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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1950, p. 1

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ORD-N-o WEE LY Vol. 14 No 27 ORONO, ONT., TF-URSDAY, JULY 27th, 1950 Suibscrïption $1.50 per Year 'Mr. And Mrs.A. J. Bigelow Celebrate,5Oth Anniversary About three hundred guests assean- bled at aTnor Pride Farms at liniy. nar Oreno, on Thursday, July 20th, un the eccaision of the ')Oth Wedffing Aniv-,ersary- of Mr. anid Mrs. A. J. Bigýelow. The lar-ge diaing roonit was attactiviydecoraqtedfin -white and gol1!d, with a 3-tered wedding cake udoingim the centre of the table. Ia the, afternoûon Mrs. Amelia Thomposn anld Ms George F. Henderson, sis- tri-la, of the '%bride", 1poured tea. Ila the evcning Mrs. Wm. T. Ruther- ford relieved Mrs. Henderson la this dUt y. Th'-e rcelcbration hegan witb the presenitation of ai goldeni te-a service ty the Women's Auxiliary of Klirby Unîted Cliarcli. The address wai Willa Bigelor, g ranidchildIren. Mos, 't of the g-ues-ts arived la The eveing and speat imuchi of the tim-e on the lalwn wLich was lighted with go](!annd blue colouredi lights. It wais wéll after 11.00 o'ciock before the gue--Isshad all left. Kirby is ini the Townsbip of Clarke, County of Duha , miles aorth of Oroijo, on Highiway &S5, betweea NeW-1 eateand Lindsay. Mrs. Bieelow, aee 'Maggie HRnd rsoni, was bora on Mano r Pride Farms, the daughter of Wilhelnina (Minnie) Henderson, nee Pride, wbo was the granddaughtcr nof William Pride. William Pride came from Ayrsbire, 'Scotiand, about 1840, and settled on the farm which aow hears bis nane. The farm bas heen read by Mas. Raymond Chapanan, mnd the preseatation was made by ,Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry. Foiln-wviag la the addtýess: Kirby, July 20th, 19,61 Ma, and Mrs, A. J. Bigelow. Dear FrJenàs:-,-We, the officers and n)enobers of Kiby Womne's As- sociation cixtend Vo you oua heartiest' con'gratulations aand very best wisbhes on this, flic fi ft4c*ýýh anniversary of IlOUI, wedding - No doi(nut, you cherisk may fond nemnories nf thie past flfty years, miemiories flled witb jo.y and baippi- naýsa connectd wt your home and famýily life, miore somibre memories wbnillnossivae your home, or arngwith loved ones. Througbýout -li te many v re operiencos of yeur 1ife togethera vigheavenly Fatb- er as taogthnedand sustaiaed ye. nd we re happy te be able to ý!clobrate xitb yvou today,,, your Gol- den Wedding nieray Weý ask you tet accept this tea set, net fer its intria-ievaue but as a li ttle momienitcocf oua love and os- te em. We ask -u o use it daily, and rmay it recail i maay leasant heurs speat in sbaiagi the work of our Association. We hope and trust you will be giron health and zstrength te cele- braVe nV my nore anlniversaries, aad may God 'blýs: you both. Oni behalf nf Kiaby W.A.(ia ed) Mas. Wmi. Ruthielford, Mrs. WM. Allin, Mas. H.. Lowery. M.Biîgo-lo)w nmade a re(ply suitable tn- the occasion. As tho g'uests ar- rived they were receivedd by Mr. J and Mas. Bigehow, and thon served .refîeshm-ents, inclading Pa gon-d sized portion -of wo-din.g cake by'\ the ladie-s of tbe W. A. The aifternoon wsspent ila much conversation abot od tines, oid fi,rida. Teward eý-veaing a greup of the I'Cnusins"-Cains, Chapmnaas., Laiags Ruitho-fordsi, Tamblyns and Browas, prýesented the happy) couple with -a are electric tabel I:an. Thlspros- oýntatiîon was followed by that of an olectic dok bvPlipi and Wilfrid, -a-nas of Ma. anil Mrýs. Bi!gelow. This ~ presetatio - w as ae by Teddy andj la the family for. five genorations. Mr. A. J. (John) Bigelow is the son of Philip and Emma Bigelow, nee Tammiiblyn, and graadsoa of John Bigelow who camne frein Deveitshire, England, in the 1840%s and settled on the th Lino, 2 milles aorth - of Kirby. TFhus MUr. and Mrs. Bigelow are descendants of famîilies wbe were amoag the first settier la the north- era baîf of Clarke Township. Both bave enjo.yod good bealth throughout their long lives. Mr. 