws a spnig awagn More iban oncrnan there beside hickerOnta t y cod geotoins gu;in quicklyv. Th-cy ail kncw xvbal Wasunta!,*1-ýiF t vtatp un hie spnig wan ThM Tiange oifi waIs b cn.ng 0own the dea body cDfte covo Sherlff Hank Rob-, cris bad dIýsCovcreCd jusI bcluîv tle Bob Anderson place.. The shlifi. slipped urougi' the crowd tOu iood inthe rnud there besîide te open ýgmre. IHe stcpped -up on isIbors;e -and rode 10 mine onat grnmcavalcade now enieriig che gnaveyad gaie. "Tey'lbc hc brngb ovstouheein a fýew ninîe, bboî." akRb erus blockeitheir xvay purplshfacn bd a ullookHe His mIe ;don't ,,ncdone H ýc wa 1ougb. nehowbe wain th hol Hde tumncud Lto bis men."onr'a pIk and shve. Oe f ou mca geo orkmion the bone.Diefau Take tunna. Dig ovr,\-CI wer th'e ground is ot h ucc Ae sky uMy u blris-GrU a spokCn and :,ýsI1sickexr-clad (I mca boed bar head lu nrpying sunal true w a fiendu heTi gaenear boTe cdma i evnapine box tobond hlm. Wrap ped iu the oildrain -xvcî uar ut-tudrwih ehdsjeptsoay îbt c h oudbe dumped it hole iin the g ond and covered wît SheriffRak ob)ents, usw - of shlotggun aroabis sal, stoodL guard btentbhe two ura woinid eprssion nd blu pu- eed yes ginbd e wudb aue" te crowd of men standig besid Bob ndensu's;rave broke ilp and lefu, N t he prayer as finisbed. The vÏ wtli w iesad familles loti util lim getngIo tbei-r rigs. Tlie younger men of dbe Pool mounicîl tohei ousesndd e tbnUghuic gauway bededfor toan suda Thepreche goblto bisbggy thopen grave tîtat iîe lhe body hair thas glnted lune coppen ucady gray <y a widoncdlipped moutb chat laugbcd easiiv. SCe ldigbt- iy c Webs r.She wvore a longblack sîlee and a black SLîe ad iddn 1âth fu ero _11Ca, biack poncBob bd give ber for berbitdy Sebacon borehck ecue hekex Ia living. Grave dicgging ua a side hune. He stood iijere gaigau ihie Trianle cobo-who xxere using bis tools, cursing t1h cm i' a whisky wbisper. Slerifi RHauk Roberts sat bis horse, waicbing thai, other grave hcing dug. Ris lipà tbincd as be saw thcm drop ,ube tarp-covcred dead ma-n imb ute muddy grave. H-e sawAh Xbhot drain what wxas icI t of a botuler of whisky, then toss the empjty boultIe imb the grave. "Cover hirn u tp, boys>" lîr said "Hle's deaid. So's the boutle." Mac and Webb had rjddcn away. The sherîfi caught up withtb îen as thcy neachied towri., «'Drop 'in and sec rue at the of- fice, Webb," be said, iheni rode on alead.1 Webb and Mac rode, tlîrougb, the pilues to lber cahin, Webb put xvood on tbe open fiIre and tbcy sat te witlouitalîg Thcy xxere sitîng thene ix heii the slberiff's av'fe carne witb a laden "Ste bsnî tuchcda bitenin 1 don knxx ow ong" lte xhite- lîaredIlis.Robenis btld Webb. rNwyumn along and l'il look afe e.It'sý a woman's job, urnes "'If xu nced me," said VNlcbb, 'scnd soniebody t10 flîd me. 1 a"on'l be faIr off" He wike uptuestreet 10 the sheifi ofice Hak Rbents mo- tioncld 1 chairý,1 "Wbb Igo't ba ncwsfor yufî." ireou i can sr--1iadil.lct' tifuder s anug_ý1ly i g omake againuLa2lan1,1l.aild uhe murder of a finýd adds 1 is ulns.The triael o Wýehb Wneslaýsed two days. Thoe )mbrscdthe Sciso-BiIPcool bo ad joincd Ab Abbot in ipressýing the mc iurder ebarge gave ibein esinoy.'hey had lost a part of thiithree thon- sand dollars that bad vaniished. They opc>nly