Modern Etiquette Q Watis the brpper procedure cf a best mapn in regarding to the wedding rinig? A. H-e rnerý-s if i arigbthaid pockef, and il surve f0 remnember flceatpocket'. iTe joins the bridejgroom uini the rooni set asîdr fer thleir usçe and walks wîtb bim t(, thie pot wbere the marriage is f0o taklIace. The best man stands on1e pace behind the bridgegroonî. Anticipating the moment that the ring is t0 be used, he advances and places if i0 bis friejud's band. -Q. When an invitation is. accept- ecl by letter, is if considered.good faste f0 repeat the eýxact date and hour mnentioned in tihe invitation? A. Tif is flot oniy good faste ,fo fIc so, buit if also belps avoid ary miunertanidinig as 10 the date Q. I have seen people chewing kce cream. Is that good form? A. (Chewing' ice cream i, neitber ecessatry-, non is if good fonm., Q, Is it proper for the bride- grocom to mail some of the wedding invitations fo is circle of intimate friends? A. NQ'Iý; ailthinitations should bce nîiie rom the bride's home. Th'e lbridec's fiance shoîîld, of course, fnirnisfi a istf of bis relatives and frieids tf 0Iwom fiewisfies invi- Q. Ifif alrighf f0 iay a sc ,>f bread oen the, plate or table in eider to butter if? A. Neyer. Bread should always 4i broken ,into small pieces, tvbîci aire hiId between the fingers"wbile bhîng butfered. Q. Should a young mian rise when an ederly or distinguished mnan enfers thse room? A, This is always fhe weii fred tling to do. Q. What is the correct wording, for a letter invifing someone to pay a visit in your home? A. Tisere is 110 exacf rule of eti- <Jîette governing this, other than that fhe letter should bce frîendly and sincere-and the reason for the invitation is usuiaily-stated. Q. Affer refurning home from lier honeymoon, sbould a bride wait for her friends f0 caîl on her "Lfore shAe calîs on fhem? A esjsually sfic is not e- fpecteito f0 make any cails unfil her frienids have ,corne fi sec 'her. Q. Shouid a young girl offer her liapd when she is bing introduced fo an iderly woman? ýA. Not n[ lese fbe elderly woman offers flier hand first, Q. if tise person making an in- troduction does not pronounce a gian-le distînctly, is if al ight for xre f0 aik'him f0 repeat thse name? A. Never. Direct your question ftihe person f0 wbom you are iinînroduced. The correct pro- cedurpe is, "How do you do? I arn very sorry I did not iear your Rame." Ëeâver Checks In - Shecilagh Neaie models somieth-ing n ew ïm fur eoats, ipae at the recenlit i-IFr T rade Mani- hîrs are dyed ini conltrastingli -csorsandsewnl together ini tliis boid cneck pattern. TII'RIM FRN With tisee tdisastrous Mantb floods si tili viv-id in n-mesf peple's m -inde a f ew word -(jS abou1) ýt waterL cnt roi aod 'drainage imiglî t not btc amiiss. Tise control of water bias long been recognized as a responsil- bilify of not only the staf e but the individuai as weii. Aimost four bon- dreil, years before the« birtb 'of Christ-tbe great Greek philiosopher Plafo wrofe in.bis "Laws" tbe foi- "If there be a heavy nain and aise of those on the lower ground injures sorne tiller of the upper0 ground or- some one vrho has a corn- mon w.