'Bigelow is in his 79th year and Mrs. Bigelow in bier 68th. They have worked very bard all their livc, Their regular timo for ýrising was 4.45 la the mora- ingÉ, and retiring 'fl-me was 9.00 at aight. Mr. Bigelow recalîs teaming legs te :Oshawa la bis youager days. In the winter the regular moutine fer bis fiather, bis, two brothers and hum- self, was te rise at. 5.00 a.m., fell trees, cut, and load twe load,Ë ef legs la one day. Tbe next merning two of tbemi- arose at 2.30 a.m., fed and hiarnessed the herses, 'and were on the aead by 4.00 o'cleck. The round trip was 46 miles. Oftea, in severe [weather, they were n-t l, bed until midnight. Tbey were up and eout te the woods agala at 5.00 a.m.,just the' saine. Prom 1917 te 1920 Mr. Bigelow was the manager of T. A. Ru.,sell'3ý f arm at Dewnsview, near Toronto. They bave two sons. The eIder, Pbilip, is on the Higb School Staff at Port Hope. The younger, Wilfrid (Tommy) is a Lt.-Col. la the Army Service Corps at Oakville. Both~ 'served la the Army for ever six years during World War Il. Guests fromn a distance included Ma. and Mre. W. H. Haill, Scar.boro, Mr. and Mas Gen-. Haill, Toronto, Mrs. Eva Allin, Port Perry, Mrs. Mina Baxter, Oshawa; Ma. and Mas. M. C. Nixon, Milton; Mr. and Mas. Russell Case. - and Nancy, Milton; Miss Eaypa Wai--ren, Buffalo, N.Y.; Ma. and Mas. W. Dickin, Dewnsview; Ma. an-d Mas. Wm. J. Inch Weston; Ma. and Mrs. H. Covntry, Langs§taff; Mrs. Thos. Poers, Milton; ,Mas. Wm. Bannon and Miss Marlon Ban- (Coatinaed on page five) %-rono And Hampton W. 1. Hold Picnic Meeting Tho Orone Wonmin's"ntitute pc aic last Fidyafternn-ea was a real hap'ý,,py eveIt, Ab'out foaty members, sanie w\ith their chilîdren, met at the Or-,no Town Hall wý-,here tbey were taken te H-amIpten Park hby Gao bus. The members of the Hampton W.UI.,joined wîth the Orcoeladies -which made a ve-,ry successful after- noDa. Aftea the ladies had assembled thie regular meeting wýas coaducted by k-> Mas. O. W. Roîpl-i, prosident, fliow- ed wiVh an i-ntoeesting tailk by Mrs. H. Barlow onn ealth hnts or bot Wto ladies weae getting ne- quaintd and luitch was beiag pro- pared, Mmas, A. Forrestea conduct- ed a quizz cotes,,t wbich was enter- taininig for an heour. A prize wasi gýiron for the mest correct aas'wers. This was Won, by Mas. I. Winter cf Orono. Tables were set in the.-picturesque park, la the bright suashine with ideal summor weatbea fa faveur. Hearty,-appetitos were satisfiod with ahl varieties' of Sandwiches, cake, cookdies, pie, aaits and tea. A deli- clous birthday cake adomrned the con- tre table, this was made by Mas. Chas. Wood, wvho was celebrating ho;. birthday' , aloig Nwith Mas. O. "W. Rolph's birthday. Mas. Ed. Ilîison. tendoired a vote, cf thiaaks Vo the FHampton 'ladies for being such ge-nerous hostesses, 1 Shower Given For Mr. An d MIrs. Clifford MacklnH Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Macklin (nee Betty Walker), dau7gliter of Mr. and Mrs. A'lex. Walker of Bowmanville, wýere the guests of hono(ur on Wed- aesday eeig July 19, in the OranIge HaI, Oronio, at amiscellanr- eous shower. The show,,er was ar- rage y Mr-s. AnhrBewett, Mrs. Beni Whýite a-nd Mrs. Ephiriam White. TheIhaill asgaily