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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1950, p. 4

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taaki th.e leua4 and were vlCtoxîùou J iha9te4so. Hiamijitoni Boyd piteihed a ve<ry mu. pressive gamne and Lad six tke outs te Iris! enedit. On Vreeoc-ca- O'n Fridiay nIght thre l-raI gare of1 sions Ire pitched spetacular b2,1l îc The~ ~~ g...Mdet Har-dbali L,(ague1 save ehe Oronb teai fromivr en was pIla-ed at Ajax. Foithe barrasen situ utions ,'ih bases the sd'es veIýe 'e', t is too, had more peopie do noi ~~ take an, intereet lanVIrse future' pro- ofessionalsý. Fewý er rs 'are coimmit_ Oted ani the ganmes are very excitia ofrein beginning te end. Thâs Fniday fniglt a retura gaine will ho played _____oai t the park aud it is hoped there -Ml' îJ be, fa b~dtter aunotlf supporters. fl Local Softbal League SLast Thisd4ay evenîng saw the O frst appearance of Crookesi Oree'k in tIre local league. Thre Kfilby teani No HolidO leasi by Lyal Lovery, took the gaine fi No olida from ou,, itair aeighbors by 8 to 4. [IF rIsrneO Moaday nigiht saw the mierchants C [ lasI year champýions, minus 13ill Arnin- (1Holiday driving means more srn,ýtk in' udr o h cl acýdets.Tak- alng te Optue ioi11 toi2. The ecat f cciens. akealng hepace osbhowed-strenglth in alI, dep)artints, G of mind insuraince brings you rven VoAh. West ion tIre beach gel- n - - cal us now! Proteet against o ings bis five cents worth. ~ lsa O On 'Thursday night, 'Jaune Sth, the oForestrv visits the meroahnits, This suéAcEisTH gni pomse t be a Iroaey. DonIt 13 -* ~League Standing * ~o mCALL , 13 irP . W L PC. 0 Kirv -- ý -1 0 1'000 SN. F.PORTER Merchnnîs....----......1- 1 &10 T3.uniors ...2. 1- 500 fi 4ORONO, On. but durng the final ianingo, Orono HForestrv ----------- J O 1- Où SCrooked Cree'k ..... _1 0 1- 00. E, limitecl number of New 2-Plow Tractors with Powerful WiIlys Motors - AvaiIab1e Now. ,a lot oft Tractor -you'd pay upwards oft $1,775 for one like it 'at Rekuin1r Prices LOOK AT, SBGFKATURES kReplaceahie Parts. Hopsepower, maximum h.p. 60 at 4000 PAL. Capacity 2 12-ind Plows. Transmission, Low anid High si', 6 Forward Speeds, 2 Revers. Power Tahre-Off. In1dividual akes. No Extras to Buy. Tractors shipped for immediate use. rCleaner. Oil Filter. LigIrîs Fr-ont andi Rear. Hydrauflic Seat. you are interested, you had better act f ast. That'-ý the way they are going .-Fast. O.B.A. Midget Hardhail Real Estate $6,300. Near Milibrook on paved highway, 93 a-cres aow in crop, fine barn and 8-roomed residence, electricity ,through- out. Well, cistern and 2 creekâ. This is a choice farm. $10,500. NearLeskard,,116 acres, excellent barns, solid brick 8-roomed residence, elea- tricity throughout, furnace. This is a new offering of a very fine farm. Leroy lanu"il tonU B3ROKER phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Oronio, Ontarjo INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES _Orono Tinshop NOW Is the time to figure 1on your Heating Systemn FOR NEXT WINTER R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 Plunablng and Rlot Water Heatling CALL US FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT ORONO 84-r ONT. Orono Girls Lose Shirts ixi Neweastle- On Friday e-veEning thereOonC Girls, softblyl ttam furiber proved tIreW chanilg teniperament of their sex when] they wene defeated 21 t'O zero, Actuaily there is 1lt-le to 'report ou tIre local1 squad, frNewcastle, after four inaings had Ithe b,91l to tIhem. tselveýs and did just wli;at Vhey waut- ed. In the fifth anid sixth i.nnIngs Newcastle drove hrome fifteeni of their 21 ruas. Orouo had onily serme six bits ini the enfltre gaie