-,ail refuses ftegive bis neigh- Lour an; outIef for water; or, again, if tomne one living on tiseiigiser gïound reckIcessly lets off the wafer on his lowe r neighbour, and they cannof corne to termes with one an- ofiser let himi, if hie wili, summion the offender, if hie be, in tise cify before tise warden of tise cify and if hie be in tise country before the warden oftise country, and let hini obtain a decision defermining wisaf cacis of thsem is f0 do. And ise Wiso i'ill not abidle by -tise decision sial sufer for hie morose and malignant teniper, and pay ýa fine equivalent toe double tise value of tise injury, because ise was unwilling f0 sub- mit tfthtrimaglefrates." Most coulitries at 'some timte or another bave assisted farnmers in the drainage of iow land; or the goverrnent itself fias underfaken flue drainage of certain areas so fisat tlîexc could be developed for agnîc uifural purposes. Here in Canada ail the proviunces hsave one or more acts on thie stafotes de- signed f0 assisi farussers by one xiefbod or anrther in fthe drainage ûf agricuiturai laund; and, several Departrnenf s of Agriculture have additional policies that provide even fîîrtben assistance f0 the individual farmer. IVF Most 'of the Canadian drainage acte now in effect reseuibie those of our oxvn provinîce. Wfiule On- fario fias flx'e acf s, tise purposes oftbern are tW07fold. Thîe first is fo enable a group of farmiers f0 se-une an outlet; andti te seconsd î5 f0 pnovidh loans, at lo,- inferest rAefor the construction of, drainS L. Municipal Drainage Acf- Makes if possible f0 secure outief s for large areas. Tbe WOrk je gen- crally carried on by, the municipal counei wben tbey are petîtioned f0 do seo by a group of farîters. An engineer is appointed who makes a survey andI esirnates cost. The cost is assessed f0 ail beneflting fnom tbe pnoject. 2. Tise Ditches and Watercounses Act-Applies fe srnaller areas with definite limitations as f0 size. 3. The Municipal Drainage Act- for tise construction of drainage Permits counicils tei borrow money for fise construction of drainage wonks. 4. Main Ouflets-An act of tbe Legislafune- permifs a nsunicipal council f0 borrosv roney for the construction of ouflet ditefies and under the Provincial Aid tco Drain- age Acf a free grant of 20 per cent of tise cost of the work up f0 a mnaximum. of $0,(000 ray ttc grant- cd1 f0 a municipaiity. 5., Tie Drainage-A ssi stance is given for the installation of file un- c'erdrainage by the provision of surveys at a very nomiral cosf; aind under the Tule Drainage Acf a fairmetr imay bonnow up f0 $2,000 pier 100- acres at 3 per cent intereet but flot «more than 75 per cent of the cost of tise wonk. Unlike sirnilar acte in the Mari- Sock With A Sock! -Anna Hughes Patteson regîsters real suîrprise as she checks the size of one of the boCks to be pres- ented to GOv. Jamnes E. Foisom of- Alabama at the 42ld.,ailnual governours' ConferenCe. The socks, size 18, measuret 18 PiCîes from he liel to toc. A dozen socks for eCnh governor vil] be1mon the f'Lorty g-ifts from West Virginiaindustries to lit eenedf govecrnors and their \viveb. \Ve had îluought that otir neigh- cf tht beors to the inisediate souffi fook bark îi flîcir national sport seriously enougb stîrely - -but if w'ould appear fliat the folks the onc .ý scus atiC Dowil Under" go in for basebali f;cvorab ini an ex-eut more thoroughi and in-* Austral feusive nianner, Evidenfiy -not1 sat- urcso isfled withý just playing fbhe game- fornia tlle aio il insonethng all fie the asoinuge i,, tthng orian kîsownu as 'basebali field games, wlich witlî records made aîsd broken, re- ing tiý cords carefily kept, antI ail the rest a new of it .7in.