0H0 WEE LY TUM E S Vol.'14 No 25 OPONO, ONT., TH-UUSDAY. JULY 1Lth, 1950 Subscription $ 1.50 per Year Do% n key 'Basebal Highlight 0f Friday, July l4th Enertinacten t urrsurpassed Co.N.E. Prize 0f Fifty qualty is te le mitnessed Vls Frl- ,Fo daY the Nswcastle Bull Park wi-ic DollarsFr Trîmming Hat aeeve Ted'Wo-odyard miii leati lis Clânke Topmi&saip Ail-Stars aguinst ths Newcastle Lieus la a iotieus Is there un ensier mny Vo min $59 gamre cf donkey baseibaîl. Vlan ýby Vimming a lut mIen al hs .'Mhis game of denkey baseballi is1 repuited te, show the least bail pl#-1 ing, but at the samne, time is loadedi latest and igayest inaterials are pro- vided ? That's the question Kate Altken, -moaien's director ef the Canadian National Exhibition, asks ,ith lauglhs ýand spilis for al Who in aanouncing the big Trim Your take part andc for those who act as Own Hat competition te takýe place splectators. at the Ezifibitien.- Eadh player is mounted on a soup- "Wonoen have àlwaysbe'ntr ed up donkey which are uapredictable ious for the styles of their hats," as their reputution lholds for them.ýMrs. Altken Points out. "Why net The only two players (te be mouatless ar-e the pitchers and catch-ers. The muinles can-be ridden, pull'ed or car- .,ied around the bases or when field- in.g the hall. In niany cases it is sald teo be ensier te ýcarry the donkeys. Reeve, Ted «Woodyard lias a very popular team lined up te srupport lis interests in the gaine. Thiese mnen coeefrein ahl parts of the township suLd the teamn te date stands as Chas. Tyrreil, who me migbit mention, is cellecting a nuaiber of soothing oint- ments and linamients, Leroy Myles, LyaI Lowery, Bil Reid, Harry Davy, Si Brown, Keiith Burley, Bill Mer- ýceýr, Jim Brown and Dane Fýound. Thies possihly doesnàt consist cf the ent-ire Eist cf the reeve's players, for le intqnds te call in a nusuber cof otdhers te help eout with the donkeyis if they start te, net up. The New- enastie Lions memibers are to be eut lun foi ce te suppo:rt their efforts in the fight aend, Lion Charilie Knox dzlaimns thant they-. are readyý te battie tec tGhe -1t emiber- if it is ncsay The gainle is schieduled for 8.00 p.mi. t Ie Newlýnstiezl baiî'l tar Vhs Fn daJLly, 14th. A greaýt deal of lu- test1 being shemavî ia this game 7nnd a, large turncut is e-xpected te attnd. Your attendanicemiihl S.- te uîiherLions-, r in the district b y the Newýcastle Club). New Unlited Church began te 4takinlg aud frame mork for te prigOf ther c(Ieent foolt- insfor- 'e founidaýtioni of the new Unl'ted Churýci in Orono. limm-cediate- Con cepleti'on of VIlsF wVork VIhe cotrctrsfrom-l Whity mlii*I proceed te- lay thne cernent ho(ck feundation. Tt, 's -1 ciLed thnt this foundation miiil be copee>wîthin the ionth. ýarly iu the meontI cf August -the F-tone face mork on the c-hurch wli be sta.rted by the samne conýtraCtors.. The buiildinig colnnoitÂtee have the plan meli laid out anýd it is thougît -tInt the %verk on ýthe churchi sh:ould continue very rapidly. Il is ulso thought by soine thut the dhurci slould be erpected mithia the, pres- ecrijbed budget setL uLp by the finance comnoittee. cash in on thfls feminine. foible which iýs upen, te al momen with niable fin- gers 'anda afnair, frr ashibna" ? Hat ýshapes,iilinery triai such as flomwers, ribbons and veiliag, mire, pliers, scissors, needeés and thread will be supplied by the C.N.E. Cash pnîzes of nearly1$150 i ii be uwarded for workmnanship, ellevermess of triaI and suitability of the hat te the en- trant. The hat miii be modelled and judged on the entrant. Entry forms may nYom be oltaiaed by writing teý the Women's Division, Canadian National RE:hibition, Tor- ente, Ontario. Last day fer prospec- tive contestanits te, geV their entries in isAugust l4th. Courpetition ils schediuledfor Septeaber 5th in the afterneon. Prefessionals are net ehi- gible. MenP And Jobs One of the fiuest devehopmeuits in' Canada has been the national em- plyen