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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1950, p. 8

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4' ORON(> WEEKLY TIM4ES THTJRSDAY, JUTLY 271lh, 1950. a wilèinsocalchat. A delickflls when Mr. ad Mis. A. J. Bigelowl < hws'evdbyteldiso i K I BY ~ 1~ratd teirColdeii Weddng An-W nsAscito fecommun- Il Fripnds , n ighbors, Ai rnd ldtoKibyoThrayfomnr and far ýcalled to congrat- 'ýf lst uate he hppy oupl andspe- bringing heùr gînaiiLughter with her Mi.Milton Wannan spent ýWed- I~2 d~' Z'2C~ ~ )ft~~2'~8Mr, and rs. Arthur Fikin visited with Mr.. and Mis. Youmanis on Sat- THISWEÈeS, PECALSMrs. Thompson gpent the week- end with hier daughter, Mrs. Walker, ClaigOdd Pieces of Rose Colored Glassware at Reduced Prices. Bowmanville. c e sd lass Fruit Bowl and Six Nappies ...............----_4c. Mi. and Mrs. Reid and family at- BokEnds, regular $2.50, now_------------------ ----nd$175 te'nded the weddngo their cousin HaudpaitedMetal Waste Baskets, regu-qlar $1.9a5 --------- $1.39 l saao audy Mrsý. Bill Wiannau n d Ro'ss visited, Glass Water Pitcher and Six Glasses, Floral Designs ..--- $1.39 S1et witMr.ito Waan rHandoy ooden Serving Tray, reg. $1.95 $1.59 MIsPn Mro f Hamilton, Bed Tray, regular $3.25 _------......------ ------- $1.95 lias be vis'ifting wth Mi. and Mrs. M R S. L. R EID ly C")an r____________________KENDAL Visitors with Mrs. Marcus Sopeid -und Mrs. 5ý. Pattoni over the weekjemf were,. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gilmouù M]Ulrok r. and MsRobert M Donad,. Mrs. Magi Oan, Mr. a D ~Mrs.- E. White aujd soni, Mrs. J. Jackson, Mrs. Cecil Glass and Mr, dANVILLE Percy Pto of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliotit and fam- -Y Z9, 27,ý , 29 ily visited Mr. and Mrsa. Robert Ar-1 cher, Cobourg, on Saturdayý. Misses Mary and Jean Lo(ýfthouse, y Hirof ïOshawa, are spending a few weeks with Mr. Neil 'and Mis!s C. W. Stew- arit.' Mrs. G. E. Loýfth use returned home on Sunday after a week'g vý*sit. _Mis Beryl Thicksou, of Elizabeth- ville, is spen'din.g a week with Mr. iD ~ and Mrs. Wm. ýýJÈckson and family. ~QVAI y Misses Ada Wilson and Helen Boyd, Mr. Fred Wilson and Mr. Geo. Palnier, and Mr. and Mis. Art Mer- ~ Sc-~ ~ cer sfpenrt the week-end at Catcha- choma. Mr. Richard Wilson atteuded the 4lE weddiug of 'Mr. Grant Therteli and Miss Barbara Anne Burdett at Bow- m'anville T,,inity United Church on Satu-day aftexnoon. Meiýton and Wayne' Mavin, of Bow- ma-ille, are speuding their summier vacation with Mr. Riîchar'd Wilson - and son 'and daughter Fred and Miss Mary McLean, of Toronto, spent a few days of last w4ek with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robnson. Her 'Cousins, ýMr. and Mrs. Win. Arm- strong oit' Bethany came and spent Sunday. Miss Catherine Stewart has kind- A ly invited Kendal W. A. me oris to her home for their July meeoting (which has been postponed until AUGUST' st Wednesday, August 2nd). Alm - bers are reques.ted to make a note of this date. Mr. Tom Hoy was suddeuily takea iiil on Fia morning, JulIv 22nd, and Mr. Wm. Mercer took hlm to Peter- borough Hospital. Kendal Ériends wish h7-iaspeedy recovery. Mr. Norman 'Thertell, Mr. _N. El- 'lear >and Mi, and Mrs. Leo Wooýd- ro'ck join'ed Mrs. Thertell and Ms Elgear at their summer home here on Saturday. Mrs. Elgear is return- ing ýto Toron-to with her husband af- ter the week-end. Mr. and Mis. Wo'o'dco'ck are stayîng for a week and Mr. N. Ther'tell for two weeks. AIl attended the wedding of Mr. Grant Thentell and Miss Barbara Yi-ringAune Buîdett lu Trinity Urýted a 39n Chuirch, Bowmanivi.lle, on Saturday. IN N EFifteen ladies joined the dressmak- NE ing clas's whicha is in'progress this week in the Sunday School -room. This is the 'Short Course of the W. I. The instructress, Miss Nora Creyke, lie falt f sme erysmrart, well fittng reses re ot;turned out. Today there is a hum of activity, in the school room nwth the marked and pres'sed patterns beiug laid on pretty materials. iSoon passersby Will be hearing the steady hum of sew-ing - - machines. riNews WESLEY v ILLE AUGUST 2,' 3 Suuday Sch'ool was h'eld at 11.00 ______________ with Mr. Carroll Nicholîs acting as "~N y superintendent. fER ou GT ITChurcli was held at '7.20 with Dr. Oke preachiug on "Christ's Life and ok YOU AIN'T! Oî~ Miss Catherine Robinsoni, of Tor- onto, speujt the week-end witî'h Mi. _ and Mis.ý Edgar Barrowclough. Marie Austin hail n birthday party on Monday. Mr. .,andMrs. Ken Harley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beauvere, of Gananoô- que, called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nicýholîs on Tuesdday afternooni. M. L McGaihey and daughter, Mrs.