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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1950, p. 1

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ORO NO Vol. 14 No 20 O1ONO. ONTý. qE 8th, 1950 Subscription $1 50 pec Year Work Soon To Commence Oný ]Building 0f New Church' ~con~mniy my be gettiing n'alittie1 imjpa'bijenrt 5as o bthe progreas e h w-rk ýaïtthe ch-urclihbuilding. Thirel are now si'gns- of action th ai, vwork 'will co neini the niear future. it -aIl akes considerable turne to' trDroiÈotal the litle detaiis o-f cen-L atruion'beorethe masteir' *]leÇ print is ready for .building. Y,-r 1 -ýorrmilttee hias held severai meetingsl wit'h Ue architecit, and.& lt la hoped -thal, withiin a ew dys the final d- cisions wî e made and the nmater -- plian ready to bLe put inito operaIlti. Frowei then &a thre progress of theý ýbdidl) f the inew ghureh -1will >e -watehed wth great ibterest. Betore any eonstruetl,11or oiI' xca. vatipe work is atteropted tIre brIlki ruble miust be ceaered aiwy. ýA large -aomun of this has1been learedi away by a îemw bands, but tI a lot re-1 maln te Le done in tht rspect 'Maiy Ilands inake ight -work, and we -underrstanîd thebaiding comrmitteei are iýhol4ing two bees this week, one on -Wednesday -and the other on' Sat-i ura.Carlos Tamiblyn l'a the organ-1 izer,. If sufficient help turns o n h 5oh 'eould be coripleted. Every houri ,of vomrteer leibour mreans savingeo- -finance, and w wil'l needanId our fiî- nanoocs to finish the new structure. -P ore je you.r *opportunity, Vo ntonl.y hasten thle job, but suPplyv thbe inuch needed help. Next Christ- msyen will nover miss; the dayo itaîïf day,, spent at the efhurch.My -we '-look' for your full Ce'-oper-'%l'on 'on Wedmesday and Saturday of thisý week eç o that eertMn i'l bho in'i readinies for the d-Iigintg of the ne-Ir baseomen't and tho -elay'ýing of the ce- Donnyhro.k Fair Prsceeds foro at) n Jf Parsonagel ;1 'le carvas that thie wrlter liasi nmcdo pup to date eeyparty bas 'had lier doiation' te the Dontyhrook Sale well thoucight ouL and articles ready bca heieted. Bn iost Cases, in the counversatiojn re suitajile and saleable artiees, mu-re have been g-ladly add- ed. 'lo every 'home--niaker the comi- msbtee ini charge are asking for the tma cc-opuratiqn. The Pareonage latihe 'only building Ieft 4banding ýto represent our church proer ty. was paînted by the Wo- -nneAssociation about eight years ago and shoulfýd have been done serv- eli i!res, since. Sorne of the in- teri-or bas been more earefully cared for, pap.eriaig and pninfiting having been done 'n soaine roo0nis wthregu- laiity. The -kitchen, anad sun roorn whici wa btit bot 5vears ago and wvhi appears tco have had nio paint orrpir sinco, are sadly in, need ofL -attenition. 'The executive of the Wo- man'ijs Association feel this is our re- spostlbliy and I arn sure, with your elwe caa have our parsonage a. reasionably suitable dweling ýfor our -iitrand hie family whîen the rnew Olvo0ose your dntosfron teé lists r"doaypublilshed. IN ext week owillilhegin o advertise cone 0f!o-tr sale. Ge 1emn We wold ne thrilled to bave sornm iesek Oommteein chârge; r.Mlo Tamboflyn, Mrs. 'M. H. Staples, miss Mahel Davsy, Mi.a. OrleyOhpn, Mcc RymndChaman and Mrs. lrneMartin. Newcastle Congregation Denate $550 To NeW Church The Fi nance Cnite of the Building Fund of Park Street United Church, Orotio, wish te give a shbort report of the wonder-fnl assistane iindeired by our, maniy friends outsidie of our owni people. .On Sunday. May 28th, our cor the chairnnof the Finance Commiit- tee, and rnany of our people visited Newvcastle United Chnurchi, being the: date set for thiir presentation ofi niIoiey te ouruldn fund. Need-1 les~s o say they aequitted tbeqnselvesý very creditaàly.' Mr.