ervice nihelc he1ps bring ia and moýrrk together in the saine place. It ks not long, in peint of years, whehn a mmas eq u t cf mork he lad te, fiuid a job 1-imself. Often he had te mander arouud for days, masting time, shoe leather, car fare and Patience, just because he had ne may cf kurowing mîcre mork mas available or evea mhether it mas available. He lest valuable timfe and mages, le- tmeen jebs, just because there mas ne, quick may cf knoing mhere a job oýould be obtained. Menptime, eoployers might be seeking a man mith ispecial eklilils 5v knomledge, suid woUldn't know mhere te, find lia. They mould have te malt until such a ianu came along, er take soncue less meli qualified, because ne ngency conld inform. tieni mhere they nigît get the right mar. This putting et men 'and jobs te- gether eau le imiportant on a nation- al basis. We note isome surplus New- foundlan'd men are beinîg placed on fanas lu VIe Ottawa Valley, mhere labor is ueeded. tVis veory dcubtful if nrany nmen f rom Nemfcundlaad mcuid g-et te Ottawa Valley very fast, unlesIs there wns s'ore organizatien te let tIsai know merk mas tiere fer (Coutiaued frein page five) Newcastle Lions Club Award, M*edals To Sports Winners Winners at hs lanke Tomnsaip Public Sdhool Field Day mere guesVs al w iti o-eeParent cf hs Nem- castle Liens Clubi on Thursday even- ing et hast meek uthVie Elmnhurst otl, Ien they mene feted Vo a banue, andi ase receivedti Vîir imed-1 ais searnedý:autbVe meet leld previcus- lluKendal. AUl the students inning in theiri re-spective age classes at ffie ineet mers present to receive their eugirav- eti medals a'warded them by Vths -New-, castile Lions Club. Those neceivinig1 mnedals mers, girls under 8 ysarls,1 Journ Allia, Orono; ýbeys under 8. years, Wayne Bailey,ý, Orone; grIl unrder 10 years, Cai Cooper, Orenew; beys under 10 years, Einîc Careton, \-- Oreno; girls under 12 years,Benc Lunn, Onon-o; by unde.r 12 yas Billy Bruat, Nemcnï,stle; girls underi 14 years, Ruthl Garreti, Newc.astle; --,. boys under 14 yaa Lynl MHarris, Ne-veaiýstie; gli7ls under 17 yearsl TLEeeuSelhy, NeWCastle; sud boysI unde1ýr 17, Buuce Myles, Oreno. Two cups mwere awarded, one tIu Orono fer holding he championship in 'the InteruÈban softball tourna- ment. Keadal school secured the second cup for the Rural Initerschool softball dhiampionhip. For wvianiag- the gr-eatest iiumber of poinits in the enitÎre field day, Orono Pufblie Sehool -was the recipient cf the c-am]>ionýshýiîp shield. The field day,-has beconie an an- al~ event in which evry sehool in the Townslhip takes part. The New- castle Lions spnosthe day under the directicmi of the teachers and has been their praetice to reward those ,ýimining their class wibh engraved To further the students enitertain- ment, Mr. C. R. Car-veth, Newcastle, showed pic-ture-ts on "Water Safety", and "Vaca-iti'oins la Canadh and Prince Edward Island". The showlng of the )ictures brougliýt the evenfing Voa close. Youngst'er Saved After' Falling Into 'Weil The life of -a seven year old boy, the son of Mr. Elliott ef Pentypeel, was saved on Saturday afternoon. by the quick dct!on et Mr. William Painting, a bricklayer f rom Coventry, England, mho is living on the- Dick- enson Fara at Port Britain. The dhîld f ellâtot a 354e t etml lanmhich dynamite hadi been discharged a f em, heurs prev7ieus. Wîith fumes from the dynamite, ailil hýavy, the bey almost inune- diately became unconscieus and _1r.1 Painiting, mithout hesitation, niade the descent to the tbottom of the ýyell, fastening a rope about the /uncog- sioss bey, merked his may up thec narrom passage_ and applied artificial respiration te the boy until the,dec- tors arrived. It mas ouly through Vhe quick ac- tion et Mr. painting,. it is feit,' that titis boy is alivý,e teday. Durhiam School Area Esta- blished By Counties' By-Law The controversy over the delinea- tien- ef the HighSeheel District boun-1 daries ended lu