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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1950, p. 4

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~ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TflURSDAY, IULY ~13, 190. lk1y Times Office Dlepartmeitt, Ottawa Âdvertising Rates on request Subscript ion $1.50 ?Pabished every Thursday morning at the Tixlnes office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Good Times? The can4lid olser-ver is led to woiider Just w1hit measur-e of genuine properity laswr-aippe-d up in the current industrial boomi wlieh furnialies work for such large -numnbers of men. Riglit; now, muanual lahor is at a premiln comparable to tbat of wartimre. Bi.- wages are bedng offlèred hy nmimerouss manufacturing firmis, notably General Motors of Osbawa. In addition to thie apparent help short- age, 'e have a Sitili prolonge'd liousing aioita'ge. Unable to find livng ccoumidaiin lthle town ior work cenjtr-e, we -e failles movig inlfo farlin premnises for thle sole pûrpos,,,,e of havi.ng a, place V, stay. T"ebcsnpratcability of atteniptiini to operate a farnm and w,,oîik in tuwn soon mnifests jts'elf in neglected and ru111 dowýn build- in,--, and ucrppd ads. No earnest thiiiker can iin a last- )i>ng pnapeity basied upon a feYerish srvn after m)er-e money alone. Therec, asaomoething solid lnd laating about a situation which tacsstock of the agiutua ide of a country"a existanice. While fart-a is 1 ecooning more and more meéhanized, 'and farm owners a-re rend erlng theiuselves lbas dependent upon manual labor, it is dis- quieting to witneas -a growýiing public apathy toward Canadas great- ,st res-ource-the land. Sliould the present trend in work and lgh wa,1ges Sustain islial Weil and good. Judlgod 'from-i the standpoint of two ortiree decodes ago, our people oughit to be 1Living in the ltap of luxury to-day. However, if living costs creep abreast and ahead 9f wages, we stili wil1 have flnlancialýly harassei peolple, and find, depresed condition in the rinýidst of seemrinig good bimies. Tjnderprivileged Children With the adveint of aniother sthool vacation soason, the chlii dren of the land willd be free Vo folow the dictates o1 fancy wlthout thoi daly' remninder of lessons and the warning tones of the school beli. The two mnontha of freedoim will prove a paradise to the youwigstens themaîelves. Parents, particularly mothers, will flot fate quite su well. The r-esiponsilhdity which school muontlis thru.st par- tially upon the teacher miust now be assumed at hlmean'd it ia m other ,wlio realizes this fact More and mfore, our people are com- ing ta r-eoognlize the worth of hnlidays. Greator provision s'lhout be made for the families lof worklng folk Vtoget away ýto the counitrysîide for a few days a t any -rate. The annualpal put forth by the "Torourto Star" and sânililar agencies is a reflection upoii conditions, existing in our midst; conditions which dkot Msipeak woll for a social orderw'hich fosters so many under;- piri'vleged chldrien.. and whieh is oliged to Look to a ýcompassionate public for the rectification of someathing which ahould not exist. INo dout the ýpoor will always be with us. There can, however, be l»~ovmentsli labor, distribution 'of goods, and in the standards rif living so that the poor wil be lesis poor and lesa numnerous. Educaïtion la n"t confined nierely Vo public and s'ocondary Gchaols. A lot of aur adrninistrative people need educating la, te- gard Vo the needs raif the people Ithey serve. Vacation' time, instead of eo-mig as a nightmnare to a- hast of harassed families, should bring oppo(ýrtunlity for rest 'and relaxation. Educatiing the heads of families to)war-d sucli an end could dlinate a fo'rn of charity, wich, while worthy lnu itsolf, ila oniy meagre help which makes for no permianent and saUiifac qory solution. The Loss of Good Periodicals Depiored iMany local readers wilil regret the cesseain of thie old and ~ei-iuedpuiblcation the "Nunrthera- Messenger". Havlng served the public as a faniliy and Sunday School paper for mare than one huundred and ten yeara, the "ivilesseiger" fias succumbed because, as F"reidenýick E. Dougaîl, 83, explains, lie lad no oyther alternative but Vo discontinue "the laat of our papers while yet its sole surviving mebris able to met ail