ud these were well1 spacd aat Ojrono Tak-es Courtice TIre Oroinjo girls reverted te ibaîl plaiying on TI-eisday èý vening whea ~hydefeated Cor),ijtice by a score of 0to 11 at Oronso' Pazrk. A vas t d*f - elrence ,V<sosere in tIreicai ~rmtIrat of Pri-day eveniug, Enidj enatpixoýed very eff ective on thre 140otud for Ononmý-,ii-d ,ou1 shiroe Ihel 7ourtice pitcher, in'ol the fifth in- 'ing gve Out, givinig six walks and -nabling the- Orono gils to score eigbt runs aI Ibis lime. Tbe gaine îusd iv' tIe' fuith amd fiifth in- i-ings ,was keeffly ouv stdby botl si4des. N. MeKe-nna,-tand S. Flilutoif 8eeured the oay Io holme run-ms of thegme The Orono girls Iravel to C onei~cp on Thursday eveing. to p>lay a -re-tura -anie with Ibis leni. ,Moving Pictures in the Park twing lie einécemenit weather tIre pcrew1ich was bp be sliown la tIre1pak lst Stndyeveaiag. is iiot sWaý,- but Ibrough -t the kiadnes,,s of Mr. Carvýelli. we were gible l'o show a few s1bortîsoee(con- sîsiting of pictures of îthe ýOri o- Fair.' wMh, hWas greuitly eajoved. This week a musical comedv wil be showa Hi Diddite-Diddle feauve, a n1be obd stars. inci.ludjlag Merthe. Scot.. Dennis O'Keefe and m'any others. rPusis ivation of bringinz unovies to the -Park us for the cIllndieii audl adulits alike, te be abie b o have en- tertahnnient od tbtis, tylpe rlgki at> home lu oeeof Uhe notbeautiful setings. Park Program -June 8-Fomestry, vs Merchanits 9ý-A iax vs Ornoo (iie Hanvdball9). 19-1Hnniptx)n vs Ooo 13-Nemiw*oiviIRe vs Orýono. girls Football Newýýs Enniskiiien 3; Orono 0 Oroo sihomt-'hýan'dled, was defeated aitter a despenate( effort. It was no diggrace to lose, beiu.ýg 1 man short. The remarale woirk bv the goalie sýaveýd the day froni bein'g a much I wors loss. INOTICE Solina 3; Orono 3 We are uow in a position, b do Thswas a goosi game to watchl painting and decoioeatiag. Es;tjimates anrd kept every one oun'theïr tees untilgvn Phono Horacý-e York, Phone tIrefia whistle. Orono sc~orýed by a- 7q r 7, Oroiio. c-21-p. plece of clever passiag qnd gave Jim________________ Lowery bis opport.unity. The second AN N UA L MEETI1NG - ,oal was scoredi by the san-ie player TIeauametn ithDuuai f:rein a corner kick. Soli-na, hi tIre Th nulriengyfteDhai secoind, haIt, caie back 9aus iid lthe Counrty Truistees" nid Ratepayers' Sc-ore. 'Iren Orono came rigiht back Association wvill behIeld in Baktc andi went atheasi, andinatIre lest thr-ee Towa Hall on Weduesday, June 14, minutes of play Solina equalized at à.16 p.ni. Address by Mr. McAr- againi. thur, DepI. uof Education, Tomanite. On Moaday eveniag at 7.30! Oronio ______________ wlII -ieet Hamipton. la the park. AlIso BOSNWAALiL N iaè thogan a pfl ck &aw will be ERADICATIN OF WEEDS inad ofa usfulbaset of groce:r- CO*NFERENCJE APPOINTS REV. jAMES RA31PSON TO BETHANY (Qniudfrom page one) tiis -tual for persions unstble to ap- preciate its' signillcance. The con- ferenice last ýweek accepted JIis resig- nation. Elected to represtnt th-e confer- ence on the General, Council Execu- tive of the churdi ,. was R ev. H. A. et.Kinrgs'ton and E. L.Scvil of Peteilboroughi. Mr. Kent is the new presidenit od tf te confrerence. Oa CISq As the fine 'sprinig wcather has -ome arouand again, baseball has been quite a, nage at 0..5.Pour ganames were played with mur sehool being v4ctorious in two. Thle boys nVed Blackstbo-ck High Schoo'l boys aInd were defeated 21 to 13 aýt the ' me in 'Orona. 