decorated wth hydraneaan dl-phinliums, while thie chairs were dellghtfully colour- ed( with- pink and white tissue Miss Bonnie Graham presented Mrs. MVacklin with a beautiful cor- sage. The gifsts o the aewly weds were- arraaged lai the form of a huge three layer cake with colorful dlecor- aions in tpink and white. Mrs. Don- ald Graham played 'the wedding- ,,,arch as the gift cake was brought to the guests of hoonur. Following the presentation a so- cial ovening was, enjoyed, along wîth lunch. Friends and relatives were -present from Peterborough, *Toronto, Bowv- manville and Pontypool. Kenneth Gamsby, Passes Adter an illness extending over a period of two years there passed away at the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, J'uly 25Vth, 19,50, Kea- aeth Gamnsby, aged 46 years. Bora and educated la Oroao, he was the son -of Leonard Gams_-by and the late Mrs'. Gamsby. Keaneth was a memiber of the United iChurch of Canada,i-and member of ýOronoý Ma- soaiîc Lodge, A.F. &* A.M. No. 325. Mr. *Gamsby had for over fflfteeni years been e-mployed at the General Motors plat t Osa until some, twoý years ago ewing to ilI health. lis Ore great hobby In life was thatI of flshing along streams where he bo- lievedtan-rut Vo be lurking. Mr. and Mas. Ganishby lived in Oshaýwa for some years, moviag to Orono ton years àa? where they have siace resided. Besides his wîfe, the former Gladys Moore, lie is survived)by two daugh- ers, Kay -and Grace 'and two sons, James and Douglas, aIl of Orone; al- SO his father Leonard Gamsby of Burlingâton, one brother Garnet of Kingston; aind 'three sisters, (Oda) Mrs. Gog Laing, Orono; (Rosie) Mrs. W\. A. Downey and (Hilda) Mas. Sinclair, botli of Toronto. The funeral service was held at bis' late resideace, Main Street South, Orono, on Wedaesday, July 26th, with 1ev. S. Littlewood, Bobcaygeon, baving charge of the service la the absence of Rev. A. E. Eustace. The service',at the graveside was con- ductedé under Masoaic auspices, under the *ujpervision of R. W. Bro. Charles B., Tlyrrel cf Oreino Lodge No. 325. BreVbren were preseat fron Toronto, Oshaîwa, Newcastle, Port Hope, Co- Ibour-g -and Coîboorne, Vo pay their last respects to their doparted brother. The -many floral tributes by asso- ciations, friends and rellatives showed in no sm-al way the high esteem lan wbich Ma. Gamgby was beld la the commaity Interment was made la, Orono Many Growers Joie 500 Bushel Per Acre Competition More than -31910 Ontario potato growers have this year made ýentries as contestants h la Otarîo .50 Bushel PrAcre or Uigh Yiel Potato Clubs. CenItreýs from which entries have comie inclutde Algomia, Cochrane, Duf- ferlai, Durham, Ontario, Parry Sound, Peel, RenfrewT,, Rinyý' River, South Simcoe, North Sýim-coe, Sudbury, Thunder Bay and York. The con'te'sts are organized as pro- jects of local branches of the Ontario Crop Improvemiest Assocation with the objective of raisiag yiielIds, im- proving quality aad reducing costs per unit, la the growing of Ontario potatoes. Giowers who produce more than .300 bushels per acre and have more than thiree acres of one varioty, are eligible Vo enter the Championship Cýonteat for, the province. Final awards are basod on yield and ar ketaible tubers per acre, dry miatter, cookiag quality test and an exhibit of ýone hushiel at the Royal Winter Fair in Novemiber. First prize is $2,50 in icash plus a handsome trophy. Ten prizes in al are awarded each yea-r. Orono Rand At Port Hope Band Sheli Lasi Snnday *The Orono Band of tbirty mnem- bers, under the laesi of M. J. Tamblyn, played a varied concert Vo a large audiencee