~ Bonathanl, treasurer of the church, presented the ehâltalaan of yofur coniittee-with a$55a.000,entcontribution from- a very generous people on souri behalf. It would seeni thaýt this con- tribution, started off the week on the riglit folot, ýor every, day during last xtsaJ, up t) andi brlguing Saturiday, n-voney rollod!ej i far and near oatusIde 'en -sr Omajpeople. Th'es tangbloe ymipathetic dona- tions are of gro-at enicouragement, -,n.d we hnpe that sve'ry effort will ho put fo-tbh on the homne front to seâ this great î as'k throufgh. Oni beffaIf of your finante commit- tee we say thank, youi for your gener- osit. Mrs. Lenora Ross 1On tenornling of May 29th, 1950, Jessie Lonora 'Williaimson, beloved ifeof Dr. Percy J. Ross%, passed awnaitab er 'home in Detroit Michi-'j gan, aiter ýa lfýngthy illin-sa. Mrs. Ross was a d-e-ugL'ter of the late Fýrederick Willian-ieon' and Jes- - ieCtteIl. SIte mas ýborn in Orono and Iived here al cf fber early Is For fievears e httrher enart'1ieta, sfire tnugiht siol at Charke Utniotn arid Westor, Ont. After lier -mar- naoge she lived in Sudbury for ono year~ and in Dotro)it for, twenty-four y yars. Shle s -urmivp-d hy erihusbnnd, one dauglte'r, Mrs. M. A. Clar-ke (Elean- nior), andi cao son Hubert, also two çisters, Mrs. Henry Junker of Pres- onOni, and Mrs. Kate Kill- mast r etroit. The sevce was conduetsd frorn tlhe Rigeley Funieral Homie on May 1st ytihe Rev. Mallory Fitzpat- ik of Figt Cong regationtalOhurch, wlith' interlnient in Grand LawinCornie- tely, Detroit. The eceptionlfoa tributes showsd bhe blir hesteeni la whlc'h shie mas held by ber friends. Conference Appoints Rev. James Hampsonl To Bethany Rev. Jamres Ilaipson on Friday of las wee ws appointed Vo'the Beth- anyYeveronE'bneercharge froni whIich Rev. "W. NK. Crandall resignied aera dispute over infant haptisin. IMr. Hmpsnsappointrnent mas one of 28 announced by the Bay of. Quinte con-f er-enjcoof hsUnited Chutrdh cf CanadaL. 1Mr. ~ndl recently refused te continue baDtizing Infiants hecause, ho said, îlhere is no sciptural back- injg for the ý pr>act'ic,'of conducting < (Co»tfinuA ffon Page four) Golden Meadow Jerseys Win Top Honours At Brooklin AV th Ontario and Duir-ram Parisll rhw eld la con junotion mirVh BokinSpring Fair, on11Sntunday, Jqlne Srld, sixaanimaule frein thoe d sf Dr. W. WN. Siermin more amarded 17 p,,rises lai tIre varioný,s lasses, Te7 nmonths old Jer-sey bull "Gol- den lledow Spoting Baron,", mas hs seýsatilonalhi'gh'ligir cof tIre show. Heshaveg mon fet pQniz l9 large class 6f Senor BUll Classes, met n o i Vs unior Ch-aio n- plri, und laer, was declaned the Grand > ran'ticnbull cf hs siro, a-i er- mhichIre mas sho'wn' a inteopeni dass fur Best Dairy Callf, ail ïDainy! Bmeedeý, wher'e'ho was again declared: tir miner Hle ired by "Pinetree Spoiltng Baron", receniy purchnsed by)ýj -W? H. Miner-, Gr-iniby, Queec '$nd iOnsid(ýeod by rnany pronen Jersey breede rs as ViS geaee bneigsire in tire provýince. ifs am s "L~nrdge Basilla Lo -swho liras an R.O.P. recordi as a 4-year-eld cf 10543 Ibs. ailk, CWM7 ->Sc butteriýft tUtinlg '9.76'0 'W-in Q n d-Q rd .ý silver mn'ojis for but- er fat producton. Rer tmo daugh- ers mon 2n'd prize for Progony of Dami, Ioth being celassified "Ver-y ",Golden Meadom Beacon's Lady", shwby Donald Sherin, mon firet place f.nn Be.st Junior Heifen som by oy'ude 15 yeairs; -alsec first pize as Beaýt Junior- He'ifer hln the reglar shcm ind meitn t ovini the Roe-sJuiior Caiiosi.She aIseon fre--t pize for BstDairy Hleifer-,ail hrreedJs. In Vie Junior Par-mer-s' Sectýin Irýýe mas waaded 3rd pizo for beet dairy caf, 111 Th i Thre daughtens caf Edglea Basil P>uhterboy" (Excellent), Vie firat herd sire cn ths Golden Meadom Fan, in - omed hy Harold Butchen (Jrsy iîdmarn) of St. George, Ontarl, wsvre aiarded 2rud place ini Mn. Bert JIVLcGatI cf Weack Vhsi OpnGýet cf Sire Class. herdsnan cf Vi.