its "htgations". As the "sý;ole surviviag meier"Mr.Dougatli nust have reflected with a heavy hieantthat there w\ere so few people fmancally capaible as well as 'willing ta see Ghe "Messenger" any further_ along the way. Another sad note is expressed by Mr. Dougail when hoe ad- riits that "ýe could hafve sold the paper for thousands of dollars' Vo explor-ers, but -we w'ould not do that", The "Messenger' once had acircula on o f 0,000, but dr'opped to 23,000 in receat years. The Yontreal JDaily Witnesis, another family publication, was discon- tinued in 193[fter it steadiyly bt nmoney. lt was the most miorally courgeos nwspperCanada-ever had" said Mr. Dougaîl, 'in re- fecri- g th le "ina "In the hardeat af ail fields it championed thle cauwse_ of rigliteousneýssanad fought againast the popular evils of the day. economiie!, sc an'd political-its rindependent fight for the vigitould f1 llarýtge volume". Poaalbly ailittie seIf-refiection upon the parýtof thie Canadian rýeadt(ing public wouldî furish a chiie as ta, the demisê,of honoured publicaitîîis such as [the above. Peihaps there la a serlous flaw in our tlianking and consequeatfly in. our reading-when we allow such ljppers anad perodicalýs tii g6 by the board. At the same moment, tlo, logical qjuestion aýrises 'in qurnminds, "Are we replacing these w i t anyting btter, or even as good"? Pers'onally, we fear not. Good Year For Farmns many peo]ple have heeni compiaining-about thc kind of lias bora scrvcd up this spring and early summor, de- agriculture officiais la Ontario are setting up a sang cf garding lt. Hon, . '.L. Kennedy, Ontario Miiter cf ia leading hs chorus with a statement, "There bas year like ,titis3." Mfter a tour cf Onarni, le said fIat mn dollar producti-on year was beiag served up for On- 2Only la 1948 w-as there a yecar la whiehi faim praduc- er the billon dolflar miarki, and prospecta for hils ycar can higher record than two yeoars ago. V o tlIc abundant, and -yef fot tea abundanit, moisture, ~rps are antictpated la practically evcry line, as iJf thep Grain prospects, fur both fali and spring varleties are There is a great crop cf srwere.Pofatooes are aukable pnoise. Se if goesala! down lieu lino, as if the Oltaruio agriculture for 1950 is ketiping pace wthI that ,y ut the proince. I tcold have a decdcd effpet la owernlg praduction casts oc>9ntario. Slaethe increase is being brouglit about lds taufthe acre, the ogical conclusion is fIat thbe conta 'h o 4eiw4nbhan i ti a amailler yield. If anc could have mt his e rdûed unit cost aould ln sarnie ay bie passed ,iate censuaturs, thon' everyone wul be Ihatpy about Q 1UILDING I (Alterations and Repairst) *ROOFING SPECIÀLISTS (Johns - -Manville MUaterials) j pQ.*SPRAY PAINTING AND DECORATINGf LÏ Call. G il,. Contracting Co. i Q LIMITED 1Caroline St. Port Hope 10 Phone 2589 PARK ST. UNITED CH URCH Reverend A. E. Enstace Services wiil beheldon Jýuly lOth, 23rd and 3th. Rev. R. R. Nicholson will have charge of these services There will be no service'on July 2nd or the gth USprIng Clean 9 Tour Insurance 0With pricos changing insurance fmust ho checked every year.e OCaîl us. te.day for froc advice. * aESI POL.ICY ~ m CALL .N. F. PORTER - ORONO, Ont. %ý> ý0= ýe Real Estate $5,000, New offeriflg, 100 acre fan noear Leskard, mostly workablc, good pasture, 2 good harns (one, metal roofed), al concrete floors, cernent silo, water in harn. Spetlessly dlean 6-roomod insul-bric residenco, hardwood fbora. Stock and im- plemonts can also be bought as a going concera. Easy ternis and possession to suit. $4,000. Orono residence on se- lect streot and fine surround- inga, 4 rooms, including large living room, all aewly decorat- cd, hardwoed flooring in part, frame, ashostos shingle roof, electricity, hot watcr heatiag, large well-trecd lot and gardea, good water, low taxes. Reason- Vle torms. Open for offer. Leroytiamilïtonl BROKER' Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res, 1 r 16 Orono, 'Ontario COMING EVENTS Attention - Â11 mem-beý of Vhe jniirMisn Band. We are hav- lntg aur plcnAc on 'Monday, July l7th, M, 3 pan., la the Orono Park., Please bring a box of sandwiches or cookies. a-215-p. ANNOUNCEMENT On FrVday, July1 ttO /o Wo- men's Institute wi1l melnt;/Ith Hatnp- ton for a plcnc .H pton Park. Garton's bus willa rnio at 2.00 p.m. Mrs. H. awv