- Bill îMorton and Miss Helen Moroncaledon Ms Howard Payne on Mý,o)iday afternoon. ekie Carle in 'S-iidav visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ba,-rrowc1ough were Mr. and Mr--. Clarence Nicholîs anld Mr. Boýb 'OLOR CARTOON Hill1 of Port Hope. _________1____ Mi.and Mis. Ken, Laugiman and famdilv, of Toronto, spent the wee-A k Kodak As You Go On that summer holiday, lie sure and take your camera along to, record the many evenlis in your happy vacation. Kodak camteras are easy to operate and inexpensive to own. W e Est below some of the models that are ihcluded in our stock. Baby Browuîe Special ---- 00-K- $3.00 Toiir-t n't1' Kodet Brownie Hawkeye..----------- $6.00 Lens..................- -$25.25 Brownie Takget Six-20...- $6.70 Kodak- Touîist' with FS8 Brownie Target Sîx-16 ---$6.70 Ions ----------------.-- $39.50 Kodak Pony Camera, with high speed shutter and F4.5 lens. This camera holds a magazine of either 20 or 36 exposures in onüe roll and is superb in taking fine photos both indoor and outdoor. Cam era Only a . f ------- ...--939 00 EffLAWN~~ Have your favorite picture enli colored. in -oils and mounted Mc hiofs oafrkvle isied o w ilti Mn iL. m r.HaodBrîcý-loug on Sunday.- Mr. and Mis. Don Coîhy and fa- ily, of. Torontol, visited -wlth Mr. and Mis. Harold Austin on Friday. Mrs. McKinley Rankin, of Madoc, visited with Mis. Edgar Barro*w- clough Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Woolacott and famnily, of Port Hope,- visited with Mr. and Mis. Arnold Austin oný Sunday. Mis. A. J. Christie, of Por,,t Hope, spent the wee'k-end with her niece, Mis, C. Payne. g* BUILDING 0 0 (Alterations and Rpairs) g 0 - OOFIG SECIAIST (Johns - Manville Materials) 0 * SPRAY PAINTING 0 g AND DECORATING Caîllj gCilmon Contractifig Co. g LIMITED 00 10 Caroline St. Port Hope Qn= c= IO= = c= CaptolHOPE Frî. & Sat. - July 28-29 "SANDS 0F IWO JIMA"y With> John Wayne, Adele Mara and John Agar "PRAIRIE CIIICKENS"Y Hal ]Roach Comedy ,Monday to Wednesday July 31 - Aug 2 "FRANCIS" With Donald O'Connor, Pa- tricia Medina and a Talking Mule! DON'T BE A DONKEY See "'Francis" opJ ]Plumbing and Rot Water Hleatlng CALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 ir 12 ORONO - ONT. r 19PECIAL larged to 8" x 10", hand in a portrait folder. ---- 99C lust t fWe have a complete stock of Ver!- fchrome Super XX and color film, to, fit your camera. ring us your films for fast- Photo Service, Al-- 11*ints are made larger at no extra cost hy the (1 pendable Mercury Photo Service. etI us enlarge your favorite photo at lowest rcs-For example, a 4 x 6 inch enlargement o(sts only 15. An 8 x 10 inch enlargement nly .50c, The-se enlargements may be framed lr colored at a very slight addiion in cost. Tyrrell's Drug Store Drugs - Agent for Jackman Flowers PHONE 68 :- : ORONO, Ont. Special- Ladies' Rayon Briefs, Candy Stripe, White, sizes small, medium and large, pair. . -- 39c. Misses' Denim Blue Jeans, si zes 8 to 14, pair... $1.98 Oilcloth Table Covers, size 54 x 54 inches, a large assortment patterns to choose from, square $1.25 Cheese Cloth, width 36", 3 yd pkg 29c. 5 yd pkg 50e Striped Tea Towels, each......... -"....... 35c. Brassieres, White Rayon Satin, small, medium, »and large cups, sizes 30 to 38, each.......... 98c. White Dinnerware Cups and Saucers, set ..... 25c. Paper Plates, dozen........... .............loc. Men's Cotton Ankle ilose, assorted patterns, sizes 10 to 11!/2, pair ......... .......... 49c. Meni's Foulard Panel Ties, colors Wine, Blue, Brown, Green or Grey, each . .... .98C. GROCERY FEATURES*-" Special - Swansdown Cake Flour, large 2 3-4 lb pkg...... ...... 38C. ~ Stokely's Finest 'Honiey Pod Peas, 15 oz. tins, 2 for........ ...... 33c. Crispie Sweet Mixed Pickles, 16-oz. jar .............. .......... 30c. 16 oz tin 43c. Bruce's Grapefruit Juice, giant 48-d~ tins ..-. . .52c. c-' Club Blend Coffee, ground fresh xith 1 each sale, lb........ .......... 89c. Daly's Green Tea, !2 lb pkg. 0C SMonare.Ior..7l bag ...... .......i1C. Reeves Chicken - a - la- 2 lb pkg 33c 1/2 lb. 27c. King, 10 oz' tins. . 35e. 5 lb pkg 75c Velvo Chocolate Syrup, ready to serve for milk shakes or chocolate dressing for ice cream, cakes, puddings, etc., 1S-ýoz. tin...... ...... 29c. IORONO 5c. TO $1.OO STORE YOUR POPE LAIk SHOPPING CENTREj '/~a SeecttuePia6ce Our object, for over 50 years, has been to pro- vide the ultimate in funeral service at a pice you Cali afford to pay. I TECUNIICOLOR CARTOON MOX and TUES. - JULY 3lstWS6/K4GAV r 't-

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