-bI 0.0 *fect at able th Bu ou'll no doubf uideratand, aîd n vofbiat er geîtiîîg af if we paso aIoîug a feP, quotes taken froîi a recenît M(eIbourne, Austra.lia, dis- (We patciî regardîng the matter, fluat fh 4' t' *put the Uîie- attitudc "Robert G. Jones of the Unvr- niaybî sify of Califorîsia recently tirove a go awv t)aseball 511 feet 9 incbes ,ntd bet- And w tered tise previous world record by ffiriliir 8 feet 6inciîes, bccoring the second basebalier ever fo better 500 feet. Thbe first fo fop.500 Ivas Australidil we V'aliy Driver, wfio accomplished Jones titis prodigious feat w vhen lie drove, con ist; tfie basebali cleaus ouf of the St. games Kilda Football Grount) info thse years, crowd. Where tise bail landed on the p b1.acilîlý Iul was notet) by an officiai and the thîe All amazing distance of 503 feet 3 ins. ontot vvas reported. " 0f cou '0 ** 1- dteop (We, take if that "on fhe full" moeans xvbere the bail liglîts, and doesn't ailoW for aîsy bounce or roll. "a Also, in passing, we wouid. say tbat 'aBs ai fbe Aussie bleaclteriifes cant fie garnes, sncb avid bail giornîsers as %ve have lian fit on this side oftbe Pacîflc, But let seio us on -Wifh fhe taie.) wy3 rea! * * *sistenc3 tional "If was unfielievabie that a mans Lest ft could bit a, ball 5 far, especiaily was 3î a0s fbe best professionai effort was proven 70 odd feet short of fhis record. Tbe "freak' nîigbty Babe Ruthi bad once drîven a bail 421 feet 8 incbes, and this xvas acciaimed a sensational effort "Holl -and noxv a schooiboy bas driven our e a basebali 511 feet 9 inches." he bit * * 4'aliof (Here we panse f0 hope that the sîonal greaf Babe Rufth isn't furning in the Jonesh grave over the thougbt that bis record bas been so disgraced. Still, we doufit that feie s. Over bere, "Ausi "fîîngo-itting"-svbicb is ail that world- the great drives above înentîoned cord w( actualiy consiet of-isn't taken seri- lbas, anc ously; and sorne of thse flnest fungo sify of artists we ever saw couidn't hit the can ac sieof their colars in a reai gamne. b2asebal But we muet refurn f0 Australia, Cliton, for you haven't beard the haif of ated thi if yet.) friendi Uof C "Let fbose wbo may cal! thse dirive a "freak" effort on tise pa rt 'Me or no,ýthing- abouit these matte-rs, Wve're ail toi apt to say "the Gos'- ermntsouild do tis-" :or Govromntsbid do thaf" instad ci flninrg out wbat h ovrmn aclýtually is rayand i'ýinug teo(do. gamnes1 that hb Amenic is tise1 held by South reach t ýfungo-hitter, but a giance over Robert's previous record* Tgives indication tfiat bie wa' ne oman likely f0 acfic'xe soin, e tonal figtures given the Msost blc opportuisities. We- in alia xvere given fbe bare flg- of fhe Unîiv ersity of Cali- tresutîls of ffieir annii,,l base- ield ganses test With -the Vîc- iBasebali *Association, in Jones fopped a record-break- arn of îtree-tfiey aiso set vworld f eani fotal of 1,378ft. -ut this wrifer viuaispur- ftmspheric cond'iticonsf0en- te, propelledbsbaif ati mailîfain mxmm vict 7e starnsed - yo-u iniadvaîsce those Aussie' basebail wriîers' e rest of us 10 shame in their de toWard fhe sport. Nosv, eyou'll believe us, But doîs't vay yef. The sfory continueb' ve'l try 00f 0f mentiont sbr ug yarn so ni1cb.) ýe have noted 'that Robert fias bee thtie xxonitI s rost Lent hitter in basenali fieldi sevents over the past tlsree ,scoring a bat-trick in flrsî Ls for California, winoiîsg il-American -in 1948 andI sec- * Edward F. Sotcczak in 1949, urse, hie xvii once again be p Ali-Aisserican i0 1950." . ily D)river, the "ex-chamtp" Is a conusistecut itter ici these 3Winning the junior Austra- ie before txvice taifing the .event. Sontlewfiat offsetting -soning tisat itigh-rating con- CY is tise lead up f0 seusa- achievement, Drîver's niexf fungo f0 bis fopping SOOft. 