will address the gathering on liffi hiats for hot weather., Every welcome. mem- beyra' chldren ý e; members 25c. Contact Mas. V. Robinson sa that bus accommodationmay ho arranged, phone 35 r 14. b-26-c. A -nuniberof innoviations have been arranged for the National Horse Show, Sept, lutto 9th, at the Cana- dian National Exhibition.. Equine arigtocrats in ail bre'eds and classes wiIl ibe secu in the caïpacious Coli- Park Prograrn Thursdiay, July 1i--Town suftbal- 1Merdhants vs; Cnooked Creek. Fruday, July ý14-0.B.A. Midgeit Bal -Port Hope vs ýOrno. Saturday, JuIy 15-Softbal 1- Orono Intermediates' vs Os'hawa. At Dusk - Show, Megit shorts. Monday, Juiy 17-Town Soiftlbal - É'orestily vs Merclhants. Tuesday and Wcchiosday Vo be au- nounccd. Intermediate Basehal 'flore has been formcd la the village an intermediate softlball ieara whIch hais beea entered la the OASA w *fh a bye inta the piayoff s. This team is now playing exhibition gamea with atIer -outaide teams, prepariag themselves for the playoff s which will be anaounced nt a latter date. Latte- ly this fcam played against the AI- goera Proes ram Oshawa and lest the game by *one rua la aine imalags af bal, Orono Soccer Tteam Loses te Courtice hy 5 te 3 Score Saturdlay evoniag at thc local ýpark the Orona foodball te=m basf a latttle againat the entry frora Courtice. At tIhe end i tIc halfway mark the game was tIed at Vwo ail, but in the latat hat Courtce ecutod tlree goals la sucÀcession with Orono makrng on- ly ane lone tally. 6 * * On Wedne'sday nigit- the Orono soccer ttoam met the Enniakillea lads at the local ipark where the two teams bath eadcd with a -two goal tic. Town League Will Finish Schedule on Moniday 'Night The town soitbbail leaague will play ifs final game on Monday niglit of thc schednule andti tea preparatians will be muade for the playt.voff s Jla the loague. It us reportai that flic Jun- iors arc af present headling the Ica-] gue and will do so at its cloaimg game onMody Oront Midget HIandball Teani Defeat Port Hope By Six Ruas 'fhe Oronio midgefs p ydthieir usual game of lhardball on Wedales- day evcaingl~o defeaf thýe Parit Hope entry lu the lbagu e ,iyza-screof aineý ta three. TWts gamie -was played lu Part Hope. These boys: are provid- iag good bail for those who attend and warrant your supporît -ai their home games.. A great deal of inter- est and enthusan sl shown in every OUTSIDE INTEREST One could nef think of the rebuilding cf the Park Street Church without bcing remindcd of the o'utsidc financial and moral help given to the cofn-munty of O.-onc, ln the last number of mon- this the fnancial aid la dollars and, cents lias been risin'g atendily f'romn the outblyinig rural and urbatocentres, bath ýlarge aidl amalîl con- tribuitiiona. To mention' the donations Vo the rcbuuldng cof the churdh from those interested la -our'comnnity would cake considerable spaice, but we' are aware that ïtit Iis, assistance froriO ur frlcnda ani neiglibours that hais greatlry bolstered the expetatiyns 'cf hatv- in,- a church bult free' f any debt. The edifice when àlt l conupleed wtlll noit only be a 'place of wonahip, but ae a syimol of 'thoughtfulneos, g enerosity, ami a Chiistian way of life'. In any cases others' ha~ve gone without, se thalt wc nuay have our churdL. ThIts attitude mnay weil ho planted iour way of life, for 1t is such acte as these thatmae life moto Our gratitude Voý thuse fraim ouf of eut village could net be toc great, fcor wllM their help wve are aootlahn o ove"thr-ow a burdc- iL:ch could have riddcan the cmuuyand fhe dhurch faor inarty years to camne. 1OST1 A gold broMch Id th. Re-- .ward. Finlder Pie LIe/,ne:58 r 6,1 Orono. WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippled stock, removed free of charge. One hour service. Highest price for old horses.