Cobourg, Thursday, June 28tb, mith the passiug ef a by- lam by the United Counties Gouncil. AccordUiug teI the by-iam the Dur- hia Hlgl Sehoci Area miii incorpor-4 ute VIe Tomnýiships of Darlington, Clarke, Hope., thq southera portion cf Cavan ýandthie former 1-igh Scloo)1 Districts cuf Newcastle, Býommanville and- Port Houpeý. The Township of~ Manvers and the northern part ef Cavun are netiaciuded in the Dur- hum Higl Sdhol1 Area. It is e-x-1 pected tînt these sections of the County miii ndeavour te becoeeil- corporated mith either Ptroog or the Lidsay H1igh ScheolDitrits A second by-iam, estaibishing an east Northumberland HîgI Schcel District mas passed iby a slight mu- jority ut VIe Council meeting. This High S choel Area incerporates the Town'ships of Brighton, Murray, Seymour, Cramahe, part of Percy and the- villages of Coîborne, Brigh- ton sud tIe tomai of Campbeliford. Reeve R. J: Locke of Campbeilford, said that Canipbueilfoerd had decided th-nt if the Arýea mas set up as.oe district, instead cf the tme us betere, Campbellford mould seek te isecede from (the Couaties. The Reeve sug- gested,_ homever, blat "ne action be taken for a fem years . . . . by tirat time, things miglt be more suitable for establi shiag oae district". Neyer-' theless ie" moved, secouded by the Reeve cf Seymour Township, that Vhe third reading le given, and the by- lam carried by a uarrom margin. Althougli Oampbeilford, backed by Seymour T'omu-ship, mere net lu fav- our of thre large iil ýchoe4l Area, tîey have been included lu the Eat NortIunvberland HigI School Dis- trict. Furtler action regardiug se- ceding frein the District miii stem frein Vhe Tiomu or Towns'hip itself. Len Gordon, Ceiborne, eue-ine Chairman efthte Special Schoois Committee, tohd VIte Censultaive flnmmittee tînat Colbone Village paid $Z,70(Y for its HigI Scîcol edu- cation lu 19419, but",after it became part of a High Scîcol District the .umouni; mas reduced Vo $950,.00. Siaiilarly, Brighten's $3,00 mas re- duced te $1,500 and Craaahe's $2,- 600 Vo $2,500 mien they became part of -a >Hig Schiool District. Passing the by-lams prier te July 1, imenas that ns ef January 1, 1951, Durhami County sund Eat Nortîna- berlaud as previously described, will eaeI become ne elarge igl Sehool District. Had VIhe Uniïted Couaties Mý-n.d anirMs. E. C. Thora- ton, Weayds)tock ----.. 10.00 $19,884.70 Retirenient 0f G. W. Muir, 1Dominion Animal Hosbandman A meli-Iknoma figure in th1e C 1ana- dian livestock industry, George W. Muir, Dominion Animal Husband- rmn, Central Experimiental Faran, Ot.tama, retired on superannuai-iýtion can July 3rd, atter 36 yearsr servite te Canadian agrilulture. 1 Mr. -Muir mas bornaut -St. Laurent, 'Que., sixty years ago and graduated trom MeCRll Uuiveprsity la 1,914. He joined the 'Animal Hu§bandry Dlvi- sieon ef thVe Departmient of Agricul- ture ijarndîateýly ai[Ttegraduation, and las been mitî Vie Division since that Vime.ITu 1933 le mc as -ppo)inted Domiinion Animai-l Huslaudman. In tint capa:city lie lad overail directien ofet Ve xprnea and research work in' nuimiial i'usbaudry at the Ex- perisueutal Farri lu Ottawa, and the supervisîi o etshiiuar mork on VIe BrnnÉch Puris and Stations acrosýs Canada. Well kuomu in, agricultural circles Mr. Muir brought te lis mork a quiet and unassuing efficiency tint mon lia manýy triends. AV a gntlering Ield utthVe Central Experiaientai Farn, Ottama, Mr. Muir mas presented mith a painting and a reading lump as a token cf tIe e-steesu in whicI le is leld by bits col- leag-ues and friends. Mai. Muir mas VIe recipient ot a bouquet of Amer- ican Beauty roses. Newtonville Cemetary In Need 0f More Land 'Newtonville Correspondent, Tie cemoctery-aunual îmetig et Nemteon ville' mas held ou Monday ï,esning, July 3rd, in tire Conoaunity Hal. Vueiyvtfwmerseset M.T. A. Re-idl, mo iras lisachir cran of tie Boar-d for abouübvmelve ye(ars, resigaed. TIiïs as because le feit IV unifair te 'tIc rest