accuscd Webb of mur- der an(ldite theft of that mloney. Ah Aîhbot and two Triaingle men svlorc thley had senWebb? and Býob ride togeuber logibe -trail thtldto tBob',s pac.Tlîcir testi- rny con ficted ,wi iî Web' sworn siaternen i t at iîd 1leftý Bob tai th Ork of thl tril Wcübb sat lu the cpackcdetl courtroorn during thouse two day- cf the trial with bis jaws clarnpcd tighly, bis narroxved cycs xaicbing the men wbo aecused hlm of rnur- der. Besîde hlm sat the sherifl, grave, sof t spoken, îiou unfriendly to' the, prisonen. Bchiind theru sat Mac and thie sherifi's wife. Now and, then Mac xould lean forward and xvhis- per' soîne word of encouragement to the accuscd manx, and the bard ligbt iii Webb's cyca .a ould mornen- îarily soften. Mane kepi ulling hlm she knew bec a innocent, that hie xould Viin ont, Wben Ah Abbot -and. bis mcin werc callcd to the xiîness stand, Sheriff Haîîk Roberts laid lis band on Webh's atm. "Easy son, 1 doni x sto put handcuffs on yuh." Webb bad no(*ddd.[liesok througlu clencbed teef l.s eye "il ag no x uslîy taîl, tian. Iaint doc uitbAbbot. le ohei iit 'cil nî u he ~îan andlic.li py Cm o ff some day ~ ~ îP i iiîkl o Andenson i i or ibix1 kî]led ibm t ni'angl'-' MAGICm,'akes baking fine-textured, delicious i t..... ý'-. i. ...... - pcf~c geie o iii n la1 t 1l1i uîenia angui lifsudiitOlci . 'iet uvecre not ehildu cQix tîotiie out laie 2o'-.bojilufroii fiue tarnt- uns. le xi s lte firstxuI ne - y-et now hee bas thxe auidac;tx to say ieebavc eheux otl-ers! "lcuas a,.cad. Aftertis ex- peieeItilik ail mieut arc s- fih.Co1îceiiedskks sarcd to o. beatteiilî' 1dou't s how1 1if Y01 lov JU-ST ANOTUE'R F)L i A HURT HEART Vi l'nafraid'yoe stw crsi cm a poor liglut. Bae ycmr- *vatbappeîîc!d. 'Von vcî'tai Y1oî w tc uaut d rO (li iudrint Bu ii-t wrniyu, e'oil vu ioi epruixptly becautle a catj,d anti1oe of the rcace of skunks. repebesihe.But ausldxo- an auwouild haxeseeniudcii s duni ng tîxe "-onhp" prid that x o hdlave saved ,er frou-n igo;ig )of f bbc deep end.ý Slhe, w xouid !bave ienpercdh1,,ivýot- *ship Aitli restant, aid oxc *henscif a ortby of itit i vcr poweriîîg love slxckue "- Votbitternîssdesyz. Scredit. \Vlere no-,v is tîl gre ~ oeiliat snay cd ou sBe Ce j caus 1youarce iilsiie.you termani 'fu ît groeÇii-o spte. A bitrlicayet i dealy anyof ad o il s oe ixc Yo iocariourou n uî 'x-ýine R c areibis siovnu li mb ixhiclu y'lo ouhvsuuk. Tatir xx ba is c oxi 10 you li acoo- desprt. Vno laed fi ighu stakersad- a d yoloi inh hii. If you cave, yo koîx TiisS rie ,aboveue nt. Amakeyou nuore * esypauiblîti xanidlgoton,îa uxonîcu, *hieau iiîclioag yortcoureif *o ihite youait manier agai co- Whr dTnuauoîeeviouokî u *o coui to,,sec ail otrs onast.'ve aphumaiýte ii ibaîuonc ted ynu a nd seaîdiuîg sudcai y-on csoaiye dat onCoreg* o nd i * lgi Ti ygirhave o edaod rgliser rise aovgenlu Admoi yoi how responsibilîyn avigoion ansronge a12V' rwmn An irtwl v~swindy, cold and depressing, 'hebue wasn't fit for visitors and for sorn'e uluw es 1 could not flnd the cnergy to give it the proper LLeaniug it reqirelýý-cîcan- ing wxhich 1iuîotcnddpostpjoning1 tfl our -heiate,,d sing show sresign of turinlg that core so lon3g. So 1I-1ent word ito rny ntece suggesting she ovisit usa l tl mine. And ilhen wlxat