388f t., wicibrings anslii- ment of 0over 10 eet imb the category." sytiver, joutes sets 'us back ons ,et, for in successive years I459.7ft., 443,3 anti 511.9- whicb bettered tbe profes- record. Sobczak, %vx'f-beat last yes.r, registered 449,11f t." stralians -and rnaybe tbe --tbougbt XValiy.Driver's ne- wouid neyer be broken. But if nd by a student at thec Univer- dCalifornia, the fin-i Ameni- caderny f0 set "nentoa ll fildeitIgaues" iii motion. W Evansý' bsealermt i. le series in' 1939 an11tI or good Clintý is sili h ead Coacis of ire is stili basebail field record heid by anjiAuistralian ias defled tii,- best efforts of ian and other aer, That long distanice, basebail tbirow ý- TomGegn Syîey ew Wales), w130 ,iust faiied to Ille bes pofssn iirow - Clssmfed dvrtsig, BAIfM HCI YO0U WILL TH1AiOX us his Ea1 an11 it1 for urgine you 1fi ipurcha;se hch n tirkeys. We 1ook frh1igh eeg ant I,,oltry prnces tihe Eali. Ord1r(1,d1y. rompt delivery on Canadiýin Aproed hicheanS tiorkeys. day ol, ssrod vo-eks ta 8 woeks. non-sexeS or seed ld-o01crpullets 'wreks to layine. Rdoeri . Frro C'atalogýue, Top Itc), hc aes ulh DON'ýT 3MIS th bat tib eef c-eanS one saîe.tisi oudbincrease eg sud ,ipoutry onces Iis Fal, partîcularly iup'Prics ae ayi' ieer he te Sead i-,0eaerthn0he'u, l.We can gio roptdliveryn day b14 hirks, 2 wek i1 iwrs unonsxe.pullets and cochrrîs Tuchys ay oS. 2weekteo6 wres. on-exe. sxeSToms sexeS bons, at r-ui, ne frJunean ul.Also olcierpllt Fv- Ctlou.T-eSle iChicli H4atch1eriesLmtSeru.Otro BUILDING SUPPLIES ,SPIIA LT S11ENGLES $3,15 SQ. TERSE interlockine ,hîngles are juet one 0f or many roofineg and asphaif sidine bareains. 210 Lb. Huit Shongles $498; 165 Titeloc $3.98 per 190 square fret. 8" Tbich tusulated 5,0,00; Brick or Cedar' Grain design, only $8.69 Per s«. 60 Lb. Red Granite Rofn $ 2.25. Red cedar shingles 5x&" or'more clear btî 81.087 rer bundîr; covers 25 sqoaro fr£,et. Ahove onices F0.O.Moinailton. îî,any other hargains in these faclory seconds, Nvo doubt yen caoi tell from firct grade stock. Thousande of terms for your 00w, building or remodelllng job,. ondn.,(iur liste anS wve wýi1llquoso yen our 1-,' deliverrd prices. AlUMi 3îU;II lCORRUI. OATIED SHEETS oýnly 07.90 pvr 100 et, . ot Dlivered Otro Quehec and M laritimes. Al uoew stock, 26 gauger,varIons sizes avail- able for Prompt cipmrb. endmeasurements for fres estiniates. Gel onsnoix. Stock limited. I6,BERT JONES LUMBER CO. HAMILTONs, ONT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START yoor own ie, payine business sharv- enine lawn mowers. Spare or fu11 lime. Experlenco onnocessary. Machine costs only $126. Real, money maker. Literature free. Islungon Mîachine Company. tslington 9. On- tario. BETTER PICTIL RES TOUR FILM f ýine-graineS dveloped and printed. 8 exposure roll - 40c; 12 exposure roll - toc: 16 exposuro roll - 80c; reprints 5c.- Send film sud payment co: Better Pic- lore, Box 364, St. Catharines, -Ont. - DOMESTIC HELP WAINT'ED GIRL OR WO2IAN for general boncrwork in ploasant workingman's home. Prîvate room, ail rouvenienees. Excellent pay. Write Birkan's, 6 Oxford St., Toronto. DTRINOI AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anythins neede dyeing r dean- 1ngî Write fluns for information. We are glatI to answer Your questions. Depanîmeni H. Perliers Dye Wonlts Lîrniled. 