at the PaakPort H1ope, on Sunday Pening, JUily2rd, at 8.30 o"clock. They made a -fine appearance la their new uniforms and gave an equally finie accouat lof themselvesý in the inusic rendered. Scenes from Operaland, Gala Nîght and Bondimaîn beinig received with osp-cîially good aippliause. Bandîsman G-e Alliai, accon-panied by mis moth- or on the piano, sa,-ng twýo solos, "Hlold Thou My Hand" and "A Little Bit of, Love". Bandsmnan Carlos Tamblyn played a cornet solo -My Heaven of Love" and a cornet quar- tette of Bandsmoa. Tamblyn, Hammr, Forrester and Allia, after whicli the band selection "Abide With Me" brougbt Vo a close a very appealing paogram. The Ban.d àas b)een îinvited to re- tuan at a laVer date to play camasse with the Port Hope Band. 0o 16,305 X-rayed leI United Connueés Area D uarin, g the mîoats of March, April and Jane, mass surveysý were held by the Division of Tubeaculosis Prevea- tion la 21 localities in the United Gouaties. A total of 1830 ersons received a chest x-ray. There -were 22 newý cases of tuberculosis reported. 0f these, six were consider-ed Vo have active disease and were. admîtted to hosptl.The amiig16cases were reported ais iaotive' and -will only require fa ýther -ra These- x-rays mnay he repeated la 3 Vo 6 months or 1 Vo 2 years, as reconi- mended. cemétery. The palîbearers were The whele of t"he United Ceunties Messrs. J. ýC. Tamblyn. Lawrence bas now been re-surveyed withîn Hoeey, Carl Tennant, of Orono; Jas. thle past yeaa. These surveys were Jackson and Jack Turabuli cf Osh- rmade possible through' the sale ef awa. Christmas seals. Monthly, clinies ______________are being held la lire ce'ntres ýf-or cases- and contacts aad for persons Trul Fanîly oldsreferred by the family physician. Picnic At Orono Prark mittee, Mas. Ross Lee, Taunton 1.1. r 2 and Mas. Fred TruIl, Orono; Spe- The TruIl picalie was held at Orono cial Paizes, Mas. Edra Price, Bow- Park on Saturday, July lStb. The manville; Sports Commnittee, Alfred Weather was ideal, and comt'oirtabîe Ayae, ý984 Sicoe, St. N.,Osaa throughout the afternooa and even- Edgar Hern, Hamîpton, and Ang,-us, ing. Aaound flfty assenthled fan-m Trull, R. R. 2, Bowm-naniville. Orono, Hampton, Oshawa, Whitby, Spocial prizes were awaaded te Bn-wmanville, Couaýtice and Kingstol, tef-lwn:Eds aypeet and enSeyed a real visit. tefloig lutld rsn, The members sat dowa te a tempt- Mas. James Dickson, Orono; eldest1 ing aaray of delicieus bomemade gentleman prosent, McKenizie- Pen- piejaitset.ïand the ice cream found, 156 Mvaple St., Oshiawa; froni pies, atsetc., ae ea iei the longoest distance, Lloyd Truil, andmatrmeon ad a ealpicleKingston; flast psonongods finale. 1 President Ma. Barl Trulil, Courtice, Mas. Noaman Riek-ard, Orono; largost caled metin wen be certar'sfamul1y present, Ma.ý and Mas. Ross reprtswea gionof h astpicleLe, Tauniton; mosV receatly married relortq (--e ivn o te lstpiciccouple, Mafi. and Mas. Boyd* Ayre, of and wveae found correct. On1 bebraîf of Hamnpton; hast and nmest'closely cýon- the nloilmiating cemmnittee, the fol- tested of alil, loast hir-uteaiess undeap loig slaVe of offi er ee present- the hat, McKeazie Peaifounld Osbawa. ed. PresieatEnri ruli Couaice; The picnlnc for 19)51 wrill be lieîd~ S-orearyrIreaurr, Mas. Boyd Hanmpton Park and the date wilî ho1 Aya, Hampton R.R. 1; Table Coi- aanouniced next yeaa. Orono Police Trustees Seek Construction 0f Milison BridS L Thle Orono Police Truistees miet in fhII I regular esio on Monday eveing, E ON I L 5July 24th, with ail its memibers pres- N W ~ lIL ent. At ithis nmeeting the 1-ýTrustees heard from a