bappened? The weather reaily changed and it has been xarmn and sunny. And the hetter the weather, the' nicaner 1 frît! 1 have- one consolation - it i eally xiii be icer in a couple of, %veeks wl ben thc spring flowers arc ont and' the Ir7ees and shrubs corne into leaf. And maybe by u1hen, our worries au the haronxxilI be over. Another caîf arrived yesterC.ay and two more are expectefi any day And xxhile wve are on tht subjecis of barn a ork, it mighu interesu you to hear of a rather curions experi- erce we bad' heme lasi week' lu our horse stable t,îere are tbree electric light swltch boxes, ail in a row, When Partner turned ont the light one night, lic got a shock. We 'phoned the electricians and they prornised to look afuer the trouble the next day. But the next rnorning Fariner and Bob hotbî tricd the switches and nothing hap- penied, yet ai noon Partier wa:s shnckcd again. \Vhcn the electric- ians ,arrive,lh(iey worked the switches and so did Bob. Nouhing ha.ppened.,"Guessthe trouble nmuat lave righied ud1"one of thcm said. Then Painner itrie-d ih agairi. "Oh -no' it hasn1't ! As fan a.s I arnÏ concerned, iifs silîl, kicking like. blazes!" So the elÀectricians went to wonk openlng u tp Luhle boxes. One box, that w hich housed the ihree-way sw itch. xvas choked with dint and cliaif, and had becorne d'nmp witb înosture from the stable. This col- lectýI.in xxas cleaned out and new switches installcd iin cacb box. But every trne the rn wanted to test the switcbes, it was Parbien wbo had to do it-be was tbe only oui- it would shock. Why?, The an- swer, was in bis boots! Partuen was wvearing leather boots; the other three men wcre wearing icng.rib- bers. That morning when Fariner had tried the switcli and had not Leen sbocked, he, too, was wearing rubber boots. Now, wbat would have t appened if the truLad gone on withont heing detctledl is aný-one'sguecss. caused a shoGrt cir-cuit an1d îtduirnatcluy led to a fine, we ý,don't krsovw, but the electricians were dliiitely agi ced it was a matten tia needcd attcnding to. Our switcb boxes have been in operation for fiveyears wiîhout giv- .1 '-i -1 CINNAMON SANDWICH BISCUITS Mix andr sift oncie, ihen sift into a bowl, 2 c. once-siftedî payfoeur (or 1.H c. o-nce-sifted herd-wheat foeur), 3 tsps. MgeBaking ode,,i4 tsp. salt and 4 c. fine granulated sugair. Cul in finieiy 4 tbs, chilled shortening. Combine1we- beaten egg, jý c. iand Y2~ tsp. vanilla. MaIre a wellinh dry ingredientqs and iad liquids; mix ightly witb a fork, additig milh- if necessary, 10 inake a sofi dough. Knead for 10 sco)nds on 1ightîy-fioured bQard and rol ont toea hikes sha1pewit i. lou.rd 1/a"cuter Cream toethV'1 bo, soft butter or margarine, c. lghty-pakedbrowvn su!gar, il:; Ip. graited t~se orange ritid and 3-. tp. grounid namn Usig only abou aif of -"he creanted1 mixture, placea r'ounids of doughi; top ithïeininjg round(s of dougix and prese aound dges tae sai, Spread bis- cuits it1) remýaining e-readmiteadar ranmge, lightly apark, ,on greased cookie shet Batein hot oe,450', abouýt12 minute. Srv wrnYed-16 bisciite. à 'Y i-icucî îe.