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Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1950, p. 8

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ORONO WEEIKLY TIilý$ THURSDAY, 3AY 4th, 1950> '47 DODGE SEDAN..........$1,475.00 C'ustom Radio '46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN...... ........ $1,375.00 Custom Radio "'42 CHEV. SEDANETTE ..... ......... $1J145.00 Beautifufl Finish and Interior. Loaded with Chromre. '42 MERCURY SEDAN .......... ...... $695.00 NwType Motor. Good Mechanically', butl needs a paint job ý'37 PONTIAC SEDAN . . . . .$à95.00 Chev. Motor '36 DODGE SEDAN ............$445.00, Good Moter. Td Appearance 3CHEV. COACHl............$245.00 Runs Well SPECIAL - MODtEL ",A" FORD COACH $245.00 53,000, Miles. Clean as a pin. CASH - TRADE -TERMS KIRBY Mr. E. R. Bry\son i hns- been 'busy shingling hits house. MisLq Donna Souch ç4t,,iyed w lhier i ndparenits for theweknd Mrs. Stanley Chapmani has her zister visiting with hier. Mrs. Kenlenderson nietie her isister over the week-end. Several ladies attended the furu. iture sale in Orono 'on Saturday. 1Mrs. Pabion Mrs. Bill an'a and Rose viscited with Mes. E. Eas Orono, on Thursday. b Keep in mind that Siunday ,\ ýchool,; is atit 0 .n. nd echuich at 1lba.m. 11ext Sunday. Mr. and Mvs. Jacký Reid Bancroft, vsited Friday and 1;aturdaýy with Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Wannan. Mr. and Mvs. W. Rutherford, r and Mrs. Mdlton Wainn ad Mr. ,and Mrs. Harold Souchi and faumily visitet1 Mr. and Mdrs. James, Wannan on Friday evening. KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. George Clark spent the week-end at their sumnier home hexe. Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Wallace cof Tor- onto, spent 5unday weith Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Reynold. Mr. aind Mos-. T. Garhbutt and Jackl w1Mr. and Ms Jamies Swarbriýck1 on i 5rnday. Mr. Robert Alexandàer, Mr. George- Carley and son Bruce w.ith Milýr. and MrS. B. Alexander. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woodcock (nee Shirley Thtll) on the birth of a son, Daid Norman, on April 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stevens and Marion, Newtenbreok, and Fred and Les Stevenis of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. AI Stevens. Mi-S. Potter and Eric Mead of Peterborou~gh, jim Gordon. Oshawa, nd Mr.anid Mcs. Loyd Barnes with Mr. and Urs. Enîl Buriey. Mrs. Bruce Anderson and Freddie, Mrs. ,Wlfred ltoughley, David anid Donnie, Rs Roughley and MIi ss Jepan Vrial of Oshawa, wih Ms. L. Thoýrv e on. Suniidiyt M-sVAec Iloskin was qiiietly mmvu- ri to Mr, C. AMcManm son April St in~ ~~~i A'çy.NYHi te Court Buildi- in yJudge Bookstehn. The brideý Prea nvy tailored suit with navy! und whl-iIe accessories. JMrs. RoyHercer, Mosrý. M. LUxOln Mr. .Keneyand Mrs. P~Soe iattended the meeIng, of th1.I D)istýr ict Officers when jýthepoga mfor th dstic . 1. con ivention11,toý bie ld in the Kendal United Churchý on_ May SO wasaraed Mr. lake Alexýander anod Mi. d- lieCoou werec taken to Oshnwa! IRositalfor[-ry on Mondnay andi is. Alexander was; detained in 'hoz-ý socon to lhear thiat both nladies arej Ail1 the creeks aro)und liere had thel -4tentîon of b)usy- fishiernmen on the] firsit day, of the ftising- season. Wei hlear t'hat the fioli wereP biting good ini spite of the cokiwed he.Mr,.Heb PReyýnolds had a good ctcbut did 1 oct sticeed lunbaglging a gTrand- daddy. lEvidcntly the big ones got away The Env. Dr. R. Lorne M.