ORONO WEEKLY TIM]JS THURSDAY, JULI CA11RD 0F THANKS ýZatonCf ti 5ü0t1 Wedinlg Anîni- * <v~sarysu,,,]] ap eve-nt. They Mer. ard Mrs. JohnLige1ow-j-, f iea{o' asei thank allor Pridle Farmis, Kirbyws~~yd~/ia-he' soito of e'xpress tersincere appreCiatioplý (j K'4 hrhwoeuntiring, efforts thje any frLjienda swho made ithe ce- made the occasion a mmentous onle. o o New and revolutionary g .this direct drive Ham- ermili saves pwetime -and effort. Overload and gthnermal cut-outs dlouble protection to th 1 H.P. Motor. g il Grinds grain*or corn at an average cost of 1 c ent g g per 100 poundsg g ORONOr »u E L E CC TRI C' g E. Dent PH.e55rlOo G. Duval LARGE GREEN HEAUS ~New Cabbage, ecdi..loc New Carrots, 7 bunch- es, with top....19e GOLDEN RIPE Ba.nanas, lb ......19e LONG GREEN Cucumbers, 2 for ...19e Raspherries arrîving-. daily, attractive prices. Black Curranits expectedl this week-end. JUICY 288s Sunkist Oranges, doz 35e "OUR MEAT BUY Coolîc-d Pork Hockg, 1b39e (î,eady for immediate use) SM ýKED, SLICE» b Breakfastacon, l.59c. MAn ' E JAF Wieneérsý,*lb ........ 47,c. Fly Tox 'F1y Bomb, tri- pie-action, cach ..$1.69 AYLMER Catsup,bti...1e CILARK'S Pork & Beans, 2 tins 25c. WETHY'S PARTY-PACK Pickles, j ar......... 27e Contains Cauiifiower, Onions and Cucumber, separateiy Real Estate, .$3,800. Farm with- good buildings, including metal roof- ed barn with water inside, new poultry house and tidy $-room- ed residence. 33 acres good .land. Eyerything in fine con- dition, near Orono. Immediate possession. $1,500. On good country road 2 miles froni No. 35 High. wýay, south- weýt of Pontypool,- 10 acres with cieari frame bouse of 5 rooms and attic, new roof. Immediate possession. Ternis. Leroy Hanmijitonl Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario DALY'S JAPAN GREEN TEA lb. pkg 95c.- MAXWELL HOUSE "ýINSTANT" 100% PURE COFFEE SmalI jar 65c BUY A CARTON 0F CAMAY 8 Cakes 69c. The Soap of Beautiful Women rry Piease 2r 1 Local News Mi-. Sam Keats, of chathm, vst ed hscosinMr.J. E. -Richards. Mi.. RoyPoes Toronito, visite- bis mnother, Mrs. C. L. Po-wers on thc week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Crcadnvisited Ottawa last week-end on7" their iSti wedding ànniverstry. Mr. !and Mrs.. NeilAlreLk Cowichan, B.C., visited bis brother, Mn. Les. Alldred andfaiy is visiiting ber cousins Donieen nnid Joan Alidýedl. Mes. A. -W. Fornestý,er luas netunned to :her homie in Hmtoafter spenid- ing a week visitig with Mr and _Mrs, R. A. Fonrester. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. A'krmstrong. and faily and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lycett and famiýly are ho1iliaying this week at Buckshot Lake. Mr. Clareni ce JJuncan ýwas able to be home for a few day,ýs but is re- turning to Toronto Gen-erýalIHospital for further treatment. Miss Marjorie McLaren, Who is at- tending a summer course at Queen's University, visited at her home oný the week-end. -Mr. Sid. Barrabali has purchased the home belonging to ,Mrs. Win. Stutt on Park Street. The deal was made through Mr. Leroy Hamiliton, Real Estate Broker. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. V. Rob- inson were, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mas- sie Denton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robin- son, Misses Louise and. Hazel Rob- inson, Mrs. A. N. St. John and Misses Elizabeth and Judith St. John. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leîshman, Tor- onto, have been visitîng with- Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, also Dianne Tamblyn, Belleville, is spending two weeks holidays witb ber grandpar- enits. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bradley of ( Greeinville,. Mich., Mn, and Mf s. Emanueýl Otzman frain Six Lakes, Mich., and Miss Jean McLean visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. EphrinimWhite. Visitors with Mrs. T. J.