-e Don Rlend Jersey FamRichnmrond Hil, mas VIre Chet X-Ray Clinic, Town- *sip Hall, Oronio, june-15-16 throughiout Clarke Towns1hip froiri the 4th tq t0th conýcession, for the~ TLB.Xra cliniic to be fied in Oronol next Thrsa mad Fiiday, These canva"Jsseris are giving their- tinie vl untarily to conitact you and yu familfies, per-Sonally, makin'g à it po aýibe fo-r you to ask any questions you wa iout this woniderfnl oppor tui.Vy of having a free chestX- Tubercuilosis can be eured, vented and entirely wiped oýt4 rý la wlay an X-ray clinic lat,) tow,ýn. There is no longer 1r son why people should die of ii cudoss. To-day, thanks -to td4 scecwe have means, flot or-nly el curing --.his dread disease, but of end-, ing it forever as a mienace to human' 1f e, heaith and happiness. Newv à the tinie for your X-r ay. Do rot nim Tht's X-ra.y survey is a conmuflityi effort, financued by ' he Christmia' Seal Fund. YourX-a is absüe twelve'years of age and ovar. Young' er children w-111 be done, ailuo request. Reeninîber, Orono Town'ship Hall, june l5th nand lj6th, any tme during the hours: 10 ari. to 12 noon; 1p.m to 5.15 pern. and 7 p).m. to 9:.15 P.-- Skiler Wilcox There pa'ased away at his late resi- dencýe, 434 Dundas St. E. Toronto, on Saturday, June, Srd, 1950, Skiler Wil-' cox, beloved husband of AliceWicx The late Mr., Wilcox will be re- memibers by sie of the oderresi- dents 'of Ororio and the comomunity, as he at one time lived in, Orono. He was, a Stone mason by trnde and also a cement wovker. Places stilli stan.d in Oronio as a remindePr of his survlved b is -%4a e, (fu i sons, Wilbert, Willliam. Normran and Madison, and one daughtex Vilda. Seiyice iwas held at the chapel of1 Wasihin.gton' d Johnstoai, 717l Queen StreéeToýro-nbia, on Tuesday, J«une eth at 2 'par., with interrment being made at Toronto NecropoLes. Potats Blackening Causing Cencero Why potatoos turn dark, whoa, cooked is a questionVIrat is being asked by consumera la maay parts of Canada.- For -yoars scientists in dif- ferent parts cf hs morld'-have been astking tie sanie question, but so far withoiit mach succeas. They admit that hs problean is an involved and complex one and agres etat n single factor la responsible for this bînoken- ing cf potaitoes on boiling and sug- gest that a nomiintion of rchated factors ail play sorne part in hs procese. Some of Vhs cotribiag factoce causing potatoes Vo disco!our on coeking are considened 'Vo be temiper- attire, fei'tilizers, soil, variety and certain complex chemical factors tint Vo date iare' prcvi-ng el usive Vo investigators,. TIrey do kntow, how- ever, ýthat temperaiturepînlys conte part lJinneasirg or- accserating tIre production cf hs factor tlhat even- tualy causes the hînckening in the potato. Inuvesti*gators have fonnd ifor instance, that littîs;or no baknn was observed in potatoes - mtu r-r ed when VIhe temperature maus 70 de- grees F. or blgher, but that hlackea- mngwas incrensed when tho tempera- ture dropped Io 60 dogrees, Realizing the importance cof hs problom o 'hs potato growing indus- try, N. M. Parke,, Assoiate Horti- cultuniat and Potaito Speciallat, Cen- trail Experimental 'Faim. Ottawa, ia set up an etniese-ies cf ex- periments Voy study tire probloni. In addition to these investigations heing conducted by the Exlperimental Fanis Servi-c.e, h rolmis falec reeii v ttention by ,Vhie Cn a HoricltualCouncil, by thet Fertil- izer Advtlaony Board Cfor, Onta"rio and by other prýovincial gnis in 14 Canladians pad hy indir5ct taeto feden-al, provîincIalý and muini-1 cipal oeaet $,5i000 Canadians spent more Viman 1savon, nind a 'half 'bilion dollarsinrti istores i 1949, an ail4-time higb. tary', report clotblng hjad ped lest aio Mrs. W. E. Sherwini, Ml Circle endei with girls,w gether and inth foir over-seas resuez'. .Ar-mstrong and Mliss E. kssion Band and Mission ers spoke cf thein workI who oùccnsionaily moot te- cometirnes ini separatte TIre ladies more delighted to have a visit fro(nl Mcc.