nuniiiber of delegatiýons M.adMs avyOhrj iand also ýtook stop)s to haive the Mill- family, Of Welcomie, MHr. aad à son bridge brouglit 'tote front for Walter Whittaker -,aid Kennpth, contrutio ifposibl ths yar Toronto, anýd Mr. and Mirs. Eaxt .l Mr. Win. Dav-ey and àMr. Wmi. Rid- J kT eyad fami'y, ith Mr. apnd N deldcse with the Trustees the 1 'sT ereo unai en possibility Of havînig a fire( tank co- earce's birthlday. structed on Main Street North in theMGr,:mPeterbo rough wit er vicait ofH'rryMilsons roprty ensMr. anid Mrs. C. Burley. It was poinlted ouit that this is thie1 Mrs. Tone Lan-sýtaff is visi! only l.ocality in the village that is- frienids ia Kendal1 this week. w-ithonýit proper -water f-acilities for soryt ei1 f etSalt the fiîghtinîg of firos, and that it could 1 orry Voel arn oefiBe mtStlet resuit in a disastrous ruiniag of accdet nd orie ew.lso prpryif a wie ýere tobreak aoudutan in this quarter of the village. The Toronto for the ý;week-end. -e Oront Poliýe Trustees pointed o ut TMîssees forothy Stak pleto tliat this would he a costly undertak- MDorsee Milison re y Stpedi ing and could not sme where the vil- woee a Ok ae Cspnp. g lage could affordc to do this work at wMrs.uChatonLarrow attende present.- Until such timie as the tank funeral of ber cousin, Mrs. could be construdted they consideïredFodtCangt. makirig the stream available for Mr. and Mrs. Cifton Rbb waeMontreal, are holica,,inig a-tht( In order to estaiblish a by-law for Cottage here. the Volunteer Fire Brigade in the Cn-aultosto Mr.ay Sil Police Village ofOrono, the Trustees e Eam) o asked Win. Davey, fire 'chief, to cal anee E1er o11 r .Joinston ton tcei a meeting of the volunteer firemen to Mrs. John Turner, of OÇ'ooî, Sf ý meet with the Orono Police Trustees a few days with ber sister, Mrs. F on Monday, July 3tst, at the council Nesbitt. chamlber in the Towaship Hall, Miss Bertha CohusTori>c Ororoat .00P~.and Mrs. Buckle, Of rBoston. hý Mr.- E. R. Woodvard spoke to the bheen visiting theiir sister, M4rs.j Trustees as' an individual ratepaver Daynard. Mr. Daynard hlas beeni of the village. coacerning the. Milîson der the doctoýr's ca're for a few dý1 bridge and the road blockade at the Mr. and -Mrs. GereDrmc park eýntrn,-. Heý said that it would daughters, Mr. Fran k Mc-Ke-rr. hoadsbe to haive the Milison Miss Eileen Miaiinfer, of Toroy bridge constructed this year due to were Sundav gue-sts' with Mvr. the possibility of a scarcity of steel Mrsý. David Dena-ult. and if a sumplementary subsidy Sorry olaaMsvalo couldlibe obhtained from the depart- Bowmanvi ho . 1s ihop mient of N~wv.With rega.rd to so be better. the blockade a-,t the pa-i-rlhe said tha)tAnubr from hbereenye ofthe must re neioved i te eple c licert put on bv. the Orono RB of te vllag Sodesied.under the leadershin of Mr. Mil The, Police Trustpees consider-ed it Tmbynin Port Hope band shiell avsbeto conitatLthe _MniipalSudy vni Enginee-r of the Donartment' ofHih wasfor the posbVyOf rcevg Futieration \was takilen by i ~sd for ieontrcto of the Orono Po)lice Trtustees to) coml flamber Of cnilansfor1a-w llg iis Church Str-et *athou-h ýtee d ThTbe Weswe e wll pleat baving Park and Cenitre tret stopý with the opera1t'in of thýegr streets. lin-vo eouetpd hv oHoncollection andasoapeatth that the Township of Clarýke (niereato f tevillages in Park and Uen)tye ,streets thrcugh el oŽmdcnvmne streets rather thian Church street. The meeting thelin adjou.llirned, Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony 4 v MR. AND MRS. A. J. BIGELOW ON THEIR ANNIYERSARY mMES

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