0On their return ,aine Blackstock boys wer.e defeated il toý 7 bv our tearn. FirTst foum has played two, gaines w'ith Miss Foster's Senior Rom. The ~core for -the first game wais 21 to 191 in faveur of the Public Scihool, an*ud un the final the score wais 5 to 2 for the O.C.S. grade nîner. This wanm weather also brings our final exani. time and the closing of school for1 the qumer holidays. This week these exarnis. aire, being w'itten and on Friday, afternioon 0. C.S. dloses its doors for another tLwo nonths. ies. IrThe winner anvust be 'on -tIre gnound, so get your ti!ckeýts from i the "Chernical Weed Control, 1950", is PlayrsthIe title of a very inforýmative book- _______________let just is'sued by the Advisýory Comr-- SALE REISTERSmttee -on Herbicides for, Ontario,ý The SALE REISTERSbooklet. a very had oket-sÉe aiffair, cn h o1btainied from local 1 hav-e been authiorized byý Elis- Agri,_ùltura:l Representatives or1 di- uvorth Caswell1, et Lot 2, Con.. 2, reet from thle Saite and Publira- CIdrke Townslhip, ! illie West of tions Bîiaîch, Ontitio Deparitm-eat ef Zio Churc, t sd bypubic ~c-Agriculture, Parliamnent Buildings, thJon on Monday, June 26itI, at 1.0 Troto p.ni., al] bis faamstock, impleoente h'ay and grtain (te be sold in fjeld). "For several years chemnical weed- Firthýer plrticulars see buis. Ternist killers have played an inicreasýingly Cah-akReid, Auectioneer,. imiportant part i n, assistng iman WiIth Robert Harness and So)n, at Lot hie war on wveedB", thie tcoinmnttee 216,Con 2, ope Tonshi, ýý _ie points out in a, preamnble dealing -with -stCn.2 Hoe ownsChrhionp, ( ilethe suibject of weed-coüntrol. "Chemi- 2es ofMril Cacro o cals hu nî,hwvr ecisd Hi-ghhway, milI sel? by puiblic auction hudmt owvr ecni' onWenesay Jne2lthat~ ered as replacing sound cultural p.m., 50 head of -mlkers, springers practice and' other proven weed coni- and grass catUte. Further particu- ifrol methods, but rather as addiiitional lars see bis. Terns Casýh. _Jack higihly effluient weapoas Vo aid'in the, Reid., Auctioneer. flht. Tis publication outimes re- 1 have receiived instructions froincomaienilations with respect 'to tIre Executors- of thre Eýstate_ of tIre sPiyig equiupmient and ýchemicals". LatIe James Stone, to seil hy puabli c auction -at Iis laIe residence, Lots 3 ansid 4, Clarke Township, 1 ½ý miles Eaist of Crookesi Creek ,Store, on t Seitun-day, June 101h, boýrses, milk Coýws, Fanm Machilaery andi som e bouseholsi eifl'ects. Sale ta commence at 1.00 p.m. Tenus Cash. Pesitively No Rerserve. -. Jack Reid, Onono, Aurtiouieer. 1l have heen authorizesi hy tIre Exe- cuter. of the EËtate oit tIe late Dr. G. C. 'Bounycasîle, te seil 'by Public auc- tien at 72 Temperaince St., Bownian- ville, àt ;1.00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, Jusihl7th, Iis epitire Irousciielsifura- iture. Property solsi. Tenuls Cash. N, Re-serv.- Jack Reidi. Auctio4neer. The undersiguesi auctioneer Iras retei'ved instructions frein MLS'. L'il- lian McDoaaild, tb seilIby pblc)uc tion aI Lots 8-,Concession S,. Clarle Township, one mile north of Leskard, aI 1.00 pi..sharp on Wed- nes;day, June 141h, lier Irousehold furiture.. Tenus., Cash. No ne- servéi - Jackr Reid, auctioneer. Auction sale oit Trucks', Tractera, Tradter Equipmeaî, Sw-ine, Horses, etc., thre property oit Mm. Harold Kyte, at Lot s 10and 11, Cartwright T nsp,1 mile south oit Blackstock on the 1ighway, on ,Mouday, June 19. TIre large amount of macIinery oft- feres 'for. sale was praictically al bought last year aad 15 in excellent condition. Tenus 'Cash. Positively No Reserve. - J'ack Reid, A'uction- eer, Onono, Ontarlo. I haýve heen authorizesi b sel hy public auction :at Lot 35, Con. 3, Clarke Township, 2 miles east of Bowinanville, 1 concession north oit Towun Line, the property oit D. V. Howar~d Gihean, 'on Weduesday, Jane 21st, Iis Regisoeresi, anid CGrade Hol- stein Cattle, Tractor apsid Tracter Ma- chinery, Orchard Equi.p-neul, Horsesi ansII Swine, 'This sale offers one if the best testai Irerds Df 1-Hoîstein Cal- tle ln Durbain Couaty. Ternis Cash. Po'4,sltively No Reser-ve. Salýe t coin- nce naI1]uZ.SC p.m. sharp (DST)- Jaek Reidi, Auctioyieer, Orono, Ont. PAIRK ST. ýUNITIG C4IURCH SUNDAY, JUTNE llth 10.00 a.m.