ýcTavish oïl the Ontario Teinperance Federation, xvas the pm,,--eher on 5unday morni- ing Ï t the Kend:il Unitcd Churcb. 5,pËakýing of develo'ping the best1 sible ýChris4tian character of ithe ecul- drcm, he stated tihat the child has a right te a whoiesome and social en- rironment and to safeguard our ch il. dren îs the hîghes.t function of our Ctol PORT &. Fr1., & Sat.,. May 5 - 6 "A. Holiday Alfair" With Robert Miitchiiumand f ~ " aash venue" Wiýth Betty Grable, Victor M4ature and Phi! Barris IN TECUINICOLOR Wed., Thur., Mlay 10, Il ";MOTH1ER JIDN'T TELL MF' With Dorothy MCGutire "THE PURPLE HIEAýRT" CÔLOR CARTOONWith Dana A11dr-ýe DARGAINS IN WALLPAPER While they last, over 60 patterns of Sunworthy Wallpapers at We also have iii stock maniy extra BPorders. SHlOP EARLY AND SAVE MONEY SUNDAY, MAY l4th is Mother 's Day Select -your Mother's Day Card front our Comnplete Stock of New Attractive Desigiis Priced f rom S5e. each to 25c. each IMOTHER'S DAY GIET SUGGESTIONS Perfumes and Colognes, Dusting Powders, Perfume Sets, Water-, man Fountain Pens and Penceils, Neilsou's Chocolates, Brùsh Comb and Mirror Sets, Prophylactic ilair Brushes, Smiles 'N Chuckles Chocolates, Hudaut Compacts,- Stationery, Kodak Cam- eras - Ail gifts mnay be gift wrapped or wrapped fôr mailing at NO EXTRA COST. Christian homes. W. Ajý Meeting The W. A. he-ld thei-r monthly meeting in the Sunday Schoel roori pn Frhday niglit, Aprîil 2th, \Vith, the president, Mrs. Roy Mercer, lu the chair. The roll eall wasý answer- cd by a currýen.t event. Mrs. A. Low read the scripture, the sbject-being "I Believe ini Christ". Mrs. Reg. El-J liott gave a reading etiitied "Grow- iag Old." Humorous readhnig by Mrs lLow was found very eiýticainiing when names of the Kendai -As;ocia- thon were subs'titmteed for the original onýes. The re-adiing wasnîtieid "Mi-s. Candid (rettains the Ladies' Aid oet" Thie president men- tioned lthleaugrp quit whhch was in themeaking, depitinig the Kendai Un -tdChiulch wh lhuhs alieady been emibroidered in the centre with lthe namres of the E]ldeos awd Stew- ards fL -rthe C!rurch ul on n it. Manynams hve aiso e ben emýbroid- ere, but teeis stiIliron lfor nmany mior e. The n1,ext meeting takes plae il, the undySehool ronilom onWed- nesay ftmnonMaiy 24tb. After the meeting w-as coedwt th- Mhz- paih Beeicin*teldis joyed -a chat over refrcshmniits, WESLEY VILLE, Mr. and Mrs. ifred Bee spent witrdy in Hamilton. MI.ind Mrs. ýGeorge Tufl'ord spent Suniday in Cold ISprings. Mirs. Lloyd Burley and daughteos cf Oshawa nisiited with Mr. and Mos. Roy N ichols last week. Mos. Percy Ho1skin and eidren of Welcome spent Monday wth Mrs. George Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCullough of -New,ýtonvile visited wth Mr. and Mv's. Percy Snell Moniday evenihng. Sunday Schoolws held ut 11.00 with Mr. Clarence Nicholîs acting as supeiatenident. .Mr. and Mos. John Scllick of ,Tom- onto, spent the week-end wth Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred. The WstEnd Groirp cf the Wo- mnsAsýsociaLtion mept ait the home cf :Mis. C. Pyetoc begîn work 'on their psroject. Serveraýl fromo the commiiunity at- tended a