- Carscadden were, Mr. and Mrs. Herbhert Gil'braith, Mrs, Giddus Jones, of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, 'Orono, Mr. and Mns. Fred Brimacombe of Kirby, and Mr. Arthur Thompson of Kendal. Mrs. Fred Cowan visited her sister in Peterborough last Sunday and also ber brother Arthur Hallowell in Ci- vie Hospital, necovering fromn an operation. Ris many friends will be glad to hear he is able to sit up a few hours a day now. Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Bowman- ville, was in charge of the United Church again last Sunday morning. Mrs., George Carson sang a very ap- propriate solo. Mn. Nicholson will pneach again next Sunday, which will be the final Sunday of Rev, Eustace's vacation, CHURCII DONATIONS Previously acknowledged. $19,529.70 Local .. __...... _ _ ...... 210.00 Mr., E. J. Hawke . ----------- 10.00 $119,749.70 We wish to thank our local W. C. T. U. for thein contribution of $,25,00. 0_____ MR. AND MRS. A. J.,BIGELOW CELEBRATE ShtO ANNIVERSARY (Continued from page one) non,-Oshawa; Mr. Jack Dwyen, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Evan Quantr-ill, Campbellroft; Mrs. 'Thonnton Wil- son, Ottawa; Mrs. Warren Dearborn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs.- J. H. Wood, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wood, Millbrook; Mr. G. L. Brackenhuny and Mrs. Brackeabuny, Port Hope; Mr. C. E. Stephenson and Shirley, Port Hope; Major and Mrs. J. W. roote, Port Hope. Guests from Bow- manville included: Mr. and Mrs. Lou McFeeters, Mr. John M. James, MW. D. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lunu, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins and Mrs. Hlarry Allun, Ail the work entailed in the decor- ating, moiking, and serving of the ne- freshinents was donfe by the Women's Auxiliary of, Kirby Unted Church. Whîle ahl the ladies ofthe Auxiliary had a shane in the wonk and proceed- ings, the decorating committee was under the convÈnenship of Mrs. Hart- well Lowery. She was assisted by Mis. W. T. Rutherford, Mrs., Wm. Allin and others. The refreshments cornmittee ýconsisted of Mrs. Orley Chapman, Pnesident of the W. A., Mrs. Raymiond Chapmian, Mes. Wmn. R.* Wannan. Those wbo served the guests included: Mes. Lloyd Rýns- berny, Miss Pearl Morrowý, Ms.Wm. Reid,,Mes. Stanley Chapman, ýMeýs. E. R. Brvson. Mrs. J. E.Yo as Miss Jean Wannan, Mes. Fred GCrahiam, Mr's. Wm.- Cochrane, Mrs. Mil ton Waninan. M Tiss Jean Wanan Cneamiery is on vacation o Mls- C. L. Power(-lsvitdfres :Ponitypool la1st week. d At these prices you éan afford a closetfui of these gay youn~g dresses.ý Your pet shirtwaist and jacket dress styles'in prints and soiids ... sik crepes, sheers and cotton. Be sure to.corne eariy for the best choice. MATCHES 3 boxes FRESH-IES any flavour pkg. Seedless Raisins, 2 lb....... 35C. Muffets, 2 for........ .... 29c. York Ketchup, 2 botties . .,. 47c. Brunswick Sardines,- 2 for.,. 19C. R edpath Sugar, limited quan- tity, per 100 lb........ $9À 15 Glenwood Pears, choice, fn15t.> We handie, a fuli unîe of CHRISTIES EBREAD and PASTRYS Corne in'for them whv'en they are fres'h FRUIT AND VEGETABLES New Cabhage -Tomatoes Grapefruit -Bananas New- Potatoes and Cucumbers jJ_~ ~p' Ask for others at market pricesfi g FREEZERS pg ENERAIL ELECTRICM, UNIVERZSAL ..WOOD EnJoy fr-esh garden Frit vd vegeýtables ail winter Sfroi your freezer. gCombination Dooirs gSereen Doors Window Sereens g DECK CHAIRS Large Seleection *flOnIy $1-19 1u1 O10% off on ordersý of 2 or g more - any type gFLY SPRAYS g*Shelitox 5% DDT for the house. LUNDY FARM FENCE g C* DDTBarn Spray. Steel Posts- BarbÉd Wire * Livestock Spray. EltreFe.es 0 Fly Sprayers - Stick-Fper g Fast Fiy Cols Etc. BatteTics ad Supplies 0g ENDURANCE IIOUSE PAINT gi oTry Glidden and be convînced f Only $6.25 gl gMake your 91d Bruishe's NEW ilhiDUNKITO gCOMPLETI 1-HOME (ANNING SUPPLIES PRESTO COOKER CANNERS- PRESERVING KETTLES 'Q o COLD PACK CANNERS 7 TN CANS and FRUIT JARS U 0 RENT OUR FLOOR SANDERSg g ECONOMICAL AND EASY TO USEg Seus fer Complete Floor Frnishîng Suggestions g Coleman & Philp Electricg g Phone 89 rl - -RONO ==>o=>O'=OC O=>O=O< Q=oc:>o OC=O oc=:>oc:ýD ARMSTiRONG'S THE RED &# WRITE STORE (For PromtDlv Phone Earlv 12 s 's ý 1