-ýSunday SchIrooL 11l.00 a.i.-The 25th Anniiver- sany of tiie United CIrurch. 2.00 p.ni.-Leska-rd. 3.00 p.m.-Kiby. OronoElectric. Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and flOUSE WIRINGI Free Estimates Prompt ,anld Guaranteed Rlepaire to ail makes of Electrical Equîipmei and Applian-es Sarh as Motors, Water Heatens Radios, Stores, irons, Etc. 'We wili be pieased te pick up dead or'crippled, farm animais and ipay highest prevailinig prices. For jimmediate service telephione collect Brookiii 62> Cobourg .266w, Toronto Adelaide 3636. GCODON YOUNG Ltd.,q Lt %g w w -wf uma quW WREATHS FOR, SAILE 1 am n0ow i a position ',0 sv artificial wreaths at d-iffere-nt pi They mnay be seen at tIr1e o PrescottIs, or O. W. Knapp's, pt 62 r 1, Orono. Ap WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippled stock, reni free of charge. One hour serv Ilighest pricec for old horses.-N gill Fur Farrn.- Call Collect B manville 2679. WHITEWASHING Clean -up your stables and pig 1 now that the cattle are out,.-H themn brighIt for tIre surnrner. 'K down flues, destroy germe. Fore mates cal Kenneth Stepher Phone 4 r 10ý Oriio. - FOR SALE 1938 Chev. Hleater, radio,9 tires. Best offer. Doug. SirnpE Orono. C-21J FOR SALE Mýillet seed (llog Miîllet>. Apply Neil Rainey, phonie 17 r 8, Oronc a-2( FOR SALE A 3-bumner coal oil! stove ý ovea. 2-burner hot plate and a1 chen cabinet. Apply to Joe Wall Ornoo, Ontario. c-22- CUSTOM WORK Loading Mnr.Archie H Pontyplool, Onitario; Phone Betli pply 29-P ioved vice. M4ar- Bow- pen s lave Leep esti- good son, 1-P. ýy to I., 2b-p. wïth kit- Iker, Eloy, any W. F. WARD BARRISTER 'SOLICITOR jNOTARY Phono#: Oefce 825 Reside469e 80 WMAN VILLE, ONT. AUCTIONE~RS TED JACKSON, Auctioneer and Valuator Conducte Auction Sales of ail ~~ and at reasonlabie rates Communlicate with hlm t pue Perry, Onitario, or e. I. sClerk. L E. Morton, at 0rouo, for date. JACK REID Orouo's Licen[sed Auctioneer and Valuator. Specialize in Farm aniî - Furniture Sales Consuit me for ter-ma and dates Phone 5 r 19- LIFE INSURANCE Pentsion Plants; Educationai Policiej; Protectiont and Saviags Plans fer Chilsiren and Adulte; 'Mortgage lu.. Surance plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r 10 g The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phoie 501 - P.O. Box 62Z Monuments, GravemnarkeN, STAFFOPtD BROS Monumental Works Pholle WhitbY55~2 318fludasSt.E., Whitby FI NE QUALITy MONUMIENTS AN1ir Let us erect a hanssome, dig- nified imonumnent over tIre rest- ing place oit yoar lovai one. it's not expealsive. Andsi seeng Ibis lasItribale will give you onsilessa coifort I1 Furnitnre IHospital Reupholstering Repairing IRefinishing Antiques Bought anid ScM Se. ourlineofoitDrapery M9atoriai Kitchen Units made to Ord.e' c- F. Duncan i Phone 79-16 - ON LEGAL Lawrence C. M4ason, B. »Barrister and Solicitor BOWM4ANVILLE, OT office 688 Home 553 Prof essional Dîirectory A. F. McKENZIE,-M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office blurs : 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.à.. Sundayu and Wednesdays by appointment only PHONE 47r1 ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN an'd SURGEON Address: South ýMain St. Office Hours: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.;, 6.30 te 8.00 p.m,. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 OROMO

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