bmusiýh drontato el at the home of AMrs. Pcercy Hosýkin cf Welcomie. Mos. W. T. Nicholls of Port Hope, Mr. aad Mrs. Roy. Nichoils atitençled the funceral of Mrs. Eýyam iof Stouif- ville. Sovweral frolli tht-e ceanmiiuity at- tende'd the Hlobby Shoýw at the Poýrt Hope Tow1n ïHall Friday nnd Satur- day. Church was hleld Suniday evnning wth a good atnac.On May 7th, the church is to bc re-eped and service wili be hcld . at 11.00 with specia ushe by Mr. and Mtos. Ron Doggett. Mm. anTd Mrs. Bob Bihl and Danya Jan,ýe 'spent Sundayvwith Mr. and Mi's. Edgar Bar rowcl ouughi and Laurel etmndhomne te-Port Hope after viitig ith h'er aunt il-id The ounig Peophe heid ametn On Wednesday, evening in tihe school house w-,ith thirteen prIe Sent. Mr. Ah. ian 110 Boldaway, the cenivelnier, gave his topic oni "Fuith". There Will be ne0 lneeitihng next week rs the Young Peop le are presenting their playj "Pigitails" et Carnpbellcrofht.1 c. B. TYRRELL Drugs - Agent for,Jackman Fiowers PHONE 68 : ORONO, Ont. REMIEMBER MOTHER'S DAY MAY l4th Ladies' Rayon Briefs, assorted colors,, sizes ,smiall, miedium or large, each ............. 49c. Childre-n's Cotton Ankie Socks, assorted colors, sizes 5 to 8!2, pair........ ............. 29c. Woodbury Dream Stuif, the newmiralemake- up. Powder and Founidation inone, only...,.. 65c. Sheif Paper, Royledge Plastic Chr-ome, 9 ft pie- ces, 2 for............. ............. 25e. Ladies' Cotton Vests, No Sleeves, O. S. sizes, each............. ..... .......... 75c. L-adlies' Rubber Gloves, sizes 6¼I to 9, pair 3c BoyTs' Cotton Athiletie Shorts, sizes 24 to 32, pdair 59c Boys' Cotton Athletic Shirts, sizes small, me- dium and large, each..........49C, W1ýhite Plates, 9 inch, each..........25c, Wýhite Plate1s, 6 3-4 inch, each............ 15c. WhVite Fruit Saucers, each.........15c. White Oa-_tmieal Dishes, each ... .. .......... 15e. GROCERY FEATURES --ink Salmnon, Fancy Keta, V/2 lb. tin........ 19c. Special-ArroýwCreami Style Corn, 20-oz. tins, 3 for......... 29c. Libby's Deep Browned Pork & Beans, 20 oz. tins, 2 for.....35e. special Feature, Choco-OrneP, . late Mallow Biscuits, rne eo lb. ...... ...... 39C. '/2 lb. 59c. Mixe d Vegetýables, containing Carrots,, Golden Wax Beans, Green Beans, Green Peas, Celery, 20 oz tins ....... .. ......... .. ....... 15e. Libby's Fancy Sauerkraut, large 28 oz tins_...16,C. Canada Dry Ginger Ale (contents only), large_ bottle for.............. .......... 20c. Special - Chiateau Cheese, ý'2 lb pkg........ 25c. Log G('abin Chocolates, hand dip- r~~LoeO1 ped, hard or soft centres, 10 JELL varieties to choose from., lb... 50c. Richardson's Buns, Cakes, Dough- nuts, etc. To save disappointmnent leave orders early Friday and Tues- dlay mornings. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR PO0PULAR SHOPPING CENTRE HARTLEY H. BARLOW FUNERAL DIRE CTOR & HOME FURNISITINGS Oronoc, Ontario At Your Service in Timte of Need FOURTEEIN YEARS7 EXPF.RIENCE Phone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) F or Mother's Day Send Beautiful Cut Flowers and Flowering Plants wil] be in stock Saturday mnorning, May lSth. See next week's issue of THE TIMES fo r Prices. Please- Order Early. DEE'TEE MO0TH FUME CRYSTALS 'Safe protection from moths, eggs and larvae TIN 41c i pli 3 for 21c.

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