791 Ynnge Street. Toronto. Ontario PARESll FOR SALE 200-ACRE amfrclaothî oo lot. banli barn and trame bouse, reasonable price. Wrile J. M. Prentice, Wet Guildford. PhbonoeSalibnrton 51Il.1. CAMP HO-BA-CHEE FOR BOYS HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS 1Ontario (in Thr-ee Bro)thers Lake; accessible hy bus, car or train. Constructiver programme of C'amp activîties assures ou son a healtliy, hajppy holiday. RosiSeul doter i0 attend- suce, aud experienced supervision. Tents and cablne Recreation Lodge, go,,od wbolesome food. Rates $10 per weeh or $100 ver montb. Write for toISer to-Charles Wren, Il Ash- land Avenue, Toronto, Ont. of 426f t. 9Iz2ilî by Siteidon Lejeune (at Eliaisvic way back in 1910), To 1948, Gcegan threw 425ft ilin. Ms tcalrn-mates that year aiso cf eat- ed a world record of 1,192ft; 9iu. jack Rowley topped the '400" til 401.9 and Henîry Brown complet- éd the frio With 365.2ft." "W iii bone baseballer some day iroitel a basebali (without arli- ficial aid, such as aý basebail club) over 500 feet? Given thie main, t he t;me and t he opportunity--maybe." (Which i Wl bave fo be the entd of our story of basebali fieldl games as, piayed-by correspondence we iîo-agine-betxveen students in Cali- fornia and those in Ausralia and i l 'ew Zeaiand XVe cao only say tFýat we wsisfi the writer had seen fit to end on a slîghtly more bopeful licite regarding the possibilîlies of a basebalier some day propellisg ce basebail (without artificial aid suclu as a basebali club) over -500 feet. "Given the manl, the time, and thse opportunity," he says-aîud then ends up with a quite discoîîragiîîg 'MAYB E.,Personaliy sve're almiost certain it's bouusd to fiappen. In fact wc' cao fiardly wait. FOR SALE UNWANTED HAIR PER1îMANENTLT eradicated wih Saca Pelo. Theia most remarkaljle discovery of the age. Saca Pelo le guaranteed t0 kili the mots of any hair, and contains no drogs or chemnicala. Lor-Beer Lab.,* 679 Granville, Vancouver, B.. l9413 3 TýO-NMERCIJRY. dump truck, extra. good condition; Ford Iractor. 98 roonche old, with 900 heavy duty SkYline front end loader ecippedl with rate. Oliver Smith, Atwood. Tel. 102 'W. AUfLLNqINURROOFING immedale shipment .09 zhick in 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 foot lengthe. Price to apoly .019" at $9,40 Per square, .010' at $8.2.5Per square deliveredi Ontario pointe. Foi estlmiatee. comples. liter- attire, ccc., write: A. 6C. LESLIE & CO. LIITED, 190 Commisiouers St., Toronto 2. Ontario. MOTORCYCLES, Harely Davidson. New anà used, Pought, eold. exchanged- Largo stock of guaranleed used molorcyclee. Repairs bY factory-trained ineehanice. Bicycle., and con- plete lune of xvheel goods, alsoGune. Boote and Johnson Outboard Motors. Open evenines util nine oxcept Wedoeeday. Strand Cycle & Sporte, King at Saiord.IIamilton. 40 TO 160 COLONIES Boe in 10 frame Langstroth hives. With ail eciuipmeist. Goarantord édean, ail in excellent condition and oneO of the beol Icet yards in the Province and a really good location on higbway. Rea- c- for rlline iii health. A real bargain for someone for eiuielî sale. Phono- 94, OR- CHARD PARK APIARY. Elmooe, Ontario. HAMSTERS. Stislied ,ust,,m-rs throughout Canada. Froc information., Western Ham- steries, Box 724 Saskatoon. Sask. SPECIAL in Gallon Cans-O.T. Woo(L Pre- server 02.19; Roof Primer, $1.49: Asbestoe Roof Licinid. $199: Asphaltie Baee Auminum Paint, $4.89; Silo brai $209; Found ation Seal $1.99; Dri Fast Ifetal PaintBlarle, $329. Hughes Hydiotex Rlepresentatlve, 45i44 De- carie Blvd., Mnrel28. HjALIIft ITOl.