oethVe Board tîit 'le,, residing, in Orono, could not Vake a tuIler slare oethVe resp<inslbiliy. Mr. W. H. Burley, treasurenr and charter membher cf Vie Board, ialso passed in Iris resignation tîrougi reasous oet li healti. Tire resignation cf betI tiesýe men mers accepted miih regret as tiey have been valusd ieaners. Mr. Arnold Wade and Mr. Clsland Lane mers elýected to Vhs Board. miti Mr. Ceeul Robinson as seniorrameaher. Two prollemýs.at Ieast mii lave te, be faced up te by Vhis nem Board. (1) Tire acquirig et more land, the only iother alternative beîug Vhs 'closiag oethVe cemetery, te buyers of fiamily Plots mithin six menotis. ()The building up et sufficient Perýpetual Funds for Vhs cemetery te carrf itself. The fund nom stands ut $4,460,00ù. Everycue wmie knews thiis ceinetery with its, large pionceer section con- Vribriting ne'tiring for upksep, miii appreci ate thIs task, for ail i-s beau- ifully kept mîstler coutributed- fer or net. o Rural Examinatien Results S.'S. No. 8 Clarke, Antioch AIpirabëtical Order To Grade 8-,-Madeliue Cemuýn, Biiiy Hancock, Boyd Wood. Te Grade 6-Curol Hancock, Nanicy Hanoock, Mac Slewchuk, Noral Wood. To Grade j5-Duuiel Hall. To Grade 4-Mudelon Allen, Andy' Shewcluk. To Grade 8-Beverly Comwan, (noV promoted, Glenda Comun). Te Grade2Bih Allen, Juney Huneock. Hazel Crago, Teaclier. Brown's School, S. S. 5, Clarke To Grade 9-RutI Kalebaba (HI), Jin Curson ('H). To Grade ý8-Jo.ycs Avery, Beryl Clarke Township Council Sets Rate For Year 1950 Clarke 'Town.ship Counicil met in regular session on Thursday, July Oth, with a great deal of business be- ing handIed. Delegations were -pres- ent to submit their requests on road maintenance and construction. A niouating cost in sheep payments were observed,-aad also the Township Rate was set for the ipresent year. Wm, Hale aud Cecil Stapletea dis- cussed with the council the possibil- ity of having theirý rond reconstruct- ed, -and pointed out that this work h'ad been promised several years ago. The ceouncil had ýte submit that no read construction could be planned for the year due te the excessive cost la, repairing mashouts. It was, hom- ever,. moved by councili to* have this rond recenuneaded te the Municipal Engineer and Rond Superiatenclent, and if possible some 'forai ef con- structionte be done this year. Leroy Hail1ton spoke te, the coun- cili, bringing te their attention of the underining cf the bridge at his place on the Leskard road. The ceuncil instructed that esti-. mates be prepared en tJhe read diver- sien on concession BrekeanFront, Lots 14 and 15. These estimates and recemmendation for construction in the year 1951 be sent te the Board of 'Transport Commission cf Canada. A great déal of cenceru mas voiced over the alarsning outlay of amies of the kllag -of sheep. To date -for 1950O 'thiese moulies amount te $1,147.- "). During June twenty-feur sheep we cre kilied, costlng -the tomnis'hip $528.O0. Those sufi'ering the kili- ings meeG. La-[in !13' sheep), C. laye lwshep, Cee.!!Stapleton sepand Wm. Lai*ig ' sheep. After a- lonig discussIon reg-nrding the kill- Ùtgs, iV vas d~ecided by. comacil that 'ehe miajorýity oc fitese killînigs mere_ due te improper handting amd train- ing cf dogs. For VIe prýotction c)f the slheep emners it mu'vs f cît ueceuý-ý sary by the meiers of counicîlte have the followiag po)rtion cof the Dog Tax and Llvestoclk Protectien Act qucted: "Any person ny li any dog"- (a) mýhieh is found -killinfg or ljur- ing livestock, or <b) mhich in toma- sliip or villaýge is found betmeen sun- >sit or sunr-iseý stray-ing freai preai- oses mhich if 15 habitually kept, or (c) mhiol is found straying at auy- tuas, and is net under proper con- trol, ilpoii premises wlhere livesýtock, are habituatllyý kept.. A tendler mas ncceptedl for the construction of the Stani Allia bridge, Conces;hion 4, damaged 'ia the spring. Ia a resolution Au'gu5V 7 (Civic Holiday) mus declared a leg-al