~s1r 'rto .iîîgclas- sic ba Iy andc'fam ctoyour houe.Doue u No 50 cttlnin Y ei ike 3; -,scai e o much Y011'11 tiucliet a iitkîubf set! Patteru 89.3: d cios;carts. ,Seod TWENTY-FI1VE CE-NTS îo conis (stanipa cnut e ac- ciŽpied) for- this patueru to BoRx 1, 1Z 3Eigliteetiih St. NwToronto, O nt.. Priit-I plainly PATTERN NUMBER, voun NAME and AD-. DRESS. H Rà~edoLrN1t C, L E for Joy froni tree-top-, etiat are h lmc îîo,biu tx t eln huds ta gxeproise of neixlife long iliicomis . nw w iio we nex er beard uiî uhlikssiî so sxvecLV udrtlîorobiîs c irps happiliz. Sprigis awodefu tinie a urnme fr who e nw al01o; lnex tesInes . .. ad new v ork. Riglt îiow, 1 ain vriting froin my por table sunrooni-alias thc Junue Bug, alias our car-and frorn this vantage point, 1 tan watch the cows alternately suoninig ard-exëiÈ- cising thcmtsclves lu the yard. May- bc cows doîî't undersfa:jd mucb about birds and buds ilîey seeni to necogrnze spring more by iheir sense ofs sreil., About tiuis trne of y car, votnsec bovinîe noses lifted hig i in the air.and there is a definite iquisitiveness about w bat nlay lie on the other side of thc fence. Who know 5-coine day tbeîcright even, be a blade oýf green grass growîng! And, where a person xxould clap their bands for Joy, cows and young cattle Ici go ,witli their heels a-nd chase ceaci, other around ibe yard. 'eÉli x îe r ibis wcrct is c-au1sefor rjicnbut h ýalso ,ls> rnc witb rcmorsc. Von s ec, last Wedncsday carne ia Iler frorn a nîccc, asking if it xvould be fahl right to couic for tbc w7eek-enid, arriving an of oun young relatives are more thlan w'lcorne, but whcn ibis letter amivetl, ile bouse was inches dccl) in dusi; the furnace was stilI goîng full blast xvib dîiy, smoky coal. D.s a resuli, 1 baven't even staried l-ous.ecleaning -m-nd the a caiher FL ITE ÎS Canada's Favourite Water-- paint beca use it's so economical, so easy to mix and apply with brush or roller, dries odoriess În an hour to a durable, cleansable finish. In 8 colors and whte!1 Why not get the best for lessl Ask your paint dealer now for color card. --jMADE Sk WESCO WATERPANTScqAnx) ~LTU. 2100 ST. PATRICK< ST,MOTA. - WORLDS'LARGES? WATERPAINI MAKERS ibil îng any, trouble cxcept fo. one or tw.o occasions when tie three-way switch for the pole ligh' would iyork, frorn the bouse, but flot frons the barn. Mavbe that was the trne --hen it shouild have been looked at. But it righited îseif and, i our ig- 1,orancre, we thouight no more about Now I 1arn passing this bi, of in- formiation along for whai it is xsortb. Every one knows electricity can't bc fooled xxîsh, but sornetirnes there is danger when one doesr't even know that danger e'Àsts, A yearly check-up rnighs bc a good idea! RELIEF is»- LASTING, Nobody knows the cause of rheuma-. tismr but we do know there's on* thing to ease the pain.. . it'a INSTANTINE. And when you take IxsTANTSNE the relief is prolonged because INSTANTINE contains flot onle, but three proven medîcal ingredients. Trhese three ingredients work together to bring you flot only fast relief but more prolonged relief. Take INSTANTINE for fast headache relief too. . or for the pains of- neurîtis or neuralgia and the aches and pains that often accompany a cold. Cet Instantine today . and always keep it handy ts tanmt Ens0 i 2-TableS Tin 25e Econamical 48-Tablet Bottle 69Î' ISSUE 18- 1950

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