ý W. W. Pa-tter-soni of Nemwcastlo, mospoke briefIy about different experionces in! ber owni difs. quoting tmo of her faivorite pooros. A social tune mas spent at tIhe close, whsnrou 3. under thre leadership of Mrs. 1Ed. Dean, served refreshmnents. Port Perry Pouttryman Honorcd By Pakistan Coït. 1Artatir Brýunton, mdil known Port Perry poultrymiian and egg producer-, wa's ienored in Ottamva on Thureday, Jane I1eV mi e o as snmrn-oned Vo the Pakistan Embassy and mas Vlere pnresented ry Pakistan igi Comimis- sionýer Mloiammed Ali ith a hand w'rcughit silver ton serIvice, fine eut giasses3 and a decanten. Tis gift was miade Vo, Mn. Brunton by hs state cf Pakista in recognition of Iis -assistance in improvement cf, the poltry indUstry cf thit country. Mn. Bruntn, Irospeciahizes in igh quaity breeding stck in Rhode Island Red poultry, las yar receiv- ed an order from 'he Pakistan gor'- 'eralment to shlp timo dezen 1hatching eggs by lair Vo Pakistn.Iaistead cf sending two dozen, Mn. Brunton des- patched lfvs -dozen. When akehy the Pakistan goverameat Vo submnit his bill, ho declined Vo do so. TIre eggs, ho saidl, mero 'sent ns a gesturs ct lgoodilVo Pakistan from CCana- dian far-nere. OntIre arrivaIlof P-eMiniister LiaquaV Ahi in 'CanaLd, ire sent a messag Vo Mn. _Bruniton, ro'quet!,ting hlm Vo cali at the Paikistan Emibassy. Titne tirehigh cmisin r, i Ie prosence cf Pr-ime , Miister Liaiquat Ahi, pnesented tho gift 'o M.Bruin-_ ton, and lon behaif cf Palkistan, hnnked him for ic ennos good) will -gesture. Thehandome ifts came ais a great suriprise te Mn. [Bruiïton. Next Fai-. Mn,. PBuntan m-,ilh again be senPIditg a sipmenil'It cf eggs to IPakistan fr-cm11 hie hatcýhenry at Port Penn. Heannullyshipa -approxi- 100,000 eggs Vo Il parts aý f the Imor-ld, a large pr-oportion cf tlie-n be- -a hpped b)Y air, no parking on thre no-rtir side of Cen- tre streot fion Main to Ghurch. Tho tirongb stret and no nrngSection! wilh go inito force wîi thtie' orection o)f proper higb-way Signei. TIre lerk mas inastructed to a-k for teiiders for tI(e building of a nom bridge on hs 4Vh linse, just east of Hlig-hway 35. This structure mas wasîied, out during the cpring floods. Mr. 'Car-once Allia and Mr. Rober-t MNoffat, on hehaîf cet he Durhai Fan- mer's County cooperative, met with the cunnil ila order that a tif- tory, agreeme-nt conld ho arranIged in the repairing cf Vtre townaihip rondA and 'Coop. milI dam. Reeve Wood- yard ýsaid that if the Coop. mo-re Vto use electric power the township mers consiîering the posaRiIlity of rnnninig ths road through;hs pond. Howsver, ho pointed out that ho could spe no resnwhy a siatisfacto)ry arrange- ment cou-dnV hi-ocred upon if tIre pond mas wanted. 