-Mar- gi Fur Farm. Cali Collect Bow- manville 26719. WREATHS FOIR SALE I aiso now in a posiion to supply artificial wreaths at différent prices. They may be seen at the hiome of H1. Prescott's, or 0. W. Kniapp's, ph6ne 62 r 1, Orono. Ap 29-p * DECORATORS Paintin'g and Decorating INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Guaranteed Satisfaction Phone For Free Estimates Absolutely No Obligation HORACE YORK Phone Orono 77, r 7< game that the 'boys play and their hall laim'proving under the coaching cg Mn. Fred Lycett. * * -3 Orono Girls Likely te End in Second Place in Their Longue,, NewcaMtle defeated the Orono girls by a coerua suargia la a vory good gaine cf ball at Newcastle on Wcd- nesduy evening. The finaâl score of the game was Il Vo 10. Thtis gaine was wefll ýplayed hy both teams, and we can almoat imagine these two teamis battling it out la the finals. June Cooper pitched fIhe first five and part'of the sxtlh innings' for Orono with Jfoyce 7enaant completing the ame. No one ianing la the gamne saw more than 'four ruas scored ,khich is rather unusualinla-girls sof t- bail games la this longue. This was the fiffth defeat of the season for Orano 'who have chalked up seveni OLAS8IFIED GOOLUMNS PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL La-Wren ce C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. -Phones: Office 688 Reié553 W.- F.WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOft NOTARY Phones: Office82s J9eideno. 4ft BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator ConductsAuMction Sales of .1ai dm and at ,reasonable rate. Communicate with hlm at pu$ Perry, Ontario, or see Un. Clerk,ý A. ER Morton, at, Orom, fer date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Newcastle las won sevea, Iosiag 8pecialize In Farm and four an'd have stilI une.gamo ta play. Furiaiture Sales Newtonville and Courtice have won four games each. The iplayofis are Consuit me for ternis ta, be announced ia the near future, and dates aad if is llkoly that 0rena willl fizaft playoff wlth altIer Newtonvilie or Phone_________1 __________ Courtice, Football I E I SJN 1%r 0 S Pension Plans; Educational Pullie; On Saturday, Juily 22iud, the Avro Protection and Savings Plans fo« Soccet team will visit Orono to play tIe Orono boys ami fIlis should be a Childrea and Adults; Mortgage la- game of the fnost quality. Tihis Avto surance Plans. tearu la one cof Toronto's fiirst d- F .L C T sioin teams and no doubt will give aurF.E Y IT boys a trial, neveuthelosa, Orono ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r 10 wvill ho in there ta, the final wlhietle. The iroferee vwlll bc one cf Toron- The RUTTER GRANITE to's borýt, McCraig, who lias lasev- oral years ex,,perleace iii thia tough COMPANY, league, and if will hec'of intforest Va Phone 501 - P.O. Box 422i aIl wh1o liko football att ifs besf4. Port Hope, Ontario WAidncaday's game \wiliIEnniskil- M nmntGaem re% le)was a bard fouglit game and LAnmns rvm res ah91o- a toica baya realy cain play EnzravnLy., Ooldleafinpr whcne the chps arer downvi. Ennîsikll lrIon lte lirait mnueof play scored on1 a1 fluke orerldick sud gof an- etle tlý fit'in1. hese- STAFFORD BROS ond a 11ws 1i OroOno, they scored Mo fwic, L'adr-ibb1in'g thIllehall thr-ough -1thipe etire team t) e0scoe. b numental Works This gamjiýe wssmeh ,0setIc Phono Whitby 552 gameo witb Avra wJîll shýow youfoika 318 flundas St. E., Whitby 'Mllhit aur 'baya)ý cani do. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP OrOnOT I'nhovMARKERS O ron Ti sho Lot us orect a handsome, <Bp-. nified monument over the rest- ing place of your loved anes. It's pot expensive. And seeing this lat tribute will give You endiesa conîfort ORONO Furniture ilosptal Reupholstering Repairdng -Refinikhing Antiques Bought sud Mod Se Our rune of Drapery Material Kitchen Units m'ade t. order CF. Duncan Phono 79-16 ORN We will he pléased to pick up ?'ead or crippled tarri animais and lpay highest prevaiiling prices. For imediato service telephe collect Brooklirk 62, Cobourg 1266w, 'Toronto Adelaide- 3636. CIU- ONT4AM L Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Houri: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.310 t. S.00 p~ Sundaysand Wednesdays by appointment only PHONE 47u1 ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main St. Office Hours. 2.0to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 pr. Sundays and Holidaya by Appointment NOW la the timne to look after your Heating Systein FOR NEXT YEAR R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 Orono Electric Ph. 55 r 1 - CONRACORSFOR FARM and, ITOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira t, aIl makes of Electrical EquiÎpment and AppiLnes umch as Motors, Water Heater., Hadios, Stolve., Irons. Etc.

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