holi- day in the tomnshiçp. Tenders are to be asked for the oconstructioün of the Milisea' bridge ia Nerti Oronpo. This structure lias beea eut cf1 use for a number ofj years., To raise the 'necsssary money Ïn Vlie township tfor tVIee ysr Vhs muni- cipal council et larke set tiheir rate ut 13 mqihs, beîng VIe sains us Vînt et last year. The Following rates miii le four,ýd onvhs 1950 ax bill. County rate--------------------13.4 ills NE WTON VILLE Mr. llugh Stapleton is 'busy buaill-. ing his new home. Mr. and Mrs. Russel MNe o f Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. WIi1iý Farrow on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknýap and Douglas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arîthur Redknap. The Masonic, chrdhc serviice on, Sunday evening -%as very well a-t- tended and ejoyýed. 11ev. Br-o. 7er- riam was the speaker asud B.Wai.. ton the soloiât. Miss Mabel Bowen anid Mrs. Brad- ley of Rochester, and Mrs. label Langstaff accomýpaied Mr. nnid Mrs. Bill Tozer and Linda of P'ort Hope to visit M"s. Tone Langstaff on Mon- day. The Community HallComte annual meeting was held in the 'hall on Monay evening, July 3rd, The vacancy of Mr. Edgar Hiarcourt through remioval to, Port Hlope, vas filled by election of Mr. Len. Barbou to the Board. WESE YVI LL E M\isýs Jean ,Diifi of Mr'ytle, -Miirrftl anld RuLth Paynle mtrdto Algon-~ quini Partk on Suniday. M.and Mrsý. PerIcy Snell sýpenti Sunay ih Mr. anid Mr -en Lanmg- manii of Toonto.) M.adMrs. Ws.Brrowlougk of shaspent &na ihM-. and Mrs. Hfarold Barrowýcloughb. iss ,Nola THoldawayof Toron)ito, is viiigwith hermohr Ms.L Hol!dLaway. Mr. and Mrs. MItnBrimacomnbe and aiy Mes.srs. Jsu and FredI Brim-acombe 'of Osaca, setSundaýy wit h Mr. and Mrs. Ar7noild Thorndykeý-. Sunday School-'was held at 10.30 with a g -od attendance, aind wýith Mr- George Ttifford acting as sLiperin- tendent. Church ma.s held at 7.30' as usual, The service mas held on Vie churcli lamas as it mas such a mara evea- iug. Mrs. Allan Clarke, iassisied by Muriel Auistin, began the supervision of the recrleation ef the cdhildren clf schoel sud pro- scho'el age. The imeetings cf thie yottng f olk mwiiibe hld nu Tuesdays'and Fridays of eaeh _____o - Ceunity sclool rate --------- 2.6 Tomnhiprat--- ------13- Tomnsip , s'Ohool rate (gýneral) ------- --- -----6 Row1)n-ivile Mmnu The meigthen idjouriied. muls Junior. Homemaking Girl Receives zScholarship rene Trick. a Junior Hememaking Club inembe cf Vire Miuibrool Club. received VIe value frein a Clotiing Schlarship last meel. Seven girls in Ontarie mers ciosen te tale a course ut Central Teclinical ScIool. Toronto, under VIe direction et Mdiss Mury Devitkoff, instruLctor ln tuiler- iag at thnt sdheol. These--irls mers cirosen forthi good mork lu Hom-emuking Clubs oven a period cf years and an active intersst in VIe merk.Tlirey are in- debted Vo Mrs. Dan. MeIKee, Editon eftVhe Heme Deparmient, Canadiani CounryIman, fer 1the sclarsbip and what it luts meant toe ii Enaci girl receivedi a train ticket te Toronto for lasV Sundny niglit wlere their activitÀes. ook place. They stayed ait Victoria College Resi- dence under tIe suptervisiýon of Miss Sumalner King, Homie Ecoinist vvith tirs Woaeu's Instituts Br-ancL aý-nd Home Economies Sei-vice, mh;,leire Vey sajoyeti somýethin!g ef residence lite. On _Menday,mateniaisumers choses- for suits and daytime leurs mýe spent in Vhs schcol asnid Vire so'und cf clatter andi uraclines, ireceiving -ex- pert instruction. Off tiare heurs sam vtIe ssu sf11 o- getîer visitîn]gVhe Gcor-gianRom Centrýe Island. one et Toronto'sne tîsatres andth Ve Proi. Bner.1e- hindti hssecenes oethtbs planning mas 1Mrs. Mceemio adse ententaieti the girls ut 4inii nqrlahèr hone'. The girls mirho' let fer tisir laines Stur-~ day mers a irêei group, laviig wrk cd and playeti long heurs but rich * in thein expriences together andthe teachmn,, they received' toecomiplet.- mool suitsý. -1