1in resjponre o V Robert M'offat's inquiry on11 "loecosat o-f restoring Vhs i(ýrond and dam, Mr. Woodyard said tirait the muniicipa,-l on- gine-er hnd set the c-ost cf a atone fn.cing at$250 and a cernent ~facing tt ,50 Thece figures mould in- ing Preparation ossing Diversion Anniversary 0f Church Unlion Township Mak Observed ByAfternoon Aux,, Fior R ailw ay Cri The Afternoon uiir of theu oe'sMissioi1ary Soiety of Parki iuI meerting mi Tuesdaýy afternon gular session in -the Township H{all at ùthe JMiSonic Hall. It was in comI-1on Tuesda.y, June' th, with A. Mc- memoration of the 2S5th Aiv.erýsary Kay, J. H. Davey and Ted Wood- iiet Chrinin. The Hymsusdyr bigte oaly members pros- inth metng "heChrc'sOne 1enit. The me2eting lengthiened irto a PFound(ation" and "ea on, 0 King raitheir prolong'ed session wîth a great; Etternal" were hymais used at the numnber of miatters bein'g handled inuualseruVice heid in ?4utua.l St.1 and dealt with. Arena, Toron)îto, on Juiie 1'th, 1925. The Counicil in reviewing, their in-j Mrs. Victor Robinuon gave a resume surance program, pointed ot thatini of th-jat srie which she Lad the future yeara ail insurance bein iîvilege -ofatednmaking every-ý takenon by the Township would be one -%uho 1isteiied f eel the siprit of the1 in the formi of sealePdtendera,. occasion and realize that importantI The four thousuand dollars which histor.y as in t1he ma-,k!ng-. At tbhathas beeni rais'ed for the Bowryanville <service Dr. Pidgeon, whý'o becamie the; Hospital through taxes iii Clarke first Modrator, preachied a ni.ost lin- wlns ordered to be transferred to the pressive sermon on "'Toleranico", be- treasurer of this projeet. aýuse of the friction among denom--in- An aippeal for the Manitoba Flo'od ations'. His sr~ n'tihe Cm- Relief Fund was brouglit before -the mimîov Ser-vice w'hich followed were counceil in the corresponIdence, and most thrilling to ai] presea.t. all agreed that to organzea im MTr. M H.Stale, Peelentofpaign for funda in the mun cipality Msh M.H Aiteno apxlia ry,'ae a renof woul'd ho untinely. However, it wa s thietr otheUnion of thae aWre'sthe unainimous decision. of aêlI'te give isalny f thetion of the comnre-a gant sf $100O. gat ona , M tho ist and Pre by e -a N e w light and !hope for a new set-i Ohurches; al repeated the W.M.S. u'P 0on the road çroselng the C.,N._R. '0"t, a 0fter wihS0,tstCeledand C.P.R. railway at lots 14 and ln prayer. Mrs. R. E. LoaTreas- t 1lngtoLaeh jewsbruh ure, -av a osteorgn, ietthe çcun,,cil's attention. Tie ims- prr, ghave '1 aben or$aing dro- rovernent h as been sougiit for sonel port that $220 had beenhe naised dur- ng in the firat five months of 1950. tnt ite er.tedea en with the Board of Transport and thel Mrs. W. S. Cobbledi"ck rend thne Raiiway Comipanies. The estlmated minute- sft the first two meetings ofUcost of thiS project was slated rat the local Auxiliary formied in 18-85. $20m(0O in 1948, -anid of this the Board MVany of the inute 'books, as wvel'as of Transport have algreed to pay 40% the splendid lihrary of1 153 'books-, with the railway coiianies payin'g we~e esroyd bythe fire, but Miss $1,500 aipiece. The r7,eeve stroag-ly V. Gilfillan and 'Mrs. N. F. Porter, eomnndsd lhat pre'parations, bLiterature Secretaries, rprtdth-at sclhns purch'asing land, etc., be ý5new books have been purchased! started imriai(iitely, seo that this con- trghthe kindneas of soveral strutioni couild be cornpleted in 1951. frietnds, anid it is hoped tfhat the1 With the governrment subsidy on nenibers 'have tihe o-pportunity of ronds and bridges. the cost of this rea4ing these splendid books, This i. niini 'g would Le ,no ore thiani brary ,vas establishod nmany years1 $4.5o0 for Vhs ,eTc.wnship. ago, and in tie ya 1943 and11944. Te co-uncil instructed the rond Oronio Aiaxiliary won Presbyterlal sw'Peitendent -to close the southl f..... b ..-,vi... ?