-Cc(rage sud lakes shore lots 1for sale sandy bearh, good fishing. J. M. Prc(ntioe. Weot Guildford. Phono 91-11. TIllES-New and used, speclal bargains; 600-16, and 60-016, regular $9.00 only $.00, ocher sizes samne price. Deposît wlth C.O.D. chippine 'instructions Pieuse. Mooey Vaek guarante Hanks Tire, 142 Catherine Street South, Hamilton, Ontario. UIEIICAL CRESS 'WART REMOVER-Leaves no scars. Druggiste cr11 CRESS Ingiown Toe-Nail. Salve. None btter. A TRIAL-Every sufferer ofRheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin1, Ottawa $1.25 EXPRESS PREPAIU SMOKING worrieslaI smoking rumine your heallh? Write for fIres information on ale- eoiuiely safe method to stop. Replies strictly confidential. AmI-Rus Co., F.O. 208, Ottawa. Ont ario. (IOPPOR"IJNI'$IES tFOR McEN ANI) WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LRADING SCHOOL Great Opporluniy Learn Maîrdressing Pleasaut digniid Profession, good, wages ihou saids sceceseful Ilarvel graduates Amoricas greatesi cystem. Illloslrated caeu logue fres. Write or Cal MOARVEL IHAIRDRESSINO SCIIOOLS 258 Bloor Si. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St , Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa, TAILORING, Drehcmak ing, Designing raoght iii your home. Send for Froe Booklot. Low cs.ZEPRRIR'S SCHOOL 0F APPLIRD ARTS. Route No 1. Box 371, Berlin, New Jersey. [PETHERSTONHAUOI4 & Company Pateni Solifitors Esiabllshed 180 0860 Ba3î Street, t'rnt.ýo Fineleltcf Informatio onOitr6elt. A. M. LILTAW. 0.5e.. Paient Attorney. Patents 0f Inventioin, 96,Sparks St., Otawa. SALES AGEN'T WANTED SALESMAN requirod for exclusive house- waro and hardware Uines for curroundine terrîtory. Commission or salary ta the -insu who has an excellent followlng amonget the retail frade. Ken-Mtar Sales. 72 Prince Ar- thiur Street East, Montreal, Que. EAIESWANTED OLIVER TOWNSHIP School Area Board requiro Iracher for echool with enroluiert Df 18. Furnlohrd icacherago with hydro and phone supplieS froe. On good road, mail deliverî,, etc. Caretahoîs dtîÛies' if, desired, Fifîren miles' fromn Foi-,t . Iliin. Applicant te stato cualificaliornqs, i'y expoctod and naineoand addrees of last irseotor. J. E, Lawrence, Sec. Treas., Murillo, Ont. TEACHER WAINTED for S.S. No. 2, Admastoii; dm100 s o commence Sept. 4. 1950. School on Highway 80, six miles fromn ïIentrew, hydro insîalled. Apply, staline ciualitications, experience, and salary expeted, to J. L.Campbell, bec.-Treas.. .?ldmaston. Ont. QUALIFIED ProtestanýtTeacher for S.S. No. 2. ltagarty Protesatant Separato Dufies 10 commence Sept., 1950, 0005 calary, enrol- mont 14, Apoly siatiug qualifications and salary lu Paul E. Weber, Sec.-Tr'eas.. Kîllaloe, Ont. L'ORIG.NALý., Preëscot Cooünty,- Protestant tcacher wanted for S.S. No. 3, Longueuil. Dulles t0 commence afteî the holidays, Salary, accordine ei quli ficailions. Ian Mtarston,. Sec, Troas.,L'Oia, Ont., R N- 1 Bites- Ouic Stop Itchiug of mrercI bites, heat rash. eczepia, ive, pimlnes, se aIes, scabies,sare ;e foot and other externally causedS ohm troubles. Use qoick-acting. soothing, antiseptic D. D. D, PRESCRIPTION. Grrsselcss,,scainlee, l tch clope or your mnoney back. Vour dmu&&gýet stockse0.D D, PRESCRIPTION. ISSUE 26 - 1950 Sweet as- its na me!