ýrn hem, . ,',,eIfrùm tlhe, anrkrand ±hat tbe 1 ,ey moud nct mana' reoccurr-ne cfl this dmae o happen in, tIre e;pring. Mr. Allia, la hisc>opinion, foît tlint ever-thirig Lad been, dora duriaig thbe flood, but that Î*V ",as af littie effect under Vhs adverse çcondi- tiens. The third divisioin ef thé cost wMas acceptsd hy thé' two gi'nups and aîn agneemient is Vo o edrawn up by-, tiheir solicitors. The members o-f th e counicil thoný visited the ag-riculturalgrnd whore the.y inspsected hs cuivert and the pos'sbillty of ga ting V the se- iety- par't of tVhs tow\nshlp property 50 that a morep natural curve ofth race track cou)iid be ohtained. Ina thie matter !hulnd mas granted, an4 the council alsc"gred o share thî-,coaýt àf the culvert aîong wîth Drigo and anuvers on'hp In dîscussýing the to'w-nsip irade, iV mas dcied itht hse ronds' thait are in od repair an'd mIlgell e be, 'given ai cent of calciumi chioridîe, This coating-1 prevents 'gravelbeg thiromn off hs roaida and ge, h1arder r oad, 'thus decreasing gravel'- ling- in Ire futcure. Art Exhibition 0f Outstandi bng Work Being Shown In Orono Few tomans or citie- ihave the op- portunity w,ýhicî is being handed the ctizens of Orono thins mveek in the fine exhibition of cil and mater cohour piniItnga3 at Vhs homeocf Vis tahen'Ved artîst 'Mn. A. A. Dr'ummond. Et la very sehdom that sticI a show- ing ie even seen ovtside that of exhi-1 bitions la Art Ga one f larg-le cen.- tres. Some se-venty 'new paintings 'are being hIlowii hs y ear with 'heautiful and cooirfiai landa'capes, maine and flrlscenes. The strong ihha c f cils and Iredliie and scftniess cf mtercolonebave captured na- ture in a mnOst naiti air and fur-1 tî'ien proving hs rtsaddgahiity cýf tire pit The ma,,ny stiking coloIuirfuil ntuma a11 cenesecf Muak1oka and Hal11-ibuton, alng itil Virose cf the aofter shade, hlave 911led tglro r.o,,imit n peotruni cf colon. Mr. Drunrmend erprecsod Iis wlish thati Vire sclhool cildnýet and adilts mIo'uld VakeS advantage cf this ehhi n ldhnt Ire mould ho o0n1Y toc glad Vo haethein 1viwm Ils mon.k, One of Mn. Drumm-ond'S recent paitiga"AtuinGrànldeun". a ai-1 vadepi,ýtlng an e opo a rn- irony cf colôour has hceen receîin- maY fluie onnents îIn Vancouver where iV is nom on display. Consent Iras been g've y tire paintet, o bv Vile painting reprýodujced by a calen- niow 1in Norway, Iran, Egy!pt, Turkey, Soutih Mcwith several in Ber- muda,. the U.nited Staites and Enz- land, On the(, str-ength o)f fris water co1lour paîntings e-xbibited at the Amierican Water CetoIýur Socieýty ,Exihition, Nir. Drummonicrd was mfýade a memnber, be- Wg ýtle only Canadian in the Societ, of whc a niem)býership ia earned througih the talett of the painiter. 111 192(;when Mr. Drununond'sar wasý oly ýa hobby, four o" biÀS pailit. in'ga, alonig wthOthers beingsow nt the Ro ' ai Canadman Aiadeniy, re- ceived hîgh pris by "La Revue Mo ~a TPar is", aarýltreem Anli<gpridie la a'llargeCana t, .Si, Dnad a hon byth conilete s!oe fv earrs agc fr9m a sketch m eduring a tipvtL I hi father arn9 t26 in the Ràc1des., Art en llusia-,,ts from otdylng copienayon t' e xrhibitkiV oef paiilijgah 'g iscy'la ed thLi- vear, and a graa-b2, d a ,'entreldy take i i t) l i m v t 1 Dai- Thre ah ove picture is Alan T{Henry Cornisit, son of Mr. andMi--. J Henry Gornish, Orono, mIro bas grad- uaited ifront Toroate Universiby aumi reieeived Iis d-egres of Bihhrs A.pplied Scientesý. cýludle ths fil and the Job conileted. Mr. Moffat Vh'oujgh.t thte hank could be faced with lO-inch timbier and thaft heý had mda nestiniate of $0for Vhs im-,bec. A resolutio-n Lad been passed ait a futuremetn by th coulncil in which Vhey groed tepay 66 2-3 of tVhs reconsýtruction if it a used only as road. On ths other hand Vbey were wiîiing V'o pay !W% of tihe cost if it were used as, roaed and pond. Mr. AllUn poiinVed out that the Coýop were noVeblilgated ln any- way to bear, the cost if H eonly waa3

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